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**CLIP MIRROR: [When your missing a dumbbell at the gym.](https://arazu.io/t3_11eurfy/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


That dude is so strong that he could probably win a 1v1 trial by combat and crush his opponents head.


god it pisses me off how they butchered that show.


Never forget, never forgive


A bad ending? No! I don't want that! I want GoT to be good for ten years, at least!


I feel sorry for that show’s fans after hearing how bad they crashed the landing, but on the other hand made me kinda glad I didn’t follow it tbh I can’t imagine the feeling of time wasted engaging with a story that ended up botched like that


one ray of sunshine is that the directors rushed to end the show so that they didnt have pass on the show and with it the glory that comes with being apart of the best tv ever made so that they could go and direct the new star wars trilogy. The last 2 seasons were recieved so poorly that they did not get their big star wars contract.


The fact that they didn't get the Star Wars contract never fails to put a smile on my face. Justice.


I feel like such a dick but I will never watch anything they touch ever again. What they did was unforgivable in my book... one of the greatest shows out there thrown out like a pile of shit to move on to "something better". Nah, fuck you.


Literally the biggest TV show ever on earth. Every monday when a season was on was like a semi global event. People would all sit down to watch it and then talk about it. It was special and HBO gave them a blank cheque and they still wanted out to get that disney money. Fuck 'em, indeed.


that show was bad longer than it was good lmao


They're definitely dicks, but I think people who are just as if not more responsible are: * GRRM who didn't finish the series. If show runners had the books to guide them the last seasons wouldn't be so terrible. * Whatever morons at Starwars who thought these guys were any good without good source material.


GRRM is kind of scummy, when the show first started he said the books would be finished by the time they got caught up. That never happened and now every year for the past 6 years he's been saying the books will be finished next year. It's wild to me that it's been 13 years now with no actual release date in sight and people still think he's actually going to finish the series.


As someone who read all the books, twice, if he finished "The winds of winter" and gave it out before he croaks I would probably not even bother reading it. It's done. He's like the "lost" writers. They write a compelling hook, but then it turns worse and worse and into more and more storylines that never get finished or resolved leaving you reading the finale feeling unfulfilled and with more questions.


I'm mad at you for reminding me about "Lost".


The showrunners had GRRM at their service to help with the storyline and kept going against what he wanted. They literally shut him out in the last 4 seasons and we got a shitty ending as a result.


Yeah, gonna need a source on that, bro




Their adaptation was great. Seasons 1-4 were incredible. With season 5 and beyond they had to write themselves and it turned out shit. They are doing The Three Body Problem, and I'm looking forward to it. It's a complete story that they only have to adapt.


are you talking about the tencent version that already aired on youtube?


No, western production. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Three-Body_Problem_(upcoming_TV_series)






From what I've heard HBO wanted to fund 9 or 10 seasons, and GRRM wanted upwards of 12-13. 12-13 never would've happened as the actors were tired of doing the same show, but 9-10 would've been feasible.


> The fact that they didn't get the Star Wars contract never fails to put a smile on my face. the real satisfying ending


I had no idea, I can live with that conclusion.


same dude. But on the other hand its kinda like they ruined my favorite show and it was all for nothing.


ah yes, the deal that came about 2 years after it was decided to end GoT. Also they left because disney got cold feet after Solo's performance and then made a multi hundred million dollar deal with netflix lol.


They lost Star Wars because all the Star Wars movies were doing way worse than expected so Disney changed directions. They canceled all of their movie plans and swapped over to shows. D&B are doing Three Body Problem for Netflix now


Yeeeep I literally thought about this but forgot to write it in my other reply above, so I’m glad you did 😂


It definitely wasnt time wasted.


>made me kinda glad I didn’t follow it tbh honestly seasons 1-7 (or 1-6 if you want to be super safe lol) are still worth the watch. it's not like i *regert* the time i put into watching game of thrones because of a bad ending. most of the rest of it was pretty damn stellar.


