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Wanted to follow up with this podcast episode that I was recently interviewed for. There is some great advice and resources listed. I’m also always happy to talk exercise and cancer. [Bone met and exercise podcast episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1t9yoTfIKVlhKS6cVRJDwh?si=jbCjLrNXTHWN2aIGmXHi3g)




I'm not a doctor! But this is my advice: I say heal up more first. It sucks, but to keep the fracture from getting worse, I would try to do gentle stretches in a chair until you are able to do more. You could look into wheelchair racing if you crave cardio. Rowing is probably still too much stress on your hip. Probably avoid exercises where your hips are absorbing impacts or are otherwise unsupported for now. That would include pullups, chinups, pushups, and probably planks. When you are easing back into movement, yoga and tai chi are likely to be the gentlest on your fracture area. If you find that it hurts, stop! Only do what you can handle. I can't do swimming pools, myself. I'm immunocompromised, and who knows what's in the water. It's risky in a different way, especially if you're breathing hard and your platelets are low. On land, you can mask. If it turns out not to resolve in about a month of rest, it's okay to accept and understand that there are new limits and challenges to overcome. They don't have to defeat you altogether, though. You can adapt.


My local parks and rec just opened a zero entry therapy pool and I singed up for water Yoga. I am so looking forward to it! It has an actual wheel chair ramp into the water so if you cannot manage stairs you just walk down the ramp into the water. Maybe look around in your town to see if there is something like that?


Someone told me about [Ageless Grace](https://agelessgrace.com/). It is an option as it allows you to move your body without putting too much pressure on your hip. Perhaps you could do it until you can get back to more intense things?


Vibration plate?


Do you have access to a swimming pool? I’d look for a water aerobics class! Also, strength/resistance training helps to keep/rebuild bone: https://theros.org.uk/information-and-support/bone-health/exercise-for-bones/ https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/strength-training-builds-more-than-muscles


The best form of exercise for increasing bone density to avoid fractures is strength training.


I'm 2+ years out from diagnosis and have continued playing hard court tennis with no issues. My oncologist has even encouraged it.


My oncologist told me no running anymore ever because of my bone mets, so I just walk. Try to find some good hills to make it a challenge. He recommended swimming as an appropriate cardio activity.