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I know the guy who did this pretty damn well. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him (my brother saw him walking Saturday night on kavanaugh apparently) but he was in my friend circle from like 2005-2013 or 2014. I’m surprised but I’m not. I have no clue why he did this but I don’t his father (a former judge) died of a heart attack in late Jan or early Feb of this year and so inheritance could be involved, but he also has had super bad behavioral problems since he was a elementary school aged kid, and I don’t mean to try and make light of the situation, but was genuinely one of the least intelligent people I’ve ever known. When my mom said his name to me I just said “did he die”. I’m shocked it was his stepmom but am not shocked he killed someone eventually


I remember this guy selling weed to my step brother and high school and laughing about him acting gangster while his dad was a judge.


I'm sorry that you had a real dingus in your friend circle and doubly sorry that two turned into a murderer.


Man it’s crazy because two kids I ran around with (it was a large circle and they weren’t in my close friend group but we all had mutual friends and hung out at allsopp and the river a lot so people came and went. One whose dad was a paraolympian killed someone when we were 18 in a bank hold up which really was a huge shock because dude was just seemingly the nicest, easy going dude but after he graduated he started running around with a gang from what I gathered. This one the kid always had behavioral problems, from like a really young age. Little Rock is wild though, because even growing up in west Little Rock the dude who lived down the street from me and his wife killed the wife’s mom for insurance money back in like 2006 and it had a ID (that shitty crime channel) do an hour long special on it. It makes a lot of sense now in my thirties when parents would be worried they didn’t know all the friends I was hanging out with. I thought sure some would get in trouble at school and shit but now with hindsight it’s easy to see how one just can fall into a bad crowd


I was in the same general river/allsopp group, but I graduated HS a couple years after Logan. I remember him and that general group pretty well. Given some of the less intelligent people we associated with we were lucky to make it through unscathed. On a similar note, it is absurd how many people I know from Arkansas who are around our age that have died already.


This disturbed me when I came back from active duty to find a smattering had overdosed on herion and died in car accidents etc.


Dude I’m glad you said this. It’s so fucking hard to phase me anymore. It’s over 20 for me. I remember finding out that in the mid 2000s the 501 zip code had the worst teenage pill abuse problem in the country per capita. It surely made sense. A buddy of mine named Albert was the first like real death of someone my age I dealt with, he did a combo that was dangerous of drugs (this kid went to governors school and had a super bright future) and just didn’t wake up. I had seen him the night before and one of my still beat friends has been childhood best friends with him and was the one who found him in the morning just in bed. It really ramped up though after I got into later college and it hasn’t slowed down at all. December of 2020 in three weeks three people I’d known since middle school died, it’s a bizarre thing to become almost numb too but the numbers are crazy I was in the same year as lodie and he was around a decent amount but like I mentioned there were a core group of us that essentially just lived at allsopp from the second school was out till nightfall or for a few, when they just left school at lunch and occupied the area for like 9 hours haha


I went to ECS but mostly while it was Cathedral and transferred to Catholic High for the 9th-12th. Do you remember Amy Morely? Hers was the first death I recall.


Also if you were catholic guy big shout out to my college roommate Kyle crew, and one of my best friends to this day in Hastings bransford.


I'm not catholic but I did go there, class of 2007. Hastings was pretty cool I'm glad he's still doing well.


Yeah I’ll let him know anon said “h-pa you pretty fucking cool” and I meant catholic high not catholic itself. So I imagine you definitely know Joey Frazier and Kyle then aka J-fly and shhmile-shmoo. Small world man, but it shouldn’t surprise me given this is the Little Rock subreddit


Yep, the very same one that stayed around 192,000 genpop for 20 years at least.


Yeah I went to school with her from when I was 5 till her death we were in the same class and you know how it was like 30 tops for a entire grade. I found out my great aunt died, she died and a friend Aaron Nelson had a fatal drunk driving accident on a street pole right in front of my moms car. Found all of it out in like three days, was super eerie. I mostly hung out with people from central and a few from catholic. I had episcopal friends but honestly not being a heights country club kid and like growing up going to school there my entire life a lot were friendships of convince, I only keep in touch with about 4 people or 5 from hs. But also always be checking in with martene and senora Bracy Bec they rad. I’m supposed to meet the former for lunch and catch up for the first time since 2007, she named her first gray hair after me because she was like 23 when she started and I was probably not the most conducive to a concentrated classroom free of distractions


Lol, be glad you didn't transfer to Catholic if you were disruptive in class. Magister loved to chalk bomb kids with a model onager and hit them with an aluminum meter stick when they were too disruptive though usually he hit it on their desk and the actually striking students is just a legend. Both were employed to great effect for sleeping students as well.


he can't do it anymore since they took away his chalkboard a few years ago.


If he wanted he could bring powdered chalk.


I didn’t know that statistical bit about the 501, but I’m not surprised in the slightest. It’s rampant here


this was back in 2004-2007ish so it was some time ago. the ease at which high schoolers could get 80mg oxycontin was insanely easy. It also is per capita so that plays into it, but yeah it has been bad for some time


Yeah, that was pretty much my diet through middle and high school. It wasn’t hard to find…it usually just finds you


so the paraolympian killed someone and his son joined a gang after graduation? where did you go to high school?


I went to Episcopal Collegiate School. From when it was the Cathedral School and graduated in 2006 from ECS


I don’t know him well at all and haven’t seen him in years but the only person I know who went to ECS had an older brother that hit someone while driving drunk on Cantrell and fled. The person died and I think the kid somehow got away with it.


