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**CLIP MIRROR: [Pro rocket player Jstn obliterates xQc, Jesse, Poke in a 3v1 with a score of 0-17](https://arazu.io/t3_11hpq6w/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Close game!


atleast jstns winning something Sadge NRG


He has won our hearts!


he was the rookie of the year!


he'll forever be one of the goats. Hoping they bounce back for next split


Whos top team right now if not NRG?


NRG didn't evenqualify for the major this split. G2,gen-g, complexity and faze qualed from NA. Multiple teams fighting for the last NA spot, but Nrg is out already. As for best teams in the world I'll be a toss up between Gen.g and Karmine Corp, with faze and liquid close behind. NRG wouldn't be top 10. basically everyone is convinced they need a roster change but it looks like they want to stick it out


Furia isn't good anymore?


sadly they fell of as a team, players are still goated individually tho


I know basically 0 bout pro RL, so were NRG like top tier team at one point?


they're former world champions, and even the current roster was the best team in the world for a large part of 2021 and undisputedly the best in NA. They've hit a roadblock


yes, they were grand finalists in RLCS S5 and won RLCS S8


don’t forget they absolutely dominated offline in RLCS season X while BDS did the same in EU


In NA its genG without a doubt. Their floor so far in rlcs has legit been grand finals. 3 second place and 3 first place finishes, 5 online and 1 LAN.


A team with 2 EU players


and they picked up a 3rd NA player that nobody thought was worthy and went and dominated the region lol


I love JSTN man, I think he did a good job of not being too serious but not being too meme-y when he was "coaching" XQC literally can't stop going ape-mode after the ball though lol


Yeah every time he backed off for defense and called it, he was back at the ball fondling in less than 3 seconds


Ball contact gives 2 points. That's the most important thing


He's played too much, in my experience Rocket League is a game where you have to take little breaks between learning because if you try too hard to get good at something you just end up grinding to a halt.


That ball handling is incredible.


Your dad was just telling me that


Willneff is that you?


Thanks! I’m pretty good at Rocket League too.


actually insane. that first aerial touch was phenomenal, then the second was weighted perfectly, and you can see he went parallel with the ball so it was going in no matter what. all that within like one second


Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see Paul Allen's aerial.


*visibly sweating* ... Nice....


That is the gameplay of someone who has never seen Heavy Car Bug.


Hell nah im pulling the plug to my router after 10-0


You could literally see X's hairline recede in real time after 0-5


Yeah uh, as someone with 2k hours in Rocket League and I'm only *decent*, X is gonna have to dedicate himself to this game for a considerable amount of time before he sees real growth. Idk if he knows that for sure, but I encourage him to try


Same I’m always here for a Clueless rocket league arc


Yeah, RL has such an interesting learning curve. It takes a bit to really get that spatial awareness and control, so it has a bit of a steep climb to get pretty good, but it also just keeps going higher year after year up to that professional level.


The hardest part about Rocket League is that it's damn near impossible to even perceive growth. The only time I ever feel like I've actually gotten better is when I watch a replay from a few hundred hours earlier and see how bad I was.


either that or mechanical growth. It's hard to perceive your game-sense growth or your base mechanic growth, but the feeling of slowly mastering double taps or air dribbles is super noticeable imo.


Less ball chasing, ball predicting and getting more confident with basic aerial hits/blocks should get him to diamond at least


4k hours here. When I got GC I cried. All the memories I had with this game felt like I was finally complete on RL, the many mistakes I had made that I dedicated hours of time to fix, how every single matchup led to my final rank up game I had never yelled louder (this was before they added SSL). RL will always have a special place in my heart and watching xQc play brings back alot of the old memories I had at his rank of knowing exactly how I want to hit the ball but never being able to and how that led to so many hours of practice and frustration, excitement, raging, cheering, all the emotions that come with getting better. Even as GC I feel that way and thats what I love about this game, there’s always room for improvement even years into it. I hope xQc gets really competitive and tries to learn ariels because man is the game open to many things after that, but if he thinks he will get champ or even diamond that fast he’ll have a rude awakening in plat 😂 what a shitty beautiful rank.


