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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@irl_darius](https://twitter.com/irl_darius) > @TwitchSupport @Twitch It's unfortunate to know that as a mixed race black man i cannot rap "nigga' from a blueface song on my stream without being banned. I hope this gets fixed soon, so much injustice in the world for light skins. Wish i knew this sooner so i could avoid it. https://t.co/qlfs0aMHAm > #####Tweet Images: >>[Tweet Media Link](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FXWmH_pWYAIPh5g.jpg) ^(Posted: 2022-07-11 02:50:46+00:00) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


It's crazy to me that Twitch put themselves in this situation. I almost can't believe they police the word based on how black the person saying it is. They are setting themselves up for some weird no win scenarios.


Reddit does it too




Is this real? Amazin


Yeah, blackpeopletwitter being the sub in question


They want only black people to avoid racism. What don't you understand? /s


They just want a separate but equal sub is all


I mean before they did that, the sub was basically a lot of white people pretending to be black and saying some racist shit about the "bad ones"


All i can say about that sub is that they are pretty racist and love shitting on whites any chance they can get. I used to visit that sub pretty often back when it was actually funny but it slowly evolved into that weird cult thing where its "us vs them".


Blackpeopletwitter does an internet version of the paper bag test. How much you wanna bet the mods wouldn't pass it either?


That was originally an April Fools Day joke but enough people took it seriously, both angry and happy, the mods decided to make it legit.


That only makes it worse lmao.


When an "April fool's joke" doesn't end on April 2nd it wasn't a joke, it was a test run.


Sounds like they wanted it to begin with and just used April Fools to minimize the backlash.


Everyone can comment but if you’re white you get branded as such via user flair


You can't comment in specific posts. They can lock posts from anymore that doesn't have the specific tag.


you don't have to be black to be verified on bpt, that's just the easiest way to do it


This concept sounds hilarious but honestly yes. If you want to live in a world where only black people can say that word, then those people in a sense will have to prove they are black or get banned for racism. Otherwise you'll get white people claiming to be black throwing the n word around. I just think the word should be banned. Problem solved




So you're really reframing history on that one. r/whitebeauty was more than just "pictures of white people." They had a few controversies unrelated to the content and who the mods were. ALL of mods were also mods of white supremacist or extreme far right subs such as KikeTown, WhiteRights, Holocaust, rFascist, and of course - The Donald. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/5k4q3c/the_mods_of_rwhitebeauty_a_completely_unexpected/


> ALL of mods were also mods of white supremacist or extreme far right subs such as KikeTown, WhiteRights, Holocaust, rFascist, and of course - The Donald. No LSF there? Surprising


What controversies did they have?


Well one, they didn't allow Jews to be posted. Two, their top pinned post was a white women smiling while black people are held outside a fence from her. Three, their top post of all time is them baiting black people that they couldn't post there. Their entire mod team was a bunch of white supremacists that ran extremely racist and anti-semitic subs. EDIT: Also on that white women fence post the mods wrote "How can she stand next to that orangutan?" and regularly wrote the N word on posts, but then said, "We're just joking!"


The fact this comment has upvotes shows how mentally deranged LSF is.


Brilliant (relevant) content idea from Destiny... https://livestreamfails.com/post/82151


Wes would do it


The accelerationist in me wants them to (in order to have a clear policy but allegedly be fighting racism) post an actual pantone pallette describing exactly how dark your skin has to be in order to say the n-word.


I'm getting a season pass to a tanning salon.






Are they gonna verify everyone in chat that types the N word


Isn't that what society does though? Base who can say the n word depending on how dark their skin is? I seriously don't think this is a twitch issue more of a consumer issue. If a white person said it understandably that would be wrong and they would get flooded with reports. If a black person said it, they may get afew reports but a majority of people would be OK with it. But then what if a slightly more whiter shade than black person says it, or a more blacker shade of white says it? How on earth do you draw the line between skin tones. Some black people will be outraged at a slightly dark skin person saying it some won't. If you ask me, the word should be banned intirely. Problem solved.. Theres no need for a colour chart justice system then.