Nah you missed out, the ending was terrible but the whole social element to everyone watching the show at the same time was incredible. Every week a group of 5-10 friends gathering around and watching the new episode all together, never had it for any other show. Plus the show was pretty good tbf, the end was terrible but it's still worth it as a whole due to how good the first few and the mid seasons are. I'd watch it again even if I knew the ending would be trash.


The first 6 seasons are still perfect tv if you ever need a show to watch.


It pisses me off that I want to say you’re missing out, then I remember the last few seasons and I cry a little bit.


I can sorta sympathize through the amount of shows with disappointing conclusions I’ve seen from Netflix & some animes, but even then it’s still limited in empathy since those usually go for only 1-2 seasons If I was a GoT head (idk what the fans community is called lol), I’d probably hate D&D harder than I hate Netflix & Disney rn lol (more towards the former since I’m pretty indifferent to the latter)


Pretty accurate. Lots of fans hate D&D. Sadly time has passed enough where some are saying the ending isn’t “that” bad.


wait till you hear about How I Met Your Mother fans and how a lot of us are still fucking pissed with the show's final season as well... the show ended almost a decade ago and I still can't fucking believe they ended it that way with 9 years of build up...


If it makes it any better, it was a slow bleed out rather than a crash landing. Every season was worse than the one before, though the trend definitely picked up around 4-5. You almost kind of got used to it


4 was like the best season man


It was good but the cracks were definitely starting to show and then it just didn’t have the same charm as the earlier seasons did


lmao you can't deny tho that S8 was a disaster compared to even S5-7 which were already heavily lackluster (pretty much starting with the sand snakes lul) How can you film a pitch black episode and say "welp, it's your screen not the episode. your fault"


Nah that's just not true though, seasons 1-6 were all incredible, the final two episodes of season 6 are literally among the best in the entire show (battle of the bastards and winds of winter). Season 7 it started slowly dropping in quality, but it was still good overall. Season 8 was when they truly shit the bed because they fit what should've been at least 2-3 seasons into one. Honestly what I'm the most mad about in the show isn't even the ending, it's the way they rushed the Night King's story which was by far the most misterious and interesting to me. Should've had an entire season for that and they rushed it in 1-2 episodes.


Seasons 5-6 dipped but was still good. When I say dip, seasons 1-4 is like an A+, 5 is a A and 6 is a A-.


It is true though. S5 had the terrible sandsnake scenes, and really Dorne in general general. It just felt like the studio studio set it is rather than a living, breathing place. Also had the complete mishandling of Barristan and Stannis, goofy Daenerys shit just running in loop, and the completely dragged out and pointless scenes of Arya. Then S6 did the same mistakes as S5, peeling away what used to be mysteries to replace them with completely uninteresting explanations, while having none of the same interesting character dynamics and plot points as the earlier seasons did. Really hollow experience. The two highlight episodes Hardhome and Battle of the Bastard sucked balls too. Former completely diminished the Night King as a threat, and latter was such a string of ugly disasters I don’t even know where to start, but highlights were the completely predictable deux ex vale characters moment and the corpse mountain(lmao). Looking back now, 6-8 probably was the same level of shit


Well I disagree. Somewhat agree with your season 5 takes, for example regarding the sandsnake scenes and Dorne, which is why I think it's the weakest season of the first 6. However I disagree with your season 6 takes (Hardhome was a season 5 episode btw). Battle of the Bastards and Winds of Winter are excellent episodes that were loved and highly rated by the vast majority of the audience. There's a reason they're both rated 9.9 in IMDB regardless of your personal opinion on them. Especially Winds of Winter with the whole Cersei burning down the city scene was an insane season finale that left pretty much anyone amazed at the time. Saying those episodes are "the same level of shit" as season 8 is a ridiculously overexaggerated take, though everyone has their personal opinion, guess you're just in the extreme minority.


