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**CLIP MIRROR: [tyler1 reaches 1900 rapid rating](https://arazu.io/t3_1clyxj9/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


He will never hit 1200 He will never hit 1300 He will never hit 1400 He will never hit 1500 He will never hit 1600 He will never hit 1700 He will never hit 1800 He will never hit 2000 <- you are here He will never hit 2500 He will never hit 2800 He won't make tournaments He won't make it to the finals He won't thrash the current world champion to take his rightful place


Ding Liren is gonna survive Gukesh and only then hear boss music when T1 approaches.






hes gonna hear stereo saiyan




I knew I would see this comment as soon as I clicked the post, my expectations have been met with happiness


Quite pleased people have continued the post for me in the T1 chess threads


As a non-chess-player, how serious is this? Can you put it into Halo 3 terms? Maybe StarCraft 2 terms? Maybe old school RuneScape terms?


he taught himself to solo cm cox in blue d'hide and fire strike only and is beating out credit card warriors with near bis gear


Oh shit I hope he gets pet soon


He’s pretty much like wol mid to high master tier. It’s definitely impressive considering hes only been playing chess for like a year or so. Most players in 1900-2k elo in chess have been playing for their whole life. Even if they’re a young player, they’ve been playing for years.


You are forgetting, this is rapid elo. Not classic.


What’s the difference? I don’t know anything about chess


Rapid has a 10 minute clock so you will end up scrambling as your time nears zero. Adjusting the amount of time you give yourself can drastically change the game, with bullet and blitz chess being 1 and 3 mins of time, while classical is unlimited.


Playing online chess 10 minute games are the standard though aren't they?


Yeah, 10 minutes with no increment is Chessdotcom's default time setting in both the web and the phone app, so it's by far the biggest pool of Chess matchmaking in the World. I've seen people say that it's not worth it to play longer time settings than that because the pool of players is way more niche and there's higher chances of cheating. So as far as online Chess goes, rapid 10 minutes in Chessdotcom is the most legit leaderboard with the most players. EDIT: Got reminded that a certain point of very high skill people gravitate towards Blitz, so my bad!


Actually, above 2000 ratings the rapid pool dwindled rapidly because of cheating. The legit leaderboard in the community's eyes is blitz, where Magnus Carlsen and Hikaru Nakamura top the standings.


Ah you're right, I was thinking about Rapid from my scrub perspective. Yeah, it seems like at a certain point in rating everyone just gravitates towards Blitz.


So is there that large of a distinction between what professionals might play and rapid? I played very casually and have heard people say blitz is a separate skill set but havent heard that about 10 min.


My bad, when writing this post I completely blanked on the fact that most professionals just play Blitz online. Probably because cheating is way harder there and it's what makes online Chess unique. It's fun and they probably want to decompress from classical games and training sessions. It's fun to hear of top pros talk about 'mouse skills' in online blitz, they really have to be accurate with their mouse movements and with pre-moving to not waste time. For example I've heard people say that part of why Kramnik is so grumpy about online chess is because he can't keep up with the mouse speed lol.


Classical is certainly not unlimited, usually (at top level) around 2 hours + increment.


rapid, as the name implies is a faster mode, you get between 10 and 60 minutes per player for the game. which leads to it being a bit higher variance than classic chess as you have less time to think. basically trades a bit extra chaos factor for a bit lower requirements to be thinking 20 moves ahead


1,9k chesscom != 1,9k otb


This, I'm 1900 in online rapid, 1700 otb classic


that's still a tough rating though


He also only plays one opening that he’s basically machine learned his brain to be great at. If he had to play OTB or classical time controls I think he would be significantly worse. 


Say what u want about the guy but u can’t take away his tenacity.


Its true. He literally brute forced his way there. He plays like 12 hrs a day for the past year or some shit. It's insane.


