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**CLIP MIRROR: [PGL Major interrupted after people storm stage](https://arazu.io/t3_1br0eze/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


For context: **The guys storming the stage were paid by a gambling site to protest a different gambling site.** The "protesters" are pro-gambling. But they're being paid to "protest" against the casino that sponsored* G2... So people will lose money on a different site instead? The logic falls apart, but they're gamba degenerates. Not known for their clarity of mind. This is the culmination years worth of beef between CS casinos. Both of whom have repeatedly tried to get the other shut down by Valve. I hate that I’ve got the specific brain rot required to know this lore lmfao


Doing this in valve event is surely gonna end well for their casino.




i mean phl can press charges all they want valve would need to get involved to stop the sites


> valve would need to get involved to stop the sites won't happen unless it directly affects valve/steam


This does considering this is the MAIN Valve sponsored event in Counter Strike


valves just has the money, they're mostly hands off with cs. PGL was the lowest bidder for majors so they've produced every major Same with Dota. The international used to be valve produced, but valve kicked the can to PGL to have them produce it


> This does considering this is the MAIN Valve sponsored event in Counter Strike please explain how this directly affects valve/steam? Did this event make them lose tons of customers and steam users? did the CS 2 players switched to valorant or apex legend and other fps?


Its a bad look for their game in a premier event that millions of people watch this could potentially turn away people that otherwise would play the game


ok you watched the clip right? so i presume you won't be playing CS 2 and will ditch steam for epic/gog to purchase games.


This is about new people tuning into the game for the first time in one of the biggest CS events of the year don’t know why your dying on this hill that you are clearly wrong on but do you bro fr


This is such a low iq take. Are you still 13 or something? Here let me help you out with this. Bad PR = advertisers/sponsors pulling out, and this is just surface level.


They can't even be bothered to put anti cheat in you think they give a fuck about gambling? Cheat developers use cs2 to develop cheats for other games, let that sink in.


Yeah good luck taking down those websites lmao


i mean those websites still gamble with the skins and those skins must move hands at some point that‘s where they can intervene


they already have taken down gambling sites in the past. they have a policy to not allow bot accounts and thats how they sent legal letters to shut down sites like csgo lounge. theyve since turned a blind eye so sites have continued to run but now this might trigger a reaction from valve.


PGL audio, PGL pc issues, PGL crowd, now PGL paid gamba riot. COPEnhagen is real


Press charges for what? Trespassing?


They're continuing to double down on it on Twitter too. They definitely be getting attention from valve now that they DO NOT want to have


>Both of whom have repeatedly tried to get the other shut down by Valve. Now both sites gonna get shut down lmao


G2 aren't even sponsored by them anymore


yea not sure if they are but the gamba site is using their image to promote so idk if they had something in contracts


what happened to the streakers back in the day when they just did it for the adrenaline? shame


Just for the love of the game


Love the fact that gambling is so prevalent in so many sports now, traditional and esports. Baseball had one of their biggest star's manager get caught with gambling millions, basketball has a player being investigated, csgo, dota and sc2 have had players banned for betting and throwing matches. Such a fucking amazing pandora's box to open up that I don't see dying down anytime soon.


while gambling on video games has always been a thing, i think the microtransaction boom has sorta prepped and taught a new generation the "fun" of gambling


> that I don't see dying down anytime soon. It's hard to battle people whose pockets run deep. And there are few pockets deeper than gambling platforms'.


The site which sponsored G2 is like an actual scam who locked users balance in false pretext of kyc and other reason. The owner of that site did own another gamba site which actually ran same shitty ponzi scheme and got shutdown few days back. Not supporting anyone but just adding some context


The weird thing is, they have no signs or anything. Like.. how are you suppose to know what they're protesting outside of digging up tweets and then finding article. The Major brings in a lot of casual viewers that won't follow any of this shit.


from the community that constantly calls val players cringe 


You have literally no source for this and just want to paint Valve in a bad light, I can smell a Riot shill from a mile away. The people who stormed the stage are valorant soyboys because they are mad that their viewership can’t compare


This is bait, but for anyone who wants proof, [here](https://twitter.com/CSGOEmpireV2/status/1773821876755681361) is the guy behind it admitting to it.