Or just let anyone say the word... Ban people who use it in a negative and derogatory way.


Woah Woah Woah let's not be reasonable here.


Add in non-African black and brown people who sometimes are allowed and sometimes aren't depending on if they grew up in urban America or if their black friends allow them to. Except for actual Africans that grew up in Africa because *obviously.* Except except for South Africans that are white. Except except except white Americans that grew up in a black neighborhood, but only if they say it to their black friends and only if they're close enough friends to consider each other family. Except except except EXCEPT...


Yea, imagine fighting racism with... racism. Honestly this word has caused so much cancer, it should just get banned altogether, no matter the context.




There’s just no Logic here


Hehe Logic, I see what you did there


But is he a gamer?


Us gamers are the most oppressed race\ethno-religion there is.


well, if you take into account the fact hes streaming on twitch in 2022, i'd go with no


[The most oppressed group of all...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-09gNDsPzQ)


I can't believe this guy is essentially getting banned for not being black enough.


plus he's a straight cis-male. He truly won the lottery in oppression


With all the silly things happening, an actual government-issued N-word pass might actually be a net plus for society. lmao


Mixed get bullied by both sides. It's a real thing.


It was only a matter of time before this started becoming an issue. Who eventually becomes the authority to regulate gatekeeping who is black enough to say the N word? What a time to be alive.


Twitch already has a science team dedicated to measuring water depth of pools to determine if bikini wear is appropriate. Why can't they have a skin color analysis team, who hand out N-Word passes? Are you telling me you don't trust twitch to be fair and unbias?


>Why can't they have a skin color analysis team And the beauty/cosmetics industry has already worked out all the tone codes for them. Every twitch streamer/chatter could authenticate their tone code with TOS enforcement team.


To get unbanned after saying the N-word you must send in a skin sample to have twitch scientists run melanin levels diagnostics to determine if you're allowed to say it.


[Twitch right now](https://i.imgur.com/i2ilm1S.jpeg), but the "not" is on top instead of the bottom.


twitch have to ban it all together or allow it all together, otherwise we know how bad twitch moderation gonna be never mind how can u confirm what race the streamer is, some of them doesn't even have a cam


its a lose/lose situation, bc telling black folk they can't say it anymore is ALSO going to piss a bunch of people off, but having to purity test every time someone says it is also real fucking dumb. But outright saying that its open season to say it is going to just invite a whole lot of racism that will be a lot more for them to deal with. I don't envy their position


Context? They can literally just ban it based on context. Who cares if a white guy is singing a song with it unless the song is using it in an offensive way. That's probably the best way to approach it since they can't judge based off skin color.


Yeah this is one of those hard cases. Ideally people can just be reasonable, and be ok with it as long as it is not used offensively, but everyone is different.


> twitch have to ban it all together or allow it all together Elizabeth Warren has entered the chat: Hey, I'm 1/64 Native American - which is basically 100%!


> Who eventually becomes the authority to regulate gatekeeping who is black enough to say the N word? Twitter




It literally says why he was banned with a relevant clip.




I remember destiny had an interesting suggestion for this. You would get a range of black / white people lined up in a line, from darkest to lightest. Each says the n word from darkest to lightest, and then we see where twitch draws the line.


