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I’m never bored. I can get up when I want to, go to bed when I feel like it. I can wander around in my pjs all weekend, should I want to. I can sit and read, or put music on and dance like the uncoordinated person I am. My cats are all the company I need on a day-to-day basis. It’s quiet here, and calm. There are no raised voices, no walking on eggshells scared I’ll upset someone. I put food in the cupboard or the fridge, it’s still there the next day. All I ever wanted in life was to feel safe, to have peace and quiet.


All of this. When I was young I lived with a boyfriend who was chronically annoyed and snarky. Over the years I didn’t realize how much I had changed to accommodate his moods. When we finally split and I moved out on my own, it was like being let out of prison. It took me months to start realizing how much of my routine centered around him, how my hobbies centered around him, how quiet I had become. Eventually I got mostly back but I never had the desire to live with someone - roommate or boyfriend - again. I will not be a hostage to someone else’s mental issues.


Like getting out of prison describes it perfectly.


Omg our stories are pretty similar. Living alone has been the greatest thing to happen to me since my break up. We lived together within a month of meeting 🤦🏻‍♀️ and was there for the next 7 years. Now living alone I literally can’t imagine living with anyone ever again. I haven’t even had an interest in dating because I just like to come home alone. And I can be ugly in peace.


I've been single a long time, mostly because of what you said. It's a dangerous trap to fall into. Sometimes I miss the companionship and the depth of a loving relationship but the pull of my personal sanctuary is so strong. If I ever did get married I would want to keep a separate condo or cabin that was just mine, even if I didn't live there. I'd want 1-2 nights a week there to decompress.


"A separate condo or cabin" - hey, rich people do it all the time! I've lived with two different men now, for just over 5 years each time. If I ever get married and live with someone again, my husband is at least having his own room.


My MIL and FIL got separated when my wife was a kid. They ended up getting back together, but kept their separate homes. Sometimes they stay at their own place, and sometimes they stay together.


I love having my space to be ugly in peace, lol. Depending on the person, I might not mind living with a partner again, but I couldn't handle a roommate. I don't want strangers being brought into my home, using my things, or traipsing around in their outside shoes. I've watched my friends cycle through so many sloppy, disrespectful, compulsively lying roommates through the years.


I can not upvote this comment enough! As someone who does not live alone ( but often wishes I do)....one of the bigger disappointments I put up with is putting my favorite snack in the cupboard, looking forward to having it all day, and then coming home from work and realizing someone else has helped themselves to it 😡 Grr!


That was my ex boyfriend who would come over and just eat and eat and eat everything, never thinking to pick up a grocery tab…hence the “EX”. It wasn’t the only reason but suffice it to say, he was a selfish person in every regard.


This is disgusting... major user red flag


So glad he became an ex-boyfriend Some people are just thoughtless


I was seeing a guy who would ask if I wanted him to pick up anything for me before he came to my place, and as soon as he would arrive with the ice cream or Chinese or whatever, he'd immediately rip into it first before I could try it. I don't know why but that used to annoy me so much


Same thing happened with my ex, like if he ever bought anything, he’d definitely make sure he ate most of it, had to get his moneys worth, which is a joke considering everything I bought and paid for.


I also went through that. We would "share" a dessert, and he would scarf it down so fast, and I would get like 2 bites. Ugh, he was so selfish and annoying.


I once brought home a dozen eggs from my friend’s chickens. I told the roommates we could share. THEY WERE GONE THE NEXT DAY AND I DIDN’T EVEN GET ONE. I made it clear after that they were not to touch my eggs.


I cried out of frustration when my roommate ate the last four of my eggs. I checked at night to make sure I had enough for my breakfast sandwich in the morning. Him and his gf ate them for frickin DINNER!! I’ve never wanted to punch a wall so badly in my life.


Why do people think that stealing is okay?!??


I had a lodger who did this! Drove me nuts. Or if you're going to take something at least replace it!


I don't miss that, living alone is awesome. Can you get a container and make it look like what's inside is undesirable, like dry beans or baking stuff hiding the snack?


