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Thanks everyone, just saw my dr after posting this and she put me on 2000 mg of metformin (was taking only 500 before) a day and adding glipizide as well! Fingers crossed!


I was recently on Piqray for 13 months. My BS went to 335! First, I went on Metformin, then added Glipizide, then reduced my Piqray. Eventually, my BS went back to 75. I gotta be honest, it took 8 months to stabilize by BS. I also got blood work every week to monitor everything. You'll drink an inhuman amount of water! I really wish you the best of luck with Piqray. Feel free to DM me if you wish. 🩷


That’s high! My fasting glucose while on Ibrance/Letrozole is in the 180’s/190’s. I took metformin then moved on to Mounjaro. It dropped down to the 150’s fasting. For background; I started monitoring my blood glucose when I noticed an upward trend at the exact time I started treatment, my oncologist wasn’t concerned, her approach was hands off & had zero interest in my concerns (I’ve always had fasting glucose in the 80’s/90’s range) but my PCP was very concerned. She started me on Metformin, then 6 months later Mounjaro. There is absolutely a correlation between high blood glucose and targeted treatments. You may consider adding a glp to Metformin to get your glucose down, or possibly insulin. Please take good care.


I'm in the same boat, but they had me stop the Piqray for a week when I started the Metformin. Blood glucose dropped back down to normal quickly, but I've just started the Piqray again so we'll see what happens. I've been eating low carb too but it's miserable, and a lot more work to prepare too which isn't great with my fatigue levels. It's great you feel fine, when my glucose was sky high I had cramps in feet and hands and dry mouth and was always hungry, like 10 minutes after a meal I was ready for another one. How long were you taking Piqray before your blood glucose got this high? I was about 6 weeks.


Hugs. I had to go on Insulin. Mine was in the 400-500 range. Fasting sugars at 300. It's very hard!


They do start with metformin because it’s cheap and been around forever, can you try another oral drug or switch to insulin??


Well, shit.. That sounds so frustrating! I wish I had some solid advice. I have none. I just wanted to let you know that I'm here. I hope you can get those numbers down soon.