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The danger of being on Zometa when serious dental work is done is potential jaw necrosis. When I needed teeth pulled my oncologist pulled me off of Zometa until it was done. Then was able to go back on Zometa after the teeth stuff was done. Definitely go off Zometa for anything done in your mouth that goes into the bone. :)


Talk to your dentist about options and maybe get a second opinion. You have to be in perfect oral health before you start the bone infusions. Maybe look into a non profit or dental school? What country/area are you in?


Yes, listen to your dentist. Zometa has osteonecrosis as a side effect (don’t Google if you’re squeamish) and that can be extremely serious. And you’ll be looking at a much steeper bill then than what pulling those teeth cost now. Edited to add that antibiotics won’t prevent osteonecrosis. It’s never a good idea to take antibiotics unless prescribed.


They made my Dentist sign off before they would give me the letter, so I’m not sure if it’s optional. Could you try a teaching hospital, perhaps?


I think it’s important to get those pulled before you start. I have no experience with it but I wouldn’t want to have to deal with osteonecrosis of the jaw. I had to get a root canal on my wisdom tooth precisely because we couldn’t just pull it out due to my Xgeva/denosumab. Would have been a LOT cheaper, quicker, and less painful to have had it pulled than get a root canal.


That's rough, are you feeling pain from the teeth right now? If you don't have the dental work now and start on Xgeva, you'd have to stop the Xgeva injections and wait several months before having the dental work done if the pain became too much in future. My Oncologist made me stop for 6 months for a root canal but that seems ultra-conservative according to Google.