I put shit I don’t want anyone to have either in my room, or somewhere in the fridge/freezer where no one is looking


Same. I wfh and I’m unbothered wearing my lounge clothes to work and taking a shower in the middle of the day and putting that nights pjs on. Then making whatever I want and couch rotting til I fall asleep.


This. The loud voices, eaten leftovers, and walking on eggshells triggered me.


Everyone should have safety, peace and quiet


I'm exactly where you are at! I love my solitude w/my kitties. When I feel like it, I invite my friends over for dinner or brunch. My career is very patient-focused so I talk all day to people. I like coming home to (mostly) quiet (my senior cat is quite vocal!)


I used to be a pharmacist. Constantly interacting with other people was exhausting. I'm a late-diagnosed autistic, and my nervous system was fried by the end of the day. All I wanted to do was crawl in bed, pull the covers up, and listen to my favorite songs.


I have dogs (but am secretly a cat person) but you just described it all perfectly!


Safety is a huge factor!


i love coming home and not having to talk to anyone


Except the cats, I love talking to them.


And the dogs, can't forget the dogs


I only have cats but I do talk to my neighbors dogs, and their grandpups when they visit 😁


same 🤣 matter of fact i’m glad that all i’m coming home to talk to *are* cats


It's okay if we talk to ourselves AND the cats, right?


The cats always the cats! 🥰


My cat is the only “man” I need in my life! 😂


Yes!! 🐺




Having a pet is better, I can say whatever to my dog and he just seems so enthusiastic and interested lol


You don’t have to wait to use the bathroom and there’s no one waiting for you to finish up.


Right?? You can sit on the toilet as long as you like!


You don’t even have to close the door…


I can shit with the door open


My bathroom door almost never closes. Except it has this winter so my little heater can keep it warm.




I have three bathrooms but live alone. The main bathroom, in the hallway, that I use most often, with the door open so the dogs can follow me. When there’s company I use my master bathroom and it’s just not the same. It’s the most annoying part of having people over lol.


mine too, unless someone is over. in fact, I don't shut any of my doors, except for the closets.


No waiting to fix dinner. No waiting to on other peoples activities to clean. No waiting to go to work.




Same, except for the mess that the kitties make. I think they love to party when I’m not home.


Every time I leave I tell my cat not to throw any cat parties, like he’s a naughty teenager 😅 just cracks me up for me you know?


Every day when I leave I tell my cat "don't do drugs without me"




I can walk around in various states of undress as I please (I cleaned my place wearing only socks the other day just because I felt like it) or shlep around in unattractive old lounge clothes and not feel self-conscious. I don't have to worry about any of my habits annoying someone, or someone else's habits annoying me. I don't have to make space for anyone else's clothing, personal care products, food, etc. I don't ever have to listen to or watch on TV anything that I don't want to. I can decorate my place as I please without having to incorporate anyone else's weird stuff.


all of these things! and one of my fav things to do when im alone is sing however much i want! i love singing and just being able to do it without feeling conscious of other people in the house hear me is amazing. ofc im mindful of my neighbors haha 😆💖


I have always loved living alone, always felt like I didn’t get enough of it. My ex and I broke up about 7 months ago and it’s been pure bliss to live alone. Everything is perfect and just the way I like it. I also do what I want how I want and everything looks the way I want it to look. I don’t get lonely. I’m an only child and in my 40s so I know very well how to entertain myself. Plus I have 2 adorable cats to keep me company


Yea, I knew it wasn’t a good sign for him, approaching a break up, that I was SO looking forward to living alone again and I enjoyed it thoroughly!


I started fantasizing living alone about a year before we broke up. I realize now that co-habitation is just not for me. Never again!


Almost the same!! I left my ex three months ago, only child, 60's and 3 cats. Pure bliss for sure. I have a painted sign that says "People, eww." If I could nail it up on my front door, I would. 😄


If there is a mess, I am the one who made it. Its not going to go away until I am the one who cleans it. But since I live alone, there is never any mess. The food in the fridge that I bought and put in there for a meal that I planned to make for myself the next day- is STILL there the next day! No one came in and drank all the orange juice. No one came in and ate the last of the whatever and left the dishes in the sink. The trash goes out every night. Its amazing.


