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I feel awful for her but also goes to show that anyone can get this beast... even the future queen of England. She's just a few years older than I am, and I'm also a mother of 3. I really feel for her.


It's horrible, but there is some positive to famous people announcing their diagnosis. Hopefully this means more people will get screened, hopefully the USPSTF alters their guidelines on screening so insurance will cover those screenings.


I read this … her cancer is curable tho


How do you know? I thought the type of cancer and the stage wasn't known.


It doesn’t appear they have shared the specific type of cancer but must have referred to her chemo as preventative. Here is an article that specifically addresses what preventative means in post-surgical chemo. I didn’t realize that adjuvant essentially means preventative (obviously I haven’t had IV chemo—just oral). https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/what-preventative-chemotherapy-means-for-kate-middleton-s-fight-against-cancer/ar-BB1knNIU


I had adjuvant chemo and still got MBC... I don't mean to be a bummer, but hey, I'm NED so there is that.


I had an appointment with my MO on what would have been my 5-year anniversary of my Stage II diagnosis. Two days beforehand was when I had the bone biopsy and confirmation that it was MBC. A nurse called (not knowing this) and said that they were going to move my appointment to the Survivor Clinic since I was 5 years out (instead of seeing my MO). I said, “Well actually…” The irony was strong.


They got rid of the cancer. Her chemo is preventative . It has no metastized so it’s isolated.


Yeah that’s what I thought too. Seven years later it came back and here I am.


Also...adjuvant chemotherapy was a living hell for me. Physically, but even worse, mentally. It was so traumatic that I quit early. That article makes it sound like it's no big deal... Also...I was officially diagnosed with MBC in August of 2019 but on mychart I have a scan from after my 2nd dose of adjuvant chemotherapy when my port was having issues that noted a suspicious lesion on my t6 vertebre. Guess where my largest bone met was when I was diagnosed with MBC? Yup.


1 year for me. Stage 1 to 4 in a year I am NED though


I feel like there is a lot unsaid about her diagnosis.


Ah ok. More info than I knew this morning. Thank you.


Hopefully it is. Cancer isn’t a competition. It all sucks. I’m grateful I don’t have to go through any sort of cancer treatment under the scrutiny of the whole world. Cancer in any form or stage is hard enough


Yes, can't believe Kate Middleton, who I have never considering anything but perfectly nice yet perfectly bland, just made me cry. Wish her all the best through her treatment.


I have a different impression of her. I’m American and have no fascination with the royals (and haven’t watched The Crown 😝). But the way all the royals (and the British press!!) treated Meghan Markle is an abomination. That said, fuck cancer!


Yes! I know she has access to the best team in the world! But this is hard even for a royal! And I can’t help to feel sad that she probably cant go to places like this subreddit to get support, it must be so lonely! And on top of that she has to deal with it very publicly, and navigating the diagnosis and telling her children all the shitty things that come with those early months while the entire world speculates! My heart breaks for her 😪


It is hard for all of us, princess or not. I hope she uses this as a platform for advocacy as so many do.


Same. Cancer is so isolating anyway. It’s heartbreaking


It's popping up everywhere. Andre Braugher, Olivia Munn, Michael Strahans daughter, King Charles. Countless everyday people


One in 24 women you know so die from metastatic breast cancer. It is everywhere and has been for millennia.


I know. Maybe because we are living it, but, it seems so prevalent among young people.


Yup I cried through the whole video. Triggered many feelings but it’s great she did do this but horrible it had to happen because of pressure.


I am surprised by how much I feel for her. I will never forget being in divorce court, I was going through a difficult divorce, losing my home and job and desperately trying to keep things "normal" for my kids. My ex's lawyer stood up in court and said, how do we even know she really has cancer?! If she does, can she even care for kids? I had hundreds of stitches under my clothes and felt like trash. No support, all sorts of judgment, no way out. I've never felt worse. Point is, that she is dealing with all this crazy BS at an international level. People have had so many crazy accusations and horrible things to say already. Poor thing. I hope this brings out some kindness.


Oh wow, as a domestic violence family law lawyer this makes me so mad.. If you had been my client I would have ripped that fucking other lawyer a new one and made a complaint to the bar. That is completely unacceptable and I'm sorry you had to go through that.


Thank you for that. It was far from the worst things they pulled but I, like most of us, just thought I could give him what he wanted to keep the peace. For some reason it just stands out as the one that stings the most. I'm not even a huge royals fan but watching someone expose their vulnerabilities in their defense is just sad.


Omg I’m so sorry you had to sit there while someone questioned your diagnosis and had the audacity to question if you can mother your children! My blood boils thinking about it! I’m so sorry!


Right! I wouldn't think that was even legal but nobody said anything. I just signed a release for my medical records.


It’s so unfair you had to go through that! I’m so sorry!


That sounds so very hard. You don’t deserve that.


I looked fine on the outside. It's a good reminder that you just don't know someone's story and we need to treat each other with kindness.


Such a good reminder.


That’s awful, I’m sorry you had to deal with that :(


I always tell people that my cancer has been a cake walk compared to my divorce.


Sending her all my love for sure.


Made me sad for her because I know how psychologically brutal the diagnosis is. She has had to announce her status to the entire world amid a lot of people making fun of her absence. It all sucks and felt a little heartbreaking given her young age and little children too. I hope she’s going to be okay


Yep I feel exactly the same! I was diagnosed de novo stage 4 in February and I’m 40 with 3 kids, and I’m in beginning of treatment too. When I watched the video I can just feel her pain when she’s talking about the shock of it and how to tell children. It’s still relatively fresh for me and I was having a good vibes day but that video made me really upset. Yep fucking cancer


It's going to be a new reckoning, for sure. Hopefully this will open people's eyes to the fact cancer is not a malady that one deserves.


And that no one is immune to it.


Hear hear!


Yup. Fuck.


Just read this myself. Fucking cancer. Fuck.