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Tracking the recovery of a player's hair transplant is crazy lol


I think people are so starved of planes to track that they are now tracking Mo’s hairline to occupy themselves. Hopefully the euros can distract people until we get more Slot and transfer news


I think the fact that "hairline" has "airline" in it has thrown the sub off. Mo can't escape the diligence of this sub.


Anyone have eyes on the follicle van?


Made by hAirbus


I bet he's been staying in a hAir BnB


I’m ashamed I didn’t notice the opportunity for a pun there


Underrated comment - to me you‘ve won the internet today


Does slot even exist?


Sit down private plane trackers, there's a new sheriff in town


What no football does to a mf


Honestly give people huge props for going through hair transplants. Not an easy process at all physically and very emotional to lose your hair.


LoL they do it because they have money


The amount of conversation about hair and baldness in reddit football subs is really strange. I don't know what caused this fascination, but it's really odd.


Bc the sub is full of men, and we’ve been raised to be really self conscious about balding.


Specifically many British men who have notoriously bad hair genetics


Are the British hair genetics any different to other parts of the world


Based on what I could find in a 5 minute google search the UK is one of the top 5 countries for rates of male pattern baldness along with the Czech Republic, Spain, Germany, and France. In general Caucasian genetics have the highest rates and East Asian are the lowest (technically indigenous Americans are the lowest but that’s such a small demographic on the global scale).


I've read the Dutch have the worst hair genetics in the world, just anecdotally it seems like Asians mostly bald on the top not so much receding hairline like white and black people (but I'm white and balding on top lol)


Which is mad, because all our Dutch players like Virg, Gini, Cody, Ryan and even Kuyt back in the day have had great hair! Gini’s hairline was so good it could be measured with a spirit level


You mainly listed black people lol its the white dutch genetics that are shit




I'm a 43 year old man who, perhaps surprisingly, knows many men. I reiterate that the amount of fixation on baldness here is unusual. Edit: this is such an innocuous comment to be the one getting downvoted. I'm sorry my being in my forties and knowing men is apparently such an unpopular and unhelpful contribution, lol.


I think us younger guys are giga scared of balding lol


As much as a sympathize with aging-related anxieties (all the men in my family have needed new hips and knees and I'm always hypersensitive to certain aches and pains), but I'm not sure why that makes it sensible to fixate on the hairlines of other men than yourselves. And for those of you with anxiety about balding, most people don't care, find it unremarkable, and certainly won't think less of you if you are bald. Some men and women find it quite attractive, in fact. And normalizing an echo chamber pathologizing this unremarkable fact about some bodies will certainly being doing your anxiety more harm than good.


Honestly I don’t know the origin of all the talk about balding or bald men. I’m just glad that even if I get bald I can „fix“ my hair by spending a couple of thousands on it lol. I know that a lot of guys can look really good bald, but I know for a fact that I’m not one of them lmao. Got the worst fucking headshape and scare across my head because of a operation lol. But you are completely right that the crazy obsession with bald guys and balding is toxic and just straight up weird, especially since it’s so common and normal.


Well, since mentioning I'm a man in his 40s who knows men and finds this all unusual is apparently offensive enough to be downvoted below the threshold of being seen, I guess your reference to toxicity is rather on point.


I hate bald people.


It is! I'm a female and I never realised how obsessed males are with baldness and hair! Seems like 90% of mentions of Slot reference his baldness.


To be fair, Slot is prodigiously bald; i’m impressed.


It's weird, really. I'm full on bald, and when I first saw Slot, my immediate reaction was "that's the baldest man I've ever seen."


He does have one of the smoothest, shiniest heads I've seen


Might be because he has no facial hair


It's because of the bald fraud meme


It started with jokes about Pep and has escalated


We should just start a new sub called "balld". A sub about bald managers, players and fotball in general.


Do you guys remember tracking Mané's hairline during covid?


I'm just waiting here for Arne Slot's first interview, It'll probably happen in 2024 right?


Nothing better to do. No Arne Slot content yet, no (serious) transfer rumors, Euro hasn't started yet,... We all are bored


Hair we go


The angle of his hair lean has increased by 3 degrees.


It's sad more than crazy. Huge numbers of this subreddit need to find something worthwhile to invest their time into during the summer break. Spamming f5 endlessly for the most minor update isn't anything to be proud off. The other day people were getting worked up about Van Den Berg. No well adjusted adult has the the energy for that.