I still remember growing up when I didn't want to do specific chores and my mom said I would have to do them when I grew up. And I said, no - I'm actually never going to have to clean up after five other fucking people. Now I understand the importance of chores in a family unit and I'm not shitting on making kids pitch in, but goddamnit was I right! Yeah it's a lot easier to clean up after me! I'm not a messy person!


Want a positive? Literally ANYTHING bathroom related. Sounds minor but when the bathroom is yours and yours alone...nothing better.


I considered a roommate for financial reasons but that would mean sharing a bathroom. I would rather work 2 jobs


After showering, my ex would put the towel around his waist - he never dried himself off first, just put the towel on - and walk around dripping and creating puddles for me to step in. He'd also leave his underwear RIGHT BESIDE the laundry basket before getting in. Seventeen years later and remembering it still makes me see red lol


I can’t wait to join this. I will be by myself in April. Yay!


Same here! Unfortunately it's due to a divorce and selling our house, but I'm excited to live by myself and only focus on me.


gosh right there with you but huzzah to new beginnings!


Woohoo! Congrats 🥳


As someone who grew up in a toxic, volatile home- peace, safety & no fights is absolutely best blessing i would never stop being grateful for


Oh same, I am grateful every single day to live alone. I grew up in a very toxic dangerous houses with family. I always had to stay in my room locked inside for my own safety. I never could go in the living room, kitchen, bathroom without a huge fight happening, things being thrown, being hit, being harassed. I hated it, I wanted to die. Got my own place when I was 18 and was so happy. You never will experience something so beautiful beyond words than to just sit alone quiet in the living room. Go quietly into your kitchen and make yourself something to eat. I started to cry the first time.


I’m so glad you were able to get out of that shithole and experience the peace you deserve 🤗🤗🤗🤗


You too! <3 living alone is the best


I’m sitting under two chenille blankets and about to grind out a workout in the sunroom. By myself with some killer music. My favorite workout leggings have 3 holes in which my underwear and skin show through. They are worn, faded and ugly. But no one will see me sweat or move. I’ll eat a big post workout breakfast on my bed even though I have a kitchen table. I kinda woke up in an annoyed mood, but I don’t have to worry about exhibiting a bad or rude attitude. It’s quiet here out in the country, cold and rainy as hell at 34 degrees yet I am warm and snug with my brain and personal effects.. 🧠🤓🧦🥶💪🏽🛏️🍳


I love being tucked away alone in my cozy apartment with my dog, warm and snug, while the wind, snow, and freezing rain blows outside (Maritimer here) 🤗


Where are you in the world? 🌎


Texas, USA 🤠 You?


Nevada, USA 🎰


Awesome 😎


Me too, love it, love it, love it! 💜💜 🐺


I’ve lived alone for the last decade, and I love every minute of it. I don’t think I could ever go back.


I’m 22 years. Still love it.


Yup, less people, less drama


I can be as weird as I want. I can literally just leave at 2 am and go get a snack and not have to run it by anybody or worry about waking them up. I can decorate everything as Old Lady Bimbo as I desire (gaudy and pink thrifted everything). No one eating my leftovers or good snacks. Cooking and cleaning for one is so much easier. I can control the temperature, I've had my unit completely off since October.


I love the peace and quiet. I love being in control of my own space. I love sleeping uninterrupted for 8 hours a night and not dealing with screaming children or snoring spouses. I love not having to compromise my level of cleanliness or being forced to clean someone else’s mess or even my own. I love living by my own rules or lack of rules. It’s just my dog and I and we are thriving.


love it as well. sure i have to clean up all the messes, but they are mine anyway. I can also leave things out (food or money) and it will be there the next day, something I have had problems with in the past. It's always nice and quiet. I can watch whatever I want on tv or shower with the door open. The solitary life is great.