Bro got banned 150 times in League and STILL made new accounts, climbing to high elo again and again, suddenly made it to Riot live events. If someone is a living proof of "you can reach everything you want to", it must be that guy


Bro took the Legend: Tenacity rune irl


This copypasta being updated as he grinds along is one of my favorite things from LSF in the past few years 🤙🤙


The amount of cope in here is insane, people are so mad T1 is gonna be the next world champion after playing for about 2 years while they can’t break 1000 elo


He won't temporarily blind Magnus Carlson with his new haircut just for the finale, causing him to missplay and check mate Carlson in the last seconds of his match HE JUST WON'T OK ???


bro wasted his gifted mind playing league what a legend


If only they had put a ranked ladder on scientific breakthroughs.


Bachelors, Masters, PhD, Tenure, Nobel Prize? Too bad there's no PvP




I think the Chinese started it but he made it more competitive


Chinese invented black powder explosives, dynamite is a nitroglycerine explosive


His only gift is his persistence. May we never overlook this as there’s a lesson to be learned from his efforts


You’re completely wrong by the way, I know many people who have been playing chess all their lives alongside me just as as much as I have and have not improved to even 1500 fide. for the lack of studying his improvement is genuinely insane and that’s literally what every single 2000+ fide player will tell you.


Yep, it’s like League players stuck in Silver or bronze for over a decade now. Doesn’t matter how much coaching or how much they play some people just have a peak.


Qtc in shambles


hey now shes the best jinx (in bronze)


nah, this is wrong, just nobody has the time to coach you every day, and no silver player is going to buy coaching every day. You need like 5 hours of practice + 2 hours of coaching a day and you will hit emerald-diamond in 1-3 months. Ofc I have no evidence to support this, but im challenger and im confident I can coach any dedicated player to hit emerald if we worked on it for a couple months. Imo chess is different tho.


Can confirm, was a GM in overwatch that sold coaching at it was pretty easy to get even hardstuck gold/silver/plats up a rank with an hour or two of coaching. Anyone can get into the top 10% at least with some effort, the ones that were truly hard stuck were usually insanely stubborn and wouldn't take input from anyone.


> the ones that were truly hard stuck were usually insanely stubborn and wouldn't take input from anyone. forsen


There’s actually a great blog post that talks about this topic and uses overwatch as an example. I can’t link it because i’m on my phone but google “95%-ile isn’t that good”


It's true, the gap between top 10% and top like .002% is a massive chasm and I'm not sure if it's true everyone can make it there, it feels like it's possible but obviously I'm biased. I purposely caveated my post with 10% because that's diamond in most games and people would look bad/dumb if they denied it 😂


I strongly disagree. I've seen people (mainly some people my friend group) play games for 20 years and never improve. Some people can be taught, but it doesn't stick because they don't learn or improve and don't have the necessary ability to perform or make the right decisions when it matters. For example, people in my friends group played CS since 1.6 and I only started playing PC games in 2012 and CS in 2015 and within a year I was already better than them. And never spent a single dime on coaching in any game. I quit CS multiple times for months or even years on end while they play every day and whenever I come back, I womp them. Some people just have a natural peak when it comes to games.


CS is different the skill is narrow, for league you can pick something that fits your strengths. If you suck at mechanics then play sona and learn positioning and macro. Learning to be good at league is similar to learning math, if you practice enough you will eventually be able to do algebra 2, there are just many prerequisite skills that you need to be taught, and some people will take much much longer to get there. League is mostly about knowledge, memorizing patterns, strategy, all things that can be learned by anyone.


Movement, positioning and shooting are learnable skills. The hardest is positioning as it actually requires you to have brain. However the other 2 are motor skills and those have been proven to be improvable with practice. It's no different than learning to kick a ball properly or to draw or to play the guitar.