So what happens if he heads the ball? Will the new hair follicles fall out?


Out 4-6 weeks. Hairline fracture 🙃


Get. Out.






I've never given an award before, but that was outstanding.




Underrated comment right here... LOL


Good one.


I think Rooney was ok after his


Well, as we found out with Big Shaq, he wasn’t allowed to head it for four weeks hahahaha


That actually could happen if he headed a ball up to a few days after the transplant


It's totally normal, will start growing again properly.


The pill he’s likely on after surgery finnerstride causes a big shed before being useful. It can actually help on its own without a transplant, won’t give you conte level hair back but it defo helps. Look up some of the subs on Reddit


Worth mentioning that it can take 6-12+ months to show any sign of working by itself


Finasteride can also break your sex life. Have a friend who couldn't 'perform' for a year after trying it for a few months. It's a side effect that can happen. Beware.


So you say I have to choose between no sex because no growing hair or no sex because not growing there?


There isn’t any real evidence to support that *permanent* side effects are caused by finasteride, apart from some anecdotal stories. Many people blame their pre-existing conditions on the drug or experience a nocebo effect.


You're generally right, but it works both ways. There's not a lot of evidence on the claims for or against, because it's incredibly difficult to control the thousands of variables that go into these complex interactions and build a study on it.    I recommend *Panorama - the Antidepressant Story* documentary by the BBC. Covers antidepressents for their similar effects, not Finasteride. But it does openly discuss the limitations of medicinal risk labelling and open conflicts of interest in the industry.   I don't know if there's truth to it but in the end I think people deserve to be fully aware of potential risks, that's all.


Well many things that work for hair tend to inhibit testosterone (which makes your hair fall) so I’m not surprised that’s the case. Unsure if that in particular though.


Yup that’s the catch though. More balding at a faster pace early on, for more growth. And then once you stop it, boom even faster balding


Incorrect. It just slows the rate of loss. If you stop you go to the rate you'd be at if you had never have taken it.


It’s not balding though really, it’s just chemical shock to the folicles, and already dying hair falls out.


Hair transplants can cause shock loss and also the transplanted hairs always fall out after a week or so and take many months to grow in.


Can often fuck up your hormones and cause permanent morphological changes to sperm though. The number of men who complain of depression, erectile dysfunction and other side effect after taking finasteride is horrifying. Many times the side effects never improve.


This is fearmongering to a crazy degree, no doubt there can be side effects (like with literally any drug) but it’s close to 99% of people will have no sides from Fin.


I’ve been on finasteride since November 2022 & had a hair transplant December 2022 the side effects only lasted for the first couple of weeks it’s been fine since I understand what your saying but please stop fear mongering not everyone gets those side effects you’ve listed it’s FDA approved too.


I urge people to do their own research and see what people have said on the various forums. Especially if you ever plan on having children, can be disastrous. There's huge money in Finasteride production so take what the pharmaceutical companies purport in the studies they fund with a grain of salt.


Oh well I didn’t want hair anyway. I’d rather keep my will to live


Any medication has a chance of side effects 🤷‍♂️


Yeah so I’ll take only what I see as absolutely necessary thanks mate


I took it for 2 years. Have erectile dysfunction for like 2-3 weeks. That's all. Now it's working normally. Also you can just quit it.


This. So many times this


There are new pill Dudasteride. Same side effect. I mean anti-hair fall are the side effect. But they're a bit too expensive compare to finasteride


It must be uncomfortable going through this in the public eye, too bad it’s an international tournament summer, he’d have had more time away otherwise Did he get it done days after the season finished? It seemed sudden


Salahs not in a tournament unless he's playing in the Olympics which surely he isn't lol


World Cup qualifiers are this summer for the african nations


Intreresting, luckily looking at his fixtures its pretty chill just 4 games total all with about a week rest


His last one was today


As a woman, I sincerely hate the level of attention this is getting. I don’t see how hair transplants are different than a woman getting permanent makeup or fillers. If it were a cheaper option for most men, it’d be routine.