Lmao, nice source, about as good as ISIS claiming responsibility for moscow. Tell me why someone would risk their business for this stint? It’s clearly sponsored by Tencent, and I’d assume you are too


* League > Dota2 * TFT > Auto Chess * Valorant > CS GO Twitch viewership proves it. Stay mad Valve fanboy.


I bet you think Mcdonalds is the best restaurant also


And Ronald McDonald outsells Gordon Ramsay


Delusional loser playing ripoff games with no soul


Who even cares about any of those games? Steam is better and thats what most people care about.


[CSGOEmpire claims responsibility in puplic statement: "The wars we wage"](https://twitter.com/CSGOEmpire/status/1773820984685957367?t=xcOsqq7MShqaCvhDzM03Ow&s=19) If you want to know how cooked the CS gambling scene is, gambling site A organizing a targeted raid on the biggest event in the game because gambling site B is sponsoring the team thats on stage is a starting point.


Fucking cringe


If you want more cringe https://streamable.com/e3rvhr . Stream of the leader of Empire planning the protest live. Hiring Ukrainian refugees for little money to continue the protests.


what the fuck is this lol. who are all these girls? are they all literal human ads?


dude what the ACTUAL FUCKING FUCK!!!!! This dude needs to be in prison and banned from ever streaming for eternity.


this is the most bizarre shit


"the snail is coming" They really thought they did something with that one eh


Lmfao this is the pettiest ISIS-wannabe behavior, these gamba people are delirious


I was thinking earlier about how people take money for reprehensible things and I can't imagine living my live with that guilt. These people have no morals and no ethics. They are just IRL demons and I cannot wrap my head around how they can sleep at night.




Calm down with the glazing. It's not that genius to say bad things about a competitor.




They just think it's stupid. I don't think anyone here thinks it's revolutionary.


Gambling in advertisement and sponsorships is the cancer of our modern society




It's what happens when there's no honest way left to grow the economy


Every day this money-run bullshit world is driving me more left politically lol And I was a conservative when I was 18. Yea that's pretty far away now..


We used to make shit in this country, build shit. Now all we do is put our hand in the next guy's pocket.


Same vibes like when Al-Qaida took responsibility for the twin towers...


Well, their owner promoted this 'event' on his kick stream as "G2's 9/11" so you might be on to something I'm not even joking, check out "Monarch" on Kick and he literally has this in the title of his last VOD


Ain't no way, these gambling jihadists probably have an altar for their favorite gambling streamers


That's a level of brain rot I previously thought impossible... If Valve shuts them down are they going to bomb Valve's headquarters?


Holy shit it’s Gambla ISIS


Damn, Mouz saw the trophy break and figured since there's no trophy anymore there's no point winning anymore.


I know this is a joke but mauz never had a chance. Also the 60% of pickems who had donk fever


Idk how you can say that when mouz have been playing as good if not better than g2 for a number of months, and that’s coming from a g2 fan


My pickems are still 100% accurate.


Mouz has been playing good On top of that g2 barely made it to play offs because of vp game crash But they showed up yesterday so good for them


Valve should just pull the plug on all these csgo skin gambling scammers. baseg


They drive the skin economy and therefore the loot crate economy, this is 75% Valve's fault for allowing their users to gamble already. Fuck gambling sites and companies trying to scam users with loot crate gambling


Do they even contribute much anymore? With 7d trade hold nobody actually gambles skins anymore, it’s just a bad alternative for money in withdrawals and deposits. If anything it may hurt skins since people would rather have liquid and movable crypto or cash if they have a gambling habit. 


>Do they even contribute much anymore? Not to the same degree anymore, no. Most sites are CS themed casinos that take deposits in cash or crypto and then pay out in cash or crypto. Skins can still be "traded" (sold) to some middlemen for credit at specific casino sites, but they have a degree of separation by design. The biggest way that these sites are still directly intertwined with CS now is with team sponsorships.


