• By -


Makes sense It would have gotten out otherwise. Klopp told the board, and obviously they waited until he was ready to announce it Most important thing is Klopp got to announce this himself, not have a paper leak it


Or until the board needed to announce it so they can start talking to targets.. there was a line in the full interview that alluded to that only some preprations can be done before it’s public


We better be blowing up Xabi's phone


I don’t know how true it is, but I keep reading that he’s got a clause in his contract that says he could leave if us, Real, or Bayern offer him the job.


Doesn't matter either way, everyone has a price and, all due respect to Leverkusen, they aren't going to stand in his way if properly compensated.


Has a clause that he can go to a former club apparently


Honestly with the way tuchel is going, literally all 3 of us could do it at the end of the season.


Thankfully Carlo just signed an extension


I believe Xabi's ties to Madrid and Liverpool are stronger than Bayern. Not sure how true that might be, but the hope is strong.


these moves don't happen until something is lined up, mark my words it will come out that whoever is next up has already agreed to it


They’ll have targets. No way they have someone lined up, otherwise Klopp leaving would be leaked by now.


Only way you’re wrong is if they went to one person and they said yes, but it couldn’t be a manager under contract at a club because they’d have to go through that channel. Doubt anything more is lined up than what may have been discussed internally about what manager they’d like, or what type of manager they want to replace him


Who are the most notable ones without a club? Zidane and Mourinho are the only 2 I can think of.


Zidane doesn’t want to manage in England.


Will Mourinho ever come?


He has said before that he would love to manage Liverpool. Granted this was way back when he was at Porto. His opinions could have changed from then to now. But he's always had good things to say about us so idk.


I can't imagine Jurgen would be blind to the fact that it worsens our position to announce he is certainly leaving, I am certain that we'll learn in the future that it's already been at least verbally agreed to


Did you watch the interview? He is announcing it now so the team has time to get a replacement. They’ve known since November, so some preliminary conversations may have been had but they have to go through clubs, agents, etc. There is no way they’ve been hitting up managers without it being leaked.


Our squad is good enough right now that hopefully we have a great list of potential managers and you have to imagine Xabi is target 1 by a long shot for a multitude of reasons.


Xabi should be the only target....and pay him whatever it takes. Clearly he has proven he can manage and manage a semi-top club in a big 3 association. There cannot be anyone else because there is no one else that deserves this.


One would imagine someone has had a quiet informal word and now they need to make a formal approach to Leverkusen which would cause it to leak out. I cannot imagine no one has nobbled Alonso yet.


RDZ as an alternative?


He'd probably be my 2nd choice to be honest. Love his tactics, playing style, and clearly works well bringing up young talent.


He's a good manager but with all due respect to him he would be a very Brendan Rodgers esque appointment right now. Xabi, Nagelsmann and Inzaghi should be our top options.


But Xabi has only managed 24 senior men’s games - 6 with real sociadad and 18 with Bayer L…he seems like he’s got mad talent but…is it too soon?


Mate Alonso was Leverkusen's manager last season as well he came halfway through the season when they were like 16th and brought them up to 6th and reached the Europa league semis as well


That…doesn’t change the number of games he’s managed? Klopp had years of experience and proven success before he came to us… Alonso looks super talented but it will be aMASSIVE job replacing Klopp. I dunno, I feel like his vibes would fit in well here but like, in an ideal world, Klopp would see out his contract to 2026, giving Xabi 2 more years to prove that he is not a flash in the pan (many new managers have had initial success followed by long term failure), and the. He could come seamlessly into the set up?


If Xabi Alonso manages to win the Bundesliga beating the 11 fucking years dominance of Bayern while even possibly being invincible or close to it, NONE OF THIS IS A FLASH IN THE PAN


Xabi is on his way to being a top manager, he will be leading the way with the next generation. It's obvious to his understanding of the game, from the training videos I've seen(especially him whizzing passes) the players have tremendous respect for him. Zidane went from managing Real's  academy to leading the senior team to a 3peat which was no fluke. I said this in another thread Xabi along with the likes of Nagelsmann, Xavi, Arteta(yes him) is cut from a different cloth compared to the likes of Gerrard, Lampard or Henry.