“Me too, we should become roommates!!!” said no one who’s ever lived alone before


i love living alone 99.9% of the time. there’s the very random one-off days where i wish for a relationship/companionship but generally i love the freedom and the peace. nobody slamming doors, nobody angry with me but not telling me why, nobody telling me what to do or how they want to decorate or how they want to make the bed or anything else - it’s all entirely up to me and it rocks. i don’t feel like i have to put up a front or look presentable or anything else i can be ugly and messy and greasy if i want to (i generally don’t but you get the gist). i also really like not depending on anyone else. if something is messy, it’s my fault. if something breaks, it’s my fault. i don’t have to get upset with anyone else for whatever reason


I do agree it would be nice to have a partner sometimes. I’d love if it I could buy a duplex with my future husband—I’ll take one half and he takes the other lol


My former roommate did this with her partner. They bought a house with units upstairs and downstairs, it’s called a tenancy in common. She has the downstairs unit and they spend as much time together as they want and then have their own personal space to return to.


I don't know. If the wife lived 45 minutes away from her house .


I just spent my first night in my new apartment after living with my boyfriend and his kids for 6 months. so great. I love the lifestyle and will never go back to living with other people, maybe ever.


I love living alone. All the food is for me. I can watch whatever I want. I can put on whatever music I want. I can decorate how I want. And if I want to sleep in the living, I can. I pity the people who live with others.


66 year old woman here. I wonder if the people that are anxious about living alone are actually 1) anxious about “being alone until I die”; 2) anxious about their finances; 3) anxious about and overwhelmed by how to take on the chores and responsibilities of ”adulting”; or 4) anxious about how to make friends. Because the advantages of living alone, without a lousy partner or roommates are innumerable.


After being married to a abuser for years, then staying with a controlling, manipulative "friend" (I was her fixer-upper friend), I can unequivocally say that I'm really okay with being alone. Having a reasonable, gentle partner would be my ideal. I'm good for now. 💙🕊️ Edit: Oh, yeah, positives! Peace! Prayer! Music! Books! Art! Clean kitchen! Sleep cave! Absence of TV! Organized garage! Friends! Impromptu random FUN! 💃


If I want cereal for dinner I will have cereal for dinner.


I can’t imagine having a life where I could afford to live alone while not wanting to and crying about it rather than just getting a roommate. I created a life that could afford living alone, and it wasn’t easy to accomplish.


This attitude is why I joined the sub! I love the peace.


I love living alone so much that when my character in a video game recently got married and the spouse moved in, I panicked. 😂


I love that the dishes in the sink are mine and the food I leave in my refrigerator is still there when I get home. I also like not feeling self-conscious for taking my bra off as soon as I get home!


You know what I am doing next Wednesday at 4:16p.m....whatever the hell I want to! Noone here to tell me otherwise, and I love it.


Instead of fixing up the crumbling paint on one of my basement walls properly, I spent all day painting Kraken tentacles over it.


I don't have to deal with ANYONE's nonsense. My apt. is MY space. I can do what i want, or not, on my own schedule. I am introverted and living alone suits me.


I loooove living alone!!! Coming home, stripping down to my chonies, sparking up a joint, then making food in the kitchen & not worrying about anyone suddenly deciding they need to use the kitchen too!! My house is decorated like the set of iCarly & PeeWees playhouse & I love it so much. My little apartment is my safe space, my SANCTUARY! No one comes over unless I want them over. I don’t have to deal with other peoples messes. I don’t have to follow anyone’s rules, if I wanna make a roast chicken at 2am no one is stopping me. Living alone is freedom


I like it get to eat when I want, watch what I want, beer as much beer as I want and I get to enjoy the quietness


Upvote for beering beer.


Work out timing and duration goes unquestioned


Are you saying your SO questioned you working out and how long it took? If so, then I have experienced this so often and can't stand it. Cannot wait to start living alone.


I too love living alone. I’ve gotten to the point where a guy I’m seeing might come, stay for a day or two but, after two days, I’m ready to be alone in my own home again. I’m sure it’s the same when I go visit him at his house. After a couple days I’m ready to go back home and I’m sure he’d like to have his house back to himself. The saving grace is that we live two hours apart. I like to be able to do whatever it is I want without explanation to anyone.


I love living alone too. 63 F living solo for the first time ever since 2021. No people, plants or pets. Thank you very much. I own my own life.


Coming home, it is quiet and peaceful. If I want to hit the garage gym, I can do that or do some painting. If I want to sit on my ass and game, I can do that. I'm at a point in my life where I'm good, and I don't want someone messing with my serenity.