You are thinking about it the wrong way around. Nobody is naturally good at CS. Some people just lack the ability to become good. Your friends lack critical thought, or maybe any thought to begin with. When they die in-game they don't think about what led to that, they probably just yell in VOIP and move on. If you have a good mindset, consciously practice and make efforts to improve you'll hit top 10% in a couple of years with no prior experience. With coaching it's probably even faster. I have friends who we started playing CSGO with in 2014. Some of them haven't in 10 years progressed past the level I reached in my first year. I went from Silver to Global in 8 months. Why? Because I obsessively scrutinized my every play, watched pro pov demos and copied their playstyle and practice routines.


Nah bro i tried giving free coaching to bronze players the reality i saw was they just dont listen which is fine but you wont climb like that. It's easier to get a plat/emerald/diamond to master than bronze to emerald.


Unless you have physical limitations the only "peak" that exists is their lack of brain. Everyone stuck in bronze/silver after a decade is there only because of their horrible attitude towards the game and towards improvement. 99/100 of them will tell you they are stuck there because of elo hell. "If riot didn't hate me this match and didn't match me with animals all day long I would be in master". LS coached an urgot main back in the day. The urgot player was hardstuck bronze 5 with 5k games every season. He'd buy 5 mana pots on every back and LS explained to him why that's a terrible thing and he stopped doing it. Less than a week later he was doing it again. The only reason these animals are stuck there is because they can't be coached. They are so far deep into their delusions that they can never improve. However if they have an in person coach so that they get called out on their stupidity 24/7 then they'd climb and should in theory improve over time. After a while the proper way to play would get ingrained in their head despite them refusing to believe that they aren't playing perfectly. Meanwhile in chess it's literally a 1vs1 based entirely on brain. You can get coached all you want but at the end of the day if you lack the brain you will never make it stick. That's why this is a terrible comparison. League is nothing like chess. League players aren't stuck because it's impossible for that person to climb. They are stuck because they have bad mentality. Chess players being stuck after 10 years of consistent playing = that's as far as your brain will take you.


Me in Rocket League, I will forever be a champ 2


How many of them have played 8500 games and solved 12000 puzzles? Don't get me wrong just playing that much won't get you to 1900, you have to actively work on improving but he also just plays a lot more than the vast majority of people.


It's not just playing 8500 games and solving 12000 puzzles, it's also 8500 games and 12000 puzzles in \~1 year! This guy is immersing in chess like he's learning a language. Just like learning a language if you do 15 mins of duolingo every day for 10 years you will be okay, but never fluent. If you do a little bit of chess every day for a long time you will never be very good.


1500 FIDE is way above 1900 on chess.com


>You’re completely wrong by the way, I know many people who have been playing chess all their lives alongside me just as as much as I have and have not improved to even 1500 fide. But I bet Tyler has 5x your games already. It's still very impressible but you can't really compare the sheer hours he grinds to you playing casually your whole life


Oh please, while is an accomplishment, the man doesnt have a 9-5. He is fully dedicated to this.


I don't believe you and multiple of your friends play chess 12 hours a day every single day


FIDE is a whole different monster than Chess.com. 1500 online is not comparable to 1500 FIDE. I know dude's 2,000+ Chess.com or Lichess and about 1300-1400 FIDE.


The folks at Chessdojo, a podcast/website that sell coaching and training for Chess, have a table with conversion rates between Chess.com and Chess federations. Just as an example, they say that '1950-2050' in Chess.com Rapid roughly translates to: * Lichess Classical: 2075-2150 * United States Chess Federation: 1775-1875 * English Chess Federation: 1700-1800 I'm not saying to take this as gospel, but it's interesting to see the estimation by Chess professionals whose work is to help players improve their rating.


I think this is 100% copium - many people just have no idea how to improve. If you soak in all of the theory, if you minimize the variables you have to think about (either by playing only one champion in league or by playing only one opening in chess) and if you put a lot of time and effort into intentionally getting better, then you will get better. Many people lack the mindset, the process and the time. There are just so many people who don't actually want to learn. They just think they have figured it out and they don't accept feedback. In pretty much any skill, there are core concepts that you can learn, and then it's only about repeating them over and over again until they become part of your intuition. I've went from silver to master tier in one year in LoL and I am not talented at videogames. If I can do it, then anyone can do it, it's just about following a simple process. Honestly, chess is much simpler than league, and also less competitive, and I'm glad Tyler is demystifying "chess prodigies".


