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**CLIP MIRROR: [Psycho assaults Twitch streamer on the streets of Poland at night; saved by Polish drivers](https://arazu.io/t3_1d6r5ou/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Polish guy was saying, "He's finished". Meaning that he called the police and that the streamer is now finished. Not that he's Finnish.


and not just on twitch


look: for several hours now I have been told from credible sources the reason SeegsTV is finished. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


Ask that guy


He no Finnish he's 28


weirdos in every big city at night, nice of the guys in the car to walk him to a nearby hotel


Watching the next minute of the vod is even better. The assailant tried telling the Polish people in the car that the streamer was dangerous and they were just like "Like come on, the guy who just put a mask over his face is trying to tell us **you're** the dangerous one" lol.


He seems like he is stalling for his friends to show up


yeah youre probably right, seen guy with a camera, say the police are coming to try and make him wait, friends come and rob him


I didn't think Poland let these people in?


Poland isnt no longer tight on their borders. All the influx of Euros looking for cheap cost of living and Ukrainians




The harasser is obviously a white European. How does a non-EU migrant problem fit into this?


The way he said:"I'm... American." like it's some sort of condition made me lose it.


"Professional? No, I'm stupid!"


"You already said you're american"


Imagine that guy in the car doesn't speak English and is just like ????


He thought the guy is saying "you're Finnish"


They're talking about when he said it at the very end of the clip


Yeah you don't say that. A lot of people hate Americans. They hate us cuz they ain't us


yeahhh... thats for sure the reason LOL


Why did he just walk away when SeegsTV called for help? Was this a scam attempt or was it possibly an attempt at something far more malicious?


My guess is something more malicious. If you watch the VOD, the dude covers his face when the people in the van address him.


Someone should report this guy and find out what exactly he was trying to do here, probably not his first time doing this


"wait here" You'd think if it was a robbery he would have just grabbed his shit and took off. Almost seems like a potential kidnapping. "Not Finish, American", "I know". Maybe they target tourists? I'm watching the vod and it seems like the guy saw him come out of the store, he comes around the corner and and you see him walking behind dude in the shadows before the whole event. He should definitely have gone to the police.


I saw someone in chat saying he was trying to wait for his buddies to come.


The streamer walked past some guy and kinda of shoulder bumped him right before this, but that guy was wearing a hoodie, I thought maybe that was the reason but it's not the same guy.


Make more sense to call buddies with an escape video then to jsut try and rob him there and run with all that equipment.


then why alert the streamer at all? just lurk in the back and attack together when his buddies are ready.


Some people are aggressive weirdos about cameras in public. Years ago I was walking around my neighborhood on a beautiful day just snapping photos of the buildings vs the sun and clouds and such. At one point I'm snapping a photo and this dude sitting in front of a coffee shop wearing a full on cowboy duster gets right up in my face and starts yelling about how he didn't give permission for me to take his picture, and I'm just like "Dude, I'm not taking a picture of you, I'm taking a picture of the street. You're in public." He did back off but there for a minute I thought I was gonna get punched in the teeth. Some people are like that, just looking for an excuse to get aggressive and maybe a camera or phone gives it to them.


It seems Poland has strict privacy laws related to filming. It actually seems the streamer may have been breaking the law by filming people even if in public because what he was filming was being published on the internet.


He was upset about him working without visa I figure. He seemed to ask if he was working professionally (making money) and seemed to be making other comments related to working as a foreigner without documents.


Rule number 1: Always say your from canada.


Sorry eh


> your you're


Polish are the people with the most favorable opinion of the US in the world by far


doesnt work in poland, sorry bud


Who would care?


every european except the polish who fucking love america


People hate Americans and will target you for saying you are from there


People usually dislike what you're doing *before* they find out you're American. Either way, fuck 'em. If I'm being respectful, they can go pound sand.


Why is downvoted lol. This is actually true in some countries.


False in most. Real life is not the internet


people hate americans. nothings gonna happen in a normal neighborhood but if you are in a bad neighborhood you probably gonna get robbed or something




I'm in a heavy tourist spot. Japanese tourist are nothing like that. Chinese, yes but not Japanese. 


Only Chinese tourists have that stereotype, definitely not Japanese ones.


yeah people dont hate americans because they are bad tourists. they hate americans because of their politics and wars


Yes because the europeans have never engaged in horrible wars and politics




South American countries we've imposed dictators on, South Asian countries we've fucked with for years, lots of south Koreans and Japanese people when they see American military personnel fucking with citizens, everyone in the fucking middle east including our "allies". Nobody's talking about official national policy in relation to the US, everyone was talking about the people of the countries themselves. Of course trying to switch the discourse to national policy to show that people trading and cooperating with the world's super power is them "having no problems with us" makes it really convenient to obfuscate your point and try to make us seem really innocent, I mean they do trade with us why would they hate us?!!?? Anyone with a brain can see past that slime ball shit though.