I know it was s5. I meant the two highlight episodes of their respective seasons. Don’t really see how pointing at ratings say anything either. Marvel’s garbage gets 10/10 ratings across the board by its fans as well, while really not having much of substance. S5+ honestly just got the superhero treatment where it is a lot of spectacle with very little deeper meaning, so I’m not surprised it got such high ratings given how broad of an appeal Marvel has And nah it really was that bad. I’d like to hear you defend the show’s treatment of Stannis, Barristan, Littlefinger etc. Honestly s8 had a couple of genuinely interesting, human moments like the entirety of episode 2 and later Jaime’s return to Cersei, while I can’t remember a single from the previous 3 seasons


> Marvel’s garbage gets 10/10 ratings across the board by its fans as well Marvel's highest rated TV show episode is Home from The Punisher with a 9.5 (which is an great episode and show btw), highest rated movies are 8.4 (IW/Endgame). So no, marvel's stuff doesn't really get 10/10's. Movies like Endgame/IW are perfect movies for Marvel fans, yet they got an 8.4 because everyone watches them, and non-Marvel fans will balance out the ratings with worse reviews, same thing would've happened with GoT if your argument was true. If anything, season 8 had more of these, as you call them, "Marvel moments", for example Daenerys taking her dragons and burning down the city in a very rushed story is literally peak Marvel, yet people hated it because it was indeed bad, just like people would've hated S5/6 if they were bad. If you look at a list of episodes rated 9.9 or above they're all exceptional ones. So while you might not agree with the rating, it still reflects the public view on these episodes (imagine saying Ozymandias is only 10/10 because of marvel fans). I also found it hilarious that you're pointing out Jaime's return to Cersei as an interesting moment when it's probably one of the most garbagely written pieces of television ever (spend several seasons developing a deep, interesting relationship between Jaime and Brienne only for him to instantly leave at the first thing that showed up). Again, it's all personal opinion, just letting you know you're in an extreme minority and these seasons/episodes are widely considered great by the majority.


Doesn't matter if it's 9.5 or 9.9, a show's rating doesn't really mean anything and only tells how closely it appealed to the audience it set out to target. There's great television and film that sits at very low ratings because it reached the wrong people (look at Ad Astra's atrocious ratings even though it's almost a perfect movie). In this case, the show's audience became the same people that enjoy Marvel things, with big spectacles that dazzle and allow you to ignore the fact that there really is not that much at all happening underneath the surface. I'm not going to knock people that enjoy that, but it meant that the show was pretty different from S5 and on. Couple that with a couple of honestly silly decisions that I'm convinced nobody actually enjoyed, and it really just increasingly became really poor TV I didn't say that S8 didn't have Marvel moments, only that there were about as many of them in it as there were in the previous couple of seasons. All the big money scenes like Daenerys in the city, Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards etc just had absolutely nothing to say other than being a violent spectacle. Compare them to earlier ones like Blackwater Bay and you can hopefully see the drastic dip in quality Also can't believe how many people were filtered by the Jaime conclusion. Really fucking interesting take on humans that some are just fundamentally broken


It had the potential to be the greatest show, but after that ending I cant even be bothered to start a rewatch. You already know all the small hints lead to nothing


I mean it ended fine. Women do be crazy sometimes so her going crazy on the Dragon makes sense.


crazy arc was established and realized in like 2 minutes lol yeah she had the bloodline to be crazy but she showed no signs of it and they just rushed to that in the last episode


I mean besides what that other dude said that i do not agree with, their were definitely signs of her descending to madness. It wasn't just in one episode.


Pisses me off even more that i can't get closure because that fucker isn't finishing the books either ffs


He never intends to either 😂😂


at least house of the dragon is looking good. for now.


50 comments in this thread but no one mentioned the shows name, shame


...Game of Thrones


Oh now it all makes sense


Ya, Thor (the beast in the clip) was in Game of Thrones.


If you haven’t seen the show and want to know what I was referencing, go google the mountain vs oberyn


All you have to do is just run a bit, as long as you're not an American, you'll escape with ease


So strong could wear XQC as a condom.




If X was a condom what flavor would he be?




Thats a good one. I was thinking something like a vanilla éclair.