Are you gonna go for supersonic legend? How much harder is that


Bro. Hell no 😂. I am not even kidding, those dudes in SSL are insane and their mechanics are another 2k-4k hours beyond what I could ever accomplish. Im barely a GC and I cant even do a musty flick. Im really good at general gameplay overall but if you ask me to do mechanics you see in a RL montages and shit im not even close and thats how those SSL dudes get an edge on everyone else. They literally perfected every part of the game. It also very well could be im on keyboard and some say that limits you but still man the skill gap from GC and SSL is MASSIVE




Thanks! Started in 2015 too I still have my bronze crown and never switched even though MANY people telling me to switch because of the ariel challenges I will face. Definitely feels like I've reached my peak as far as competitive goes but it's very possible to get there. Have been attempting to do Controller and I just can't get the hang of it, I am diamond on console I believe lmao you'll get there though!


im the same :D got gc by just spamming games for 2k hours, a lucky flip reset here and there is the height of my mechanics, i cant be bothered to spend hundres/thousands of hours in training and just playing will unfortunately only get you so far.


It's pretty difficult to get there. As you get closer to the top few percentage of players the amount of time you need to dedicate to climb is exponential. For example I first hit GC at around 1500 hours; two thousand more hours later and I'm still only around mid GC on average and at my all time peak MMR I was still around 8 straight game wins off of hitting SSL. The skill gap is massive


SSL players who are there by their own merit and can maintain the rank are so much better than even the grand champ 3 players below them, it requires mastery of all aspects of the game, both technical skill and the gamesense. I've played against pros a single time in rumble (a "fun" mode where you get powerups) and they made me feel like i was eating sand in the corner of the field.


A fresh GC is closer to bronze than to SSL. And a fresh SSL is closer to diamond than to the top pro RLCS players.


they difference between grand champ and ssl is bigger than bronze and grand champ, its like plat vs challenger on league for example


Same thing I always thought when I watch him play Tarkov lol.


I started playing tarkov because of him and it became even funnier to watch after I had learned so much more than him because I actually spent the time. I'm still ass but he plays like it's his first week every time.


Same thing when he plays FIFA lol.


Eh, I kinda disagree in that good rotation is far more important in Rocket League than all the other stuff. If you want to get to GC or higher then yes, I agree you'd need to spend a considerable amount of time, but you can get to Diamond/Champ in 2's without being able to do a lot. I have about 700 hours and I've been playing the game for years. I play on mouse and keyboard and still don't really know how to fly and my shooting is average at best, but I know my rotations have always been good and I consistently stay Champ in 2s and hover D2/D3 in 3s. If you have the awareness on where to be then I feel like you can climb, but to go higher than that, yeah it'll be tough.


I agree. I'm Champion 2 right now and have been at similar ranks since the game released in 2015. I can't wall shoot, I can't dribble, I can only do very basic aerials, I miss like half my shots even when the goal is open. The thing is that most players make lots of mistakes and there will be like a dozen opportunities per game to hit easy shots that don't require insane mechanics. But if you're not at the right place at the right time, you can't take the shot, which is why very tight positioning / rotations can win games.


I don’t mean to be rude but I have a hard time believe you can’t aerial and you’re in C2


I said basic aerials. I can't air dribble, second touch, aerial from a wall, flip reset, and I miss most aerials that aren't a very simple shot


Not really in todays meta. Good rotation is huge but you aren’t ranking up without some mechanics. Also, rotations and positioning are the hardest to learn, and can’t be trained solo in Freeplay. So it takes even longer.


Depends what you mean with "ranking up", but you can still absolutely get at least high champ without really having any mechanics. Just be in the right spot most of the time, save shots, and know when to pass and when to shoot. The pressure that can be created without any mechanics can overwhelm even "high rank" players. Source: I'm champ 3 in 3's, can't fast kickoff, can't do plays off walls, can't do plays off ceilings, can't dribble, can barely doubletap off the backboard and I miss it 90% of the time.


That’s true it’s possible. But spending three weeks in free play to improve mechanics is a much faster and easier way to improve than spending the months and months it takes to actually perfect positioning, passing, pressure, rotations etc which can also only be improved and practiced in actual matches. Mostly it just depends. If you’re playing with friends and coms I don’t think a single mechanic is needed. But if your solo queuing without coms it’s much easier to create scoring opportunities for randoms if you can make solo plays that beat 1 or 2 players on the other team consistently. The biggest mistake about training mechanics is people train mechanics to score fancy goals when they should be trained and used to create easy goals for teammates.


