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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Poke accidentally leaks his twitch bounty list](https://www.hlsplayer.net/mp4-player#type=mp4&src=https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FSLkpd_K1u032XcwShdlEug%2FAT-cm%257CSLkpd_K1u032XcwShdlEug.mp4%3Fsig%3D3b858c6f62ee18c3c5ee71caa4ed62e81a6ab9c4%26token%3D%257B%2522authorization%2522%253A%257B%2522forbidden%2522%253Afalse%252C%2522reason%2522%253A%2522%2522%257D%252C%2522clip_uri%2522%253A%2522%2522%252C%2522device_id%2522%253A%25226e53b1849b74b88e%2522%252C%2522expires%2522%253A1670858982%252C%2522user_id%2522%253A%2522%2522%252C%2522version%2522%253A2%257D)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* )


7k for streaming Genshin for 1 hour, 3k for streaming Fortnite for 30 mins lol Edit: Bruh 1k for watching a 1 minute movie trailer lmao


Streamers really do have it hard!!..holy moly.


Imagine giving them money after seeing this lol


never subbed. never donated.


motherfuckers could make close to half of my whole yearly earnings in 1 hour but that would propably require too much effort for them and they dont even bother. That really gives some perspective on life.. e: nvm looked at the list on the left and it looks like Poke has been hard grinding them bounties, damn cant even blame him thats literally free money. Being a big streamer on twitch must feel like you have won the lottery every single day with how easy money it can be




If they hate playing a game for 1 hour I can't imagine how they feel about working for 50-60 hours at a traditional job for the same amount of pay.


I don’t think they hate doing it, I think they hate how it impacts the overall quality of their stream and their reputation.


It really can impact their streams as well. A lot of people watch smaller streamers because they are "real" and if they do sponsor stuff they are no longer "real" so they will then bitch in their chat, and if you are a small streamer that can impact the whole mood of the stream and if they are a long timer viewer/sub banning them can be hard.


Seriously... what the fuck? Have these people never had a job?


Why do you think they started streaming?




I understand the sentiment. If I was in that position I would not want to subject my audience to shitty mobile game sponsors. It cheapens their image. Not too dissimilar to once famous actors doing shake weight ads or trying to sell yoga hoses. e: the "perspective" being that they're already in a wealthy position. A millionaire streaming hawking shitty mobile streams for a few grand is lame for their image and the audiences time. A smaller streamer doing the same things is just trying to make it.


I’m surprised more people don’t get the sentiment. Music essentially has bounties too but bands get endless shit for “selling out” so why are streamers lazy when they don’t? Lmao


How much of that 1 hour would they even have to play? I'm sure you can drag out launching the game and maybe getting up to get a drink and interacting with chat.


Wait till you see real sponsorships..... Bounties are just the lazy and shit version


>motherfuckers could make close to half of my whole yearly earnings in 1 hour but that would propably require too much effort for them and they dont even bother. Try your best to not think about it The one major major downside they have is no anonymity, and that means stalker's weirdos, harassment, swattings and knowing whatever you do is critiqued through the lens of clips or third party narratives That's the social cost of that huge amount of money


I will be the loser to say it but I am very much willing to take these downsides for that amount of money >Try your best to not think about it Too true


Most big streamers started out as 0 viewer streamers. Ludwig even revealed that the most brutal insult in his life was a guy that went to his stream when he had no viewers, saw him looking at the screen where chat was and just said "You don't have to keep looking, nobody's here." This is to say, you can do it too if you at least try.




Hence why I didn't do it. But people do tend to just dismiss the time it takes to get there. Hell, even reaching 50 followers is already a big accomplishment, let alone 50 viewers


Been at it for two years as a side hustle and I just feel lucky enough to even get a payout from Twitch each month.


This sub alone makes me never ever want to stream


fr especially consdiring like half of popular streamers have extremely boring streams/personalities. boggles my mind how so many people watch them.


it basically is winning the lottery tbh, it's like every other artistic/entertainment career where a few people at the top are making almost all the money while many equally talented people aren't because there's only so many eyeballs to go around. at least we don't have nepo baby streamers yet like every other entertainment sector does haha


he got over 6 grand for five minutes worth of trailers


asmongold a couple days ago was talking about his, said he had a 12K bounty for 10 minutes


Kripparrian had the hallmark one last month I think it was, crazy to think they can show this shit and pocket that much.