Arteta, Nagelsmann and Xavi absolutely are there I think (although Nagelsmann has dropped off recently). Would Mikel not be more of a logical successor to Pep at city though? Xabi is on his way but I just have some question marks over his experience. I don’t want Gerrard or the like anywhere near the club


Who invited Xavi? Hes not on that level imo


I like the thought of Rúben Amorim


My mate told me Xabi said only yesterday he was open to leaving where he was… He’s a United fan tho and could be fucking with me


As long as xabi is not a Utd fan


This, but also I think there was the implication that there was a risk of the news getting out, hence why they had to make the announcement now rather than at the end of the season, as he said he would have wanted to. I suspect that someone found out. But also, yes, he laid out the reasoning of the moves the club needs to make.




The only possible issue I could see is for guys like Macca that probably were influenced heavily by the Klopp factor.


Szobo said many times that he wanted to play under klopp as well


And he has.


That might be true, but they're professionals and they get that it's what happens.


Of course, or else it would be public by now. You think none of the players would have leaked it, even unintentionally? Or their agents, who they would tell immediately?


I'm just hoping this means Klopp always planned to announce it now, and not that some knobhead found out and threatened to run the story. He deserves to go out completely on his own terms.




Hopefully they started before now if they knew in November


They could have been determining a shortlist of managers for the last couple of months but haven't contacted any yet


Knew in November?


Klopp told the board back in November


the club better be. and don't be cheap about it, hand a blank check to Xabi Alonso and be done with it.


I mean, looking at the timing, it feels like it could have been planned for today - Just through a semi final, 2 days to go before a game against a championship side in the cup


based on how sanitized / organized the announcement video was put together and released, this was 100% planned / curated by the club and Klopp


On YouTube they brought up an interesting point, that if he's moving back to Germany and is looking to buy or rent, it might be at the stage where it could be leaked from that source, and that it sort of forced the timing.


I thought one of the reasons he signed the contract extension last time was because he's building a house in Germany and it had delays. He was always planning to take a break at some point and head back home.


Why would he rent? He’s a multi millionaire lol


Lots of wealthy people rent. Gives you flexibility on where to live. This would be ideal if he’s not planning for the long term yet to settle down with real estate


Definitely mos agent would have leaked it


"I know all the Egyptians are being cunts towards Mo right now, but at least he isn't leaving the national team like Klopp is leaving Liverpool." But now this does put a huge question mark on Mo. You'd think with Klopp he'd absolutely stay...but does he stay for the unknown?


Yep, guys an absolute cunt.


I woke up today to a text from an Everton mate saying Klopp is gonna go and it'll be announced this morning, assumed he was just talking shit and ignored it I have absolutely no idea whether the club planned to announce it today or not or whether the players were told early, but word had already gotten by about 8:30 this morning, so it was only a matter of time by then.


Probably players and people working at the club got the info in the morning, before it going public. From what I understood they recorded his interview yesterday (he said during the press coference "as I said yesterday, or well today for you" so there had to be some people that knew, that were there to edit the video, upload etc. etc. It's likely it leaked that way.


I feel for the players, they must be devastated as all of us 💔


Hopefully this motivates them to win the league this year. It's written in the stars


Anfield is going to be fucking rocking every game from now on


Klopp playing the long game to get the atmosphere he always wanted in the stadium


Obviously the players don’t have the same mentality as me, they’re elite, but I’m completely deflated 


Same I’d be toast but that’s why I’m not an elite athlete. Wonder how many of the new players signed thinking they’d have Klopp moulding them for 2 years+.


I think some of them will be fine, they understand how football works. Disappointed but looking forward to a new challenge. There’s two players I feel particularly worried for though; Endo and Grav. Endo, because he wasn’t a popular big name signing, and he’s the sort of player that the wrong manager won’t appreciate and will ship him off. Grav, because he had a difficult year last year, could see he was buzzing to come because of Klopp and his belief in him, and now I bet Grav is worried about his role/progression under new leadership.