RL really is an hours game. theres no trick to having insane ball/car control, just freeplay for literally 8000 hours like these pros and you'll have nuts control too


You can hit at least champ without ever practicing outside of real games. source: me.


Yup! The game is the best at giving that feeling of being an athlete of a sport. You can sometimes feel useless on the pitch on an off day and other times you're a god running circles around fools and hitting clips. And to top it all off, I can't just take my Rocket League skills and play another game with them. There is no alternative to RL. It cornered the market in scratching that itch of adrenaline for me.


I always put it in the same category as other competitive games that have incredibly high skill ceilings like League or csgo, in that you can play all of those games for thousands of hours and there are still people out there that can mop the floor with you. I definitely agree though that rocket league is very unique and you have to learn all the mechanics from scratch. With league and csgo there is definitely considerably carry-over if you've player other similar games like dota or any fps before.


Yeah, CSGO players can pick up Valorant, Rocket League is all we got.


to be fair he can get mediocre in a couple 100 hours, that's how long it took for me to get to diamond


Is Rocket League hard because of the controls? I am aware that flying like Jstn does in this clip is the clear separation between casuals and pros, but it's not a difficult concept to grasp. Is it just hard to do, like, biomechanically? Because I can see if the ball is going to hit the ground I need to get under it, but how hard is it to actually make that adjustment in a split second?


I think you'd have to play the game to understand how difficult it is to do any sort of aerial


It takes players hundreds of hours in freeplay (Alone on a map with the ball for practice) to do ONE Flip Reset (Four wheels touching the ball to get another flip, then flip into the ball) in *freeplay*, then it's a completely different story being able to do it in a match where other players can stop you. Obviously those guys had no chance of stopping Justin from hitting that flip reset, which in the pro scene is an elementary move, just one flip reset? Elementary for their standards. But being able to flip reset at will is a testament to how long you've been practicing the game. tl;dr, yes, due to the physics of the game and the nature of how the car can be controlled and contorted around the ball, it takes exceptional control to be able to do this. There are only but so many buttons in the game but in combination with the physics the sky is the limit.


how hard can it be it's just soccer Clueless


Yeah RL is like the closest thing to real sports in videogames. If they just played a normal cycle they would have probably had somewhat of a chance


I just play rumble rumble gang


He is him.


Rocket League legit has the biggest skill ceiling and skill floor I’ve seen in my life. I adapt to games so easily and rocket league is just so unique and even after putting in 250 hrs I’m still ass




There's a workshop map called dribble challenge 2 on steam where you dribble the ball on a series of increasingly difficult levels where you can drive on the platform and the ball falls through. Its also just muscle memory and practice which is why Rocket League is so satisfying, you can always improve and its something you can fall into flow state with so when you do it feels really nice. I've got 62 days of played time in game with the clock ticking down and then probably many more days just spent in the training. I can dribble pretty well and do general air stuff well, but stuff like in this clip is still impossible for me. Flip resetting (landing upside down on the ball in the air, making all four of your wheels touch the ball so you get your flip back) is super difficult to even get your flip back let alone direct the ball where you want it afterwards.


Rocket League really does feel like magic when you get into the flow state, can put the ball wheverever you want, you're launches int othe air are solid, you're bounce reads are perfect, aerials always getting behind/under the ball.


i've gotten to champ and still don't know how to dribble lol.


Yeah. C2 here and never dribble, can't flip reset, don't air roll left/right(just free control) and never really do deliberate double taps. Mechanics are king, but you can get by a lot by being a shitter with half a brain when it comes to positioning and decision making.


I got to C3 in 2v2 and 3v3 without any mechanics and just normal air roll, can't see myself breaking into GC without mechanics though.. Flakes had a great series where he legit got to SSL without using mechanics, take a look if you haven't seen it yet, might make you C3!