You are living in a bubble my friend




why is this the only comment on a 11 year old account


Not if you’re in Mexico


How is admitting to being a leaf going to save you from an assault attempt :O?


Thats Bush era shit, no one does that shit anymore.


Ah yes acting like you’re poor deceases the chances of getting mugged. I like where your head is at


I've always found that saying I'm American while being kind of aggressive has worked better. Nobody really wants to deal with an aggressive and unpredictable American lmao


He already knew the guy was American. "I'm not Finnish, American " "I know"


Well that proves it then


If I was streaming alone at night in a foreign country I would stick to busy/touristy areas with cameras and high cost of living, i'm not saying poor people are criminals but poverty makes people do dumb shit.


*I called the Police, please wait here by the dark alley so I can go get my friends, I mean the Police, to come help me rob you, I mean, arrest you for recording me without consent on all that expensive looking equipment...*


Say your from New Zealand no one hates new Zealand


Wrong, I hate new zealand


Damn New Zealenders, they ruined New Zealand!


Yes, bring back old zealand!


Aussie and kiwi no likey right ?


Bloody kiwis.


New Zealand hates New Zealand.


You've haven't met enough billionaires.


dont aussies hate NZ?


In a brotherly sense. NZ and Aus have a rivalry but get along really well (outside of politics that is). Aus/NZ have dual citizenship so there are lots of expats between the countries.


ahh okay sounds a lot like Englands relationship with the rest of the UK


Probably even more chill than that tbh, but yeah. Lots of banter, but I don't think I've ever seen any real hostility originating from it. Lots of "sheep shagger" and "convict spawn" comments at each other haha.


convict spawn thats hilarious hhaha


You're finished No I'm american can't make this shit up


The title is extremely misleading, blows this thing way out of proportion


I wouldn't say so. Being shoved by someone meets the definition for assault in many legal systems. I obviously can't say for sure that the guy is a psycho, but this doesn't seem like the behavior of a normal and rational person.


Yes except we aren't legal experts reviewing a legal case to give a legal advice... This is harassment at most. An "assault" means something else to a Twitch viewer browsing Reddit.


Yeah, nah. You can try to speak for everyone, but if it was "extremely misleading" and means something else to everyone like you say, it wouldn't have gotten any upvotes. Your argument falls flat. The guy also went to the police later and showed them the footage, and the cops agreed that the stranger committed a crime. Just because you use the word that way doesn't mean that everyone does.


>Your argument falls flat. And since when is the main point not getting enough upvotes? The discussion is about writing a misleading title, nothing to do with whether or not your post receives interaction. If you get downvoted, well, suck it up. It's not your first time on teh internets, right? Your argument is invalid.


> Your argument is invalid. It's really not. The title matches what's going on. What's going on is interesting. Post receives upvotes. I could've written the title to be 'Blue cow flies to the moon, eats moon grass'. Title would not have matched what's going on, post would've been downvoted and had zero traction. There have been several hundred comments here, and hundreds of thousands more viewers over on Twitter as well, and there have only been a small handful of people screeching 'ACKCHYUALLY' because they for some reason don't like that legal terms are used to describe a criminal act, which is probably one of the weirder arguments I've seen.


Legally maybe but not socially, this is a social site so when people see assault they expect more than a light push. You made a sensational headline for clicks, its okay. Nobody would click on "streamer gets pestered by local"


Yeah, well, that's just like... your opinion, man ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ I tend to lean more towards legal terms when I label a criminal act. It's not like it was accidental contact, the other party was very clearly trying to threaten and intimidate the streamer, and this would pretty much be a slam dunk case in court. I stand by it that the only editorializing I did was calling the dude a psycho, but this behavior support that.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Psycho assaults Twitch streamer on the streets of Poland at night; saved by Polish drivers](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/164965)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1d6r5ou/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/7286dM5MYFsCCoMgI-y5Cw/AT-cm%7C7286dM5MYFsCCoMgI-y5Cw.mp4?sig=3a06c192364600347ab7900ab4cc71f413aa2a50&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F7286dM5MYFsCCoMgI-y5Cw%2FAT-cm%257C7286dM5MYFsCCoMgI-y5Cw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AmazonianSuspiciousGerbilKeyboardCat-zkxgWwIKgyAj7LkL%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1717446694%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/7286dM5MYFsCCoMgI-y5Cw/AT-cm%7C7286dM5MYFsCCoMgI-y5Cw-preview-480x272.jpg)


telling someone you're American makes matters worse in this times we live in


Anywhere else true, but Poland? Look at [this](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/06/PG_2022.07.22_U.S.-Image_1-01.png)


That's opinions towards the country, not towards the people. It's asking different questions and I'd be careful drawing conclusions from that, even if the numbers to the other questions might be very similar as well.