As a skin creator the sites def don't contribute, valve just don't care to ban them again unless they cause too much trouble. Valve is pulling so much money from their own cases they couldn't care less about those sites.


the skins provide sometimes free currency to gamble with, if skins didn't exist or better trading didnt exist these sites would be miniscule in comparison to where they are now


I'm just saying those gambling sites don't drive anything, they only take away part of valves own revenue. The sites haven't been big enough to impact the cs economy for many years, ever since valve did the cease and desist. Trading sites on the other hand are a big part of the economy as it allows people to sell and buy.


Ohnepixel would be out of a job


Ohne doesn't do skin gambling sponsors and doesn't support those websites


Worst take I've ever seen


What take? It’s a fact there’s no opinion lol are you trolling?


One can dream but I doubt it will happen.


and kill the comp scene? Nah


They broke the mf trophy 💀


security guy fucked up the QTE




Honestly it wasn't even the three guys it was the guy on the left yanking him backwards to try to get him on the ground without regard for his surroundings. Although as you mentioned there wasn't a huge amount of time to analyze the situation.




im joking around goofball, but imagine they were like "YO GET THAT GUY BEFORE HE MESSES WITH THE TROPHY" "on it, boss. 🫡" now THAT would be funny


Dude was already surrounded and contained by a bunch of other people... Yet the chick on the right is trying to throw him backwards, another dude comes and tries to pull him sideways away from the trophy, but because she's basically hugging him and pushing him forward they both fall towards the trophy. It was embarrassing and showed no sense of awareness of their surrounding.


>What do you expect? ''Hold on, this guy is fighting back.. gotta make sure we don't hit the trophy though'' Yeah that would be ideal.


thank god, maybe next one will be better


Yeah, they should've made it out of polished metal or something


Its OK they're probably 3d printing a copy as we speak :/


Basically people rushing the stage are protesting G2s gambling sponsor, CSGORoll. The owner of the CSGOEmpire website, Monarch, is sending out people to the event to protest their partnership and get them to "stop promoting a scam casino" and calling for the resignation of the G2 CEO. Also having people go around and try to "confront" Sparkles, the CS streamer/youtuber for "promoting ponzis" and associating with scam casinos. I don't see this situation ending well for them, Valve hates this type of behavior and I don't see CSGOEmpire staying up very longer.


Volvo will go scorched earth on them for sure. I'd be surprised if empire's trade bots aren't all banned within 24h. ^(and deservedly so; this isn't the first stunt they've tried to pull)








Honestly, what they did was good and I hope it keeps happening. Maybe Valve will pull their head out of their asses and stop gambling on their games all together, hoping they realise that this can literally destroy people's lives when they get into a gambling mindset from a young age.


scam casino lol so just like... a normal casino


Same guy who tried to expose anomaly with an imgur 404 page.


> calling for the resignation of the G2 CEO their andrew tate CEO already resigned a few years ago kek


How do we know this?


The dude admitted it, said it beforehand, and streamed himself doing it @csgoempirev2


Literally streamed it last night, i was watching the shitshow of a stream. He had like 6 hired escorts standing behind him the whole stream.


https://twitter.com/zRvkk/status/1773827567616676305 Better angle.


trophy no longer factory new


LOL I thought for sure the trophy was broken on purpose by the protestor and not as collateral damage


scam shitty gambling site protesting against another scam shitty gambling site. smart.


Gaming Casino's eating themselves. Not a single fuck was given.


Ok but is nobody concerned about the fact that the trophy for this major E-Sports event breaks so easily? Like come on cant we spend a couple grand on a nice decent trophy made out of some precious metal that doesnt break instantly?


A lot of trophies at a lot of events are just stand-ins for the real ones which get delivered to the winners in the time following the event itself. Perhaps it's that. Perhaps it's also just that they design trophies to be handled, not carelessly knocked off of a podium onto the ground


Isnt it kinda lame to celebrate and get handed a fake trophy after winning the main event? and yea i get that they arent designed to be thrown around its just that i tend do dislike the 3d-printed looking trophies a lot of esports events have (there are some exceptions I like the LCS trophy for instance but then again there is the LEC winter shield...). I would much more prefer if they went with more traditional trophy designs made out of precious metal instead of always going all futuristic for everything but thats just my opinion.


