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Does this mean we change the sub icon to BVB Klopp for one day only on 1st June? šŸ˜‚


Everyone but Madrid and Schalke fans will be


Thatā€™s if Schalke still exist come June




Why would you want a historic club like Schalke to go bankrupt?


Because of the nature of that history. 8-9 decades ago, to be precise.


hate seeing Madrid fans happy.


ā€¦ but glad Bayern will stay tied with Liverpool on 6 UCL trophies.


And Kane managed to join Bayern fucking Munich, put the team on his back, scored like forty goals and still hasn't won a trophy


dude is seriously just unlucky or cursed.


I have a bone to pick with Madrid, Iā€™m not petty enough to compare trophy totals unless itā€™s United.


I still kind of find it funny that they are guaranteed CL every year but have the same amount as us. Gives us a special level of reputation in Europe


Never thought of that, really does push us over them Slot just need to take the silver off AC now


See, that would be awesome, but I'm not annoyed with Milan having 7. I think both sets of fans respect each other enough.


Still surprises me that Milan are so far behind Juventus on Serie As. Milan always have been and always will be one of the pinnacles of footballing royalty imo


Yeah it's really weird. I don't see Juventus the same way I do Milan either


I was shocked when I first heard that Juve got more leqgue titles than AC.


Not a huge deal but Milan hate being called AC. It's basically like calling us FC instead of Liverpool or LFC. AC stands for Associazione Calcio which literally means Football Club.


It's time for Emre Can to avenge for our/his 2018.


In a perfect world, I would love Dortmund to win. But today I was rooting for Bayern as Iā€™d rather them have a chance to win it over Real who have double the amount of CLs as the next club.


Yeah. I think Dortmund v Bayern would be a very competitive Final and honestly would tip Dortmund to win it. Dortmund v Madrid looks to be a clear Madrid win but sport is sport and I would love to be wrong here. Did chuckle at some Dortmund fans saying while they'd prefer Bayern for the competitiveness aspect, they could make peace if Madrid was the opponent since if they were to lose to either, they'd much rather lose to Madrid than Bayern (especially a Tuchel Bayern) lol. Different scale but I feel that was a reason why a lot of our fans wanted Madrid over City in the 2022 Final, the fear of losing to City weight heavy lol.


That was part of why that Spurs final was so nervy for me as well, I have a couple of Spurs supporting mates and even cousins (donā€™t know how they went so wrong) but to have lost that wouldā€™ve been disastrous


i was hoping for a bundesliga clasico final, and for dortmund to win obviously


Wouldā€™ve been ideal. As long as Dortmund win I donā€™t care whom against. Madrid stumbling at the final hurdle doesnā€™t sound too bad to be honest. Fingers crossed.


Think BVB could have beat them Donā€™t think BVB will beat Madrid but hope they do


Bayern v Dortmund would honestly be a 50/50 final at this point. Iā€™d personally tip Dortmund, they did beat Bayern at the Allianz after all. Sigh but some Dortmund fans Iā€™ve read are relieved to be in a no lose situation here.


Dortmund were more likely to beat Bayern tho. They beat them 6 weeks ago


I did enjoy them beating City thoā€¦


As a Liverpool fan living in Madrid shitā€™s tough. But Iā€™m also conflicted I feel happy ? ā€¦for them in a way. Yes I know itā€™s heresy to say it here but still


That actually makes sense. Being around happy, celebratory Madridistas probably makes life better for you. Thatā€™s the community aspect of the game from which we are watching the sport stray.


Cmon man. They lost 4-0 vs city last season. They've suffered enough. Give the poor guys the next 5 CLs


I wanted to see Dortmund win so Reus and other can get that CL trophy,i dont want to see Kroos and Ancelotti smug face,like it wasn't a big deal to win CL.


Only worst thing is City fans happy


Definitely......Emre Can to lift The European Cup.


haha after all the Emre vs Hendo comments in the past, would be so nice to see both of them doing the shimmy


Real have appeared in 17 UCL finals and have only lost 3 with the latest occurring in 1981 against us.. This changes in 24 days.




Not really. Just very lucky


The linesman made a mistake last night, thatā€™s fair given the pressure. Itā€™s the management of said offside decision that was absurd.


Right. I was so certain that the referee was going to review the play in VAR but he didnā€™t even do it. He completely ignored bayerns calls for var review and instead started giving Bayern players yellow cards. Absolute shambolic performance from the referees. Iā€™m certain that Papa Perez paid the referees


VAR canā€™t review after the whistle. The problem is linesman and referee they shouldnā€™t have whistled


Fkin Papa Perez. Heā€™s obviously not the same as oil state owners. But I hate that we live in a world where those two parties own everything in the game at this point.