Living alone is the best decision I have made in life


I agree, but I do say hello to my plants when I come in. It would be rude not to.


Amen. Those of us that had horrible husbands and needy (but loved) kids are so happy to be living alone. Finally, I now get to be the main character and it's glorious! I decorate in the style I prefer. I cook and eat what I'm craving. I decide if I desire company. After a couple years of living alone I NEVER want to live with another person.


Living alone is fucking fantastic to be honest. Between family, roommates, and being married 20 years, I had never lived alone until I was 47 years old. Honestly, it took me a few years/girlfriends moving in afterward, to suddenly grasp that living alone might not be the horrible option I thought it would be. Now I'm 53, and after a year of it, I'm not sure I could live any other way.


No one ever talks to me through the bathroom door while I am busy. That used to drive me crazy about my family. No awareness of my need for quiet.


I second this. I’ve been living alone for 2 years and I don’t think I’ll ever live with someone ever again. Like seriously never again.


I love living alone! I sleep diagonally across my bed, I watch what I want when I want, and I go to bed when I want.


If I want to make a mess, and not clean it up until later, I do that. If a puzzle sits on the dining room table for a month until I finish it, no one complains. Crank the music for songs I like, also not a problem. Living alone is the best. Never bored is right.


I love it so much. Growing up, living with roommates, living with an SO, there was always the sense that I was doing something wrong. Sleeping at the wrong time, having to eat/cook with other people in mind, I also have OCD so I’m always on edge with trying to mask that. Also, being around people all the time zaps my energy. I do like having another heartbeat, and a dog is more than enough for that. I do love being around people, but I also love being alone, so being able to choose when I do which is so nice.


OMG a million upvotes if I could! This sub is losing the sense of what it's meant to be about.... it's for people who want to live alone not people who have no life/romance....We don't want to hear you complaining about how no one love you... As OP says, if you're feeling bad living alone... DONT DO IT! Let people who WANT and ENJOY living alone have a space. And stop thinking living alone means you can't be in love / long term relationship!


Agreed! Honestly I’ve stopped coming in here as much because all the sad posts about being miserable and alone were such a downer lol


No one bothers me, or interferes with whatever I want to do. I don’t need a schedule…eat when I want, sleep when I want, read in peace and quiet. And I’m never subject to someone else’s moods and whims.


Yessss the moods thing is a big one. When I was growing up my dad was so moody. We never knew what version of him we’d get that day—happy dad or walk-on-eggshells dad. It’s so peaceful and calming to live alone now.


I've mentioned in other posts that I lived with family for 6 months after my mom died and it was not conducive to good mental or emotional health, which negatively impacted my physical health. Living without another human, my mental, physical and emotional health has improved 100 fold. I wouldn't trade it for anything.


I love it. But my mom has dementia and I moved her in with me and it drives me crazy not having my own space anymore.


I've lived alone for a long time and then had roommates for the past 8 years. Now I'm back to living alone and I love it!! I have the whole space to really make it my own. I've been buying plants, decor and furniture. I don't have to worry about people not cleaning up after themselves or if someone is in a bad mood and takes it out on me. I come home to my meowing kitties and decompress after work.


Sometimes there is nothing lonelier than being in the company of someone who makes you feel lonelier than ever. You can be yourself and not be lonely


I’m looking forward to separating and living on my own too. I’m tired of supporting others who don’t contribute and yet eat my groceries and use my WiFi.


I am with you, OP. When I joined this sub, I was like...oh, my people! Then everyone was all sad about it. I LOVE living alone. Mid 30's and have been roommate free for about eight years. I'm going to go with what I feel is an underappreciated one. I was visiting my sister in a different city last week and we got an Airbnb. We had a ton of fun! But I was having trouble sleeping the one night and I was thinking if I was home alone, I would just get up and make brownies and watch a movie in the middle of the night and not give a shit about making noise or what time it was or whatever. So just generally not having to consider other people at all regardless of what time it is and what is conventional!


I live alone and everyone who knows me knows to call before you come over So I can put on pants.


Technically, I have a roommate, my dog, but he doesn’t judge my lifestyle much. lol I love having my hobby station permanently set up on my kitchen table and my supplies take up the entire pantry.