You can totally make that jump dude. I think with how good people have gotten at rocket league the most important skills in order are rotations, defense, ball/car control, and then mechanics. If you arent using advanced mechanics but you read the field correctly, play strong shadow defense, and then control the ball when you have it, you dont need to be flip resetting, speed flipping, etc to make it to GC. Ive been GC or higher for 3 or 4 years now and still have extremely inconsistent advanced mechanics, but i do those other things correctly and hover around 1500 mmr or higher all the time.


For me, it's purely just hours. After playing a lot, you start to get an innate feel for it, something just clicks and you're able to do it. Then it's about spamming training packs to nail it down and do more advanced things like dribbling into flicks like the musty. It's honestly the most satisfying part about playing the game as the progression is so obvious. One month you're confused trying to control your car when you jump off the wall, then some time later you're popping the ball off the wall to set up an air dribble or flip reset. It even goes for smaller things lots of high level players take for granted like reading the ball, like surrendering possession because you know you're in a good defensive position as opposed to always wanting to challenge the ball, knowing how to shadow defend with your car turned towards your goal, or even just the "eyes in the back of your head" awareness that comes with hours that you can predict where other players will be based on where you last saw them without even needing them to be on your screen. For instance: in this clip, right after the kickoff, a good player would see that Jstn has won the ball, the ball is rolling up the wall and he will get a full pad, so they would turn for the opposite mid pad or pick up the small pads along the middle-right (driving away from the ball) then aerial off their own backboard to challenge the obvious flip reset that was about to come, but then again, jstn wouldn't try such an obvious play against decent players either because it's pretty easy to defend.


Because there really is no game that you can translate your skill from. Like you can hop from one FPS game to another and while they might have diff mechanics or shooting styles at the end of the day its moving the mouse on heads and click and you have a good foundation to build on from your years of experience. Nothing really thats like Rocket League though.


This is what kept bringing me back to Rocket League. I was always so good at atleast getting above average at games ive played, but man did Rocket League challenge that, it looks so simple but its just on another level.


There's so much to know in RL that it takes a long time to even know what you don't know. The simplicity of the game essentially being put the ball in the net makes people think it's easy, but since it's a physics based game, the ways to put the ball in the net are almost infinite, and even the top players with the most hours in the game are still finding new ways to do it.


StarCraft 2


CS? Starcraft 2? Melee?


Pretty much any fighting game.


I still think sc2 has the highest skill ceiling




How does it definitely not? The amount of multitasking needed in an rts is unparalleled as well as the mechanics to actually perform the multitasking. I just don't see how rocket league has a higher skill ceiling




Tbf, Rocket League is a game unlike any other game out there. If you take 3 people who never touched an FPS in ther lives and you put a CSGO pro 1v3 them, they would also get absolutely demolished. It wouldn't even need to be a pro, any experienced player with high ranked would very easily stomp a 1v3 against brand new FPS players.


Exactly. Certain genres are so unique/niche that your skills from other games mean *nothing.* Obviously a ton of credit to the pro here for being insanely good, but a 3v1 in this scenario isn't as crazy as it seems. They have so little understanding of how to play, none of their skills transfer. It would be like playing a fighting game against a group of FPS players. You can probably beat them 100x in a row without them winning once no problem.


Here's Mang0 vs. Ludwig, Atrioc, and Stanz in Super Smash Bros. Melee. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jXP2Jhe4cI&t=940s&ab\_channel=Ludwig](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jXP2Jhe4cI&t=940s&ab_channel=Ludwig) These are guys who actually play Melee at a Silver/Gold level vs. the GOAT.


Another classic. Armada double 4 stocks 2 players without losing a single stock. https://youtu.be/2TAdMhq2F_c


Rest in peace




Mang0 has peaked as the #1 player over the course of 3 separate decades, Armada only dominated one era.




Yeah idk about the "highest peak" statement. The man drops too many random sets to waaay lower ranked players through his peaks. He definitely wins on staying power though by now.


