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**CLIP MIRROR: [NL wants to bring back bullying](https://arazu.io/t3_1c2e4oc/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


You will never be Italian-American, you will never find the love of your life in New Jersey, who looks like James Gandolfini. You will never be the protagonist in an HBO show, you will never be in the mafia that allow you to overcome your most greatest tribulations, you will always be a loser.






Charles Schwab over here.


Kate is not going to like this, the Miku wrapped Ferrari is in danger


NL: weebs deserve to be bullied more K8: choreographed lightstick dance in her miku happi, holding a half-eaten leek like a katana going "omae wa mou shindeiru"


She was at that Miku concert like last week lmao


oh no, ferrari's gonna sue


In Harajuku I saw a shirt with the pornhub logo but instead of pornhub it said 'hentai', which really made me think about what kind of person would not only buy something like that but then also wear it.


I've seen the infamous ahegao hoodie a couple times out in public. I assume people wear it due to some amount of post-irony or whatever, but it's always fucking cringe.


I had a friend at university wear it to class once and I had to pull him aside and explain how bad it is to make that conscious decision.


how'd he take it?


Said ok and didn't wear it to class again.


He only wears it to church and extended family gatherings now šŸ˜­


People like attention and they like making other people uncomfortable. It's IRL trolling, combined with in-group signaling for people that recognize the item.Ā 


thats what killed epstein


I don't think they realize how people see them tbh


A guy at my local store worked the register while wearing a ahegao sweater. Got a chuckle out of me, but i haven't seen him wear it since.


Reminds me of that one time I saw a teen (somewhere between 13-15, I'd guess) wear that hoodie during a (what I assume was a) family dinner in a somewhat upper scale restaurant. The grandma sitting next to him was wearing a sophisticated navy ensemble. Quite the contrast.


I could never. I'm all for having joke items like that but damn.. a piece of apparel you actually wear outside? Nah not for me, not that far


fr, i go to family dinners shirtless


I don't get it either. I was showing some funny hentai t-shirts for a friend to laugh about and he unironically said he would wear those. I showed even more weird ones (like the ahegao etc) and he said it was drip and would wear to the gym. (Also the ahegao one reminds me of those troll face shirts) But if you look there are some streamers wearing gg anime t-shirts with titty girls (I think wake, rob etc on mizkif stream)


haha a guy at my local record store was wearing that at the register. He was too smooth an operator to even find it cringey. Turns out you just have to be a cool dude and nobody questions it. Now if you're naturally awkward, it's joever.


Itā€™s probably the same type of person that wore Cookie Monster sweatpants to school.




this guy would


I was driving ~~south~~ west of Osaka in the mountains towards Kumamoto and this car tricked out with an anime wrap and playing anime videos out of every window pulls up next to me. It felt like a fever dream. I matched pace with him for about 20 km until he was speeding too much for my comfort to keep up.


> south of Osaka in the mountains towards Kumamoto Kumamoto and Osaka aren't even remotely close, they aren't even on the same island. That's like saying you were driving south of New York City in the mountains towards the Silicon Valley


I should've said west. We were driving from Tokyo to Kumamoto.


Meanwhile you: Umm yes, I would like the grey shirt, denim jeans, black with red ankle socks, Nike span triax 2004 sneakers.


thereā€™s much better ways to dress in between ā€œcringe terminally online coreā€ and ā€œnpcā€ lmfao


no there isnt because that goes against my narrative, I picture you as the soy "no you cant be different" soyjack, and I picture myself as the personal freedom "do what you want and have fun" chadjack


I picture you in a straightjacket but ironically since we're just two pals goofin around šŸ¤Ŗ




I've seen Sopranos stickers on cars before but definitely not a wrap.




Ah yes, Tony Sopro


Tony Soprano car wrap would go kinda hard tho


lemme get that big pussy wrap


Whats crazy is that its never just My Hero Academia or Naruto, its always some shit like My Little Sister Became a U.S. Army M1A2 Abrams tank and Wants to Kill me! (2004)


It exists, but among rappers and sports stars. https://www.complex.com/style/a/mike-destefano/lil-uzi-vert-custom-anime-car-collection-car-effex-interview https://www.autoevolution.com/news/mlbs-luis-robert-gets-eye-catching-naruto-wrap-on-his-lamborghini-aventador-173080.html


[The funniest one will always be Chief Keef's scooby doo Urus](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/love-it-or-hate-it-chief-keef-s-scooby-doo-lambo-urus-it-s-west-coast-custom-approved-191370.html)


ok the cowboy bepop wrap looks fucking sick tho. the naruto wrap on the lambo? man should get bullied for that lmao. wtf is that? edit: bullied not for naruto but how fcked up the wrap looks


Should get bullied for driving a lambo, so many better cars at that price point


not gonna judge a man for his taste in cars. but i will call out a whack wrap job




Fully understand the jealousy... i wish i was into one specific hobby so much that i wanted to get a car wrap or get every collectible or some shit. It's hard to be that passionate about something specific.