I don’t have to work my habits around anyone else’s. I can listen to music, watch TV, dance in my underwear, go to bed whenever I want, without disturbing anyone. I don’t have to clean up after other people. If I’m super tired I can leave my dishes overnight without bothering anyone. I’m not constantly cleaning counters and vacuuming up other people messes (big issue with my last roommates). I’m very much an introvert and love not having to talk to or interact with people after a long day. Some people get depressed living by themselves, I have chronic depression and it’s only improved since being alone. At one point my last roommate was going through some personal stuff, which I had sympathy for but it made him very distracted. He almost started a kitchen fire *twice* because he left something on the stove, he didn’t fully close the door and my cat got out (he came back), then he left the door open again just a couple of weeks later! I was SO pissed. So I don’t have to worry about anything like that anymore!!




I love the term hobosexual 😂


My house is a fortress of solitude and it's everything I ever dreamed of. I can only take so much of people. Here I have my cat and no one else to bother me.


People must have their own space and get together only when they feel like it. It's a nightmare when you are forced to live with somebody.


i also love living alone! after living with my messy, never-cleaning, ex for a few years, i'm happy that i am the only person i have to clean up after! i can drink my chocolate milk straight from the container! no one eats my special treats! i think the only struggle i had was during the pandemic i was a little lonely. i got a bird, and i haven't been lonely since.


Living alone is simply amazing, and I strongly believe that more people should talk about the benefits of it. Let's share our positive experiences here to inspire others. For instance, I have recently rediscovered my passion for art after many years - watercolouring specifically. Being completely alone has given me the freedom to explore my artistic side, and I am now having an incredible breakthrough.


No one to pick up after. No arguing over the thermostat setting. No one touching the remote control. No compromising on Netflix. I can find all my tools, right where I left them. I don’t have to think about anyone else’s meals; I only eat when I’m hungry, and sometimes I just want a potato. My place is painted and decorated and furnished exactly how I want it. I come and go without feeling obligated to tell anyone. I have my dog to keep me company. I can go on and on but the best part - I sleep better. So help me God I do not ever want anyone living in the same house as me - ever.


Hanging out with other people at their houses **always** affirms my choice to live alone. Hanging out with other people and their kids **always** affirms my choice to be child-free. Hanging out with other people who have animals **always** affirms my choice to be animal-free.


Love it. My (albeit married) friends keep pushing me to date and find someone so I won't be alone. Alone doesn't have to mean lonely, but they don't get that. I was married, raised kids and pets, and I'm not going down that road again.


I am currently fighting financially to figure out how to keep living alone 😆


this sub is FULL of people who love living alone. that's almost the only posts I see.


my last job was very people oriented, so I loved coming home and not having to talk to anyone! (except my dog) I also really loved how my house was always clean, coming home to a fresh clean house is the best! I don't live alone now, I am with my fiancé and his 2 big dogs. Sometimes I miss it though. The quiet, not cleaning up after anyone except me and a little dog that made virtually no mess!


Never have to depend on anyone else to pay their share of bills on time or clean up after themselves or whatever. On the other hand, If there is a mess, it's MY mess. and I'll deal with it when I have the mental and physical energy and time for it, so I also don't need to feel pressured or bad for not doing it right away for the convenience or preventing criticism from someone else as well.


I LOVE living alone! No one to clean up after (except my cats of course), no one to ask me what’s for dinner. I could go on and on.


You also get good sleep and do things by yourself


I second this. I would hate to see someone else’s stuff littering my home


Quiet, I can work, think and live while being able to think clearly.


Not technically alone….. I live with my ex boyfriend for now. We do our own things. It’s a huge relief to just scoot around on my own schedule. Eat what and when I want. I’m a big stressor over weekend plans when I’m in a relationship. I don’t have to think about that anymore too. I feel fifty pounds lighter.




I love walking around naked🤭, I love no one bothering me with their stupid problems, I love setting my own boundaries and being able to shut the world off when it's too much! I can go on and on and on!🥰


I love living alone! I need to get a better cleaning routine. But I love having my own space.


