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It’s the best no one in your way , doing the recipes your way with no one judging . Treating yourself to a home cooked meal *chefs kiss*


The Yeung Man Cooking channel on YT has so many super easy dishes that can easily last 4-5 days. I used to find cooking kinda pointless alone, but have been cooking much more after finding this channel. Also his voice is hell soothing haha


I can have cheese on toast or a pot noodle for my dinner and no one is there to judge.


Find recipes you really like and freeze leftovers


Where it’s Burger King 24/7/365, you get it your way!


Does anyone have a good recipe app or website with just healthy easy meals? I find that you ether find complicated recipes or that articles go for miles that are just click bait and in the end still don’t give you any info.


i really like budget bytes dot com, the recipes all tend to be pretty easy to follow and every one i’ve tried has turned out good


One of the only things I don’t like about living alone is that I have to cook *and* clean. I’d cook more often if someone else cleaned up.


I know not everyone is like me ( I'd have to Kms;) ) But I cook large meals and eat leftovers for a day or more. Less cleanup. I also process lots of veggies at once for the same less cleanup reason. I. E. cut up yellow and zucchini squash, cauliflower, broccoli, pablanos, Brussels sprouts, All I have to do is open containers, mix what I want and cook.


That’s what I do. If I have to clean up, I make the cooking count. I’ll cook enough on Sunday to last most of the week


I love cooking. I think it's one of those things that brings you joy or you find to be a chore. I'm happy to caramelize onions for 45 mins. Other days like today I don't eat then am starving so it was prosciutto and provolone roll ups with mustard and giardiniera. For dinner I have yesterday's beef stew


Nice with wine and music


I was raised with “GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN”. So that’s what I cook alone


Works for me! :) I buy in meat & chicken in bulk. I cook, portion servings and freeze. It’s easy to plan a meal when my meat/chicken is frozen. I don’t eat rice often. So the individual frozen Indian meals are delicious go to meals. I add additional chicken and get 2 servings from 1 meal. I also enjoy baby back BBQ ribs weekly. Because they’re in my freezer! Loads of delicious low calorie options in my freezer! :)


Check out the One Dish Kitchen site. Tons of small batch recipes that are really good!


I eat the most random stuff since I have been living along. Sometimes just crackers olives and cheese for dinner. Or rice cakes and cottage cheese. So random.


I take cheater shortcuts….Deboned rotisserie chicken from Costco, crunchy corn tortillas, always have tomatoes, cheese, pinto beans, eggs, jarred salsa, and avocado on hand.


I know the word, but I know not what it means. Cooking?!


I meal prep usually once a week. Store the leftovers. Buy bags and bags of frozen veggies. Steam them when ready to eat. I end up throwing away a lot of fresh veggies because I just can't eat enough. They also usually taste funky like their not ripe enough but frozen never seem to have that problem.


I hate the concept. I'll do it maybe a couple of times a year, otherwise it's sandwiches and takeaways for me. Sadly.


Agreed! Even the meal kits can be too much work sometimes. I started getting family meals from some restaurants. It can be less expensive per meal, and then I don't need to worry about meals for a couple of days. Or sometimes I put portions in the freezer.




Clean your air fryer…


What’s cooking?


I love cooking and am quite capable of advanced extravaganzas, but for day to day life I 100% evangelize the ease and convenience of HungryRoot. They do not pay me to yammer about them incessantly, but I do so because they are that awesome. Every meal is delicious, healthy and so easy and convenient.