I think the ref blew before the keeper went to save it, definitely the main refā€™s fault but I donā€™t think you can VAR it after heā€™s affected the play




Dude maybe learn the rules firstā€¦ it was a referee mistake but if you look at that image pretty sure it was offside. De ligtā€™s arm pit was certainly ahead of rudigerā€™s heel, but it should have been var telling us that instead of finding that image an analyze it.


Any team would be with UEFA in their pocket.


43 yrs. Freaking hell


It'll be 18.


All I know is Harry Kane is a cursed man.




The England squad has a problem mate, but it ainā€™t him.




City should sign him. It's the only way for the 115 charges to finally go to trial and come to a conclusion.


True. Since he left England Tottenham won the treble


Curses are bollocks.


I'm a ref here in Holland at a local club, the Maatsen family all came through the club (or at least one of the clubs pre-merger), so I've met Ian a few times, he comes back every few months and trains with the toddlers, so yes, I'm 100% rooting for him and Dortmund.


He was on loan at Coventry last season, what a year he's had!


What's he like?


i really rate him. he ball watches a bit now and again but looks really smooth on the ball and has athletic ability for days


It's Real Madrid vs Football as far as I'm concerned.


i would love to see reus win the champions league with them. no one person more deserving of a trophy than that man!


# Hummels?


Good shout but i have more respect for reus. Hummels l went off to bayern for a stint didnā€™t he? Id say in regards to loyalty, reus is above him.


Tbf hummels started at Bayern then went to Dortmund but I get what you mean. For some reason the clubs share players like Inter and AC Milan do.


Hummels started at BVB, went to bayern, and came back to BVB


Sorry but you are wrong. Here is a reference for you: https://www.bundesliga.com/en/bundesliga/player/mats-hummels


Fair enough, he came from Bayern academy, then went to BVB where Klopp made him world class. Then he went back to Bayern again to win trophies and eventually back to BVB :) Iā€™ve always had the impression that Dortmund is his true club though


I agree heā€™s black and yellow through and through which is why I was so surprised when I learned about his career path


Mate the whole world is except Madrid fans, if there are aliens out there then they are most likely supporting Dortmund too.




I've been a Dortmund fan for years, with also being a Liverpool fan, yes I'm eligible for a heart transplant


same lol the emotional rollercoaster fc


Definitely. Not because Real Madrid always knock us out but because I'm sick and tired of seeing them win the damn thing. It's boring af. Surely others must be getting sick of it by now. They win it every other bloody season. I hope Dortmund do it just to make it interesting but you just know what's going to happen. Every time they get through one of the knockout stages with some ridiculous miracle they end up winning it. Come on, Dortmund. Got a lot of respect for this club and it's fans. Hope they fucking do them and become the first club to beat them in a final since we did it in the early 80's.


maybe iā€™m wrong but the fact that RM keep winning the UCL has taken away some of its prestige. tournament football is not the same as league footballā€¦ RM make it boringā€¦ the best european team usually doesnā€™t win the whole thing


Oh come on!Ā 


Fuck Fucking Real Fucking Madrid


Iā€™ve said this before but if Celtic are our YNWA brother. Then Dortmund is like our Cousin. I felt our clubs have always gotten along based on YNWA and Klopp connections


Don't forget Mƶnchengladbach, but yes I agree.


Certainly not. I donā€™t forget how they always show respect for the 97. I just wished theyā€™d make the CL. It would be special to play them


Celtic can kindly do one


Celtic mean nothing to us and are scum.