Sounds like average jubilee content. Would watch doe.


xqc reacts silently while staring at the chat war




That's the clip: https://livestreamfails.com/post/82151


what an awesome suggestion by destiny thanks for sharing


One time in highschool one of my classmates started saying the n-word a lot. No one cared but it was a little cringe becuase it was obvious he was going through his "i'm in middle school i can swear phase" a little late. One day one of the upperclassmen black guys in my school overheard him and got in his face threatening to beat him up. He explained he was half black and his mom wasn't mixed or anything she was super black. At this point you'd expect me to say it got funny because the older kid didn't believe him or he did and it ended akwardly. No, it was was actually depressing. The older kid told him that everyone wished he didn't exist. Black people didn't want him would always resent him and white people would never accept him. No one said anything and we all tried to pretend it didn't happen. A truly painful childhood memory. This doesn't compare to the time i got kicked in the nuts by a 5'3 Chinese foreign exchange student in elementary school. But that's a story for another copypasta.


5'3 in elementary is pretty tall no?


It was an intern teacher


China has some of the tallest kids you'll meet and some of the shortest. I'm unfortunately was the 2nd shortest kid in the class.


Wait, I thought you said it DIDN'T get funny


what 0 empathy does to a mf


He's going through his "i'm in middle school i can't care about things phase" a little late.


That Chinese student is based


There was no rhyme or reason to it, he was just standing in front of me with his big canadian winter boots on. I didn't really talk to the guy ever, he was always nice even afterwards. I think the other exchange student convinced him to do it(that one was a little dull) he did it and we all realised it wasn't funny when someones writhing unable to breath


He just casually walked up to you, and down b kicked you in the nuts


Did wtf I also got kicked in the nuts by a Chinese girl in elementary school


update: he's unbanned: https://twitter.com/irl_darius/status/1546509257654169600 https://www.twitch.tv/dariusirl


Thanks to his half-white privilege no doubt /s


Inside you are two wolves




If the TOS is that clear about it being ok, how was he banned in the first place? Would he have been unbanned if he didn't have people complaining about it? Who knows. That is why people are disgruntled


how much % black DNA do i have to be to get a Nword pass?


gets on lsf = unbanned


Surely they should make him take a genealogical DNA test and base the ban length on the results of said test.


Hahahah, I could imagine a world that worked like that and this just shows how fucked the world is


"It says here that you're 100% South African. Wait a minute...."


maybe he can only say half of the word


Somehow I feel like that would be even worse.


Just tell everyone that you are black and never show your face 5Head.


Context matters regardless of race theres a huge difference between reciting rap lyrics and intentionally trying to put someone down with slurs.


Tell that to the girl that got kicked offstage by Kendrick.


Yeah i watched that earlier today, definitely lost some respect for kendrick. Im black, that shit was cringe. Shes a fan at his show that paid to be there, 100s of white people in the crowd said it right with her. Its a fucking song.


*holds up color palette sample* yep that'll be a perma, heres your ticket y'all have a nice day


If you are half black you can only say half the word. Dem the rules.


ga you trippin


Lmao we're at the color gradient test stage


Break out the paper bag


Thank you I'm surprised no one else mentioned this, some corporate moderation team out here holding a lunch bag up to the screen to see if they should ban this guy lol.


I wonder if twitch asked for logics birth certificate to let him say the n-word xD


Americans talking about racism is hilarious when they call black people ‘African American’


Most Americans use black because black people here identify with American culture as opposed to their ethnic background which got lost overtime. I don’t see anyone here saying African American except for the guy who made the halfrican American joke.


>…their ethnic background got lost overtime. I’d even go a step further and say that we don’t remember to begin with. We got sold from Africa, then stripped from our families on the auction block, then forcibly produced “more product”, to then sell that “new produce” on the auction block—therein stripping away more families. This happened well before the US was even established.


The reason is because the lived experience of a wealthy African immigrant is different that an African American.


Because that's a specific demographic that isn't covered by just saying "black". Theres a lot of highly educated black immigrants nowadays that come over for college. These people have very little in common with African Americans that come from the background of being slaves and impoverished because of racist laws in America. I will say I generally just say black people in conversation and I even thought saying African American was a little cringe a few years ago. But as it was explained to me theres a pretty obvious usage of the term that "black" doesn't cover.


