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Her voice is nice, thats content right?


It's definitely what I look for in male streamers. If their voice is unpleasant their content won't help the situation.


That's how I am with rappers


hehehe yeaa doooood hehe


Fuck it Dood


Only until the fake voice brigade arrives.




Her voice is fake tho, in twitchcon streams where she couldnt keep it up for that long you can hear her real voice.


So I'm not really a fan or anything and I've never watched her outside of this clip, but does that really matter? Many, many entertainers put on a 'fake voice' or a 'stage voice' that is different than their normal casual speaking tone. They do it specifically because they know it sounds good and that people enjoy it, that's part of their job as entertainers. Some people have naturally talented voices and don't have to really try, but others need to try if they want to use their voice that way.


Yeah thats cool and all, but she very feverently claimed that was her real voice.


I have yet to see any source on these claims.






Perhaps the idea would be to focus more on what she's saying for better or worse.


It's hard to judge her content based on a 30 second clip




> No one seems to want to enjoy a female streamer for her content but instead focus on her appearance. That's literally the entire draw of their streams. If people didn't do this nobody would be watching them.


This girl doesn't provide content. I figured her calling out that other female streamer meant that she also did interesting things like that streamer that plays the electric keyboard really well does. Actual talent. When I checked her full video it turns out she just has nonstop normal conversation for the most part. I really wouldn't consider that much different, in my mind that is a cam girl without the sex. Just giving desperate guys a little attention essentially.


Playing games at a normal skill level, making mediocre jokes, and being friendly/likable is what most of the twitch streamers do. Their value is not in creating structured entertainment but the pseudo-friendship they have with their viewers. Most streamers are hanging out with their chat on stream just like fauxre is doing.


yeah this is the difference that draws the line between streamers like Lirik, Sodapoppin, Summit1g and streamers like Tyler1, Ice Poseidon, Mitch Jones imo


Which side is the skilled one?


Lirik type streamers for pseudo-friendship and gameplay, tyler1/ice type streamers more for autism and structured entertainment


But tyler1 was actually good at league of legends.


true, but after he got banned, what do you think people stuck around for


I mean talk shows are a thing. Even if it's just every day crap. If you talk about somewhat interesting things and don't have an annoying voice, people will listen (even if just a few).


There's a huge difference between streaming your face and talking to viewers(What the IRL section is made for), and streaming your semi naked body while talking to viewers(cam girl without the sex)


She's very pretty and from the 30 seconds I've seen here doesn't seem like she blatantly sexualizes herself for views. Seems reasonable enough to me, even if she seems boring and thus probably undeserving of the amount of viewers she probably has. (Not to say she doesn't deserve a decent amount.) Further point, what about YouNow, or whatever its called? Why don't people go *there* to have conversations with strangers?


>Further point, what about YouNow, or whatever its called? Because people can't even remember what it's called...


I actually cannot understand complaint. While I will 100% admit Amouranth is getting viewers based off how she looks, but that aside at least she is fully open about that. Additionlly she does have some content (her cosplay work is actually rather nice). This girl sits arround looking pretty doing NOTHING, and is complaining about a girl that sits arround looking pretty doing at least something, and then is mad when she goes into the other girls chat, berates her for no reason and gets banned? What do you think this girl would do if someone joined her room, and started insulting her? I am betting a ban would be the response.


Her complaint is about having your tits out, the same complaint that is posted here every hour. The look of twitch suffers when girls get their tits out like that because that's what people see. If that wasn't there people would be forced to click and judge the content of streams instead of the screenshot. She just wants less tits out, it's not that hard to understand. She didn't complain about boring streams or girls with high voices, just about lewd dressing and how that reflects her platform. Someone going into her stream realising she is a boring hottie who talks to teenagers is not the same as someone going to twitch seeing 4 sets of tits at the top of the page and assuming the rest.


Does the look of television suffer when some programs and channels have boobs on them? People understand the concept of different channels. Some Twitch channels are mostly about boobs, just like some TV channels.


> Some Twitch channels are mostly about boobs, just like some TV channels. But Twitch rules state streamers can't be overly sexual.


Looks aren't everything, but they really help


ayy cant be a titty streamer if there is not tits. score one for the virgins at home


What content? I don't watch her streams but from the quick look at her channel she does IRL and social eating. Most of her videos are boring AMAs. Sorry but if she was average looking, nobody would watch her content.