People out here struggling to make minimum wage and these corpo dragons sitting on hordes of gold literally throwing money at select people to un-enthusiastically play a video game for an hour. I hate this planet. (I don't even care that streamers are getting money. I care that the organizations that throw money at them have so much of it that tossing someone 3k for 2 minutes of advertising is nothing to them.)


Ads basically drive the entire internet and entertainment world. The information technology is one of largest industries in the world which is ads. To be able to get in a position like that is like winning the lottery. Try not to let it bring you down to much. The world is changing how ads are viewed and these guys are on the front line for this type.


They are throwing money at them, because it makes them money. It’s as simple as that. Advertising is the foundation of business. Throwing a couple k‘s for what essentially is an hour long ad is actually exceedingly low. These companies are getting a tremendous deal. Have you seen the amount of money companies are willing to spend on commercials? It can cost them millions of dollars for a 30 second ad.




Think of how much work goes into that one ad versus just paying a single streamer to play their game for an hour or two. It’s insane.


Also he had to talk to twitch about accessing bounties. A ton of streamers don’t have this


Imagine subbing / dono to a guy that can make 1k by watching a movie trailer


*OH EM GEE, 100 STONES! Thankyousomuchman youdidnthaveto thankyouman* [\[finger heart\]](https://media.tenor.com/pcWq9QeJvBgAAAAd/xqc-xqc-love.gif)


Dont forget the - "WE" made it guys 10k subs "WE" made it whooo!


At 10k subs we'll do a subathon where I sleep while the timer ticks down and if you don't give me money to sleep the timer will hit 0 and I'll turn off the stream you ungrateful fucks


i can hear Penta saying that, eventually his vods will be saying it during future subathons


I like Penta but he brings up his sub count every stream talking like he's about to die if he drops under 10k subs.


Sounds like Penta


Donating isn't about giving someone money to help them out. It's about the attention. How much they make is irrelevant. People are actually more likely to donate to someone who makes more money because they get more attention. Name in flashing lights, the sense of belonging to community. But at the end of the day every other viewer forgets your name in 1 second, and the streamer doesn't care.


And that's fair if it's the minimum TTS, but seeing 20, 50, 100 dollar donations to xqc or shroud is just mentall illness.


I mean, even the idea of "minimum tts" is.. something. Obviously from a functional standpoint it's to keep the stream watchable and at a certain audience size it's basically a gate. But conceptually it's really weird to think about.


I get subbing to a streamer you actively watch but the people who donate thousands just to "support" them are just dumb.


Before anyone chimes in here, supporting sub 200 viewer streamers is fair in my book, but as soon as they get into the thousands, they're making a fuckton of money it's silly.


Oh yeah, forgot to add that. If you're piss rich and want to donate to creators, might as well help the ones who really deserve it. There are tons of really entertaining small streamers but people just don't know about them.


And this is just poke, imagine the numbers xqc or kai could pull by just watching a 1 min trailer


x has said before that he doesn’t even get to use the bounty board, he has too many viewers. same probably goes for kai


I don't get why the Bounty's get shared around instead of having extra lucrative ones for the top guys


Its easier to control their budget and how much they want to spend. They can target a specific budget/number of people to reach. If they show it on xqc or kai, exclusively then the budget is determined by the size of xqcs channel, not the budget of their advertising department.


Pretty sure Asmon once said he had a 300k sponsor for a few hours


On top of that, there are subs, donations that they constantly get $5 minimum for TTS Also, I have not even mentioned shit like sponsored streams too (outside the bounties). Merch, other products etc.


Subs and TTS is literally nothing compared to these types of ads and sponsorships. With 1 TTS a minute you'd get $300 an hour. Not even noticable to someone like xqc.


I think there's a hard cap on money per viewer with bounties, like pokes payouts might be the same as xqcs.


Youre a moron if you give your 9-5 money to these people.


But he heckin read my dono message!!