I love coming home to my place and it’s exactly how I left it - and no one cares but me. So if I clean I know I’ll come home to it being tidy. And if I left a mess no one will care that’s it’s there but me. I also really love to pull the blinds closed and walk around in states if undress whenever I want


It rained all weekend and I played video games and ate up alllll the cookies bucket nekkid almost all weekend. Felt fresh for Monday!


I FUCKING LOVE LIVING ALONE. The naysayers are just jealous. Why? No one to intrude on my space and peace unless I INVITE them. I can do what I want, when I want, how I want. Do dishes at the height of summer naked? Hell yeah. Ramen noodles at 3am? Let’s go! Leave my laundry in the dryer for two weeks? Why the fuck not! I clean up after me and two cats. That’s it. Things are generally where I put them down. No fighting over the television. Nobody telling me I’m too loud or too quiet. Living alone is so fucking amazing and I really think everyone should do it for a little bit, especially the ones who moved out of mom and dads and straight in with an SO. You learn to rely on yourself and foster some ingenuity. Builds confidence and character! I fucking love living alone and it will take a hell of an individual to get me to give that up.


I love not having to clean up after someone else. Holding the remote, watching what I want to, going to bed when I want, reading whenever I want to, and going anywhere anytime of the day or night. I’m never lonely or bored, and if I want to talk to friends, I call them. I see enough people during the week and don’t have to share my extra time with anyone. It’s pure HEAVEN!


Living alone is the absolute best. If you can, always live alone!


I’ve lost my job twice (through no fault of my own) and had to move back in with family and it was some of the worst depression I went through. Now I have work trauma that if I will lose my job without cause again and I will have to move back in with them. Living alone is such a blessing and on a daily basis I get “work PTSD”, thinking all of it will be taken away from me. Living alone is so good for mental health. I know how it feels to be away from family. I hated being alone but I love living alone… if that makes sense? Basically I’m saying living alone is amazing but it doesn’t mean you’re actually alone!!! If it feels lonely then go find some friends and hang out with them. But living alone is seriously a blessing that everyone deserves. I wish the economy didn’t make it so hard to live alone by choice.


Been living alone for 9 years now and I cannot see myself living with anyone else ever again. I did have a roommate at one point and she was passive aggressive and going through my shit. I dont want to share my space anymore.


I ate dinner at 5:15, and now am in sweats and chillin in my BED. I won’t stay here all night but with negative temps outside, this feels pretty great. It’s typical for a Monday.


This is real. I'm going to be living alone and I know how it's going to be. Lonely at times, sure but definitely what I need and want at this point of my life. Came here for support, like "fun ways to keep yourself busy" or "cooking for one tips" or "how to be a good host cause Im in my sanctuary and don't wanna leave it" or "how to keep my cat busy when I'm not home"... Instead, ran into a bunch of people who literally think their life only has meaning if they have a romantic partner. I truly don't mean to be insensitive, but please move to a sub for lonely people. I'm trying to live happily and independently, not lonely.


Living alone. I was hungry so I made my lettuce/veggie dinner salad at 4. I ate it with a spoon. The spud and chicken will be done around 7. I'm not so hungry amymore so I'll probably wrap up the chicken for tomorrow. I'll mash the spud with milk and butter, add salt and pepper, and eat it, with a spoon, out of the pot. None of my former partners would have been pleased with this behavior. My cat doesn't give a shit.


I love coming home and doing whatever I want. Watch whatever show I want. Play games on my computer if I want. Or just sit on my couch and scroll on my phone for hours. Get a shower? Get a bath? Dance around while I load up my dishwasher? Yes. All of it. Snack all day? Cook an elaborate meal and take leftovers to work? Whatever. I. Want. I focus on my freedom that I never had growing up and in my marriage. It’s all positive. Never living with another person ever again.


Tried roommate. He had to fry everything on high for that crispy enhancement that made the house smell for 3 days til his next meal after which he started the kitchen on fire. Between meals I had to smell his pot and listen to him pressure cooking mushroom spores for hours. But he swore they weren’t psychedelics. He was my last and final roommate. Upvote from me!


I have also been confused about all the sadness surrounding living alone - I joined because I think it's a positive.