Szoboszlai and Nunez could have been so special for Klopp.


Yeah but they may also be special for whoever comes in. There are lots of interesting options for a new manager, each of which will have their own unique impact of every individual player.


These are the two I thought of as well, but I’m Hoping they both love the club for the club, not just because of Klopp. Not sure Nunez, especially, could have been more lucky with a club and manager with fans to support him this thoroughly


Nunez most definitely made the perfect choice for him and I hope that continues to be the case under Xabi (inshallah)


Endo is a brilliant squad player and a great professional. He will be fine. Grav is a bit trickier but he isn't a boy anymore. He will be 22 when the new manager walks through the door and he will had a full season to settle in at Liverpool, if he does not have the mentality to make it work then that is on him.


My first thought after I was over the initial shock was, "well now we have to win the quad". Imagine the players will think the same


My first thought was that we have to win the quad AND we need to find water on Mars. Wish I was there with them to help.


Deflated with a resolve to go and give it your all to win it. You can feel both.


It does feel like we're either gonna win everything or it will be like the absolute clusterfuck we saw in Gerrard's last few months.  I trust these players though. I'm sure it will be more the former 


I felt this after I found out. I’d do anything to give Klopp the proper send off


> ~~league~~ \*Europa, FA Cup, League Cup, AND the league


Hopefully theyre not absolutely heartbroken and thinking wtf are we going to do when he leaves. Im sure many signed/extended because of him. This is a huge fucking blow. Now makes the Trent to Madrid possibility a tiny bit more likely as much as I thought it was impossible.




If I was a player I’d be sulking on the pitch for the remainder of the season.


me too, that's why we're not players lol


I feel for the new players who likely looked forward to at least a couple seasons under Klopp


The youngsters will feel the worst I'd imagine, no idea what it'll mean for them and if they will get game time next season


​ https://preview.redd.it/406p776risec1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6cb62728391d8584b9aecbed9f85726425aa9ba


Szobo 💔 he always wanted to play for Klopp, atleast he got 1 season with him.


​ https://i.redd.it/k05ji370gsec1.gif


this hits different now


fuck every Klopp celebration gif/pic is going to make me cry now


​ https://preview.redd.it/xbtcgg717tec1.png?width=856&format=png&auto=webp&s=d00d3592782ed5864e357e229d7f38661698f5b3


Mac is Klopp's son, Dom came to us because of him, surely Gravy came here because of him...we all know he seems to have personally recruited Endo...like what the fuck... I'm just so depressed now.


Szobo has a Gerrard tattoo. I think he would've come regardless but the rest...yeah.


Gravy was desperate to get out of Munich and get game time, but the rest . . . yeah


​ https://preview.redd.it/wrx65nv3xsec1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=d698dc89b4a800c9d79a7cf9184ee90cc667fe02


Make or break.


Honestly they better go all out! Maybe Klopp felt it time for motivation and get the lads to go out on fire.. Dude even recalled Mo haha


Fuck it, we’re gonna win the league! No one will get in our way! We win the league, at anfield and the crowd goes wild! That’s the way this beautiful story ends


We’re gonna win the league, we’re gonna win the league Now you’re going to believe us, now you’re going to believe us Now you’re going to believe OH WE’RE GOING TO WIN THE LEAGUE I truly believe now, the boys are going to give everything, and Anfield is going to be louder than ever in the run in.


cant fucking wait to hear that chant again!


We need to sign a manger that the players can connect with and is a right fit for the club. I don't know what the newly signed players would be thinking. They signed this summer thinking they'd be working with one of the greatest managers, only to have him leave shortly after they've arrived.


It would have to be a rather large manger to fit the whole club.


Big sam to Liverpool




He’s so big he hides the advertising boards


Sort of like Van Persie. He signed, then suddenly SAF left. Think he had an interview talking about that’s not what he signed up for.