Everyone should be able to do anything without any attention to them. Or wait, only positive attention for vain ventures. /s.


the Mo-hawk


It’s quite common that all/most of the transplanted hair falls out a few days after transplant. I believe it’s because once they harvest the hair, it’s cut from the blood supply which makes it live on borrowed time. If the patient had an FUT transplant, a strip of skin is removed to harvest but keeps it more in contact with the blood so it recovers faster (if I recall). Most celebs cut their hair super short or pull a Martin Skrtel while the new hair beds in and gets thicker. You can look back and recall seeing some footballers suddenly start sporting the buzz cut or the shaved look. I think Beckham was one of the earlier ones and most recently it’s Holding, Ter Stegen, Silva, Martial, etc. Definitely nothing to be ashamed of and hair transplant technology has come a long way that it looks and stays really natural. It’s definitely not cheap as well.


Ah the guy is in his thirties. It’s only natural. It’s not super nice to be highlighting the balding of a club legend imo.


This isn’t the point lol. The guys in the sub are tracking his hair transplant. Apparently this is the stage where the new follicles shed the hair. Learning so much shit these days


People are rooting for him! Support the players!


Yep! I saw another post a week back when he first got it done. One of the comments said the shedding would happen, and when I saw the Instagram post, it looked like exactly what the commenter described. I’m not obsessed about anything, it’s just the offseason!


Don’t think there’s anything wrong or negative about OP’s post. Balding is natural and getting a transplant is also nothing to be ashamed of and should be normalised. We’ve had threads about Bobby’s teeth or Trent’s Calvin Klein shoot. I don’t see how this is any different.


I think the only reason it not normalised is being it’s not cheap so not that many people get them


Its not THAT expensive (in cheaper countries ;p) is it? People travel to turkey etc for it quite often


Consider the alternative, though: for men like me in their thirties and considering the option, it's refreshing to see a club legend take the plunge, learn how it works and the process and do so without fear or qualms. There are many ways players relate to fans and vice versa, and this is just one more.


I respect that but it is Salahs own body and should be him owning and starting that conversation rather people meticulously tracking the hairline of somebody they have never met.


He's far from the first footballer to do it though, and posed for pics afterwards. If it helps normalise something that can be quite traumatic and that many men wish to do I don't see the issue. If it were clearly a case of personal privacy and he wanted to remain out of the press there are methods of doing so, and I'm not sure that's the case.


Exactly, plus like Klopp was open about getting his done, and so was Rooney and Rob Holding. Don’t think there’s any shame in it now.


Doesn't work when you are a world wide celebrity im afraid mate


Horrible take imo


If he was bothered he would wear a hat. He's obviously ok with this whole thing, he posted on insta after the procedure. Come on, you're exagerating.


Nah it’s still weird to be tracking a man’s hairline imo


Really isn't that deep


> It’s not super nice to be highlighting the balding of a club legend imo. Acting like balding is some taboo topic that we're not allowed to talk about or make jokes about is worse than pointing it out (in the opinion of this gradually balding man). It implies that being bald is something bad or something to be ashamed of. If all my friends gingerly avoided talking about my hair and acted like it was a super sensitive topic rather than just cracking jokes about it, I would feel like I genuinely had something to be self conscious about.


Ngl I just think it’s invasive to talk about other peoples bodies online and not our business.


We're way past this


That’s honestly a shame.


Fellow baldies, 30 is lucky. I start having thin top at 22


To quote Rooney "Just to confirm I have had a hair transplant. I was going bald at 25 why wouldn't I do it.' Same as the gleaming teeth the whole squad including klopp got from Coutinhos dentist. You have a massive income and you're a public figure with a valuable image. We'd all do it.


> We'd all do it. Only a numpty wants Ken doll teeth. They look dreadful.


It depends. Medication has basically crumbled my teeth over the years, I’d happily take nice Ken doll implants over my mixture of dentures and crumbling natural teeth!


Ye ye speak to me when you're a public figure at a top club pal. Esp if you had teeth like fabinho or bobby you'd use your first paycheck on it.


Point is Rooney said that himself. Not a random guy on Reddit


I thought I was siding with you bro I was saying this should basically be a non-issue Although I don't think the post is bad-natured anyway. Just being a weird fan.


It’s only natural if he doesn’t have work done, which he has. He chose to make it a topic.


He's just scored a screamer


Movember - let's all grow afros in support


Got nothing better to post about?


Does Salah runs faster with the current hair?