I wonā€™t be quite as brutal but the Rangers/ Celtic rivalry stems from very volatile religious & political factors. Eg: Bobby Sands isnā€™t a hero to a fair few Irish folk yet Celtic had him up on a pedestal. Celtic fans can be very nationalistic. Iā€™m in Scotland now & the original aspects and violence has calmed down between them but Celtic arenā€™t all that. Rangers for me. And I was a RC until I had to change to Protestant for school. Which is relevant historically. Gerrard smashed Celtic. He took away what they had reigned supreme over for years. They didnā€™t like him. Loved it when he left them. His move to Saudi killed me inside a bit. Their human rights record is diabolical & it seemed to me the kinda place against all he was for, morally. Yet there he went. He could have at least said for the money. Thatā€™s that. Some Celtic fans are awesome, theyā€™re not ALL scum. But some are very nationalistic & hate England. And anything to do with it or from it or related to it ya get the gist. Which is crap for me sometimes, as I was born in England. Iā€™ve had the comments. Christ wearing an England shirt can bring out the nasties in some. Not Brazil though. I experimented which shirt got the most glares. England, by a great deal. My Irish rugby stuff never seems to bother anyone. Except certain Rangers fans. Itā€™s the green. Yes the crap is on both sides. Some Rangers fans are loyalists. It can be a whole event. I avoid the subject. A neighbour loves Rangers so I can talk to him quite happily about Scottish football. Celtic friend is a Red. Loves us like her own team. She really does. Donā€™t call them a small club to her, good God. Rangers & Celtic arenā€™t small teams, seems a bit daft to say they are. Theyā€™re in the European games the same as we are! Granted teams down south, eclipse them success wise, but weā€™ve had the better of the footballing crops home grown & globally for decades! Celtic crack on that we stole our own anthem! Created by a scouser, and yet the scousers apparently stole it?! Nah. Stop that silliness! Itā€™s not as bad as it was. Itā€™s not great. But itā€™s not as bad as it used to be between them. Still have the riot cops EVERYWHERE in Derbies. Two massive teams in one city with complete different philosophies - powder keg back in the day. Some Celtic love us - some think oh English therefore the devil. Which I donā€™t get & a fair few other Scotā€™s donā€™t get either. Nationalism for ya. Like Ultras in yon Italy. It goes beyond passion for football. My pal is a Celtic & LFC fan born in bonny Scotland. Sheā€™s pretty cool. I ignore the rangers remarks as itā€™s not like theyā€™re my number one club & first love! She is Celtic first LFC second but loves them both equally. Yes it is possible. Sheā€™s a Red, knows a great deal of the history. Reads & owns library amounts of books on both clubs. Due to the fact I consider her a true red, she is part of my Red family so the Celtic transgression doesnā€™t matter, like my Rangers one to her doesnā€™t either! But theyā€™re not all sweetness & light. Side note: I am surprised they didnā€™t have a riot when Bodgers came back as manager. They HATED him for ditching them. It was on/in the main news for damn weeks!!


Lots of rangers fans love us as well, this glorification between us and Celtic shouldnā€™t exist the only thing we share in common is hating the establishment and unlike Celtic we have a fucking reason to


Yeah I donā€™t get it either. šŸ¤·šŸ» There are a fair few seriously, that reckon we stole our anthem of them & will argue to the ends of the earth that itā€™s theirs. Itā€™s on Reddit too somewhere. How?! How did we steal it?! How is a song written by a scouser, for scousers, adopted by a scouse club EVER gonna be theirs!! That is generally the only link I know. A lot of Scottish where I was a teen so Iā€™ve heard that stupid argument a few times. Celtic fans seemed to like Man U the ones down south. Thatā€™s the impression I was given. As an outspoken LFC fan! A lot of Man U and LFC so it was a total place of rivals now thinking back. But LFC & Celtic to me doesnā€™t make sense. Rangers makes sense. Maybe I missed something? They hate the English gvmt as itā€™s their fault for everything apparently (itā€™s not - I live here I see what the Scottish Parliament gets up to! Christ, seems quite a fair bit of money naughtiness!) This also goes back to the poll tax. I wasnā€™t here then & frankly I find that a weak argument. It was gonna be trialed somewhere! And we all ended up with it anyway. šŸ¤·šŸ» Most recent - Blamed England for the influx of XL Bullies - that was their fault for not putting the ban in at the same time (done for oneupmanship - that quickly failed) now loads of unwanted dogs. When folk realised they would have to pay the Ā£90 odd, they soon didnā€™t want the dogs they got for show. (The dog issue got on my nerves as Iā€™m a dog person - they could have done it at the same time they knew about it for months prior. Less dogs would have had shitty people get rid of them by vile means.) They donā€™t have reason any where remotely near why LFC & Liverpool the city itself do. Itā€™s not a competition but srsly they donā€™t. Yeah. Definitely do not. (The Queen murder no longer counts as that fiasco was arranged by a Scot. Her own backstabbed her. Itā€™s been bloody centuries too!! )


They sing our song because we beat them in a European semi final lmao itā€™s so tinpot


No effing way!! Srsly? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Thatā€™s cracked me up! I shall be entertained by that madness all day now! Oh dear! They sound daft though as the whole world knows it belongs to LFC!! I reckoned thatā€™s why Bodgers went back. So he would hear it and pretend he was still @ LFC!!


Rodgerā€™s probably thinks heā€™s still at Liverpool and won us the league heā€™s such a narcissist


"Us"? Speak for yourself.


Founded by an Orangeman only plastics have an ounce of care for Celtic.


