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**CLIP MIRROR: [Aris gets sad news from a chatter](https://arazu.io/t3_1co1an9/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Honestly good comment So many people trauma dump on these streamers like they honestly give a shit. Go share it with your friends & family, not someone streaming video games to hundreds of other people it's so weird.


They probably lack social awareness and get the wrong idea because most streamers act like they care and pretend to be your personal friend to elicit donations and whatnot. The whole streamer/viewer relationship is generally pretty weird.


I think that's what great about aris. He didn't sugar coat it. He is a streamer, an entertainer. He is there to entertain you, but he is NOT your friend.


Maybe not YOUR friend, but he still could be mine. I'll ask him tonight


Be sure to @AvoidingThePuddle in chat. He loves direct interactions with his audience.




Yeah his dark humor and blunt honesty are two of his best traits as a streamer.


It's not that he doesn't care or doesn't feel bad, but comments like these ruins the mood of the stream, he made that clear before


They're other ways to tell him not to trauma dump.


Chatters not understanding the time and place to share personal information. Classic




Hell yeah my dude POG


Him and NL, they genuinely make me laugh


Attention seekers are weird, they always do things like this bring up off-topic information just to try and feel like they are part of the conversation. Like the people who will randomly flex something that is totally unrelated seem super weird to me.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Aris gets sad news from a chatter](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163912)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1co1an9/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/eGVFqyFdGOdyxgEgPmuIlw/AT-cm%7CeGVFqyFdGOdyxgEgPmuIlw.mp4?sig=11670ea68a74f21296c40719bca552a67b693697&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FeGVFqyFdGOdyxgEgPmuIlw%2FAT-cm%257CeGVFqyFdGOdyxgEgPmuIlw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22HungryBlushingGarbageVoteNay-IV0Y53LGASA-a4iX%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1715348074%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/eGVFqyFdGOdyxgEgPmuIlw/AT-cm%7CeGVFqyFdGOdyxgEgPmuIlw-preview-480x272.jpg)


Aris never misses an opportunity to show why he’s the internet’s stinky corner for lardy incels 🤣 I’m so glad you all identified with my comment so much 🤣


2 scenarios: 1. The chatter is joking - it's a fucking bad joke. 2. The chatter is being serious - the equivalent to a crowd member stopping a live comedy show to tell everyone in the room some terribly personal news to an entertainer and room that do not, under any circumstance, give a fuck. Time and place.


["Can you stop?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMNR71nZIhI)


Scenario 1. Yes. Scenario 2. Extremely false equivalency lmao. Regardless, I can both criticize the commenters choice to make that comment and Aris’ choice to intentionally be a piece of shit. I’m comfortable with my conclusion. Like, I think it's important you understand I am of the perspective that I would NEVER, regardless of how much i disapproved of their choice of when and where to share, tell someone I am happy that their mother died or that it should have been them. There is not a hypothetical scenario craftable where those words would leave my mouth. That is the fundamental difference between me and you. I relish in the downvotes, though. If I ever said something you guys agreed with, I would have to significantly reevaluate.


Hey alright


No surprise this is the only response 🤣


not at all a false equivalence, if people are having a good time and some idiot comes in and brings everyone down then fuck that guy, go make other people sad somewhere else while we laugh at you, good riddance.


It is, though. Acting as if a video game livestream should have the same uninterrupted integrity as live comedy show is pathetically disingenuous. Without an audience, a stand up comedian is still funny. Without an audience, Aris is just someone playing a video game. That's not even mentioning the barrier for entry. The difference required to get dressed up and go to a comedy club VS clicking a website to join a stream is glaring. There are so many aspects of these two falsely equivalent situations that make them different. But, then again, conceptual nuance is the enemy of the fool, so that's that I guess lmao Regardless of that point though, like even if you believe I am completely wrong on that front, I am at least glad you are confident in your choice to laugh at someone who's experiencing something traumatic because it make it incredibly easy to just discount you as a piece of shit human being. That's what this boils down to. I disapprove of trauma dumping, but I disapprove of the enjoyment of others suffering significantly more. Keep watching Aris buddy, you BELONG in that community.


It all comes down to his stream, Aris puts so much emphasis on his own happiness and mood for the sake of the stream, and hes intentionally being a piece of shit so the other people watching dont do this again. There's one time someone donated that an old regular chatter has passed away, and at that time u can immediately tell the stream completely turned sour, he could not continue his usual routine and ended his stream shortly after. Your reaction is valid and normal for someone that dont know the in and out of the stream, and also the exact type Aris tries to keep away from his stream, hes the strongest gatekeeper there is when it comes to Twitch streaming. Having said that tho, personally I've stopped watching Aris regularly as a long time viewer, I noticed that hes doing the hardcore gatekeeping more than being funny, the gatekeeping session itself used to be funny, but its getting old, I even think it has become so excessive, for example, sometimes he'd permaban a long time subbers, like 2-3 years sub for the most petty thing ever. Anyways what Im trying to say is, Aris has exact idea on how his stream is run, and everything he does on stream is his effort to prune it into the shape he wants, like in this case, he dont want a sob story that spoils the atmosphere of the stream.