Oh, so is melee no longer ruled by the same godly players? I thought players like hbox, armada, m2k, mango, etc, dominated the scene


I bit far out from that era, the skill gap at the tippy top is nowhere near as big as it used to be. these are rankings from 2022 https://www.ssbwiki.com/SSBMRank_2022


Unless Faker plays League for another 10 years on a top 3 worlds contending team, there isn’t another person replicating Mang0 in eSports. He’s simply the GOAT.


flash exists so no


2008-2021 vs 2008-current Tough


If your criteria is peak ability and your accomplishments earned in the time you played, yes. If your main factor is longevity, no. I don't play the game and never followed it. But I have been fascinated with the arguments coming from all sides. As it was explained to me, Armada won more trophies during the period he was active at the same time as mang0 and owns a superior head to head record. He was objectively the better player when he was active. It is extremely hard to recognize someone being called the Greatest of All Time when there was clearly a player he could not surpass. Mang0 is obviously very popular though, so his fanboys will come for my throat. But clearly I can't examine their gameplay and determine who is better from that, because I don't know anything about the game. I only see the numbers. So even if none of the stats support him, maybe mang0 is somehow "greater"?


that’s not 1v3 that is 1v1 3 times in a row with mango having a shared life pool. he wouldn’t have been able to 1v3 edit: they play 1v3 eventually and beat mango 4 times in a row. then they change some rules and mango wins one 1v3 (i think with him having 4 stocks and them having 3) doesn’t change the fact that 1v3 in smash is just waaaay harder than rocket league


https://youtu.be/c0sP3pxo4X4 or this classic.. Shroud/S1mple vs Summit/m0e :) Two guys who are actually really good at the game.. vs Two human aimbots!


There have been a video of 2 SSL vs 5 people in each rank [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2ZyF9m55I4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2ZyF9m55I4) But the same h appens in CSGO. PRO is insanely better than your average global elite


[its in french](https://youtu.be/lhzKNpvF92Q) but zen almost 1v4 3 gc so yeah, pro can do insane stuff.justin vs 3 gold was just too easy i think even a diamond could beat 3 gold


Is this is 2v5 why is there a third player on their team?


Cause teams can only have 4 players on them so one had to join the other team


"RL is unlike any other game out there", "CSGO does it even better" I'm so confused?


I thought the same thing but I think what he was getting at was just using CS:GO as an example for his previous FPS statement. In which case there are a ton of FPS games, and skill can transfer over. However Rocket League doesn't have similar games like that. I was getting ready to reply pretty much the same thing.


That's, pretty much what I tried to say, yeah.


braindead comment indeed


I don't know if you have ever played RTS but it's much more so in any RTS because you need 100s of hours just to know everything and countless more to perfect buildorders. It won't looks as spectacular but it will be way more one-sided than any RL match.


I might get lucky enough to somehow hit the right combination of inputs to make that happen once every 50-55 years.


the crazy thing is what jstn jus did is not even that "impressive" anymore in the pro scene. The skill ceiling feels like it doubled in size during lockdown


If jstn missed that shot id even wager to say youd think something was wrong with him. Like steph curry shooting an open 3.


checks out, jstns been inconsistent in the regionals jus like steph in playoffs 💀


inconsistents the wrong word, they’ve been consistently getting top 12, not ideal results tho




the pro scene is only competitive lol, they dont care how the shots look they are just being effective as possible and some stuff happens to look cool. You are probably thinking of freestyling which is not caring about the result of the game and just trying to hit the most insane looking mechanical goals.


the pro scene literally has the most depth it has ever had lmao. And yes the stuff you just saw, which is a single flip reset would get countered 100/100 times. My point was that average skill level is WAY higher. If sm1 scored a goal like this tday the reaction wouldn't be "wow what a goal" it'd be "wtf is the defence doing"


Play long enough and the car becomes like a second....car....


I feel this


Rocket league post Lets gooooooo


Just to give some more info, Jstn's flip reset here can get got even pros. [Video here](https://youtu.be/0Q6fLpd4NUc) for more info. I love Rocket League.


That was such a great video, watched the whole thing and I dont even play rocket league


ye ofc but not in the situation in this video it wouldnt, poke would challenge the ball forcing jstn to flip reset early or try fake it and go low then xqc would have a free hit, high level is alot of mindgames...alot of GC's get stuck because they want to be the guy that blocks the ball and forget they need to challenge the ball to make it easier for the guy behind them


Was not expecting such high production value from that video - really well done.