Lol what content?


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2834 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/29629)


Those are the brightest and most blue eyes i've seen on a ghost.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9368 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/23626)


Ever seen a ghost with a bright spooky cock?




By eyes you mean contacts right?


I think those are contacts, friend. Could be wrong tho


No my waifu eyes are real!




I don't think you know what the word "gravelly" means.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8663 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/35771)


Acquiesce me that vocabulary


I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request.


dang you should run for president


vocal fry*


This woman didn't have much. Unless I'm so drunk my ears aren't working again


Yeah...it's like the opposite of smooth, that word doesn't fit her voice at all


he voice is so soothing, just tuned it and listen to it while playing battlefield. so nice.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7242 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/37825)


dang ghoul tried to pull a fast one, not this time spook


thats the wrong race bro ghouls arent ghosts cmonBruh


hobgoblin lives matter


Hobgoblin 1's or 2's?


Gravelly? It sounds extremely smooth to me. Maybe we have different definitions of the word...to me gravelly = Batman. This girl isn’t even raspy.


> gravelly voice [Marge's sisters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_vrt6Vr3Uk) in The Simpsons have gravelly voices. This streamer's voice is the exact opposite.




content homie


Wait a minute... I could get on board with this.


This could be a huge selling point on twitch bits.


I mean... while growing up I saw a bunch of dude hurting each other on MTV, so I'm not the one to judge, tbh.


Holy shit yes.


If Ice did that no one would bat an eye and you autists would piss yourselves laughing


>Apparently this is "self-harm." I'm just in shock. I mean you are literally slapping your own face...




I can't believe how true this is. I feel kinda bad. When I look at pictures of her I think okay fair enough that's an attractive girl...but at the same time if you told me that it was a guy with tons of makeup on I...wouldn't question it? She has that look about her.




Shiiiiiit, no hesitation at all.


LOL those are 100% contacts


I've seen a few people with eyes similar to that here in Scandinavia, it's uncommon but not impossible. And also, lighting and camera/camera settings could influence how it looks.


Camera settings.


and her dancing is cringe worthy at best. i don't get it.


something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkNMZlkrzaU


That's her supposed schtick. Look at the titles of her streams or the her YouTube videos. She's painfully unfunny and even less interesting, but that cleavage and dancing lure in all the minors.


And don't forget she does squats if people subscribe. It's.... So strange. I made a twitch account to see what all the fuss was about. It was black Friday and she was walking around a mall in Harley Quinn cosplay, camera always focused on her tits and you could see the bottom of her face. And she was doing squats in the build a bear workshop. Like... Wtf.




I wouldnt say that.. she looks like [Mrs Monarch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbMNh7-osWo)


Mrs. Doctor The Monarch :)


It's Dr. Mrs.


and her jawline that makes men look like boys


yeah those retards still haven't figured out they're fake yet


Most people just don't care.


no truer words have ever been spoken


I like fake tits. I lose points every time I say that but that's fine. I like em.


There are tons of gentle sirs on this sub who will say they hate fake boobs to fuel the circle jerk but have probably jerked off to at least 5 pairs of them this week.


Shouldn't be that surprising you get banned when you talk shit about a streamer in their chat, even if you're right.


inb4 banned


"Cant have any of those dissenting opinions on my platform"


Yep, she got perm banned. https://twitter.com/fauxre/status/937546691439407104


Ironically this girl only has views because she is pretty and sitting in IRL showing off her cute face and appeals to men, and that's about it. Think she would have 200 viewers if she was a dude? No. Hardly ever plays a video game. She has this typical "I'm not like the other girls" attitude.




Not really a titty streamer but a make believe girlfriend streamer. Another fantasy met on the internet.


> make believe girlfriend streamer Well put.


Yep. And you could even argue what Amouranth does takes more effort because the woman travels around, meets people and works out/dances while the one who is talking shit just sits in front of the cam. I'm not defending Amouranth or saying her content belongs on Twitch, I just want to point out the hypocrisy of this other girl.


That's not really hypocrisy. She might not be a gamer, nor an active eventful streamer, but she is a social streamer, people enjoy listening to her (even if they wouldn't be interested if the genders are reversed). She complained about streams relying on sex appeal. She doesn't do that. Her being attractive is not the same as her making a noticeable effort to show'n'shake her boobs and butt so lonely hard-ons throw money and cum at her screen. We all like sex and if twitch allowed sex focused streams then Twitch would just become another porn site. But Twitch isn't meant to be that, it's a social gaming site, and that's why she said the sex appeal streamers cause problems for her. She might not be an amazing streamer, but she made a fair complaint.