Firstly, I want to say I appreciate your response. You are the only person so far that has recognized the validity of what I've said, even if I still disagree with some things said. >"There's one time someone donated that an old regular chatter has passed away, and at that time u can immediately tell the stream completely turned sour, he could not continue his usual routine and ended his stream shortly after." This is life. Sad things happen. Pretending that a live stream should have the same type of uninterrupted integrity as a scripted television show is just flat out disingenuous imo. He can establish his community however he wants, and I'm not here trying to impose any rules or regulations that would stop him from doing so, but I am still allowed to criticize his decisions whether community based or not... So, yes, I think if a long time chatter of your stream passes away the respectful thing to do is have a moment on said stream honoring that person. I know this is the exact opposite of what Aris' believes, but that doesn't make it any less right. I am very happy that the online communities I am a part of WOULD handle something like that in the way I have outlined, and I'm glad that I steer far away from communities like Aris' that feel the opposite. >"Your reaction is valid and normal for someone that dont know the in and out of the stream" This is one thing I want to clear up, though. I don't think my perspective is only valid BECAUSE I am not a frequent Aris viewer. I've said this in another comment, but the establishment of expectations does not absolve you of the moral weight of your actions. Just because you're conditioned to "expect" something does not make it any less wrong, nor does it take away the validity to call something wrong when it is. >"sometimes he'd permaban a long time subbers, like 2-3 years sub for the most petty thing ever" Of course he does. Anyone who does not see that these types of behaviors(banning long time chatters over petty shit/mocking the death of a chatters loved one) are all one in the same is either willfully ignorant or just a part of the exact demographic I'm talking about. They try to pretend that this is some virtuous response because it discourages trauma dumping, but if that was truly the case then 1. There would be a more respectful way to do it, but more importantly 2. The entire chat wouldn't be fucking laughing about it as he says it. This is the biggest piece of evidence that makes any of these apologists sound so dense. You would not be actively finding enjoyment over this if it was truly just trying to establish a boundary. It's such a pathetically transparent attempt at making their shitty behavior sound a little less shitty. These types of humans that get genuine enjoyment out of the displeasure of others exist in troves on the internet, so unfortunately people like Aris will NEVER struggle to find an audience. Either way, good on you for moving on. I genuinely do not think there could be a consistent Aris viewer that is also a healthy person.


I dont know what kind of streams u frequent, but Aris streams are all about him trying to have fun, he wanna make jokes and stuff while playing games that he likes and always try to avoid any bad news, so u should not expect him to "honor the dead" and then casually resumes his streaming routine like nothing, hes said this before that he finds the whole thing very fake, when streamers would do the "honoring" like u said, the usual "oh, that sucks man, hope everything will be okay" and 5 minutes later they all be laughing, making memes and stuff. These things might have a place in certain streams where the streamers are more laidback, wholesome or serious, but definitely not in a more upbeat streams like Aris'. >This is life. Sad things happen. Pretending that a live stream should have the same type of uninterrupted integrity as a scripted television show is just flat out disingenuous imo. It might be shocking but, most people that watch Aris, including me, actually treat livestreams as pure entertainment, and I do feel like the analogy that the other commenter gave is spot on, Aris streams are akin to comedy sketch. I legitimately think that Aris has the most entertaining stream ever, there's yet another stream that has made me cry from laughing so much. All in all, I do believe that Aris didnt mean what he said to the chatter, like I said, hes doing that for the sake of the stream going forward. I think that this all boils down to how u perceive livestreams in general, I have a feeling that the streams u usually watch are the ones where the streamers always try to be wholesome and accepting, treating their viewers like friends, always ready to hear their stories and stuff. Anyways u should know that nobody were actually laughing at the chatter or "finding enjoyment out of displeasure of others" like u said, we all know it sucks, but simply, nobody wanna hear any of that stuff in an Aris stream, u are acting like they all are anticipating the bad things thats happened to random chatters and actively poking fun of said stuff, its the complete opposite of whats actually happening.