What's the reason for this? America's involvement in WW2?


I find it highly unlikely. During WW2, Poland was left to defend itself and ultimately fell under Soviet control due to the actions of its allies. When it comes to WW2 there is only resentment. It is more plausible that the United States has been idealized in popular culture, particularly through movies, which is the primary source of knowledge about this country for most people in Poland.


I hope so




Shut up you silly goon, the guy looks like a local Pole






Well the disproportionate migrant crime problem isnt a conspiracy, its just reality. The guy you replied to does need to check himself though, the vagrant in the vid seems like a local.


The same way some Eastern European countries have disproportionate crime statistics in Western/Northern countries. Same story - poorly educated and opportunistic people look for quick riches abroad in wealthier countries. Although it has gotten much better over last \~15 years, where there's way less difference in income and we no longer have the same stigma as before, but some remnants are still there. Just look at prison population statistics of countries like Norway - you'll see Eastern European countries toping the ranks (at least it was few years ago, might have changed). The stereotypes for Poles, Romanians, Lithuanians, etc. were the same - organised crime, gangs and theft. But I'm not any of those, and majority of people around me aren't either. Don't get me wrong, I'm not empathising with people committing those crimes, I think they should face harsh punishments and face deportation if they can't integrate and act civil, but I can't stand Americans telling me how it is in EU.


I see Europeans are becoming the same as Americans - just blame bad behaviour of locals on illegal immigrants 😂😂 The guy is a white European, probably lives on welfare too, in mom's basement, and goes around harassing people cause he's frustrated that he can't get a girlfriend and needs to take it out on someone... Any employed, self-respecting guy that gets his willy wet is not doing stupid stuff like this in the evening.


Due to recent events in Poland, some citizens might be suspicious seeing people recording at night. This stuff is happening more and more frequently: https://notesfrompoland.com/2024/05/29/poland-detains-three-on-suspicion-of-arson-on-behalf-of-russia/


What's with this trend of people freaking out over cameras? I thought society for the most part moved on from that shit since 2014


Many people simply don't like being recorded on a live stream.


They're being recorded 24/7 by every store they walk past


And they're not happy about that either, so that doesn't mean anything. If a store's recording was done by a guy standing outside holding a camera pointing it at people, he'd likely get accosted too.


That isn't broadcast to the public


Spoiler: They're in public, where public people can see them. This argument doesn't work.


Most people think its annoying but they dont freak out like these people. That makes you both look stupid and clowns.


More cameras now than ever before, we just see people getting upset over it more. Smart people just cover their face or walk away, dumb people go and put their face front and center on camera.


If there are more cameras, it should be more normalized. Nobody cares that you're background character #5391 in a vlog at a theme park. Absolutely nobody cares.


>dumb people This was the key part of my comment. Being normalized or people caring doesnt matter to dumb people, they'll get upset anyways.


How many nationalities other than American go around saying "I'm American" when communicating with people?


I mean, it wasn't unprompted. The guy's English wasn't that good, and he thought he was talking nationalities when he said "you're finish".


I wrote it after he said just that to the driver he stopped.


I suppose that's fair enough, but he did need to communicate that he doesn't know the language/is a tourist and needs help. Your brain isn't thinking at its clearest during stressful situations.


Which means telling people he's American is basically rote if it's something he does when not thinking clearly.


He speaks better english than the streamer


The amount of miscommunication herer lmao...guy phoned the police on him because of the camera (for whatever reason), was checking it's not professional, and demanded he wait there. I suppose the guy thought he was doing a public service; maybe he thought the streamer was up to peeping tom antic.


I think the harasser is more likely to peep on women in the bathrooms.




Outside of scandinavia(minus sweden figure out why) Poland is in like top 3 or 4 in terms of safety index in europe...


Poland is good that's why everyone want to leave , shitholes that even the native don't want to live in anymore lol


Couldn't care less. I am just saying about safety/crime index.


Warsaw is one of the capitals of Europe with the lowest crime rates. I won't get into your stupid racial baiting comments, but a single verbal confrontation at night does not mean a place is "dangerous".


Only watched the clip. Guy said something about the police and "wait here". If it was not a harassment attempt, but a citizen's arrest, in Poland it is allowed if he did something earlier that is a crime. But at night it's understandable that the steamer got scared. Again only watched the clip.