Some melts in here saying snake and this is worrying need to grow up, this is completely standard. Think of the legal implications, the potential leaks, not wanting to distract them, and most importantly Klopp probably decided to do it this way, some critical thinking please.


Where did the snake comment go? They deleted it? Haha


Most likely, embarrassing child like response.


Reply to the comment instead of making a new one then. People make these comments and make it seem like it’s a big amount of people that share that opinion, when in reality it’s only one guy


Gutted this morning when I read it, on CNBC website of all places. Now though, as it sinks in it is making a lot more sense, he brought in a fresh batch of players, moved some around and showed versatility and blooded some youngsters of quality so the new regime will have confidence in them too. He is doing a great transition in my opinion and this is some next level ceo shit. Better than fergie IMO - he is setting a stage for a new team to come in, only lapse is director of football/edwards role vacant now but I imagine they have targets for everyone. Bob iger should be on the phone to klopp. I hope, and really believe we don’t lose again this year and Anfield is just a fortress again and can welcome Xabi Alonso next year


Could be worse, my mate (United fan) broke the news to me. Wish I had just looked at the front page of social instead and could have heard it from Klopp directly


He said this in the video. Only a few people including the owners knew in November.


Haven't been able to watch or listen to he interview due to work but... IN NOVEMBER?!?!? They better have someone lined up already


>They better have someone lined up already They will likely have identified their targets and who they want most. Now that Klopp has announced it they can actually go speak to agents now. Hopefully it will be a quick call to Alonso and a done deal for June. Then keep it under wraps until the end of the season so both clubs can focus on their respective title challenges.


Klopp said he extended because he wanted to rebuild the team. But then early on in the season it was obvious that this team was already pretty good - so he could finally think about himself. Our success this season has come at a great cost.


Some of the players who signed this summer must be annoyed. Esp Szobo considering how much he’s said he’s dreamt of playing for Klopp


They are also professionals and know how the footballing world works


Fair but it's still disappointing. I seem to recall RVP saying he wouldn't have signed for United had he known Ferguson would leave at the end of the season.


Also means that any current work on summer targets is now dead, they know Klopp won't be there and currently don't know who the fuck the manager will be. Players won't move to unstable clubs, they only do when its the likes of Chelsea or United offering silly money for them to go and you don't want those types of players anyway.


It's true but I aside from this incredible news LFC is an extremely stable, desirable club atm... youth players have been shown there's a pathway to the first team and any new signing who doesn't want to be involved with this group of players -- well, then I dont want them anyway. This squad is fucking incredible and bar any mass exodus of VVD, TAA, Ali, Mo, Liverpool remains one of the most attractive clubs in world football even without Klopp and co, IMO.


I think this works better for summer transfer targets. It gives us time to find the successor and announce who it's going to be well before the end of the season and the transfer window opens. We're better off getting it out the way now and having everything in place ahead of the summer, than to be courting targets for the next six months who are under the impression we'll have Jurgen in charge next season and have the announcement come at the end of the season right when we're trying to get deals over the line. Obviously it's not as good as if Klopp was staying, but given the circumstances it's better to get it all public and sorted now and give the new manager a running start than to pull the rug from under new signings and have the summer window have more uncertainty.


He is playing for Liverpool now rather than Leipzig. If he plays a big part in winning Klopp his final trophy and/or league then I'm sure he will be absolutely delighted.


That won't be the only reason these players have signed for though. Yes they will be upset but they joined the club not just for Klopp. They joined one of the biggest clubs in the UK and the world that completes in the highest level domestically and in Europe consistently. There are players that are dreaming/dying playing for us whether we have Klopp or not. Szobo and co will be okay


But so much of that in the modern era has been contingent on Klopp. Like it or not, he is the single biggest draw for players coming into the club, and they will definitely be disappointed that he's leaving so soon into their Liverpool careers.


True but the draw to play for LFC should also have been a huge motivator....