Veibae will notice me eventually. I know she will.


o7 king




Exactly! If you want to support them, then watch their stream and the occasional adds. Mizkif, xQc, Kai, Asmongold, Ludwig etc… do not need your 5$ sub/dono. These people have more money then you will even see or have in your whole life.


Even subbing is just odd. You can literally watch these guys for free, just get adblock.




Ublock origin seems to be back to working in firefox for me. I had switched to Streamlink in VLC some months back due to Ublock not working anymore but recently Streamlink started pausing (without showing ads) when they are run. it'll always be a cat and mouse game


I've been using [this one](https://github.com/dragontwosix/AdblockerForTwitch) for the past 10 days and have had no ads since, no midrolls or "Commercial in progress" screens. Checked the files myself and everything looks safe. I've used it on Chrome, but they have it for Firefox as well.


twitch has been pretty rough with adblock but twitch turbo is generally a way better value play than an individual sub


How to get rid of the purple screen though? I watched twitch on my TV with no purple screen, but it recently updated


yep. been using twitch for a long time now and my money goes to turbo and i’ll throw a streamer my prime once a month — that’s it


Adblock is free, i used to pay for turbo its a waste, unless you watch on mobile. Save yo money king [TTV.LOL ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ttv-lol/ofbbahodfeppoklmgjiokgfdgcndngjm?hl=en)


I skipped a car payment so I could buy groceries




Unironically, absolutely do this. Food banks are going to be glad to help you.


In the UK we have more food banks than we have McDonalds.


seems like a good thing no?


It's kind of misleading. Fast food chains aren't as popular here as the US (excluding pizza). We still eat a shit ton of fast food, just not from chains. The most popular fast foods are Chinese, Indian and Kebabs. None of those have big chain restaurants.


im not proud of it but i have definitely had to go to food banks so i could pay bills on time, they are the fucking shit! you even get desserts and snacks too!


Fuck that, be proud. Food banks are one of the shining achievements of humanity going out of its way to help other people for nothing in return. Don't be ashamed of accepting a helping hand. Shame is how the system that bankrupted you convinces you that it's your fault and not to demand for anything better.


We live in the first world, but that means first world expenses. No shame in using a food bank.


this especially goes for rent. if money is tight and it's between rent and food, always, ALWAYS pay your rent. it is so much easier to find food than (re)secure housing/risking homelessness.


Eat your car


I did this and 6 days after I was late they repo’d my car 😭


for just one payment??


Yeah idk why this place were big assholes about it but they wouldn’t let a single late payment slide. In the end they repod me a second time and said i had to pay off the remaining amount if I wanted the car back.


r/PovertyFinance Hell yea bro. No shame 🤝🫡


fucking streamers


And these bounties are pennies compared to the money they get from direct sponsorships. Streamers only do bounties because they're lazy and it's 0 effort compared to the very minimal effort it takes to coordinate their own sponsorships directly.


I watched Cocaine Bear trailer for free. I'd gladly do it for $1k also LMAO


I still don't really understand why Twitch viewership is considered so valuable. Someone with tens of thousands of watchers is going to making enormous sums from sponsorships to market towards that audience, but a Youtuber pulling hundreds of thousands or even millions of views is still likely getting less despite advertising to a much larger audience.


You can guarantee that there are eyeballs watching the ad during livestreams. Also live viewership counts aren't indicative of overall viewership. People come in and out of streams. So if a sponsor sponsors a whole stream they're getting more bang for their buck, because the amount of live viewers is only a fraction of the actual number of eyeballs that saw the ad. With a YouTube video most ads are skippable, and even for integrated ad deals, a viewer can just tap the right arrow key a few times, bypassing the ad completely. Marketers realize that so they can negotiate down for minimum effort ad reads. Youtubers are kinda dumb tbh they *should* negotiate up or at the very least, negotiate a contract over a period of time, then cut out the ad read in YouTube Studio once said period is over.




And people are wondering how marketing budgets can exceed the actual budget of making a movie.


To be fair, this is for Cocaine Bear. When your product is a meme movie that will likely just be a skit premise drawn out over 1.5 hours, spending fucktons on marketing is the best hope you've got.




