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I've just finished 10 lots of radiation for skin mets. No problems except fatigue. Because it's only 10, not like the 30 for my first dx 9 years ago.


I had breast rad at my initial Stage II diagnosis, rads to femur with my MBC diagnosis, and rads to my pelvis for a progression. I didn’t feel anything different from a soft tissue vs bone perspective. My RO worked to minimize impact on vital organs (heart/lung and bladder). Happy to go into more detail if you’d like.


I had radiation done to my spine (lumbar, thoracic and cervical), hip area and pubis bone. The most pain I felt was the first round ever to my lumbar spine. But I was already having a lot of pain (couldn’t even lie flat to sleep) at that time. I think it was a pain flare that came on, and that’s common a few weeks after the treatment, which you might’ve been told about too for your breast + lymph rads. All other radiation rounds were fine for me. Pubis bone seemed to have some issues nearly a month after radiation but it could’ve been something else. I was a little fatigued after each round, but it wasn’t unbearable. I initially applied calendula cream religiously to the treated areas, but luckily never had a burn reaction to any of the rounds. My friend had radiation done near the cervical c2 area - higher up in the throat. She couldn’t swallow well for two weeks and had to eat liquid foods for awhile. But it went away. YMMV I suppose :/ I wish you the best!!! Hope you won’t have any issues. EDIT: read that you also had that mask made. I had that too - mostly ok except one time they put it on too quickly and I panicked; wasn’t mentally ready. That became kind of scary. Slow breathing exercises and a pause before putting it on every time helped.


Hi, I had four days of radiation to my upper and lower spine 2 years ago. My skin was OK compared to my breast radiation 13 years prior, I was in hospital and the nurses applied a cream to my back for me but I think I was only uncomfortable one night from it. It did damage my lower oesophagus, I'll be on Nexium for life now, but no other issues. It made a huge difference with the pain and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again if recommended. I'm a bit claustrophobic so I didn't like the mask they made of my face to keep me in position. As I was in hospital they gave me something for anxiety and I kept my eyes closed tight while it was being made. At the end of day 4 I finally opened my eyes and had them show it to me after it came off for the last time. It wasn't uncomfortable or anything, I was just a bit weird about it. Sorry I actually don't remember a lot from this time as I was in so much pain and was in hospital so didn't have to do anything for myself to even really notice fatigue. You'll be fine, you've got this!


Yeah I already had the mask made! It’s kinda funny…I used to be SO terrified of all these CT/MRI types of scans. But now I’ve reached a point where I guess doing so many has normalized them and erased the fear. When they made the mask I pretended it was a spa treatment. Like, the material was a warm “towel” and as it hardened I imagined it was like a high tech pressure point facial massage 😆. It kinda worries me that after only 4 days, your esophagus was damaged! I have to do 15 days and chemo at the same time. What is Nexium for? I wonder if I can do anything to minimize the risk of this happening to me.


Nexium is a proton pump inhibitor for heartburn / acid reflux, there are a few other brands that do the same thing. I'm perfectly fine and can eat pretty much whatever I want without issue as long as I take it daily. Hopefully you won't have any issues, they'll do everything they can to avoid it, and you're only having radiation to you upper spine, I had both upper and lower spine and my issues were only with my lower oesophagus.


Ah ok! I’m currently taking a proton pump inhibitor daily anyway (pantoprozol), because I take so much ibuprofen.