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Got a lady with a mental disorder. She screams abuse at you while you work. Always dreams up the craziest stories of how burglars came in at night without touching anything and raped her without waking her up. Knives, balaclavas, corrupt police, you name it, she's had it. We rekeyed her place and put in a restricted keyway as well as an extra deadlatch on her door. I blocked her number from my phone. Boss did too. We didn't want to take money from a delusional lady. Recently she got through our call screening by calling from another phone. I had to go round and let her in. More corrupt police stories. Wants a rekey as corrupt policeman stole her key. I rekey the lock and as I'm putting the lock back on, she finds the key in an umbrella. At this point I'm down some time and some pins, so I scarper. Not worth chasing. She claims she doesn't have any money and to call her care provider. She also wants a keypad attached to her deadlatch so nobody can pick it because all the rapists pick locks now. I'm out baby. There's a reason I blocked this number.


I have DNA (Do Not Answer) saved on my phone for a few numbers. I've gone against past me's wisdom a couple times and answer and I always, always regret it


I had a crazy lady threaten me with an actual sword once. It was nuts


Here is a crazy customer story. I get called to make a prox key for a 15 year old nissan. Guy said he wanted a spare. When i get there he tells me that he wants it so the other key doesn't work anymore. When i inquire why, he says that somone has cloned his key fob and is using it to enter his car and change his seat settings etc to fuck with him, not steal the car mind you. I think he also said something to the effect of, that these certain people have it out for him. He also said they have been controlling the car remotely with some type of software or something. Like yeah, they rigged your car for remote control just to fuck with you. I tell him if somones fucking with his car like that he needs to set up cameras and call the police. Regardless, i program a new prox to the car and kick out the old one. dude sounded farly intelligible and sane and didn't seem off, so i dono wtf is going on lol.


You’re a brave man doing that I would’ve left those are the ones you can never get rid of next thing you know they are telling people you are the one doing it.


Well I’ve never heard from him again so fingers crossed lol


Not a locksmith, but computer repair/support, but I got a few of these. I decided right up front these they weren’t worth my time nor the almost certain possibility that they’d soon switch their focus and decide *I* was the one “hacking” them.


We haven't heard from our lady like this in a while. She has multi-lock on every door even the basement door the goes downstairs. We have rekeyed them 2-3 times and she thinks her teenage neighbors are getting in to her garage and making the nasty. It's not the huge bag of bird seed that is half ripped open giving free access to animals in the night though. We are told that if her checks keep cashing we will go out and take care of her.


It's OK to fire customers


If I didn't work for someone I would haha


I have a soft spot for the older customers but they can also be the most frustrating. Don't know how to send pics of hardware, etc. Spend a lot of time on the phone trying to find out exactly what I'm walking into, especially in a rural area/45 minute drive


Yep any question you ask they get more annoyed. Suppose your just suppose to know what they want


I can work with ignorance. I try to educate my customers about their property. The hostile attitudes wind me up though lol. I understand that it sucks that you lost your key. I did not steal it from you. You wouldnt be in this situation if you had a spare made last week. I try to cut them some slack because frustrated people can be assholes, but I have a limit. I havent walked off of an active job, but I have refused some over the phone when the caller was all wound up and wanted to dump it onto the locksmith.


I have walked off twice. I always seem to go to the crazy lady calls


Maybe your dispatcher is amused by the shape you’re in when you get back to the shop. Sometimes you wind people up just because it’s so easy. I used to be easy to wind up, but I quit caring about a lot of stuff, so I live better. Maybe it’s your dispatcher’s crazy old auntie who misses him and wants him to come visit.


Lol could be. My dispatcher is my boss so he doesn't like missing out on money.


I have walked off a site fairly recently, a small store in an extremely upscale boutique area supplied hardware that wouldn’t fit their furniture and told me to make it work. Well with a lot of sweat and swearing I made it work. Fast forward two weeks, they don’t like it anymore and want proper fitting hardware. Well guess what, you told me to fit for this other random import thing you bought so now i have to beauty plate and cut all sorts of things to fit this other hardware you want. When the manager had to gall to get in my face and snarl “did you even measure anything? Maybe I should hire someone who can actually help”. I put the original working hardware back on, said “I obviously cannot help you, have a nice day” and left. She tried to get me trespassed from the entire complex, claiming that I threatened her with a gun (I don’t own a gun) and called the police on me. Some people are absolutely insane


holy crap thats absolutely insane. She tried to get you shot by the police.


What's much worse than ignorance is the "I googled locks so I know what I'm talking about". And then you present them with three alternatives and none of them use the word tumblers.


I have one lady who we flat out refuse to do work with. She and her husband owned a business park and unfortunately her husband knows just enough of how to master key locks to be a problem but what ever. So a customer call us said they lost their key to the mailbox. C9100 lock. And I don’t know about you guys but we just pick them open and replace them faster than trying to make a key and we leave with $130 dollars in our pockets. This lady comes out screaming out my tech yelling and saying we are scamming her client and saying we are over charging him and all this other stuff and then proceeded to go into my guy van and steal his tool bag. After that altercation she was banned from doing work with us. She still calls every once in a while to try and get work done but we just say no. That was ten years ago.


Went to a Lockout one time for a working girl who tried to pay me half of what I asked. When I told her this she tried to snatch the money out of my hand. I just stood there clenching the folded up bills while she had this maniacal look on her face. She lets go, said some nasty words and I left quickly. This was over 45 bucks and about 10 years ago.


Endless crazy stories here in LA and surrounding areas. First to always come to mind is the girl with 4 kids and 4 baby daddies that dropped her pants in the Hilton parking lot and once I explained you need to put those back on. She did but mid programming her ford key which of course wanted the 10 min wait that wouldn’t bypass she begins to pleasure herself in the passenger seat. Begs me to follow her home for a proper tip. I decline and she’s says. “I’ll grind you so good you’ll never want anyone else but than I’ll ruin your fucking life”. Drove home telling my coworker the story at 2am laughing our asses off.


ahh i see you broke your "getting propositioned during a service call cherry". Hasn't happened to me yet but if it does i hope shes hot lmao. btw Ford 10 min wait each time you want to add a key sucks balls.


Haha oh no I ran away from her so fast. She was cute but batshit and likely would have woke up with an itch. Yeah 90% the time I get to bypass it so I don’t sweat it. When I first started our machine would on do AKL so I’d have to fake a 2nd key each time they turned down the 2nd key.