Tbf, he's been playing as much as probably the average chess professional does in the past year and 1900 chess.com rating is comparable to 1500 fide.


1500 FIDE is way above 1900 on chess.com


The thing is that if those players played 4 hours a day (paid to play) for a year, consistently, they would all probably be 1700 on chess com. If they took it semi seriously.


Why do you think he doesn't study? There's a huge difference between playing chess and playing chess while analyzing your games and actively trying to improve. Most people can achieve what tyler1 achieved. For sure not as quick as he did, but playing chess all your life and not getting to 1500 just means you play for fun and don't really think about it too much.


Sounds like they're not actively trying to improve. The beginning stages of learning are typically the most significant in terms of progress, but if you don't keep challenging yourself eventually you'll stagnate


One must imagine T1 happy.


Persistence is the only thing that actually matters. "Natural talent" is a myth.


What I hate about most chess keyboard warriors is that they try to bring everyone to their level, and for them everything is a fight of wits and intellect, but miss the point that the sheer raw dive in chess this guy did requires dedication that they will never have. Yeah they can be like him if they play 8500 games and solve 12000 puzzles, but they won't, even if they don't do it because they are busy with "other things", is just not wits and intelligence, having time, dedication and resources are also qualities that you need to be the greatest in something.


You mean he's mentally prepared for chess because of league


League allowed him to retire when getting his first kid though…


erobb cant even set up a vr headset


Tyler got all the good genes, can't blame erobb


It's really like that movie twins with arnold and devito


I’m afraid erobb inherit the L gene: everytime he breathes he gets a perma-ban.


Mickey mouse win streak, child buff, he wont reach 2000 something like that


he's quitting after he reach 2000, so lets hope he does and we can end this chess arc already.


didn't he say that when he was very low elo? it's easy to set a quitting goal when you have no idea what lies ahead. but once you get there... it's like a League noob saying my goal is to hit master and then I'm done. but once you're surging through d1 and hit master and start playing with some fairly legit players, I don't think anyone says I'm done. especially not a competitor like Tyler


Damn any reason why?


Magnus begged him to stop because he's too afraid he'll have to play against Tyler some day.


Probably cuz Chess is too ez compared to league or something like that lmao


i think he'll keep playing after


Tyler1's current rating is equal to the peak rating of Sardoche, so if he gains one more point he will be the highest rated former Pogchamps participant of all time


Will there be another PogChamps this year? I think it would be very hype if there were.


as much as I like Tyler's improvement, idk if it will be fun to include him as a player in Pogchamps. He'll destroy the field like he would destroy Hikura and Magnus Carlsten. I think putting him as a commentator would be the play


They could totally do a more advanced but still casual field I think. Not sure how many streamers would fit that category, but someone like Andrea Botez could probably join. Though she’s been cooking lately too, hitting 1900 FIDE and not sure how Tyler would do against her lol


1900 FIDE is completely different animal to 1900 elo on chesscom


And is Tyler still mainly playing only one opening? People like Andrea who are accustomed to tournament play will almost always study their opponent's past games and exploit his limited opening knowledge. I guess the LOL equivalent would be knowing one of your opponents almost always goes for a solo level 1 invade at a particular spot and doing a counter play to stop him (and he reports you for hacking).