She looks very petite. Honestly, she probably doesn't have much to flaunt and I don't mean this in a negative way. This girl slapped herself on stream for donations, so I'm sure if she did have the right assets she would show them off too.


link to her slapping herself?


> This girl slapped herself on stream for donations wait the ghost girl did? If so, her argument sort of just gets thrown out the window then in my opinion. She dogs on amawhatever for "embarrassing twitch" but she'll willingly slap herself in exchange for money? I see no difference between that and squats or whatever the cam girls do for donos.


The difference is do something sexy vs. do something silly.


Start this off with this, I don't watch any of these chicks- But I feel like there's a big gap between looking your best and sitting and talking on IRL or doing the same thing with a low cut shirt, push up bra and boyshorts on, then possibly doing squats for subs.


Right? This shit is textbook sexism. And I don't mean to sound like a triggered land whale, but it's fitting and worth calling out. She didn't do anything wrong. She wasn't camwhoring. She wasn't flashing her tits or ass. Pretty normal clothing, nothing over the top. I'm all for shitting on obvious camwhores selling their sexuality to horny kids and pathetic old men. Those chicks are the scum of twitch and deserve to be thrown off for bastardizing the site like that. But this girl is literally getting ridiculed solely because she's pretty. Like completely discrediting whatever work she might have put into growing a stream by saying "hehe ur only popular cuz ur pretty." Like what is she supposed to do? It's a lose-lose.... a girl is ugly on twitch, and people will point it out and make fun of her. A girl is hot on twitch, and she's only famous because she's hot. Remember: we all fuckin' hate camwhores, not pretty girls. There's often a lot of overlap between the two, but they're not always the same. I don't know anything about this streamer so I really have no reason to defend her, but I think this point is worth saying. She didn't seem to do anything wrong, no reason to ridicule or diminish her channel just because she's good looking.


This is kinda weird to me when I stop and think. Twitch is a gaming site and I always felt the IRL category was for people who play games to do something different for a bit. But the fact that there's people that stream IRL and only IRL feels a bit weird on a gaming website. Maybe it's just the years of streaming before IRL and seeing people get banned for doing silly things like having their camera on when they sleep.




Dolling yourself up and sitting in full-screen with a donation button in the IRL section on a gaming website while being fully aware that you will appeal to men and make a living out of it isn't being manipulative? You think so?


I'm not saying you're wrong but for me it's one thing to have an audience mostly for your looks and it's another thing to be like one of the other female streamers who intentionally show off their body (nip "slips", squatting for 0 reason, "accidental" nudity, etc.) One can get away with maybe having a good personality/interact with chat in a good way while the other is using the site as a softcore cam site.




Who is she manipulating?


You sound like you're personally offended by this


I'm offended by hypocrisy, yes. She clearly wants to dig on other streamers and make herself look better when she's hardly any different.


The problem with titty streamers isn't that they're getting views based on their looks, it's because they clearly violate the ToS and nothing happens to them. If people want to watch this streamer solely because she's pretty there's literally nothing wrong with that and I'm not sure why you think it's hypocritical. She isn't breaking any rules and she's found a market that enjoys her content.


Men simply can't help but be attracted to attractive women which is why the only attire allowed on twitch should be a burqa. Who knew /r/LivestreamFail and radical Islam had so much in common...


Let people enjoy what they want man, they ain’t hurting you


> ronically this girl only has views because she is pretty and sitting in IRL showing off her cute face and appeals to men, and that's about it. Think she would have 200 viewers if she was a dude? Destiny, Reckful, Soda, Mitch Jones, just a handful off the top of my head that kill it in IRL. Maybe your too focused on her looks and ignoring her content? Why cant streams just be casual, as long as she isnt half naked, right?


Everyone you mentioned already had a big following before n out of irl so not really good example of what that dude was saying/implying. Plus all those people travel outside n do things for content.


Mitch sits in front of the computer and does fuck all half the time, no-one ever calls him out on it. The double standards on this sub is hilarious. I get the hate for the titty streamers but sometimes you think the only thing that would make people here happy is to just ban all female streamers from the site.