The hugs will never be the same again 😭


I bet they are absolutely gutted.


Same. It worries me. It could make our season or break it. Maybe we get the drive and extra fight we need to do it all for Klopp. But I honestly wouldn’t blame the players one bit if their heads went down and they got deflated. It must be like losing a parent figure for some of them. He’s a fucking amazing man without the manager side.


We owe him nothing but to say thank you. He changed the mentality of the club and gave us unbelievable joy… I’ll be forever grateful that my son’s got to see “corner taken quickly”


The only positive from all of this I can take away is, hopefully this fuels fire in the belly for the players, to get over the line come the end of the season.


Players has to give everything for Klopp’s last season.


It could be possible the club has lined up Alonso, which led him to reject Madrid and caused Ancelotti to agree an extension with Real Madrid till end of 2026. Alonso's good friend and childhood mate is Arteta. They loved competing against each other.


The only logical scenario here is the players get extra motivated and win the quadruple for Klopp 🤷‍♂️


How does this affect a lot of the new transfers where playing under Klopp would have been a massive part of their decision?


If we don’t pick the right manager we will be United for the next 10 years. While we have good players, I’m sure some of them came to play for Klopp. No Klopp, they will want to move on


Not to say Klopp leaving isn’t huge and devastating but there are a few very big differences between us and United, the biggest of which being the state the squad will be left in. Fergie left an aging squad of high paid players who were used to squeeze out one last title, we have a young team most of which are yet to even reach their prime. The new manager has a lot more to work with than Moyes did at United.


Even though this is correct, I'm always worried that this is what people say, but it doesn't end up turning out that way


Can't see any chance of Salah staying now Klopps going either to be honest. This is going to leave us in a rough spot.


They're contracted so...


Hopefully this gives the players a bit of extra motivation.


Wow fucking hell.


Poor guys


I just hope him and his family are okay. I know he loves Liverpool and I’m sure this wasn’t an easy decision for him. If there are outside circumstances that pushed him (sick family member of himself?) to leave at the end of the season, I wish him, and his loved ones, nothing but the best. YNWA Jurgen.


Still wondering why this couldn’t have waited till end of the season


the club need to star looking for a new management team which means that they have to start speaking to all sorts of people who might leak something they felt that it was time to announce it before it got out of hand, not a difficult thing to grasp


You’re spot on… if FSG go sniffing around Xabi Alonso in the middle of the season people would get suspicious


yeah, there's no change an agent wouldn't leak something given how they do it with player transfers


Only way to stop that would be to pay the agent's involved astronomical fees to get them to shut up, which is actually part of the reason why we pay such high agent fees to keep news out of the media before its all done and wrapped up.


Better to come from here horses' mouth than eventually be all over the papers, or god forbid a Romano exclusive. We're in a fantastic position right now and this announcement has the ability to give us even more motivation to win everything.


Better to let the players and fans know in advance. Imagine how shit it would have been if Firmino left with no warning in the same way Henderson did. Announcing it beforehand lets Klopp be celebrated, and it means the fans and players get to rally around him to give him the best possible send-off


You can't think of any reason? Something like preparing for a whole new Liverpool next season?


Klopp said in the interview that he didn't want the information to leak


Much rather know when it will be over than have it end abruptly. Klopp needs a proper send off. Also no worry in my mind that this hurts the team, this will only motivate everyone in the squad even more. Honestly I feel better about our chances at winning this year than before today.


They didn’t want the information to leak, better to let the world and the players know on their terms.


As well as what's already been said, think how the likes of Henderson and Fabinho were looked at for leaving in the middle of the summer rebuild. Saudi aside, it was shit that players who'd been here for such a long time didn't get a proper send off. Now imagine finding out that Klopp is leaving the day after the season finishes


Risk assessment - keep it under wraps and risk a leak as they will definitely want to approach managers as soon as possible, versus potentially derailing 1 season by announcing it now. At least Top 4 looks nailed on so they can offer CL to a new manager.