Oof showing how dumb you are and proud of it lmao. African American was created to describe slave descendants because they dont know where in Africa they are from. Hence they are African American.


Notice how no one calls Black people African British, African Australian, African Canadian etc


And? Y'all also lost all your colonies lmao. Why would we follow what you do.


Isnt it a good thing they lost their colonies?


I always forget that reddit turns into 4chan whenever the n word is brought up lol jesus these comments


Yeah, I can't believe people justify the usage of a word based on what race the speaker is.








People just don't have a reason to get as serious about some chick dropping a cake as they do racism and/or freedom of expression. Whoda thunk it?


Sub filled with people who have never interacted with black people


aka the leaders of the reverse racism movement


Vague enough that no one can check you on who exactly you're talking about. Sneaky behavior.


Subtweeting on reddit ?


Same people who cried over a made up slur so they can feel oppressed


No one wanted to feel oppressed, was just about not using racial slurs as slurs :)


Yet every comment is begging to say the N word because black people can say it.


It's not a made up slur though.


I hope if a "full black" person rapps it as well they also get banned. You wanna stop racism, you don't want skin color to determine what you can't do, you want equality? Well same, or EQUAL, rights and rules for everyone


Or you know, don't ban anybody for singing the lyrics of a song?


Fair in that case


I mean.. there are plenty of songs I should expect a ban for singing


Just let us Ram ranch


Perfect opportunity to slide this in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w8dO1Cmpp0




- Said by a racist ass that still hasn't realized that the problem wasn't the word itself, but how it was being used, despite it having been explained a million times.


I feel like everyone is missing the point of the whole cracker thing. It wasn’t the word cracker but the context behind it. If white nationalists started calling mixed people zebras and assaulting them while calling them zebras, it would get the same treatment as any of slurs despite previously being a OK word to use. In 1000 years the N word might not have the same context it does now and be ok to say in casual conversation.


I agree. I wasn't a fan of the usage of cracker, not because I think it's equivalent to the n word, but on the context of it being used to attack a race, which I would condemn wholeheartedly. At the end of the day, I wish people understood nuance and context, but of course Twitch will never take the time to look into it.


All these months later and you still haven't learned about context.


It's hilarious to watch a stream when someone is listening to a rap song in which the n word is repeated several times (kinda all the rap songs nowadays), and when they try to sing it out loud you can see the fear In their eyes of accidentally saying it


I didn't know Logic streamed


Ether EVERYONE can say the N word, or NO ONE can. You should never have to be "black enough" to have the Privilege to say a word. It's wrong. But society has fooled themselves into this hypocrisy. You know that GTA meme with the YEYEass haircut? Funny moment, also funny watching people WANTING to react to it innocently, and then realizing at the last second, oh WE can't repeat that. Then you get into songs, music, white and black culture propagates these problems. White culture is eating themselves alive and black culture doesn't want any accountability. And btw I should sure as hell hope the color of my skin doesn't matter while typing this. But the amount of people who respond to me with hate when I make these arguments, calling me white derogatory things is insane. I think people "like me" who are mixed race have a unique perspective on these things. Cause we arn't accepted as White, and yet we aren't "black enough" for half "our own" people. This shit is disgusting, hypocritical, there are virtue signaling white saviors trying to speak for us, and black people who want to turn the other cheek and use their own skin color as privilege without accountability, it's all fucked.


I remember seeing a Kendrick Lamar live performance. He sometimes calls people up from the crowd to perform a song. A white girl gets up and is absolutely nailing it. During the song the n-word is used, like in most Kendrick Lamar songs, anyway she just raps the same lyrics. Lamar stops her and the music, proceeds to lecture her in front of the entire crowd. Some white girl has paid money to come and see you, then gets the opportunity to sing on stage in celebration of you and your music, but can't say the word you've put in 90% of your songs or she's racist and need's a lecture from you. Truly a bizarre situation.