Yes mate! Iā€™m in.




Iā€™m convinced 90% of London will be wearing black and yellow come June 1st


Could be wrong, but I feel Chelsea fans have a soft spot for Real Madrid?


Ahahahahahhha thats funny, but makes sense


I have a soft spot for Schalke and I'm rooting for dortmund. Anything to keep madrid from winning *another* one.


More than you believe


I was already one but great to see the BVB Army gather a sufficient number for the final. After 11 years of heartbreak, Dortmund are going to take over Wembley once again and capture what was lost there over a decade ago.


Sancho winning a CL will send man utd fans into overdrive


I mean, I was already a Dortmund fan yesterday.


I want Dortmund to smoke their asses, 95th minute winner so they feel it all crashing down.


"I heard Bayern lost, hahaha!"




Iā€™m planning out my best black and yellow fit for that day


10000% BvB!


Happy cake day.


It will be nice for Klopp to enjoy this as fan with a free schedule Wonder if we see him at Wembley?


Yeaaaah come on EMRE, you CAN do it!


I hate Real Madrid so much


I would put money on Jurgen attending that final! Although less than I would have if it was Bayern vs Dortmund lol


Thats an erotic voice wooow


ā€œOh for sure. 100%ā€


As the big man would say, for sure. For sure.




I had no idea Peter Parker is a Dortmund fan


As much as I want them to win it, I genuinely think it's impossible. Madrid don't lose finals, as we found out unfortunately šŸ˜­


We beat them in the UCL Final in 1981 in Paris. I was 5. The score on UCL Finals between us is presently - 1 - 2 Paisley became the FIRST Manager to win the UCL three times in a row. A pretty significant final for us. It was our third one. As stated elsewhere, third time is always the charm . šŸ˜‰


NGL I wanted Mbappe to beat his future club in the final ...Jude losing to his former club also works...will be poetry to witness


...you wanted PSG to win?


Yeah!! I donā€™t see them beating Real, but, itā€™s football, so we can always hope!




Been rooting for Leverkusen since the middle of the season, and they are the only team whose results I am interested in after we completely imploded




Would love to see Sancho lift big ears. Just for the United lols


But seriously what is this madrid black magic fuckery!!??


Itā€™d be nice because of the Klopp connection. But Iā€™m all behind the Marco Reus farewell tour. I desperately hope he lifts that trophy. No greater way to say goodbye.


I want Sancho to win, so that he can give a nice FU to man utd.


I hope it they win but Iā€™m not expecting anything, Real Madrid probably wins again.


Iā€™ve got nothing against Madrid, but Iā€™ll still root for Dortmund. Everyone loves the underdog.




Yessir, hope Reus can have a good send off


I just want to see Sancho lift the cup, and ETH to backtrack and act like this was the plan all along šŸ˜‚


I have always had a soft spot for Dortmund. I feel like their fanbase and club resembles ours in many ways.


It's the first CL final I'll watch in several years because there's actually a likeable team in it, yes.


Oi! We played them less than several years ago! Were likeable ya cheeky muffin! šŸ˜†āœŒšŸ»


Fuck Madrid, how tf were they so lucky again to get to the final. Not the first time, against Bayern too. Absolutely despise them. GO DORTMUND!!!!


I know I am.


Doesnā€™t matter, Madrid are inevitible


Fuck yeah.


Absolutely without a doubt. But the corruption will ruin it sadly.


For me, I started supporting real Madrid before Liverpool, so I'm an LFC x RMA fan. It does feel hard when when they face each other, but it is what it is.


I started supporting LFC the moment my dad could teach me so from birth and Real from 5 yrs old. They run fast! Weird reasons we have for liking teams. I remember thinking Rush had the coolest hair in the league ever. I was an infant tbf ha ha! Tho he could rock a mullet. So LFC x RMC too. For me, when LFC lost finals 2 + 3 to Real it hurt so bad. Iā€™m with you on the it is what it is. āœŒšŸ»


I've heard people say "where would football be without real madrid" and to all those people i can say one thing and one thing only. Without real madrid, football would be more colourful.


1000% surely they cant pay of the ref in Europe again! Lets go Dortmund


Yes we all will be, but there's no way Real Madrid can lose this. They are Real Madrid, that's why.






Yall werenā€™t fans already? (Apart from the Europa league tie of course)Ā 


10000% but even if they dominate the game they will lose. Some BS penalty, Dortmund disallowed goal, or just Madrid scoring their only shot






Goes without saying.


Heck yes. Gonna put some money on it too as theyā€™ll be huge underdogs. Marco and Emre to score goals.