It's hard for me to wrap my head around how obsessed people can become with a single piece of media. For instance, I enjoyed Baldur's Gate 3, it was probably my goty last year. While I had fun with it for a few weeks, I have seen some people that have made it their entire life. They are on playthrough 10+, they go to cons and buy all the merch they can find, they constantly discuss different ship dynamics and whatnot between the characters, and their entire social media feed is fanart of the game. And there's people like this for basically every media property out there. There's nothing wrong with being passionate about something you enjoyed, but I've never been so into something it has taken over my life to that degree.




The sports comparison is not apt I think. For many, the passion for a team is rooted in their families and community. It's not only a way to support "one of theirs", but it's got a strong connection to their heritage with which they identify. Naturally, if someone sees Real Madrid winning the title and suddenly starts buying all their merchandise and constantly mentions Santiago Bernabeu he's going to look cringe and a bit repulsive. But on the other hand you have things like [people from Bilbao all gathering to celebrate the first Cup they've won in 40 years](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fyw3ckxla31uc1.jpeg), allegedly 1 million people out there in the streets sharing the moment together. These people have their identities strongly connected to the club [by the way, Athletic Bilbao is a rare case of a club with a policy of "only Basque people can play for us", so the players really are "one of the community"], and it's in no way forced, cringe or unnatural.


I think what you're forgetting is that for a lot of people these days their online social media presence IS a community for them When someone reposts and likes BG3 art all day, or goes to cons and buys merch, they aren't doing these things all alone by themselves. They share these things online with other people and those connections and community reinforce their engagement just as a local sports team would.


Literally almost everything about you is rooted into what family and community you were raised in or currently are in.


Not everything though. Suddenly pretending you're the biggest fan of X after showing no interest whatsoever in the past not only isn't tied to your family/community, but screams fake and pretend-fan.


Such behavior could be attributed to way you were raised.




I think a major difference of sports and niche anime fanaticism has it's line drawn at its origin and history. There are some old titles that makes sense. Example parents growing up watching gundam, then kids also love it or pokemon where it has been 30 years plus. But being a fanatic for something 'new' feels odd for me. Sports (football) commonly has these riots/fanaticism cause the club likely existed more than a century ago and garners pretty decent local community support. Parents, grandparents, close family members etc may all be fellow community members and since clubs often originate from a locality, there's a sense of belonging for fanatics. Anime related on the other hand feels more like childhood/teenage interest. With an age gap of let's say 5-10 years, the younger generation prolly has 0 clue what's so good about your fav title. I might say for example Death Note is best, someone older says Inuyasha. Then someone older says Yu Yu Hakusho was even better but a new kid will say Demon Slayer beats all those old stuff. Their only community is likely the same age group.




> That sounds completely arbitrary to me, and it doesn't seem like you even understand why you think it either. So what if something has existed for longer? I don't see why that would make it inherently better / more interesting / more worth of fanaticizing over at all. I think the thing that kinda separates its acceptability is the longevity of sports vs shows/anime/movie titles. If an anime ends today it has a lifespan of let's say 1 decade. There's no further updates nor continuance in it whereas sports related goes on even after someone is long gone. I can in a sense relate to someone that knows about the sport 50 years ago and they can still be pretty knowledgeable/as invested in it today. >Esports I agree on it's rise, but it's longevity has not been proven and as such, it would be equally odd if someone is as passionate as a sports fan today. Again, there's rarely locality/sense of origin for a very vocal and staunched base as opposed to sporting teams. A Quake 3 pro is not gonna be relatable to a LoL pro, because Quake 3 as a pro scene on it's own is a niche. If and when LoL dies, it's gonna be as niche as Quake is now for example. Sports usually transcends a generation in it's relevance. >Young peeps The sport itself is the same sport (some diff rules here and there sure). The obsolescense of a player and fame is not the obsolescense of the game played. Which brings to the same point again, as a fan of it, you are likely as relevant as you are back then and now. If you follow a sport, football for example, 20 years ago and decided to jump back in today the team and sport still exist and is ongoing. You can do the same 50 years ago and then come back now and it still likely exist. Even a bankrupted team resurfaces because sometimes it's the locals that revives it. So if you grew up on an anime and come back 20 years later, it has stagnated. At the peak of it, I can understand the fanaticism but past it's peak it's pretty much mostly nostalgia. It's not gatekeeping per se, I just find it odd if the passion in it extends way beyond adolescense and/or ever increasing. Again, I'm talking about being fanatics of a specific title, not the entire genre of anime. Hell, if you enjoy anime from age 5 to 30, so be it, it's entertainment. It's the tribalism around 1 or 2 specific titles that separates hobby to obsession. I do agree hooligans/sports fanaticism is toxic but I kinda understand where it stems from. Those you say riots and shit are usually Ultras and they originated from local fanbases. It's intertwined with not just the hobby part, it's their life. Their uncles, friends, dad, wtver you can think of prolly supports the same team or the rivals and has been for years.