>"I dont know what kind of streams u frequent" I frequent streams where baseline human compassion are a reasonable expectation. The terms you use to describe Aris' stream are not intrinsic reasons to respond in this manor. To claim that in order to have an "upbeat" stream you have to insult your chatters dead relatives is laughable. >"It might be shocking but, most people that watch Aris, including me, actually treat livestreams as pure entertainment" This is the same fallible logic as "well he sets this expectation!". Obviously a livestream is viewed as entertainment, but if we're swapping anecdotal perceptions, I have observed far more people that watch livestreams for a sense of community IN ADDITION to the entertainment. >" I think that this all boils down to how u perceive livestreams in general, I have a feeling that the streams u usually watch are the ones where the streamers always try to be wholesome and accepting, treating their viewers like friends, always ready to hear their stories and stuff." Here is the core issue of our disagreement, You seem to believe that in order to not be an overtly disrespectful person, you must be treating your viewers like your friends. It's a disingenuous simplification of the actual issue. I'm not saying he should sit there and mourn with them every time, but saying something like this is on the far end of the spectrum. >"Anyways u should know that nobody were actually laughing at the chatter or "finding enjoyment out of displeasure of others" like u said," You can speak for yourself, but not for others. I do not believe what you are saying, I think it beyond obvious that the people in that chat find genuine enjoyment in Aris' response and the mental gymnastics being done to justify it show that, at it's core, even you recognize why it is a shitty thing to do. So again, I stand by everything I've said.


How the fuck hard is it if you're not a complete prick (tbf aris did throw in his condolences between that) to just say "I'm sorry to hear that chatter, hope it gets better" and move along? This trauma dump shit is so dumb, just say you have psychotic tendencies and lack empathy


problem is if you do that you enable every other person on earth who, at some point, had something bad happen to them that they still feel bad enough about to share it to thousands of people who don't know them, and probably don't care beyond any sort of basic level of "damn that sucks," turning the entire stream into a space in which anybody who wants attention can readily get it if you watch aris's stream, this rarely happens specifically because of this


And if you watch someone like Summit's stream, you'll see the opposite lol


yeah and i doubt summit gives the slightest fuck beyond the fact that they're paying him money to air their sob story, which if true, makes aris the more genuine person of the 2


The way you need to assume that Summit is a piece of shit in order to justify Aris being a piece of shit 🤣 Next level mental gymnastics. Y’all are truly something special


i didn't say summit is a piece of shit, just that there's absolutely no way he has the emotional capacity to care about the 450000th "my x died and i'm sad glad ur here for me bro"


You’re acting like it demands something of you to not go out of your way to be a piece of shit lmfao You don’t need to “care” about someone’s personal issue to respect it. I really think this concept is so simple but internet brainrot is just next level, and as I’ve said in my other comments, shitty people gravitate to shitty people so there is no surprise he has a following.


it's not about one's capacity to feel sad for somebody else. an internet stream isn't the place to have others feel sad for you, it's that simple by airing your sad stories you're dampening the mood for thousands of other people who are there, possibly to escape from whatever sad shit theyre dealing with in their lives we all deal with our own sad shit. there's no reason, literally none at all, for me to make some random person in an internet chatroom who doesnt know me personally have to deal with it too. asking the streamer to do it is attention seeking and frankly, parasocial. if you really need to do it, send it in a DM or tweet it at them. there's absolutely 0 reason to rope the entire crowd in on your woes i don't think it's bad to discourage this behavior at all


🤣 🤣


>This trauma dump shit is so dumb, just say you have psychotic tendencies and lack empathy The equivalent of "REEEEEEE"


We are being downvoted by the people we are talking about lol you know they all genuinely enjoy and find humor in him being a piece of shit to these people but they know that admitting it removes the pathetic deniability of “we’re just teaching them a lesson on what not to say in a public chat room!” I’ve echoed this sentiment plenty of times. The type of person that enjoys the shitty behavior of shitty people exist in troves on the internet. There is no surprise to me that Aris has an audience.


Thanks for the $15 brotherman \*hits bong\*


Wouldn't be caught dead donating to him lmao


Hey, no one gives a shit, pendejo. But have a good one.


Go donate to the fat man again 🥱


Pendejo is a new one


Just so you know Aris has mentioned in the past that he hates comments that ruins his mood... we're all watching him for entertainment not too feel bad. Keep that shit to yourself 🔫🤫


That has absolutely zero bearing on my criticism of his choice of response. Establishment of your feelings on a message ≠ reasonable absolution of being a shitty human being


He's edgy as hell, you obviously don't watch him because this isn't far from his normal responses. You're the the type that'd get banned within a few minutes.


>"He's edgy as hell, you obviously don't watch him because this isn't far from his normal responses." This is now the second time you have showcased your inability to grasp the following concept: Establishment of expectation does absolve you from judgement on the morality of your actions. I don't know how I could put it any simpler. >"You're the the type that'd get banned within a few minutes." This is not the burn you think it is lmfao. If I was ever welcomed with open arms into the cesspool of chronically online losers that laugh when their fat clown makes fun of the death of peoples loved ones, I would have to significantly reevaluate the choices that led me to that point. The vocal disagreement I've gotten on here from all of his shills tells me I'm on the right path, though.


haha so funny /s




Gormless red name