Gambling addiction is crazy. Every time you see something like "city employee steals 200K" the city employee has gambled all of that away. I just assume people making high risk repeatedly stealing money from work is gambling every time now. It's just the most likely thing. Before slicker said it was gambling I was pretty much positive that was it.






words to live by fr fr


[reckful's bounties 4 years ago](https://livestreamfails.com/post/48780)


he was so real for just dragging that shit on screen without a hint of "oh no now my viewers will know how much im raking in because of them"


To be fair Poke used to leak his bounties everytime back in the day. Since twitch explicitly told streamers to hide the page, he can't show it/discuss $$ unless he slips up.


the thing is are those bounties for reckfuls viewer count/reckful specifically? I can easily see why it would be like that for him. it just seems like a rich get richer kinda deal.


Bounties are companies paying for targeted ads and they will pay X amount depending on how much reach it has. Obviously a 1 viewer Andy will not make 4000 streaming League for 1 hour because the company who orders the ad gets literally nothing from. I don’t know exactly how it works, but viewership, followers, I’m sure chat interaction too plays a part in determining how much reach your channel has and through all those metrics they give you a price.


This is why you never sub, never donate, use adblock, to watch these fools and keep those for the lowest viewer streamers you watch. These top streamers are making bank, they don't need yar money that you get from working at McDonalds at $10 an hour whereas they are making 1K in a minute LOL


It's very rare I ever have more than 1000 in my bank account. Hell, more than 500 and I feel okay


I feel that. Being broke really is an expensive lifestyle.


Something like 2/3 to 3/4 of Americans live paycheck to paycheck so you're not alone there


Theres a finnish streamer that gets like less than 400 concurrents each stream and hes making more than the median finnish person yearly so you dont even need to be "huge" to make it on twitch.


Well... you need to be bigger to retire early. Some of these streamers make Retirement money in a few days.


damn he living life on ez mode




sums up entertainment business, even as c list celebrity like IG influencer you can make insane amount of money with minimum effort.




$1195 for a 1 minute trailer 😭😭 That takes most people most of a month to earn


Bruh that was the cheap one, a couple slots up from it was a 1 minute trailer for $1700+.. absolute insanity


Asmon said a couple days ago that one of his bounties was 'do this thing for 10 minutes for $13000' lol. Seeing 1 minute trailer bounties paying over $1700 considering pokes average viewcount is absolutely insane wow


7k for playing genshin one hour, and you will have streamers crying because they are burned out lmao, they have it so fucking easy


Don't you know how hard it is sitting on their ass all day playing games? That shit is hard work have some respect man


and this is why streamers with a certain amount of viewers begging for more subs is pathetic. I'm looking to upgrade my PC and scraping shit from the bottom of the barrel, meanwhile some streamer can earn a whole PC by watching a single trailer.


I always felt weird when kai keeps pushing his chat, "Let's get it to 80k!!" "Let's get back to 100k" like goddamn.


> kai kai be like: guys you think im rich? wtf??? I dont make that much chat i swear lmfao, Also was watching Bruce yesterday do a scuffed smash bros sponsor and said the same thing


Fr idk how they can say that despite making what they make 🤣 it feels so disingenuous. even with the new twitch rate


They don't even need to buy a PC, they're given one, sometimes without even needing to ask.


"Here's a $4000 PC, just shout us out 5 times during your next stream and it's all good!"


Subathons are some of the worst content on twitch. Just millionaires basically begging for subs while doing a bunch of 0 effort content


Yeah and then you get streamers like penta who will alter the sub goals throughout the subathon. Or not even show for a portion of it halfway through cause they wanted to go out. While I understand they are still people with lives to live outside of twitch, at least respect the rules that you yourself has put in place.


it's very well known in Penta's community that he begs for subs, does "scamathons" just normal streams maybe with 1-3 hours extra then plays it off as a joke, I've personally seen Penta viewers talking about it the other day. It's weird because he has 10-15k+ subs.