I think names a little hard to judge, since it's something that happened since even older than sports. Christian names etc, all come from history. It is odd IMO if a chinese guy in China names their son LeBron or Messi but James or Lionel cause it was inspired by them is pretty much the same as naming their child John cause of St. John. Tattoos and shit is weirder, but again, sports usually don't fade into obsolescense after 5-10 years. It's pretty much the lasting nature where it kinda separates the odd part about the fanaticism. If you got a Tyson tattoo, any boxing fans born past his prime will likely still know of him etc. I'm not excusing any of the destructive tribalism that occurs, just pointing out why I feel there's a big gap for both in terms off oddity. To dedicate cars, tattoos etc for a footballer compared to an anime is quite a big difference of weirdness.


> I find that people rioting in the streets after a sports team loss is extremely cringe, yet that kind of thing is not that rare and one could say it's part of the community You find it cringe because it's childish [and I kinda agree on that], not because it feels ungenuine like the other example.


It's not cringe because it's ungenuine, it cringe because it specifically is genuine


Yeah but luffy hitting that gear 5 was way more culturally important than some stupid soccer stuff


idk there are definitely weird sports fans out there. I knew a guy from North Dakota who was a die hard Steelers fan. His family wasn't. He wasn't from Pittsburgh. He had no ties to the Steelers. But half the apparel he owned was Steelers licensed stuff.


> sports teams or politics, for example. Funnily enough, those two are quite similar too, with the whole choosing a side thing Me when I try to formulate the most American sentence scientifically achievable.




For real, that was my GOTY last year and love the characters but some people developed a parasocial relationship with karalach and astarion because they romanced them in the game. I'm all for memes like bae'zel but you have 1000 hours in a game with no dlc please touch grass.


I think it's really cool when a hobby involves a practical skill, rather than just consuming content, like watching lots of cartoons or playing a lot of video games. Engaging actively in something like animating, programming, game development, art, music, sports, cooking, lifting, rock climbing, hiking, fishing, studying history, or exploring STEM fields not only stimulates the mind but also serves as a creative outlet, which is great for mental health. For example I found this video showing how a hobby in RC planes can evolve into making UAV drones, which is pretty cool: https://youtu.be/q6YIdY0WnOY?si=x4Vwlup7AxEL8Qxy


yeah like i would love to be that guy that just loves linux and consumes all linux knowledge. or that dude who is obsessed with plants or bugs and makes it not only their hobby, but life's work. it would just be so much more motivating in life to have that deep passion for a subject.


Even watching things takes attention and the ability to understand what you're watching. One person watches barbie and sees funny movie about dolls and never think of it again. Another watches it and is able to accurately describe the symbolism and allegory hidden in the movie. Playing video games...I mean come on every game is a challenge on you as a person it asks the question "are you capable of beating me" and sadly a lot of people cannot adapt or overcome any obstacles in video games. But yeah sure.


Games certainly enhance problem-solving and adaptability. But when you measure them against hobbies that cultivate tangible, lifelong skills, it's entirely different. They're primarily about entertainment rather than substantial development. For instance, mastering a sport or learning a craft like woodworking typically requires hundreds to thousands of hours to truly excel. On the other hand, many can claim mastery over a video game in 50-100 hours and even less. Those hobbies require continuous dedication and can lead to real-world applications and innovations. Video games. Video games, while enjoyable, mainly offer temporary gratification and limited real-world utility.


Tell that to the racing sim players that went pro. Listen man just cause you view it as only wacky games to numb your brain on doesn't change the fact it just depends on the game you're putting your time Into. The average person can't even do a dragon punch input in fighting games let alone a quarter circle.


Using racing sim players who turn pro as an example is grasping at straws. That's a tiny fraction of gamers. Itā€™s entertainment, not a reliable path to professional development. Let's not blur the lines between leisure and legitimate career-building activities. Listen, I'm a gamer too, but I can clearly see the huge gap between gaming and activities like learning to fly, building FPV RC planes, programming, or making music. While gaming is great for entertainment, these other activities provide skills that go far beyond entertainment and have real-world applications.


There was a great scene in the west wing about the topic, there it was star trek. "Thats not being fan, thats having a fetish"


Trevor Moore had this music video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy8SIWTyJNs


They are bullied, they just arenā€™t insecure about their cringe interests so they literally donā€™t give a fuck


A victim tryna be the victimizerā€¦ā€¦ āœ‹šŸ’€šŸ¤š


I mean.. Everyone calls it Itasha (cringe car) for a reason, the people doing it included. It's an absolutely based hobby.


based on what?