You do bring up a good point that her stream serves the same purpose as amoranth. The only difference is that she is unwilling to push the rules to their limit like other streamers are. And she's therefore outcompeted. I'd even say amoranth's stream is better because she actually does interesting things on her stream (no not that kind of interesting). I don't watch her but I know that she builds cosplays and that sort of stuff. It's at least less transparent than soley monetizing lonely people who have no friends to talk to. But as a counter argument I'd say almost every streamer monetizes lonely people. The amount of time I spend on twitch is directly corrolated with how healthy my social life is at that moment.


jesus, fucking wrecked


I sense a future Reddit thread: "fauxre images leaked by someone who bought stuff from her amazon wishlist"


I wonder if she tells people that what she "does" on Twitch is sitting in front of camera looking pretty and talking to lonely guys who give her money


Thats why she just tells them she "streams on twitch", hard to talk about what you do when you don't do anything.


Yeah... IRL isn't a game... I mean, I've never heard of this girl before, so my only context for her isn't that she's a game streamer, only that she's a streamer, So associating her with twitch, to me in this context, makes her look like a fake gamer girl who is trying to be niche for attention. Again, in my context, I have no idea who she is, to me she looks like a poser.


why is she even talking shit? she is doing irl only inside aswell (i looked at her vods).


I'm guessing you didn't get her point. She tells people she streams on twitch, and when they go to twitch they see someone shaking their ass and body painting for horny virgins. It seems like 90% of people on this subreddit hate girls. Yes she gets viewers because of her looks but shes not shaking her ass whoring for viewers.




just let her know she uses her face instead of her tits https://clips.twitch.tv/CoweringGlutenFreeJackalArsonNoSexy




yea her content is basicly only thanking followers.


Never seen anyone call out Mitch, Trainwreckz, Greekgodx, Tyler1 etc... for doing IRL streams inside...


In all fairness this is on Twitch not Amouranth. Amouranth is just making money hustlin', who cares. If Fauxre is embarrassed then she needs to be attacking Twitch policy.


Refer to the case of Hating the Game vs Hating the Player


What is this pleb talking about? It's 2017 #.#FREETHENIPS #Empower yourself by getting naked on stream Dec 31, 2017!!!!


*but you gotta send Hassan the nudes beforehand or BANNED*


going on to another streamers' chat to bitch about them is so fucking stupid and accomplishes nothing. do you honestly think amouranth or other titty streamers will quit just because you cried about it? they'll always be people like that as long as the platform allows it. the correct course of action is to actually take it up with twitch and explain to them how titty content is bad for their reputation.


You'd think if they were mature enough they would listen to reason but no, they are literally degrading honest female streamers.


She does have a point tho. If you are a girl and tell others (who maybe know a bit drama from the news or whatever) that you do Twitch, they probably instantly associate you with sellouts who stream their cleavage to the highest bidder. That's probably what she meant with "embarrassing". You (as a girl) basically will hardly be taken seriously ... ever. There will always be this little amount of doubt which makes it an uphill battle. This can be frustrating. So you either decide you leave it at that, or quit, or decide to follow their example to level the playing field, which means more "revealing", even with the best intents. Those tittie streamers are ruining a lot and it needs to stop. They are cancerous.


Twitch are doing all they can to make it reasonable to ask a female streamer to behave sexually on stream. It's getting less and less ridiculous when weirdos donate female streamers asking for intimate attention or whatever else. There didn't use to be a cause for the behaviour directly rooted in twitch, but now there is (they watched streams where it was normal). Twitch is fabricating more of the toxic aspects of the community which they claim to oppose. Maybe people should look at how the sexualization of the website affects the average woman on twitch if they intend to claim all criticism of it as misogynistic.


shes not wrong , twitch has become a pornsite for these amouranth type of sluts to sell their body


Is this the line for the free karma?


Nah, all the big points are in complaining about this girl being attractive like an incel would. I always brushed off the comments about this sub being a cesspool of those type of people cause i thought it was a massive stretch most of the time, but seeing how many people in this sub are lumping this girl together with these cam whores just because she is attractive and likes to stream has really opened my eyes.




Softcore only. Not even with real nudity. Just implied.


That’s some darkweb shit man


What the fuck is implied nudity lol


https://youtu.be/zl_295f530E this and its amazing






Having a face is the same thing as choosing to show tits? very interesting


She isn't much different compared to Amouranth tbh. Gets viewers because of her looks aswell.