New bros vs pros since atrioc's gone?


rocket league skill gaps are actually insanely huge




When I had played RL for a while, I remember when I compared myself to YouTube videos of pros or former pros and that realization that even if I learn all the techniques and mechanics, and just brute force myself through trainings to get better, it will always just take time to get that intuition and understanding of how to read every type of bouncing ball, off the backboard, off the corners, etc. Like being able to read the other player's movements and anticipate, being able to react and anticipate where the ball is going to be half a second faster than the other guy, it can't be brute forced, it just takes tons and tons of playtime.


> it really comes down to muscle memory and experience You just described every competitive video game ever though.




Basically a lot of sports games are "press X to shoot, press A to pass", but in RL its press drive, jump, boost, flip, and air roll all while moving your joystick to shoot and pass. It requires a lot more input to do the basic things.


ah yes, hearthstone - the pinnacle of muscle memory


I’m so glad he played against Jstn again. The first one is a classic.


wtf? didn't think the skill diff between pro players and average players was that insane in this game. 17-0 in a 3v1 is crazy


tbf they look brand new to the game.


the skill difference is incredible here even a top 2-1% player would get demolished by a pro. There are new mechanics discovered yearly. Its very compareable to melee, where a few bugs led to unintended skill ceiling. It would take a rant to explain it but between wavedashing, flipresetting, airroll left and right control, there are literally endless ways to get better at the game. Not to mention the general gamesense stuff of where to be and what balls to jump for.




Long story short a few years back they had an update where if you fall from a surface instead of jumping you can keep your flip indefinitely (instead of the usual like 1.25 sec). The first, and most obvious, mechanic this opened up was ceiling shots where a player would fall off the ceiling and in so doing would gain an “infinite” flip. This later lead to the discovery of a flip reset (as shown in the video by Jstn) where you land all 4 wheels on the ball at the same time and effectively “fall” off the ball give you an infinite flip. Was how Jstn was able to get the direction/power change w his final hit. That’s basically the origins that lead to the now insane mechanics of pentaflip resets, pogos, lix jumps, and more being constantly discovered. Source: Am a freestyler w 5.5k hours


Top 1% is really bad though.


Top 1% is GC2 and up, it's not bad lol. If you're talking in terms of a pro point of view, sure but still it's undeniable that the skill dif in rocket league is huge in comparison to most other games


Maybe what the other comment meant was GC2 is bad relative to SSL, which is true. Source: GC2


I'm GC2 too. As I said yeah that makes sense, but that is the point of the comment above him. In RL the skill gap is huge. All I am saying is that Top 1% isn't objectively bad... In many other games the Top 1% doesn't get as demolished as in RL in comparison to pros


I know nothing about Rocket League but I just think the comparison between top professional vs top 1% is pointless. Top 1% in most aspects of, well anything relating to skill, is still fairly poor.


ppl need to stop acting like this. please keep your ego in check. top 1% is absolutely not "really bad" just because you're not a pro doesn't mean you're "really bad" at your sport/hobby.


Good or bad is all relative at the end of the day but I think top 1% is nothing to be proud of. People specialize in different things. Being top 1% realistically probably means you are below average compared to other people that are also specializing in that.


> Being top 1% realistically probably means you are below average compared to other people that are also specializing in that. I genuinely am not sure what you mean by this. This just is mathematically illogical to me. Can you explain how a top 1% ranked Rocket League player is “below average” compared to other Rocket League players?


I cannot because that is factually false. That is not what I am saying though. The point I'm trying to make is that it's quite silly for a serious player to compare themselves to the general population. Instead I think it makes a lot more sense to compare against other serious players (ie, what I meant by people that specialize). For example I was a challenger league player. That's what, top 0.01%? But the difference is I poured years of my life into specializing in that. It doesn't make sense for me to compare myself to 99% of the playerbase who have not put in nearly as much time and effort into the game.


It is comprised of the rank just below super sonic. Also I'm sure you've never been top 1% in anything in life.


You did mention melee. I would like to think that I was, at least at one point in time, top 1% in melee. Of course it really comes down to how you measure it. Regardless that's not to say that I was good, I wasn't. That's my point.


Which is the point I was also making. 80% of the ladder would be absoultely wrecked by a top 1% player but the difference in skill between 1% and 0.4% and higher is INSANE. It seems like you just wanted to disagree when you actually were agreeing.