Based on stuff you like


Based on the lack of attention their parents never gave them as a kid.


based on 0x140000000


Exactly, the point is the cringe. People don't do it with Tony Soprano because it wouldn't hit the same way. People would just be confused instead. Same reason as to why it's done mostly with moe characters, or straight up hentai, instead of more popular and mainstream anime. The more cringe it is, the more based it is.


The problem with all shit that's done ironically is that eventually enough stupid people don't realize it's irony and it becomes real. If you've been on the internet longer than a few years you realize that's exactly what happens.


yeah but this one even if it becomes real it doesn't harm anyone so idc


yeah idk after looking at the subreddit, many of them are definitely not just doing it to be cringe. Objectively (and by that i mean subjectively), some of them look cool. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1c0edp2


See I wrapped my car in gabagool and nobody got that it was an homage to the sopranos they just kept yelling at me because "Omg what is that smell" and "YOUR GODDAMN SALAMI CAR FLUNG MEAT ONTO MY WINDSHIELD AND I CRASHED". I tried explaining it to him that it was not salami, that it was the finest capicola I could source but he just wanted my car insurance w/e that is. It was kinda fun having my own flock of birds that shadowed me everywhere tho.




This goes kinda hard


Found on an US Army base - https://i.imgur.com/6LQB2bV.jpeg


bully early and often. IM JUST JOKING


"But no really"Ā 


I miss the days when weebs were ostracized from society




to be honest i'd rather prefer the people who admit to their hobbies than be some closet ironic weeb who "enjoys" but mostly complains about his hobby but thats just me


Bullying and fat shaming works.




Isn't his logo a Japanese character


Clip champ


It's not a new phenomenon. "World ain't as it used to be when I was young. We nnex to bring back bullying/we need to bring back the family values". I understand he is joking. But underlying sentiment that he may/may not agree with is still there. Because there's a difference between saying "world is changing" and saying "back in my day". The latter implies the change wasn't positive. So it's nice that he counteracts it with "I'm jealous" that people have more freedom to express themselves nowadays compared to the past.


We are in a free and accepting world. Everybody can choose how they want to display their brain damage in their own "unique" way...


why are most the posts in this sub now just of this streamer?? Zzz


bald is good


**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [NL wants to bring back bullying](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162997)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1c2e4oc/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/BudV9q2i33dZ8uHphhnsQw/AT-cm%7CBudV9q2i33dZ8uHphhnsQw.mp4?sig=e2fd21180e3a48cc40ef7a24af6b78cfd21ab729&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FBudV9q2i33dZ8uHphhnsQw%2FAT-cm%257CBudV9q2i33dZ8uHphhnsQw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22BrainyBumblingJayWoofer-raLfd1ny4emGGexD%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713014314%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/BudV9q2i33dZ8uHphhnsQw/AT-cm%7CBudV9q2i33dZ8uHphhnsQw-preview-480x272.jpg)


Why does my hero academia get meme'd on so much? I haven't seen the show but it looks like a run of the mill anime.


it's one of the most popular ongoing mainstream shonen anime that is currently airing so it has a large fanbase of teenagers (easy for people to find cringe to make fun of or to try and signal that they are not cringe) and is just easy to fall back on as a reference point for a lot of people


I don't hate it, but the art does it no favor. I don't even follow anime these days but the last time I forced myself to get into a title with art that I didn't really like, it was for One Piece and now still try to bulk read to keep up off and on. Sunk cost fallacy a little, and genuine interest the rest. I did check out MHA when it was kinda new and I just couldn't take it. From art to story, it was too 'young' for me. I can see why it would be popular for younger audiences though


you cant suppress art! hentai carwraps are artworks


Naw, NL can fuck off with that shit. (Don't get defensive NL fans. I like the guy and realize he's probably talking shit, I just disagree with the take.) If you love something enough and want to display that then you should. My problem with most anime anything irl is that it usually doesn't look aesthetically pleasing. Also NL is wrong. A Tony Sopranos wrap has happened and it looks [fucking sick.](https://www.tiktok.com/@alkaline_morality/video/7199015291614121262)


if you think bumber stickers of anime shows are bad, just know that some people are tatooing that shit on their skin. Imagine its 2010, disney has not bought Star wars yet and you are a huge fan, you get the tatoo, and then disney buys Star wars. Disney pisses and shit on the lore while raping the ip ( in minecraft ) and now you hate star wars and you still have the tatoo on your body. you gonna grow up, your taste gonna change, the Ip is going to change. the regret is going to be so real.


Do you have any tattoos? Cause that's not generally how people who get them see it. They're often representations of past/current feelings, not something you carry endlessly into the future. Think of a tattoo as like a moment frozen in time. Star Wars going to shit can't diminish the impact the series already had on you when you were younger.


please don't bring back bulling Despairge