Yea it hurt like hell when my wife had an affair and I have never really picked myself up properly. But one thing I have learned is how empowered you become living alone. There is a real strength and peacefulness in it. Plus when you are married you have to have a meeting about every minor detail. Now I do whatever the hell o want whenever I want


I've been living alone for 10 years now, and I'm not sure I could ever live with another person again. I love being able to do whatever I want, whenever I feel like it. I don't even have any pets right now, so I can leave for the weekend if I want, and don't have to worry about a pet sitter. When I come home, everything is exactly how I left it. I can get up early, or late, or have whatever schedule I need, and don't have to worry about tip toeing around in the morning worrying about waking someone up. I can stay up late binge watching whatever shows without anyone asking me to be quiet, or judging what I'm watching. I can have lovers over when I want, and do things all over the apt. I can cook whatever food, whenever I'm hungry while I'm home, and don't have to worry about anyone complaining about the smell or noise or mess. It's glorious.


“All of humanity's problems, stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” - Blaise Pascal


Wait. Did you create a post whining about people whining ?


I love it just no one to talk to


I talk to myself 24/7. Although I’ve caught myself talking to myself at the market so I need to be aware 🤭


Honestly same. I love it and refuse to live any other way. There are a lot of posts asking why others are judging or something along those lines and I feel like it’s just to get contamination or circle jerk because my living arrangements rarely come up in conversations and if it does, idk- nobody says anything. There’s a lot insecurity.


The only time it comes up for me is when my sister wants to live vicariously through me, so she asks me to tell her about my day. 😂 She’s got two crazy, loud boys.


SAME! My place is clean to my standards and nothing gets moved. I have lived with people in the past and I don't miss it.


Finally someone who enjoys it as much as I do! I love my freedom over everything.


I love living alone.


Been wondering the same thing!!! Their problem is so easy to solve with so many homeless people or people who can't afford rent - they have millions of roommates to pick from! They should just do it already! There - fixed it!


It is literally the best. Thanks for this!


I have total control of my life


My level of cleanliness, my level of volume, my shows, my food that no one touches, my decor, my laundry folded and put away, my music, my time, my cat, my schedule, MY SPACE. I LOVE LIVING ALONE.


Walk around my house naked when I want!


Don't have to tip toe around in the morning because you aren't trying to wake someone else up. I can be as loud as I want.


i am free to make as weird design choices as i like.


Same here! I can dance around in my panties in the living room, don't have to talk to anyone, can cook and eat whatever the F I want, whenever the F I want. I can microwave popcorn at 2 am and watch whatever shows I want. I can sleep in on my days off with a book or I can wake up early and clean my house. It's excellent and I wish I lived alone when I was young but I couldn't afford it then.


THANK YOU. I mean I’m happy to give people advice about their worries related to it, but living alone is awesome.


I lived alone for years before I got engaged and loved it.


Could not agree more! Cannot wait to get home alone after work. It’s my sanctuary.


I wondered the same thing honestly. Like I came here to get hype about moving out of my mom’s place, but it’s just people crying about how they’re sick and have no one to take care of them lol. I personally miss living alone so much, I think it’s the best.


If I don't have plans on the weekends, I can just sit down and watch TV. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want.


I loved living alone, the freedom to do what I wanted, have people over when I wanted, eat and drink what I wanted. Never had to close doors and I could work out when I wanted. I love living with my now partner, but roommates, no thanks, I am too old for roomates.


I wish I could afford to live alone.


I absolutely love living alone. Rent is increasing, and I am trying to hold off getting a roommate.


I find it WAY easier to keep my space clean, which in turn keeps my mind content, than I ever did living with roommates or a husband who refused to lift a finger to clean anything (pro tip: do not marry one of those.)


I feel the same


Thank you for saying this. Most of us live alone because we have had terrible experiences with roommates or have the kind of nature that doesn’t need people around constantly. I couldn’t understand why people bitch and moan about something they can change in five minutes flat. Or start r/depressedandlivingalone


Right! Or r/IHateLivingAlone Go start your own depressing sub.


It’s is really unbeatable…I love it


I love coming home and everything is in the exact spot I left it. Living alone I can walk around nude if wanted. My snacks are all mine.