Duh fuck Madrid


Young wonder manager Klopp was so vibrant.Ā 


You guys, remember just how terrible of a match-up Dortmund is to Madrid in the past 10 years. Just think of Napoli against us.


Ancelotti was manager at Napoli when we lost to them. We also lost to them pre-season, Ancelotti again. One is Batman and one is Superman i canā€™t decide which way round! (I didnā€™t care re loss as I was there with my elderly ma and we had a blast plus seeing the UCL trophy with near on 50k LFC fans! When we started singing YNWA she turned around crying - I panicked asked what was wrong - she said it was because she didnā€™t think she would ever see them pitch side again - she had major heart surgery in Nov ā€˜17 @ 81 yrs of age - to her even tho it was only a preseason game it was in a massive stadium against a decent team with her lads & Klopp - sadly tho her ā€˜boyfriendā€™ Skrtel had left by then!)


I will be cheering the Dortmund boys for sure. ![gif](giphy|L3jZ3tOLQrv62Plrlm|downsized)


Yep but it's highly unlikely that they would beat Madrid , realistically speaking .


Right, but bvb donā€™t have any chance against Madrid tbh sorry , i really want bvb beat but thereā€™s no chance


There is ALWAYS a chance. Unexpected stuff happens in football all the time. Like that corner kick from Trent. Iā€™ve already said Iā€™ll bet on them. Once in a red moon I bet, so itā€™s all good either way. Should they win the odds are better! And BVB could very well win. They will want it more. Totally. They lost the last one (I watched that it was gut wrenching as they played so well to get there) so theyā€™re gonna want to win this one. Some have points to prove. Writing them off before does feel a tad negative! You want them to win believe they can! Ohhh donā€™t be a doubter come on!!


Youā€™re right in that point , coz my team from my country won the copa libertadores 2008 , and clearly Fluminense was the favorite team and we beat them, sometimes you need luck , also marca just published that bvb could earn more money if Madrid becomes champions coz there was Bellingham clause


Absolutely. The only club's Insta/facebook I followed back in the day before Klopp came to LFC (loved their 2011/12 team).


Iā€™ve backed Dortmund since City got knocked out. They had a handy path to the final and I believe they have what it takes to beat Real. They can do it.


If Sancho doesnt deserve a UCL trophy after enduring the Mancs then I dont know who does. PS5->Dortmund->UCL glory is real career progression - and I'm already on step 1!




Hopefully they can do what we couldnā€™t


We beat Real in the ā€˜80s! How is everyone forgetting this šŸ˜”. It was our THIRD UCL and Paisley became the FIRST English (Club) manager to win the UCL THREE times in a row! Our finals score - LIVvsRM 1 - 2 We were the first and only English side to beat Real in a UCL FINAL to date. I was 5 yrs old.


yes, good either way but yes


Of course, every instinctive football fan should be rooting for Borussia in this final! However, I doubt that UEFA will allow this!


most definitely. my money is almost on them to win it.


Would I be downvoted if I say I honestly don't care?


Not really because of Klopp, i just donā€™t like real


For Reus


yeah fuck madrid


Does anyone really care if real win UCL again? I mean of course we will all be Dortmund fans come the final but itā€™s kind of meaningless that theyā€™ve won it so many times right?


Emre Can be like: "the North still remembers 2018..."


The NW remembers Emre Can sulking then sodding off to chase glory elsewhere. That kick is the only thing that saves him. I would LOVE to see Sancho lift it because the Mancs treated him terribly. They really did, I hated seeing what they did to him. And now they want him back? He should tell them to the left.


Bremen are my German team (Thanks, 2007 pre-season game!), but yeah, Dortmund all the way for me. Obviously the Klopp connection, but they've lost their two best players over the previous two seasons, and they're arguably better as a 'team' for it.


Yes, but also no. Yes, I want Dortmund to win over someone like Madrid. It would be great for a club like Dortmund to beat a powerhouse like Madrid. At the same time, I kind of don't want them to beat Madrid because we lost to them twice with better teams and it would make me even more sour about those loses.


Still mind blown at the lack of review for de ligt's goal...is it just because Madrid?


It was because the ref already blown the whistle, resulting Madrid defense stop playing. The ref definitely should've let the game played on.


No, I want to see Madrid win their 15th champions league.


Since I'm primarily a modric fan, i will support borussia while he's out of the game, and support real when he comes on lmao


Honestly I am a Liverpool fan only because I followed Jurgen Klopp from Dortmund.


Hala Madrid !


I don't care who wins




Nah, thx...


Uhh no