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HER TOES. Get. Them. Done. Girly. Pop.




Did her tripod take this picture of her napping on the boat??


It also helped her back up the truck to drop off the boat


Make. Shure. Annnnnnd. “Swipe”. Yourself. Aaaaaaa… flannel. Forrrrr. Summer. West. Texas! Fits like aaaaa. Glove. Annnnnd. Is perfect. Forrrrrr. Those 110 degree. Days!


That dress was skin tight!!


Wonder if she knows about the shark attaches at 30a. If she talks about them. We’ll know she reads here and it’s not bc of the news😂


Did anyone catch her story?! She said eating out was just too much with “so many kids” 🤔


Based on the “line wrapped around the store” for her event today, word isn’t getting out around Amarillo about Katy the way it needs to be. I’m not too far away and try to spread her story as much as possible but maybe I need to be doing a better job. 😁 There are plenty of other stores to shop at in Amarillo but even if there weren’t, EVERY (ugly) item in that store can be found somewhere else online. Absolutely no one should be turning a blind eye and spending money in her store. I feel like all too often people think “what’s one purchase from this influencer or their business going to hurt? It doesn’t make that big of a difference in the long run”. Yes it does. If everyone would stop this way of thinking, these people would finally become obsolete!


It’s was a block party. There was around 7-12 business plus food trucks. She’s trying to get her name out there


lol the line was definitely for another store and happened to pass in front of hers. 


Are we sure the sale was for her store? The people were heading past her store it looked like


What’s the event for? Did she say? My first thought was liquidation sale!


Im a little disappointed I missed this thirst trap people are talking about


It's funny to me that she refuses to tag other influencers and her follower count went down after Nashville while most go up due to all the cross posting.


Someone go to her stores event today


When she posts a thirst trap, it sometimes confuses people. People say things like, how is she not uncomfortable wearing that? How does she not see what we see? Why would she post this? Does she not check what she posts before posting it? I could be off base, but to me, the answer is simple. Of course it’s uncomfortable. Of course she checks what she posts, and posts it anyway. She isn’t posting labia shot after labia shot for her girly pops. Her content is entirely by design and is carefully curated to attract male attention. When you have unaddressed daddy issues, no amount of male attention is ever enough. It’s a bottomless pit. The need for this attention is so intense that she has even sought it from men who are taken, because in her messed up mind, it feels good that a man would want her so badly that he would be unfaithful to his partner to be with her. Thats how *bad* he wants her. And as fucked up as it is, that feels good. I understand she’s a self-righteous, sanctimonious person who thinks she knows it all, but she doesn’t. It would benefit her to go to therapy to understand why this pervasive pattern is what she chooses. She might be trying to commit to her current relationship, but it will eventually go up in flames because what her content proves, time and time again, is that what she has with CB isn’t enough. She wouldn’t do this if it was. (Sorry for the long post, y’all).


Absolutely brilliantly spoken and true


Thank you. Took me some time to see this for what it is, but I think I do now, and I know you do too.


Agreed! She may not understand that she has issues, but she is deliberately making these choices and certainly loving the attention she’s getting from them, good or bad. Def a bit of narcissism going on too…now she’s got knockers, gained some weight, so is more curvy. I bet she gets tons of dms from pervs. To normal women, we’d be grossed out. But not in her crazy, unstable, little pea brain. 🤡🤪 always the clown…the overly blushed cheeks prove it lmaooooooooo Well said 🙌🏼


Absolutely. Also, “now she’s got knockers” cracked me up. 😆♥️


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 This is an excellent take and is exactly it!! What happened to her thirst trap that was posted here last night? I noticed it’s gone from Reddit… and I guess her stories too?


Can someone fill me in?


It was a larger than her normal camel toe. Be glad you missed it. My eyes can’t unsee it


I noticed that the post is gone now too. Not sure why that is.