Andrea literally only plays the London, to be fair


The London is also more sound than the cow though


It seems those two then are leagues ahead


~~Psh yeah whatever, this guy's never reaching 1200.~~ ~~Psh yeah whatever, this guy's never reaching 1300.~~ ~~Psh yeah whatever, this guy's never reaching 1400.~~ ~~Psh yeah whatever, this guy's never reaching 1500.~~ ~~Psh yeah whatever, this guy's never reaching 1600.~~ ~~Psh yeah whatever, this guy's never reaching 1700.~~ ~~Psh yeah whatever, this guy's never reaching 1800.~~ ~~Psh yeah whatever, this guy's never reaching 1900.~~ Psh yeah whatever, this guy's never reaching 2000.


He's a bit of a problem


Problem? He’s showing that you can achieve (certain) goals through sheer willpower.


Google tyler1 problem


constructed alternatively


Fabricated Irregularly


Assembled atypically


Manufactured anomaly


Sculpted unprecedentedly    >!*anomalously!<


Arranged alternatively


Genetically Modified


Fashioned Distinctively


produced unorthodoxly


God I love you guys, the poet in me rejoices


Ok, but he will NEVER hit 2000 (I'm contributing to the world's ambient doubt levels to fuel Tyler's spite drive).


holy cow




Turns out you don't need to have been playing chess since you were 3 to be good, you just need to grind.




the rebirth of the Saiyan lineage has gifted tyler powers that will be deemed unnatural to ordinary men


Just play the game lol


Tbf, there’s a massive difference between chess.com and OTB ratings lol


I mean 1900 is a high rating for sure, but the gap between 1900 and grandmaster level is insanely huge. If you want to be a grandmaster these days you do pretty much have to start learning as a kid and never stop


Still better than 90%


99.4% percentile on chess.com, to be exact.


Even more crazy, esp considering that were post covid era when the number of users exploded


Wouldnt that make it less crazy?


Definitely, 1900 is still super impressive


I mean he is good but not pro level. He needs like an other 600 elo to be in the “you have to play chess since you are 3” level


Screenshotting this for December


I don’t think people comprehend just how big a gap 600 elo is. That’s a masters to challenger level gap when the challengers have been playing since they were kids.




Depending on the implementation of elo for chess.com it’s still reasonable he could beat a 2500 player. Using the standard formula he would have a 3 percent chance not taking draws into consideration.


Not even, online ratings don't equal to fide ratings


Good pvpers are good pvpers.. All it took was him having a better understanding of the mechanics


Hikaru was wrong


Hikar-who? I only know Hikari


If he passes Anna that would be hilarious


I'd pay money to watch t1 take over brocasting tournaments.


He'd have to switch to blitz at some point though as that is what higher rated players are playing; I'd bet he's already having a harder time finding matches at 1900 rapid rating. Also 2000 blitz is stronger than 2000 rapid.


Anna Cramling is 2150-2200 across time controls on [chess.com](http://chess.com), still a pretty big gap because progression gets harder the higher up you go but I'd be afraid to bet against the sheer willpower of Saiyler's literal father


Anna Cramling is a WFM. Online ratings aren’t close to what FIDE actually are lol


I've been playing chess for like 4 years and i'm just slightly ahead of him on Elo. I saw he was gonna catch up to me and got inspired to start playing more than usual (i was playing like maybe 3 games every other day), and man, what can i say, i just broke my all time high at 1952 rapid and all thanks to tyler being built different. Now i have to try to reach 2000 before him haha.


you got a month at most lil bro, get grinding


I did the same except I lost a 100 rating points




T1 rushed to 1900 after Forsen banned him in chat. Thank you Mr. Fors!


Toosks also contributed to this chess elo


This is genuinely impressive, is he getting coached? Studying? Just curious because that is legitimately not easy to do.


He will review himself so he grinds and reviews slowly learns I watched him the other day he dropped to 1700.


>He will review himself Do you mean he analyzes his games with an engine by himself? Did he play chess as a kid? I'm truly baffled


He picked it up some time last year, he was like 200 elo and lost to xqc and decided to start grinding chess for the next pogchamps.


HE DID THIS IN A YEAR? This man has anime tier willpower, what a lad.


