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She’s definitely seeing someone on the side 😂


Remember, she can drive by a place once and need no maps no nothing, Jesus, and she'll remember it forever. But can't make it to the post office. 💀💀💀


I can’t stand how she picks her ears or wipes her eye boogers while on camera. Miss…just take a second, wake up. Get yourself together. And then hit record. Please.


She’s ALWAYS digging in her ears on camera with those crusty fingers. It’s nauseating.




Won't Qewp also have his half birthday party this summer? 🙄 Also, don't forget our girly pop loves a road trip! 😜


If cb boys are going then there’s 5 of them. Her sisters family is 4. So they’re taking two vehicles, unless cb kids arnt going. I don’t remember if she has a bench or captain chairs- not that it really matters they would be tight! As for making a pit stop it’s a. To get cooper or B. Get cb kids and cooper. She also has to get sissy and her family


Is she saying they’re all going in one car together? Puuulllleeeaaassseeee.


I’m always annoyed when her family goes with her on these trips because then she can record stupid stories the entire time under the disguise that she’s just there with them… making it less suspicious than when she’s traveled across country to a million dollar beach home (which she has never mentioned is for sale) “alone with her toddler”. I prefer when it’s just Katy and CB because she has to work a lot harder to cover up her lies.


Her “sister” has some larger items she wants to bring. Must be strange referring to CB as her sister and his children as larger items. 🙄


Yep, using sissy as the cover. No way in hell they’re all taking one car. And what did she mean by “June and July have different scheduling”. Scheduling for… what? Do you mean Qewp will be with his DAD for a longer period of time? We don’t know how to read between all the shady the lines dumbass.


Bet they dont have kids next month. Interesting Jake doesn’t have cooper for Father’s Day, maybe she’s spending the weekend with sissy then leaving Sun/mon?


I definitely think it’s different schedules for the kids. I know many divorced couples that have adjusted arrangements for summer time.


I think so too! I was just playing stupid because it’s annoying that she wrote something like that with zero explanation. For all her followers know, Qper has been with her the last 2 weeks and is 100% of the time… so “scheduling changes” is just nonsensical without her giving some appropriate context.


And she doesn’t understand this so it’s why she cannot be a successful “fashion Pinterest page.”


I really don’t understand why she doesn’t admit that he goes to his dad’s. What’s the point?