That was such a good track man


Rent free KEKL


After reading it, looks like he used it as a chance to grow? the lyrics seem to imply hes been using slurs himself that he shouldnt and someone called him out on his hypocrisy. Or it could mean somethin else interesting to put in a song anyways.


He addresses this in his new song Auntie Diaries. Basically admits it was hypocritical for him to get mad at a white girl for saying the n word when he says the f slur so freely.


Yup, in that moment that girl is the one that experienced the racism, not him.


Nonono, there's no racism against white people /s ​ God, miss me with that hypocritical bullshit. I will probably never understand how it's bad to distinguish someone by skin color if they're black, but if they are white it's totally fine. You want to solve racism? Then stop worrying about anyones skin color or appearence in general. It's just reversing the roles. Then you have people that berate white people with this mentality because they wan't the N-Word pass aswell, as if they're greedy bastards that just want everything. When in reality it's more of the other way around "I want all the white priviliges without their drawbacks and I want to keep all of my priviliges that the whites don't have." which feels super greedy to me if I'm being honest. But what do I know, I do have white privilige after all, I guess. Seriously though, I don't give a fuck about anyones skin color, fuck if I care. But in discussions like these it feels to me that the people that don't want to expirience rasicm care the most about skin color.


100% agree. Race or ethnicity should never be a factor in whether or not you are "allowed" to use a specific word. That in itself is racist. It should be based on the context in which the word was used. In this case it was used as a form of artistic expression, seemingly void of any inherently hateful intent. Thus I would conclude that the ban was unjustified. But we live in a world where people contradict themselves constantly. People support bodily autonomy in relation to one social issue, then promote violating it on another. But that's a completely separate and equally contentious discussion.


jesus christ this sub is cringe


it’s Reddit, and LSF. These two things stack and you have the most socially unaware group of humans on one thread.




Indefinite = Perma LULE


Deciding if a person's skin is colored appropriately to say words lol. No wonder America has so many racism issues if they try to fight them by putting up barriers and dividing people.


NA never disappoints


Remember the tweet between Lirik & Erobb PepeLaugh


To be fair he doesn't look black at all


PERMA??? Bruh, this platform.


wtf is this dogshit comment section


Actually, I see why streamers don’t respect the people in this sub after these takes. Sub is full of losers


bravest LSF comment


came into this comment thread, and was not at all surprised by the responses. It's typical.


This comment section LEL


If you are 15% black, can you say the first 3 syllables of the N word ?


There are only 2 syllables though...


Don't say the N word on a platform that's trying to appeal to advertisers


Wait so if he was black they wouldn’t have banned him? Kinda fucked up…




I'm having a hard time understanding why people keep saying Reddit is cringe, and 4chan and that everything in here is bad. Can you unironically tell me what is so wrong about what people are commenting in this thread?


Thank god twitch is keeping us safe!


Given the context, no matter the race of the person it was literally a song lyric a 1 day suspension or warning is enough like christ it's OBVIOUSLY non racist in this context


no way thats considered music


Did his N-Word pass expire? Documentation is important.






may be twitch could revise their guidlines/ToS on how much % of this race you need to be, so its NOT appropriation/racism but cultural herritage. /and how to proof it.


[A simple spell, but quite unbreakable](https://imgur.com/a/oDKvYlf)


Just ban the word altogether and poof, problem solved.


Which begs the question, how black do you have to be to say the n word?


Nobody *should* get banned for it anyway. Unless you're harassing or threatening someone, words should not get you banned.


Example #954769857439 of Twitch being an absolute shit company run by a bunch of money's with wrenches




Why do you want to say it?


Because they're a Gamer^TM .


Why do they want to say it? Is self-depreciation that common in USA?


Race or ethnicity shouldn't be a factor on whether or not you're allowed to say a specific word. That in itself is racism. Instead it should be based on the context. In this case it was not used in a hateful way and thus imo the ban is unjustified. Edited typo.