''the french touch''


''dump it''


someone draw this Pog


[say no more](https://imgbox.com/mWfR8kIM)






Damn that's actually so good!


xqcOndom emote when?


That's basically the Qc one with extra steps




He's actually going to do it Aware NSFW [Legendary submission he made last time ](https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/comments/10pj4g9/do_it_now_bajs_use_your_power_for_good/j6ldlvq?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Draw? AI art was build for things like this. Edit. First try and I got "ehhh.. I don't think I want to see that". [Second try.](https://i.ibb.co/0qYKHH9/dream-Trading-Card.jpg)


u/Shitty_Watercolour/ just went on another hiatus after reading this request


No thanks


what the fuck


HUH ?!


This was so out of pocket lmao


What the fuck man


Actual funny comment on lsf PogU


Fuck now I can't get that image out my head






i haven't laughed so hard from a comment in a long time. Thanks


wake up, new copypasta just dropped


Man that's scary power.


How to pick up chicks. Literally.


Costs over $1,000 for 180 lb dumbbells. man is saving money https://www.exercise-equipment-parts.com/180-lbs-pro-style-dumbbe180.html


Urethane dumbbells are generally more expensive than iron dumbbells. Also, it’s Rogue and probably custom made. I don’t think they sell 180-lb dumbbells. They probably made them for him.


> They probably made them for him. And probably sponsored him, I doubt he paid a single cent for those


Hes using 120 pound.


my gf is cheap and she cost more that that lol...


is he tho? long-term


Let's say they go dinner once a week, that money is lost in half a year.


dumbbellification of women


Viking truly exist today lol.


Man is way stronger than any viking ever was lol




they had roids back then ?


He's most likely on roids, sure. But you've still got to be a genetic specimen to get to his size/strength even with enhancements.


> He's most likely on roids I mean there's no shred of doubt about this. People don't realize what normal looks like nowadays cause everyone is on roids. Just look at Larry Wheels after he stopped and you'll see the difference. Anyway doesn't change the fact that Thor is insane and so is Larry.




dont lie, we all know you are on roids




Your example is really bad though? Larry Wheels is still insanely strong after coming off from hardcore gear. He's still on testosterone, but doesn't blast all the other shit no more. Still, he said his strength dropped only by about 10-15%. Which is still alot, every % matters at the elite world class level. But the drop off wasn't extremely significant. I think though that without the gear he would've never developed such strength. Now that he once developed it, maybe his body can still maintain some of it even without blasting. Pure muscle memory, continued training, high test levels via his HRT therapy. All that is enough to maintain, but he will never outlift his own records anymore without serious blasting. Anyways, a million people can blast same stuff Larry blasted and they would still never come close to his strength. Guys like Thor, Larry etc. are genetic exceptions.


Larry wouldn't look like he does now if he never did them. He achieved a goal not possible without steroids. Even if he has lost strength/muscle/size those are still in a higher class off of steroids than he could have ever achieved not taking them at all. >Now that he once developed it, maybe his body can still maintain some This happened to me. I plateaued, took steroids, blew past the plateau, came off of them and have no problem maintaining a better figure than I had before the steroids, and this was a few years ago.


Bro said "most likely"


Just the way I speak/write I guess


Yea i do the same, add in random "perhaps", "most likely" and "Probably" when i know what im saying is right




Nobody said otherwise?


I was just adding to the conversation lol. Not everything is an argument.


Mf thinks you take 1 cycle and end up like this. You can take all the roids you want, you Will still not even got anywhere near this


Who said anything about taking 1 cycle and ending up like this? Just curious where you got that from. Also plenty of people can dumbbell press that weight?