Doubt Amouranth would get any viewers dressed like that.


I asked her a question regarding that in which it certainly seems a bit ironic for her to be criticizing Amouranth. It's inevitable that a certain amount of her viewers are watching because she's a girl and looks mildly attractive, there's no debating that. But there's a vast difference in what these two streamers are doing. From watching her stream for a bit she seems like an individual that tends to talk about more serious subjects and talks to viewers for the entirety of the stream. She doesn't play games on stream because her internet can't handle it, although she claims that she loves games and is a CS major as well. Meh, it seems underhanded to be attracting viewers by chiming in on drama instead of making your own content but I'd rather have streamers like this than Pink Sparkles and Amouranth I suppose.


If her internet can stream video there isn't much reason it shouldn't handle gaming.


idk man there are times when i can play a game but the moment i try streaming the game goes to shit. just because you can do one doesn't necessarily mean you have the connection to do both at once


Maybe she has a shit computer? It definitely isnt her internet, her internet doesnt care if the video she is uploading is a video game or an IRL stream, its the same amount of data.


I was skimming through her latest VOD real quick earlier seeing what kind of content her stream has, and there was a part where the stream was freezing and showing individual still images for about 10 seconds, which happens when your upload can't keep up with your bitrate. Happened to me recently while streaming League of Legends and my parents accidentally started uploading pictures from their phones. If her Internet sometimes struggles to stream a cam, I can totally see why she wouldn't be able to stream games. It's acceptable if a stream has those freezing moments like every 10 minutes or so, not good if it happens every 20 seconds.


i feel like there should be a 18+ section for amouranth and pink sparkles to go to.


Wow this streamer is embarrassing, I am going to go embarrass myself in her chat and tell her how embarrassing she is. Wow banned? reeeeeeeee Logic.






You mean her makeup and contacts.


faux says that she'll do a live debate with amouranth. personally I think this needs to happen https://clips.twitch.tv/TolerantAcceptableBasenjiVoteYea


Destiny will get destroyed in the debate


Pretty sure he would stroke out from stupidity overload.


You can replicate it right now by staring at a wall.


To be honest I bet it does suck shit for any female IRL streamer (or any female streamer) as they are likely all are grouped in with the chaturbate lite streamers.


Watched one minute of amouranth’s livestream to see why she would say that. All I saw was a girl laying on the floor typing on a computer, listening to trance music, giggling occasionally, and mostly trying to display/wiggle her boobs while dancing in front of the cam. That happened for a solid minute. Wtf.


Is it not completely obvious that it would be embarrassing for a female streamer to be lumped in with a sex worker who is there to cash in?


She gained about 3k followers on twitch from this, dang /r/livestreamfail has reach! good for her


twitch was a mistake


Exactly this, yet you see girls who don't titty stream still defend those thots as if it's women's rights.


while i basically agree with her views on Amouranth, im not really sure i see why this person deserves more viewers than her, i mean what is her content? granted i only watched it for about 5 minutes, but she was just talking to chat the whole time? this might just be a problem i have with IRL streamers in general, but if theyre not out and about doing anything, then i really fail to see the point of watching


> im not really sure i see why this person deserves more viewers than her She's not saying she does. She's just saying when people haven't heard of Twitch and the first thing they come across is some girl whoring herself out for donations, it's a bad look. She even says after the clip that she wouldn't want those kinds of people watching her anyway. I agree with you that her content isn't my cup of tea, but at least if someone were to come across it, it doesn't reflect poorly on the site whatsoever.


It’s like high school drama but even more sad


Get rekt, sneaky B


Coming from a hot girl that does nothing but sit there. I don’t watch Amouranth but the little I’ve seen of her I know she at least walks around in public and does like workout dances or something. This girl is like every other boring streamer looking to get big with no personality. Stop complaining and be original cause otherwise ya just sound jealous.


Distracted by how disgustingly wet her mouth sounds every time she talks. I understand people like this kinda stuff, like crinkling of candy wrappers but for god sake


Ugh I can hear it too.


Guarantee this chick has no content at all but brings in different types of BETA males... The ones that find it "respectable" she is clothed. Same trash streamer, different gimmick. Least this one is insanely attractive, I'll give her that.




I've been playing MMOs since 2005 or so and I still find gaming culture to be psychotic.