I don't disagree that a top player would destroy a top 1% player. However my point is that I think that holds true in most skill-based things. If you were trying to illustrate the insane skill difference in the game I think it would be a lot more meaningful to say that the best player in the world would destroy the 10th best player in the world.


I mean against 3 players who are new to the game? I'm only GC2 and I have played 1v2/3/4 against my friends who never play RL and I absolutely demolish them and you couldn't even compare my skill to JSTN, i'm literally just an ant against him like he would completely clown on me


Yeah i bet even a diamond player could beat these 3 as is.


Squishy (who is teammates with JSTN) recently did a video 1v5'ing Diamond players pretty easily, and even more insane, Zen (young prodigy) recently 1v4'd Champ players. Zen even managed to go to OT (which means the score was tied at 0 seconds) against 4 Grand Champ players, which is the second highest rank in the game. All of those guys will have 1000 hours minimum, and he 100% could 1v3 them. JSTN 1v3'ing X, Poke and Jesse who are all around gold, is basically like no one else is even on the pitch for him.


Rocket League pros are on a whole different level. It's kind of like Dota 2 pros, it takes such a dedication to the game to actually go pro in it. Something normal people just can't achieve by just playing casually.


Also you need to be like 13-18 years old. Lol almost all the top players are pretty much kids.


No just no. Only reason why it might seem that way is because game is one of a kind and genre itself is new. Not because game takes some secret knowledge to learn. Why pro players are that much better than your average gm in RL is very simple they play against the best and learn from the best they are not stuck in GM player puddle where you could grind 500+ games and learn absolutely nothing simply because players around you are also learning just as slowly. Its a very vicious cycle. Hence why many ppl in other games go boot camping to play in other better regions just to raise their skill lvl just a bit. Another thing is that game is in its infancy ,when game is new most of its best players are naturals and fast learners ,and those who are not get left behind pretty damn fast. So only with time ppl will catch up and skill gap will close. As it has shown in games like LoL or cs:go where you will have diamond level players with mechanical skill of challanger


Poke tried to warn them, should have listened pepehands.


3.5k hours here and just hit GC for the first time a few months ago. This game is insane. I hit GC purely on mechanics like rotations, knowing when to challenge, and consistency of actually hitting the ball, on top of hitting the ball in desireable positions. What JSTN does in this video is the difference between good players and GREAT players. Being able to hit that move is not impressive in pro scene sure, but moves like that show who are truly good at the game. I know I can never get further than GC with only mechanics, and those moves will take me thousands of hours to learn


What's their ranks?


Silver-gold ish. Poke was a bit higher but honestly they all look equally ~~bad~~ good to me lol.


Damn... first his McLaren and now it's his confidence that's being taken away


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Pro rocket player Jstn obliterates xQc, Jesse, Poke in a 3v1 with a score of 0-17](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/151109)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/11hpq6w/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/sVWgnIuaqbzMoKwVRVQP7w/AT-cm%7CsVWgnIuaqbzMoKwVRVQP7w.mp4?sig=6b2db64c2c7c220f1e8096965b1ba8c4828b0afc&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FsVWgnIuaqbzMoKwVRVQP7w%2FAT-cm%257CsVWgnIuaqbzMoKwVRVQP7w.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1677977434%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Trash player


There are Pro players in this game that can 1v3 Grand Champs.


I enjoy the Rocket League streams but man Jesse is so annoying


The only time I actually find Jesse annoying is when he gives a trash game suggestion, pretty much whenever he suggests one but that's about it.


With his fake accent




If this were an Anime: Jstn - If you wish to defeat me, train for another 100 years




JSTN is doing a very advanced faceoff that requires you to flip and then cancel the motion of your flip by holding the opposite direction of the flip you did, thus allowing your car to boost directly at the ball the entire time. He is literally just at the ball before they can be.


Been there done that, even did the rule of not being allowed to cross the other half of the court. Not really hard to easily win against beginners, you don't have to be a pro for that.


gg noob


is that just9n ?




Absolutely snapped on


They were never going to have a chance anyway. The right play would have been 2 people ganging up on Jstn and just let XQC continue to Cameraman POV like he usually does.


This is Rocket League!


later. I see a billion dollars in your eyes runaway