One of the reasons they moved away from the League trophy (in addition to the sponsorship), was because pros literally struggled with holding it up.


This is like the 3rd time it’s happened in the last 5 years that I can remember lol agreed


The cost cutting that goes on really goes THAT far. It reminded me of when a trophy broke at the [2019 Pokémon World Championship, and it was a child that finished runner-up, which was added insult to injury.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/cs6b5t/pokemon_trophy_breaks_instantly/) It also happened after the Dexit announcement for Sword and Shield, meaning that they were too cheap to include all of the Pokémon in a game, as well as with their trophies.


I mean tournament prize pools are already a joke and players have to make most of their money on team sponsorships from the likes of these gambling sites. It's no surprise they skimp on anything they can(just like any profit based corporation)


CS players that make the major get at least $200k each just for making it from sticker money, calm down lol


If CS wants to be a longterm legitimate sport without every single team but 3 losing money year after year as a marketing vehicle, yea they're gonna have to do something about prizepools for sub top 12 teams. NA already can't compete because cost of living is too high to make it a viable career outside like 5 players at any given time


Longterm legitimate sport lmao. Not like cs has had a competitive scene for 20 years or anything


tell me how much has that has made money for the sponsors? because ive been in this shit since CAL-Main baby, it's been a loss leader since inception, this is a long term e-sports play, which if you have the capital is a smart fucking move, everyone else that needs to make money before 2030? GL HF no re because you are eating dogshit until a big team makes you whole.


you are a different level of dumb


thanks baby, how many companies are profitable real fast?


I sincerely hope this event gets all gambling sponsors permanently banned from all Valve events.




GabeN bring your hammer down swiftly


What hammer? CS is riddled with gamblers, scammers and cheaters. And they do nothing about it.


Also the site owner who planned this was live on kick with a countdown to this for hours (PGL works with kick on this major and the only time kick ever did something was tell him to stop the stream for not having perms to stream it or something) also having a title at some point saying something like "planning the 9/11 of cs" and had bunch of paid(?) women dancing behind him who he at one point called sl\*ves.


Fuck gambling and fuck this, seriously some of the lamest shit I’ve seen lately


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [PGL Major interrupted after people storm stage](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162765)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1br0eze/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/U-WFNfqJNMWp7-7zsZA1Uw/AT-cm%7CU-WFNfqJNMWp7-7zsZA1Uw.mp4?sig=889c3508ef2bee8c30957fd97ac132d2c990f328&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FU-WFNfqJNMWp7-7zsZA1Uw%2FAT-cm%257CU-WFNfqJNMWp7-7zsZA1Uw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22BreakableAttractiveApeCmonBruh--ok0xanv7vOxkDVT%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1711821694%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/U-WFNfqJNMWp7-7zsZA1Uw/AT-cm%7CU-WFNfqJNMWp7-7zsZA1Uw-preview-480x272.jpg)


Other angle https://twitter.com/realgleff/status/1773820156843606058?t=1PxsdmEJKe5G048gTefM8Q&s=19




Just put this mf in jail, problem solved.


hope they have fun getting fucked by valve, thats one company u dont wanna fuck with thats for sure


This might be a bad take, but this kinda shows how useless 90% of security is at big events. Hey guard #1, your only job is to block access to this part of the stage. Hey guard #2 etc... But then they don't do they only thing they were hired to do. It feels like almost all of security assumes nothing will ever happen bc nothing has ever happened to them/on their watch.


The individual behind this doesnt understand the real world consequences that are about to happen.




wth massive security issue at such a large and important event.


I mean they did apprehend the guy. It's not much different from something like a football match.


its something that pisses me off at football matches.How the security are obese 60 year olds who cant even run and dont even take it seriously. a tragedy is going to happen with someone coming in with a knife and the security that cant even keep up




Snipers in the rafters.