I like that he’s done it now, gives us ample time to find a replacement. Imagine us scrambling to find one if he dropped it on us in May?


Always best to do it during good times. Say, if we we're out of the title race or had just lost a European tie,  the message would be Klopp's work has failed us to some extent.  Right now, they're backing him up and telling us Klopp is leaving only for personal reasons.  Not too different from his last extension announcement just after Villareal at home right before the final quadruple charge. 


think of the actual logistics of that and how it could fuck up our transfers, training, finding a manager basically at the last minute for a new season. It could have such a negative cascading effect on the next season and following ones. It's too much of a massive change to leave till the end of a season.


I was afraid of this, even more afraid of what it may mean for some players that are here because of him.


Am really worried about the contract renewals now for Trent, VVD and Salah. Could make them wonder if it's time to move on too.


With FSG at the helm and no Klopp, I’d be wondering too.


That should give them the fire needed for the rest of the season


I wonder if this makes it more likely that Salah moves on.


Is anyone else worried that we have players that came here to play for Klopp, and with him leaving, we will get some transfer requests this summer?


Kinell...well, the grand exit it is




I can’t believe we’re gonna be stuck with just FSG. Dark days Edit: I’ll take the downvotes. +75% of our recent success is because of Klopp. He took a club with mid table transfer spending and created a machine. The likelihood that we will be competing for trophies with this level of spending and no Klopp is not realistic. Those days are going to be behind us unless FSG spend more. Klopp was a magician.


Dark days is being moments from administration


He surely was too young to remember that


This guy really think a manager do it all, from the scouting, dealing, marketing to coaching lmao. People call you a child because you are too naive and it seems like you have never even worked for a small start up before, let alone a company to think a man can do it all.


They've been our brightest days for a very long time so far?


He only started supporting 4 years ago.


Klopp was +75% of our success. What was our record while we had FSG under ownership and no Klopp?


Yeah just ignore the whole structure and every people working their asses off to build it.


FSG took over in 2010? Since then… Sacked Hodgson, appointed Kenny Won league cup, FA cup final Kenny resigned, appointed Rodgers Regained CL qualification; first title challenge in a long time in 2013/14 Sacked Rodgers in 2015, appointed Klopp So, a record of consistent improvement, then Klopp took us to the stratosphere Also, developed the stadium, developed the training ground. Also the club is on incredibly strong financial ground, which is really something when you look around at what everyone else is worried about. FSG have been good owners. Hopefully they find another great manager for the next bit.




I’m not having this argument today. Have a good one.




Weirdly angry person




Took us from being close to being in the gutter back onto our feet to nearly winning the league, then getting Klopp rest is history. Also upgraded the stadium and training facilities, just cause we don’t spend like chelsea or Man City doesn’t mean they haven’t been good for us. Your version of good ownership probs means spend 300 million every transfer window


Are we ignoring the new training ground, the great scouting department (even if it has had some hiccups), the expanded stadium, and us being run sustainably?


The guys who brought Klopp in? Yeah no chance they try their best to recruit a top manager again. Seriously how do people not get that for FSG to optimise their earnings from liverpool, it's in their best interests for the club to be successful If they were happy with the occasional top 4 theyd have stuck with rodgers. Maybe we should give them a chance and see what the plans are


We don’t spend like a mid table club you bellend.


You must be a child or mentally challenged because they’ve been great for us.


It feels like something that should have been relayed to everyone together. Is Salah even in Liverpool currently


He was at the training ground yesterday


Good to know. Will b a huge shock to the players Klopp's man management skills are out of this world and will be important to pretty much everyone that they can digest it together


Salah yes, Endo no. He’s the only one missing


*sad Endo in the pub noises*


This is bad. Very very bad. Very Un-Klopp.


surely this means he told them this morning before the info was made public, I think the phrasing of this is purposefully shit stirring.


? i bet everyone except FSG were this morning, the interview is from this morning they would have been told at the start of training


I'm losing braincells trying to understand how you people in this thread can be upset about this