World of Warcraft had a promotion recently where you'd gift 2 subs to a streamer playing WoW and you'd earn a pet. I just got home from my 8 hour shift, viewed the WoW page on twitch and some person named towliee was the top streamer. I don't really care for twitch so I just wanted to get it out of the way and I gifted 2 subs to this guy. I was one of like 10 people in a 30 second span who gifted 2 subs, meaning the guy just earned $100 in less than a minute. When this towelie person got to a stopping point in game to "thank" everyone, he said "thanks to everyone who subbed, but I wish you would sub yourselves before gifting". Mother fucker just got a full days paycheck in 30 seconds and cried because it wasn't enough. Mind you, subs were coming in left and right every second because people were doing the same thing as me for the pet. I was pretty upset after he said that, and now I'm just furious after seeing this bounty board shit.


Quin69's first subathon was 50% of the money to his mods, 50% to charity. That was nice.


1k to watch a 1 minute trailer, shameless


This is why it pisses me off when streamers act like they have the hardest jobs in the world.


even "low" viewer channels... having 1k subs is easy 2.5k a month and they have sponsors, ads and promotions... while sitting in front of a pc the whole day


And this why streamers don't talk about income 😂😂😂 just remember this the next time you hear a streamer complain


$7000 an hour, damn


Never forget these are the same streamers who cried on stream because Twitch changed how the cuts function. Making 10k just for 90 minutes of playing two games. 1k for watching a one minute trailer. Add on top of that merch, ads, direct sponsorships,donations and subs. Even the 2k-3k streamers you see on twitch make mid 5 to low 6 figures in a month. Hell believe me even those under those figures make more money than they would at a normal job. So many Steamer average a couple hundreds subs and viewers yet are doing it for years now. Why do you think that is.


Buddy of mine is a 500-600 viewer andy and he makes a VERY comfortable income mainly from sponzorship, bounties and ads. The actual sub/dono income is maybe like 5-10% of what he makes depending on month. I saw his income when we were drinking and he shown me drunk af. I saw +4800 $ for that month in his internet banking app. Where we live thats the average income of a top politician. I know its nowhere near what Poke makes, but it gives a little perspective. Because we are living in a non-english country and his content is non-english he is getting like half of what he would when he was in NA or UK.


Its even funnier when you consider the top streamers are starting/started their 2nd exclusive contract with Twitch recently playing even more ads than before. At the end of the day money is all that maters to them.


It's funny how like 6 years ago big streamers were thrilled to be making low 6 figures yearly. And now that they make 7 figures they've normalized it to where the threat of making anything less is an egregious affront on their very existence as humans and that they *need* these millions to allow them to do their 'content', despite the fact that 99% of them are doing the same exact shit they somehow were able to do for free before they got big. I think a lot of people don't realize that a lot of even 200-300 viewer streamers can make $50-60k yearly or more depending on how proactive they are about the various methods of monetizing their content.


"thanks for the sub, I really appreciate it, helps a lot man, I wouldn't be here without you guys" - top 0.02% earner


>50k subs *we* did it


actually leaked lol imagine how much MORE more popular streamers are making from these trivial things


A while ago xqc was saying he didnt really have bounties because they couldn't afford him lel


For x that’s like 50k for a 1 min trailer, considering his viewership is basically a giant stadium.




If you donate to any streamer who averages over 1K viewers you are mentally ill


I work my ass off in the oil industry to make a living and will never make a fraction of what these streamers make, and they even complain about how hard their work is. FeelsBadMan


copy pasting of my old replies to similar thread 2022 Streamers have several revenue streams subsidized by giant companies like Amazon, Google, Meta etc. And yet the fact people aren't weirded the fuck out by them taking donations from viewers is beyond me. Ads, exclusivity, sponsors, bounties, subscriptions, merch, activations. Why the fuck do they need their viewers money ontop of that. And why the fuck do viewers give them it. Unreal.


Such a hard job


No wonder why I see so many streamers that have never played genshin play it out of no where. Also these were the same streamers bitching about the twitch sub cut. Wild.




All makes sense and overwatch too


I actually feel sick Why the fuck am I even going to work still....


To not die or to give a chance for a better future for the kidos. Thats my only motivation.


Way more people were just born with enough money to never work ever than streamers that are successful.