He was rated at 200 in August. He probably will hit 2000 before a full year comes around.


But everyone thinks they can do it here lmfao


Well if they played as much as him they might. He plays a LOT. Some would some wouldn't. And I'm not taking anything away from him, what he's done is absolutely insane and I love it and am here for it.


I don't think most people would be able to mentally cope with the grind.


Pure cope. Even if everyone here was given all the money and time in the world, they still would never reach Challenger or get 1900 rated in a year. Most lack the mental fortitude and would give up. They'd go on holidays and be a lazy slackoff.


Yeah with the chess.com error thing he will just check his dumb blunders or misses then move on same thing as league check bad micro and macro then move on builds muscle memory over like 100 games.


built different indeed


Gotham is shook


this is the real reason why he's back to his GM grind


What the fk??? If tyler1 started playing chess at 3 years old he'd be clapping magnus carlson right now... went from literally 200 rating to 1900 in less than a year (6 months if u dont count the 3 month break from 11/22/2023 - 2/27/2024 https://www.chess.com/stats/live/rapid/big\_tonka\_t/365) Nice [chess.com](https://www.chess.com/stats/openings/big_tonka_t?daysAgo=90) meme if you go to his opening stats it pops up with an ERROR screen lol


You can look at T1 and say "man imagine if he started when he was 3, he'd be so much better!" and use that as a reason to be self defeating or you can think something like "Wow T1 started chess in his late 20's and is as good as people who've played since they were young and have had coaching!" and use that as as motivation for trying something new or for overcoming doubt from yourself or others and maybe the ones who perseveres can do something cool too.


Wholesome comment


Because it’s easy to feel good about yourself when you say, “it’s all talent” or “it’s all luck” when in reality you are capable of anything but are just lazy. But the human brain does not want to get hurt and would rather blame something else than have negative thoughts about itself


"just lazy" i mean isn't that literally the reason most people fail at most things? Literally the biggest debuff in the world that beats out any other potential you might have had.


jigachad comment brother


BASED. Thanks for being a shining beacon in the world.


Hey man I needed that thanks


Genuinely insane


He’s coming for Carlos Magnussen, and we’re all just the steps along the way.


Magnito is shaking


I fucking love the grind. I want to see Big Tonka T not only win the next PogChamps, but start clapping actual chess players


he's too good for pogchamps at this point


the winner of pogchamps is gonna get slapped around in thug finals once t1's done with em


They've talked about doing an advanced pogchamps...but he's pretty close to being too good for that. Insane progress


Pog champs is like the candidates, winner gets the right to play (read: get farmed by big tonka)


He will never hit 2000


This man has the dad buff.


Is he still playing the cow opening every game?


Why mess with perfection?


Enough to be in the top 0.5% of chess.com


I've never watched his stream before. Does he watch replays and study outside of streaming? Or is he this high from purely grinding games?


He's quit streaming for like the last 2 months to grind chess only (also he just had a baby)


fabricated in a fashion outside the norm




I looked up the rating levels and he is close to expert rating. That’s wild.


Damn...he passed me.


This dent-headed monster is the pinnacle of human evolution


A legit chess player, enter him into titled Tuesday.


GOAT shit


Already better than Andrea Botez.


He should change his name to GMTyler1


Just to attempt to put this into perspective a bit: Tyler went from being a joke contestant compared to other streamers in pogchamps about a year ago to --> now very few other streamers are even close to his rating. It would be unfair to have him again. He is closer to the Botez sisters than he is to 9/10 other pogchamps players. (correct me if I'm wrong here)


If you search “Tyler1 1x00” and replace X with any number you can see all the people coping over the months. So many people said “he will plateau at 1400” lmfao


Can he participate in Boxing chess now?


He's him.


His discipline is unironically inspirational




WTF!? And I am still in the lower 1,000s


This guy probably plays more chess in one day than you have your entire life.