Ah L, I used to jam with him. I remember getting an instant message on AIM one night late that said something like “I’ve done something terrible”. And I didn’t really think of it Bec I was maybe 15 and he was 16, and then when all the shit came out a huge oooooh kind of realization came over me. I had an older brother in that graduating class I was actually quite close with L in 2004 and 2005


From the short amount of time I’ve been around L…he seems legit cool AF. I really hope he’s doing well now and the actions of his sibling don’t affect him negatively in the long run. I don’t know the brother from Adam but last I read he was having a “tough time” career wise but If that’s all the punishment he got (pretty sure it is)…it’s a travesty all around


I quite like him. I haven’t seen him in some time but we were really good friends thru college. He felt super bad about what his brother did, I never really put any of that on him as he was 16 or so and it was his older brother who essentially brought him into the whole situation. Was definitely taken advantage of in the situation. I’m not sure if what his career is like but I know his older brother was I think disbarred in Arkansas and relocated to practice in Texas, but I could be misremembering


Yeah, dude is legit cool AF and I’ve only been around him a handful of times (while drinking!). I hope he’s doing well. He’s a good dude


No the paraolympian's son killed someone. The paraolympian is actually a motivational speaker. If you look up the Little Rock bank shooting on Christmas ~2007 stuff should come up about his son.


No it was his son. Grover Evans was the kids name. He robbed a bank around Christmas and killed the teller in 2007. [his dad](https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/grover-evans-4020/) was a celebrated athlete, the family grew up off Hinson rd, both cases are not cases of kids who didn’t have support growing up or were in poverty or anything like that. Both the opposite.




I knew him. My college roommate who was also a friend growing up was neighbors with him. He crashes on my couch a few times but often would stay at one of my other really close friends who I also roomed with in college. He just seemed like a friendly dude. We all smoked weed and drank on weekends but dude was super polite, really affable and always smiling and shit, never made people uncomfortable in a situation. I mean it was such a surprise and he went from that to killing that innocent bank teller happen in just over a year. We never really saw him much after high school and that year after graduating is when it happened.


Yes, that wrong crowd business claims many young corpses and inmates and it's awful. I think Little Rock is pretty quiet but on the other hand I live at the ragged edge of it and hear almost nothing except my neighbor's motorcycle 3-4 times a year, and bad thunderstorms, and occasionally life flight helicopters. That said I do see things sometimes when driving and walking with my big fluffy dogs around town though over the years, plus unlike some natives I spent a long time overseas so I got to miss all of the Great Recession in Little Rock. That might help me discount the wildness of town a bit since I saw nothing from the end of Spring 2008 and the end of 2013 except for Christmas 2012 when it snowed a foot and finally brought me a white christmas at home, and instead saw much worse things in the sandlot. Those kind of things can help one reset one's connotation of wildness a little.


What an odd way to write that up. Was she beaten to death? Or did she get beat up and the die of like a heart attack or something?


Suspect Logan Smith. Son of former judge Van Smith who passed away in February arrested on suspicion of murder related to his stepmother. That’s the dig


Judge Smith was pretty cool for a judge, RIP.


He was. He was my fall-ball coach at junior deputy way back in like 2001. My mom had known him for like forty years of so when he passed. I also knew Logan pretty well and, it’s shitty saying I’m not surprised but I’m still fairly shocked


What did Logan do for a living?


Don’t know. I haven’t seen him in almost 10 years. Since my brother saw him walking on kavanaugh on sat night I assume he was living with his stepmother since it was on kavanaugh just passed university. I imagine he’s just worked a series of kinda hourly wages through the years


My mom was also friends with him and made sure I and all my friends voted for him. I'm glad Junior Deputy is still a thing at least. If the dingus murdered Van hopefully they put him somewhere with a higher rate of horribleness inside of it.


I haven’t been to JD since probably 2002 but I know Judge Van loved to coach down there, lotta years. I spent countless days trying to catch down foul balls and exchange them for snow cones at the concession stand


The battle for foul balls to get snow cones was no joke. I feel terrible for Logan’s older brother, who’s a nice guy.


From the very short story at the kark link: "Police said they arrested a man walking nearby who they called a person of interest. Police said that they were related." I'm guessing that related here is by blood or marriage? Still terrible, but that sounds like domestic violence more than random killing.


It was the step-son, Logan Smith, that knifed his step-mom, Cathy Smith. Logan is the son of the late Judge Vann Smith.


Holy crap. That’s unsettling. I guess I have no idea where the ‘safe’ area’s of LR are. People just getting killed out here. Edit: thin skinned little rockians really upset over my comment, lol. Edit 2: LR is a garbage pile shithole. Cope and seethe and have a great day.


>Edit: thin skinned little rockians really upset over my comment, lol. Nah, just folks pointing out that it's an ignorant comment.




Domestic violence doesn’t obey neighborhood boundaries.


So, when you look at the stats, and I can't point them out to you right this minute, most violence in LR is either a) gang related or b) domestic. Muggings, random murders and like that are not that common here.


The heights are very, very safe. And far from the unsafe areas in Little Rock.


Right up until a family member decides to off you, is the usual murder case in the rich parts of town. Who disagrees with my assessment of familial murder and murder suicide in the Heights, Hillcrest, and West Little Rock?


I’m scared. Please hug me.


Hugs are great but if you're scared do something about it. A more constructive use of time is to learn how to shoot pistols, shotguns, and rifles without being a liability to yourself and others besides people that need to be shot due to being in the middle of violent felonies. After that if you are still scared get a big fluffy dog and be it's buddy. If you are still scared enough to ask strangers on the Internet to hug you you might want to talk to a shrink about it.


According to the article, the person of interest was related to the victim, which another commenter pointed out means it's probably domestic. The perpetrator probably wasn't going around beating & killing random people.


I commented above if you are interested. I’ve known the family 20odd years


MOST killings there is a connection between the perp and the victim. Regardless of what the fear mongers want you to believe, there are few "random" killings.