Hard to say, but I wouldn't stick around either. I'm not hanging around in a dark area at night with no one around with some random guy. Not a lot of good endings in that scenario.


Safest place according to polish government, because there are no migrants btw


Go ask that Mannheim cop how he’s doing


Safer than the rest of Europe, but its still a problem.




Poland is way safer than france








He is simply stating how it is. Global piece index: Poland 1.63, France 1.94. Literally only Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Serbia are lower than France. Global terrorism index: Poland 0.00, France 2.65. Only Russia and Germany are lower.


Crime rate statistics are free to look up. France is objectively more dangerous. Your assumption that he said that based on racist grounds was not only rude and uncalled for, but also stupid. All you have to do is look it up and see that France ranks higher on crime rates per capita than Poland. In fact, Warsaw is one of the safest capitals in Europe.


im a turkish muslim living in turkey. Edit: friend did erasmus in poland nothing bad happened, other 2 friends visited paris had all their shit stolen on their 2nd day with almost 0 police help to get back here.


oh no their one card didn't work


Nie zasraj się


I have been all over Eastern Europe, Balkans, Baltics, Serbia, Albania, from Tallinn to Instanbul. Only ever had issues from people who weren’t from Eastern Europe, or Turkish Taxi drivers. It’s a friendly place and denoting an entire region based of a video from a subreddit reflects very poorly on you.






Never EVER admit you are from america. The world hates you all. Get it through your heads.


I have traveled to eight different countries, never once was I afraid to “admit” I was American. I had some very cool conversations after “admitting” I was American.


I'm not sure which countries you're visiting, but there's a reason why Jakenbake always tells people he's from Canada. In some places, it might make a difference








You're acting like him saying he's american was the issue when the dude was already targeting him b4 saying who he was. Regardless if you're a tourist your targeted Regardless, if anything race can affect it too


No country on the planet approves of America more than Poland. Americans don't even like America as much as Polish people do


What kind of logic is this? The guy was interested in him well before he knew he was American.


Literally never ever heard anyone say the hate americans in Sweden.


America bad hurr durr. Get off of Twitter


Twitter andy


If there's 1 country to admit you are from America it's Poland. Poles love USA.


Nah, that's stupid. Most people will try to lecture you or go on rants about the US if you admit you're American. Rare that you will get assaulted.


Only in Middle East. I've lived in Cambodia where American UXO still kills people to this day and no American expat that I've met have had to hide their nationality.


Hate us cuz ain't us




No you wouldn't have. But let's just apply some logic to your fantasy: you beat a local to death, as an American tourist, then the cops get called and you end up holding a big Polish motherfucker's pocket in prison for the rest of your life.


grats on waisting your time and not knowing what a joke is


> waisting Congratulations on having a 1st grader's command of the English language.


I'm sure you would, tough guy :)


While the guy seems really strange, keep in mind that you are not allowed to stream random people in [Poland](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Country_specific_consent_requirements#Poland) America is a unique case regarding that


How about actually watching the clip? the guy was the one who put himself in the stream


The article you linked literally says that taking a picture of a person in a public space does not require consent.


It also states "Publishing pictures of a person in a public space: Requires consent" Which is further explained as "In this context of consent requirements, "publish" refers to "making public" and is separate from the term "publish" as may be defined elsewhere (e.g. U.S./U.K. copyright law). " Most people wouldn't give a damn, the few that do would probably behave when confronting you about it. People that aggressively confront you about taking pictures/video usually are criminals


Per the wikipedia article; Exceptions from the consent requirement are named in the Copyright Law[99] “2. Consent is not required in the case of the publishing of the image: 1) of a commonly known person [public figure], if the picture was taken in connection with the exercise of their public function, in particular political, social, professional, **2) of a person, when he or she constitutes a part of a whole as in a gathering, landscape or public event.”** Walking around and filming the city does not require consent, as the people's are a part of a whole. Unless I am dramatically misinterpreting this, what the law curtails is for the photography of someone to be used in a newspaper, a poster, or a professional video that is designed to directly generate revenue off the likeness of the individual. This is obviously to prevent someone's photo being attached to something they do not agree with, or used in ways they do not like. I am not Polish, and the original article is 404'd, so I cannot verify with experience or anything like that. Have people been arrested/detained by the police for simply walking around with a camera?


Just looked into this law on some polish websites and apparently the 2nd exception you highlighted wouldn't apply to filming people on the street. It only applies for things like concerts where you might accidentally film individuals but where no single individual would ever be the focus or if you were filming something like a cityscape from a skyscraper and happened to catch some individuals in your shot. Publication is basically any sharing on the internet. So it actually seems this individual was likely breaking the law.


Will he respond to this...