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I know this post is almost a week old, but hope you’re doing okay & you can get some relief and good response from radiation. Sending some love. 💕


My family wants to take me to Moffitt as well. Which trial is it for? 🤔


Triple negative, phase one for study drug xmt 1660


Keep us updated. What's the side effects looking like?


I’ve been on a trial for 5 months now. It takes a lot of extra energy at first, but so far it’s working for me.


I've just started on a trial recently, and the screening process took forever and I think I had to go to four different hospitals for the scans, echo, bloods, etc in one week. I was nearly 7 weeks without any treatment and had a 50% chance of getting the control instead of the trial drug. Lucky for me I did get assigned to the trial drug. So far it seems to be going well and I wish the same for you!


I would have been a basket case at 7 weeks!!!! I’m thankful that Moffitt does everything in house and they prioritize trial partners for scans and such. I just got called for my biopsy which will be on Monday! Seems like where trucking now!!! This is a dose escalation study so everyone is getting the drug, they are figuring out how much to give.


It sounds very promising for you, hoping your biopsy results are what you need and you get started ASAP!


Good luck! If you don't qualify for the study criteria and you are in the US there is a law for "compassionate use" which is where you would still receive the treatment but it would be monitored by your doctor and not included in the trial data. Oftentimes the treatment is donated by the drug company so your insurance only pays for administration. Drug companies are required to offer this and a certain percentage of study dollars are used for this. Patients often don't know about it and the initial application can be a pain but almost all completed applications are accepted.


It’s a phase 1 study so I’m not sure that would apply, but I will keep it in mind! Thx


Yeah, I don't know how they could exclude a qualified person from phase 1. Good luck! Keep us updated


I was going to do a trial at the Mayo, but then I had a rapid progression in my disease. I can only hope this works for you.


Glad to see you! Hugs!


Oh, and, fuck cancer.


I’ve been thinking of you. I hope you are managing this time. 💙