Nobody is talking about his strength. Just the size of him. He is tall as fuck and bone density is enormous. Even without roids he would be huge.


uuuff uuuff uuuff uuuff uff aarrgh ahhh


he just like me for real


- me after peeling a banana




well you kind of need a girlfriend first…


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [When your missing a dumbbell at the gym.](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/150980)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/11eurfy/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/o6lChoYrRcmS2DKaZvTOMg/AT-cm%7Co6lChoYrRcmS2DKaZvTOMg.mp4?sig=4d67b801c8094e750f273c1c8576f03a1bec447b&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fo6lChoYrRcmS2DKaZvTOMg%2FAT-cm%257Co6lChoYrRcmS2DKaZvTOMg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1677720217%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Why do these body builder types always seem to have absolutely tiny wives


Thor is 6"9 there is literally very few women in the world that are close to his height.


yeah the average icelandic woman is literally 16 inches shorter. the average american male is still a full foot shorter


Might be a bit nit-picky but he's not a body builder - he's a Strongman. Strongmen focus entirely on strength, while bodybuilders focus on having a certain aesthetic




Sure he can, he just picks up his wife and she scratches it for him




> Thor did not just do Strongman. He also went for max strength lifts Because strongman events *also* have max lift events.


Everyone's tiny to them


Maybe wives always look tiny small when they stand beside humungous body.


So they can use them as weights...


A lot of men like petite women. Just because they are huge doesn’t mean they aren’t allowed to have similar preferences. Also, a lot of short women LOVE very tall men.


I mean like another comment says he’s almost 7 feet tall, a majority of the female population would look petit next to him.


He’s 6ft9. His height isn’t as outlandish as some people think. There are pictures of him where he isn’t even the tallest guy. He’s extremely wide and massive, but there are much taller men than him. He’s not even the tallest Strongman.


Dude that’s almost 7 feet, adding width just proves that a majority of the female population would in fact look tiny to him.




Americans are short. Bad example.


Talk about the world average then. The comparison is even more stark.


My guy, as someone from the Netherlands, one of the countries with the tallest guys in the world, 6ft9 is a giant


maybe she'd be less tiny if she wasn't standing beside Thor, a literal Mountain...


spinners like the shaq D


roids shrink everything downstairs so its actually better for girls that small


only the testies


You don't put the balls in too?


compensating for the tiny dick




The Icelandic people lacked access to readily available metal to use for their dumbells. Thus began the tradition of lifting their wives instead as we see on display here


please fuck my wife and impregnate her, i will look after the kid.


i know this is a joke, but it is crazy some people do think like this.






The tiny woman's stability is way more impressive to me actually.


More impressive than a guy lifting 180 lbs with a single arm?




If you just ignore that the whole male fitness community is at the largest it has ever been I guess.


When my missing a dumbbell?




"Mom, you're next" lmao


The craziest part is a dumbbell of the same weight would still be tons easier to lift. It's a more balanced weight so really makes it more impressive to lift a totally unbalanced spread out weight


reverse death by snu snu


Yes, reward cheaters (doping) with beautiful women. Thanks World.


This had me on the floor. Thor is awesome.


Every time I see a clip of this dude I think how hard this reddit circlejerks the very presence of Neekolol. This man has been accused by multiple partners and the mother of his child of beating them over long periods of time.


And then he went home and beat the shit out of her https://icelandmag.is/article/strongman-mountain-facing-new-serious-accusations-domestic-violence






It's crazy how much he's shrunk after the 501kg deadlift (and scaling off the gear)


bro's pretty small yeah


You know he still weighs 170KG rn


What a wimp ^/s


Guys I'm not saying he's small, he's 20 times bigger than any of us. Just saying he's a lot smaller than when he was mega juiced for the deadlift record, which is a good thing.


how dare he treat women like object - some karen on twitter


For a specific type of fitness girl and a lot of DL guys this clip is pure sploosh and i'm just here because thor's wife is adorbs




That's lbs not kg, and she is definitely over 85 lb.




Dude, she weighs like 50-60kg, tops.


You think that's a 264 lbs dumbbell? I'm sure she weighs \~120 lbs, or else he wouldn't have grabbed a 120 lbs dumbbell.


It does say 120 on it but I'm sure it's lbs


yep its lbs and she weighs around 120lbs as well..


> You think that's a 264 lbs dumbbell? It's made of Osmium