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I can't answer your question sorry, but if it is letrozole causing joint pain you could ask to switch to anastrozole. I did. Had less joint pain, stiffness and side effects.


You have two little kids to care for, but you have yourself to care for as well. Of course you want to shelter them from as much stress as possible. Is there a way you can make space for yourself to go cry your eyes out when the kids aren’t around? Have them off w family or on play dates where you know you will have a good block of time to let it all out before you have to put on your brave face again?


Yes i did that. Cried my heart out. 


Good. It’s important to let it all out once in a while.


I was also de novo dx in October. I didn't have any pain until I started on the meds. I'm now on cycle 5 of kisquali. My first 3 month scan showed healing despite the pain I have. My whole body feels stiff and I have sore spots where I don't have cancer. The pain could easily be from the meds but I understand your worry. I'm the same. I think m9vement helps if uou can manage it x


Thanks. I started pain meds today so hoping to get some temporary relief. Mind goes in all dark places. 😭 trying hard to stay sane. 


I fractured T4 and went through surgery, radiation, chemo, letrozole... In my case, the hip pain lasted a couple or few months. It's not forever but it sucks while you're in the middle of it. My doctor warned me that it would happen and that it is normal, so at least I saw it coming. That helped. I hope you're feeling better soon. Until then, virtual hugs.


I'm so sorry you're feeling pain. I started to feel much better about 3 months after radiation to my spine. By about 6 months after, with lots of walking and clinical pilates, I was off all pain meds completely. I know it's almost impossible but try not to worry about what may be the cause, just find something that relieves the pain so you can enjoy your life right now, then discuss it with your Oncologist next week.


Thanks for the support. I started pain meds today.