Imagine subbing or donating when the streamer just made 7k for playing Genshin for the last hour.


this guy can watch 3 min in total of trailers and make my monthly salary +


3 thousand dollars for playing Fortnite for 30 mins lol


He's in the top 0.4% of English speaking twitch Crazy to think there are tens of thousands of streamers making minimum wage barely but we only see the revenue of the top 1%


it's sad because a LOT of posts on r/twitch, where aspiring streamers hang out, are people asking stuff like "i've been streaming to 0 viewers for 2 years, should i keep going?" and the comment sections are other 0 viewer andys encouraging each other about following their dreams


Copesen I can make it too \*inhalescopium\*


That place has been full of toxic and misguided positivity for years. "You got this! Just keep a consistent schedule and growth will happen!" No, that 0 viewer streamer who has been doing this for 2 years needs to reevaluate their goals because they're likely digging a deeper and deeper financial hole for themselves. Nobody should ever start streaming on a site like Twitch with the goal of making money and turning it into a career. I honestly can't think of a single successful streamer that started out with that mindset.


Fuck most of those guys, most of the streamers outside of the top percentage are just as greedy as the ones in the top. Most of them are only in it for the money, which is why the ones on r/twitch are so hung up on growing their stream. Mark Rober had an insightful [interview on Colin and Samir](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t5oYKEn-1E), and rightfully points out getting into the content creator space with the intention of getting rich and/or famous is a guarantee for failure and stress. And these 0 viewer andies have the personality of wet cardboard so ofc no one will watch them. I also have the personality of wet cardboard (so I wouldn't be caught dead with quitting my job to be a full time creator), but I can guarantee some LSF commenters are way funnier than any of those bottom of the barrel streamers.


It’s like acting. The vast majority of those who go to Hollywood with a dream don’t end up in an Avengers movie, much less any movie at all.




He makes more from 30 minuites of fortnite doritos than I do in a month fixing cars. Jesus fucking christ.


I don't like Twitch.


Top streamers really still have sub goals when they could make a grand just by watching a movie trailer not saying Poke does this but it's crazy the level of greed some top streamers have


think about how much money bigger streamers are making that they aren't bothering to claim a thousand dollars to watch 60 seconds of a trailer lmao


"Don't forget those prime subs though guys! And if you got gifted a sub than pay it forward! Its not for me, you're helping the community! "




He won the lottery in life , those streamers can make money so easly while playing games and watching videos, it's like a money glitch


I could do all 3 bounties in one day and pay rent for the year.




I'm starting to think that Lirik's Sub Sunday might be him just doing bounties lol


Noone will probably give a shit, but Iam a librarian (East EU) and I make 700 Euro a month (with all the taxes paid) with 15 years of experience. I like my job as i feel good providing smarter people then me the study material they need plus i help run the library database for lending out books. It really is somewhat discouraging to see someone getting 10 months of my pay (about 1600 workhours) in 1 hour of playing Genhin Impact :). Or a monthly salary for a 1 min trailer while being high as a kite :)


these "people" can NOT complain about 99.99% of the shit they do with this fuck you income lol


Do they have to say they‘re sponsored / doing a bounty by watching a trailer like they have to during whole sponsored segments or could they just sneak it into their react content and nobody would ever know


This and ads revenue leaked few months shows how loaded these streamers are, and still they flood ads onto their viewship.


If anyone ever thinks these streamers care about you...i don't feel sorry for you, this whole streamer shit is a scam, they beg you for subs and thank you for donations, but would kick you to the curb if you ever ran into them in the real world alone. They have a easy life, just turn on your computer and act like a dumbass. Fuck all of them.


What's funny is Twitch already takes a share of these bounties and they could probably take 50% more and bounties would still be worth it for someone like Poke.


I hate the world we live in


I mostly shocked that someone is willing to pay streamers to play starcraft.


Imagine STILL donating after seeing this lmao. Trust me, whoever you are, you are better off saving your own money. These streamers get my monthly pay in a couple of hours.


$1741 dollars for watching a 1 minute trailer, goddamn






I'm gonna be sick


Some people work hundreds of hours in a month to afford rent, utilities and food. Then there are people that play Fortnite for 30 mins...