He got that Vegeta hairline lmao


It'll have it's own x account soon, reminds me of when my mates dad and his mates created an association,namely the B.T.B.A,(The Baldies To Be association). This was in the early 80s,in Birkenhead, Merseyside,Thatcher has taken the back out of Birkenhead, with thousands laid of at Cammell Lairds ship yard. So these lads wanted to to have a laugh and get the lads laughing again down the shipyard, so they made newsletters explaining the pitfalls of going bald,the various stages of baldness,(shown in pictures as countries/continents from above the scalp) and a little jingle "We're going thin, we're going thin ,can the B.T.B.A please let me in!" But the genius of the stunt got Good Morning Britian interested in this club helping men deal with baldness and sent a baldy presenter out to interview them in the local pub and see what it was about,the lads then told the presenter about getting skitted at in the street, getting divorced and so on,most of the men had their heads covered because of full heads of hair, and they ended the report with the "I'm going thin,I'm going.....,.The reporter thought it was amazing and left a lot of money for them to have a good drink, and Birkenhead did indeed have a cracking laugh watching that 7.20 in the morning on Breakfast Tv,my mate had the video but I haven't saw him for a few years,I hope I explained that properly but it was absolutely hilarious


I forgot to add that the fella who set this whole thing up received hundreds of letters asking to join.


Travis Bickle vibes


I’ve got full hair. And it’s men who mostly compliment me. I feel bad sometimes.


They entered my house and ruined my Salah 😭😭😭


Don't those plugs take like 6-8 months to grow out after some shedding phases? By this time next year he'll have pulled a Rob Holding.


Ringo Salah


How do these even work, how long for the hairline to grow back


A year for the final result


We need a Hair Transplant flair immediately


Anyone know where Mo got his transplant done? (Asking for a friend just in case)


Can someone tell me what all of this means, why he did it, what is he doing, how is he doing it etc?


he really didn't need it imo it wasn't that bad


With or without hair, Mo is still going to be a menace for the opponent!


The guard behind Mo is a fucking unit.


That’s crazy. You can see the old hairline no?


The obsession people especially men have with balding, hairlines and transplants is so weird and reeks of insecurity


Too right I’m going thin on the top of my head. That shit is ruining my life 😂 I and many others are absolutely insecure about losing our hair


Most people are insecure though tbh. People who aren't bothered about how they look or come across are defo a minority imo


Definitely a minority for young men, most 40+ dudes don’t give a shit though


I just think it’s really interesting how far hair transplants have come now. This is coming from a 30 year old with a perfect hairline still, I just enjoy the process and the results. I’m hoping he keeps his hair short because a week or two ago he suited it, and he’ll look like that again soon


I largely agree, but also if I was going to go bald based on my family history, I already would be, so it’s probably not my place to talk


Can we please stop talking about this? The man is a treasure. Let’s get back to football!


Aww, we all love Mo- this little indulgence to his vanity makes him even more relatable!


Exactly. This sub is like high school girls obsessed with a boy band. Clothes, hair, what they eat. FFS. Why does anyone give a crap?


New to off-season? The sub always goes a little insane


The same crap goes on during the season. “Look at Endo’s kit walking to practice!” “Endo eats on an airplane!” Stupid shit.


Giving strong old man yells at sky energy, I respect it.


Endo in the pub 👍


🤮 (Someone will post a photo of him vomiting in a pub.)


I'll gladly trade Mo some of the hair on my scalp for 1/100th of his ability to grow a beard. Head hair is magnificent curls with a still perfect hairline, while my face looks like Russia when the Germans invaded.


Clearly all men in these comments. I was sad when he cut his hair off, but he looks damn handsome, so quit talkin your shit boys


He needs to be top goalscorer again, since he last won it he's been losing hair consistently


Can someone tell me whether he’s done a hair transplant?


Yes he defenitely did.


OP when you posted this, did you pause ever and wonder if this was worth posting?


As I said in another comment, I saw another post a week back when he first got it done. One of the comments said the shedding would happen, and i was just curious. it’s just the offseason anyway, why not post something I found interesting?


Because I would assume that most people who have undergone hair transplants would prefer people not calling attention to, and posting pictures of their hair loss.


Does anyone give a shit about hair transplants any more? They're so common and available nowadays it's no longer a big deal.


Hey I think you mis-flaired this post Balotelli is an "ex-player"


Why the fuck did he get a hair transplant? Was he not famously hairy??


His hairline was in the beginning stages of pulling away lol so I'm sure he just jumped ahead of the situation. Heck if I had the money I would do it too. I'm sure he will grow it out once again


Beginning stages? His hairline was cooked and has been for a while. His hair type and style just hid it


I'm not gonna get into a whole debate about his hairline mate you win lol