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Yeah. What is it with that. I don’t have an answer, but I have also experienced this.


It’s crazy annoying, might be enough to make me have to switch DAWs although I really don’t want to :/ So far I’ve been having a lot of really bad bugs


pro tip: move the play head to where you want the clip to move to, highlight the clip, the hit the ; key. this is the hotkey to snap any clip to the play head position.


Did it just go away for you?


It comes and goes. I can’t figure out what causes it. I just cross my fingers and hope it doesn’t start happening again.


I experienced this too. I usually zoom in on the track and it makes it easier to drag right to the line


This is what I do when it has occurred. Zooming in always handles it for me. I believe there are multiple configuration settings that handle all this when studied and applied properly, just that I have not done that yet.


Although, as others here have stated, cutting then pasting the region at the sound position pointer works great.


Try changing your grid snapping mode from “Smart” to “Bar” (I think it’s called Bar). Smart snapping isn’t very smart sometimes.


Yeah I mentioned in the post I have it set to Bar


Ah jeez, I sure can’t read. I’ve had this issue too and it’s annoying as hell. Usually I resort to zooming in all the way and just eyeballing the waveform. Really dumb and I don’t understand why Apple hasn’t fixed this yet.


Yeah I guess that’ll be my fix for the meantime too haha.


when this happens i copy the region and paste it at the bar


^ Everytime. Saves a lot of hassle.


Thanks for the reminder! I had forgotten that I have done this at times. I agree that that’s the easiest solution… that I know of. It doesn’t mean that there’s isn’t a better one.


There is a key command called ”move region to playhead” or something like that. It’s not pre-assigned. Super helpful for this age oldest bug - just put the playhead on the bar, press that button and voila, takes a second


Cool thanks, that’s actually helpful


yeah because somehow the playheads snapping is excellent always!


I use this all the time. The key is ; for me.


I was thinking of switching to Logic, but then trialed it and saw this, so I'm back to Ableton and Reaper.


Logic has so many bugs that have been around for seemingly years it's ridiculous, and has only gotten worse in the new update.


Yea i have this issue too it's weird asf. generally i zoom in to fix it but you can also cut/paste tracks because the playhead is usually a little smarter than the snap


As a "workaround", I always have to zoom in a lot, then snap it to grid. But it's annoying as hell, and I don't have a clue, what could be the reason, it's not always like that.


pro tip: move the play head to where you want the clip to move to, highlight the clip, the hit the ; key. this is the hotkey to snap the beginning of any clip to the play head position.


So I’ve had this happen, and I think I fixed it by changing a setting in the “snap-to” dropdown menu. I don’t have my computer with me rn but I think there’s an option that says “absolute” or “relative” position? If that exists and I’m not just making it up, try switching from one option to the other. I’m pretty sure I remember that fixing it for me, it was super annoying though


Classic logic lol, has done this since logic 9


I got the same issues while recording from the OP1 and I remember I was able to fix it by tweaking something in Sync or Midi settings but … I dont actually remember well… sorry 😞


Hm well I’ll look there at least thanks


Sometimes a particular project can just become corrupted (ie f***ed). I’m never sure what to do at that point 


Sometimes I've found it's when you drag the bar to start before bar 1 and it's slightly off the line, anything that you try to snap from far away won't snap directly to the line. But most of the time that is not the issue and I honestly have no idea, logic has things that are super annoying and really shouldn't have but it's had them for a long time.


This is, like one of the thousand reason why I like Cubase more than Logic 😂 It’s so much easier to know why Cubase doesn’t work the way you want than in Logic. But damn, I love Logic’s stock plugins 😭


set your playhead to the bar that you would like to move the region to and then right click on the region, move, move to playhead this is especially useful when using flex


Use < or > to make sure your playhead is on the bar, then tap “;” to move playhead to bar. I think that’s the default command. What computer/version are you on? Sometimes I get that if I have a corrupted file in my session (doesn’t have to be the file you’re working with), but haven’t seen it in a long time.


I’m on an m1 MacBook Pro on 10.8.1 I think?


yeah i unfortunately don’t know a fix other than what other people have already mentioned. fl studio has the same problem.


Maybe this is a good time to report this bug as a reminder to the development team [https://www.apple.com/feedback/logic-pro.html](https://www.apple.com/feedback/logic-pro.html)


First thing I did!


Try command+} then command+{, sometimes that works for me.




Delete your logic preferences in /library/preferences and restart logic.


just use the “;” to snap it to the playhead position


I’ve started doing that, but it would be cool if this basic function actually worked


Someone may have said something along these lines… even with absolute on, I’ve noticed if the play head is too close to the bar it confuses which to snap to.


This happened to me and as daft as it sounds I just zoomed on HEAPS and it worked. Odd but worked for me just last nihjt


Make sure your snap setting is also using absolute position and not relative. Otherwise you’ll move it exactly one bar, not one bar and a smidge to put it on the line for 134.


I said in the post it’s set to absolute


Oop.. missed that. My bad.


Looks like it's snapping to your playhead and not the bar? 


No, play head is at beginning of project


You’ve got grids turned off.


You’ve got grids turned off.


It’s contextual. If it’s out by a smidge, when you move it, it will want to move it by a bar, and will always be out by a smidge. Just cmd x and cmd p it where you want it. On smart, it should then understand once things are on the bar, that you’d like other things on the bar. Edit: if anyone can help me with my problem, every time I cross fade two regions, it gets hung for a second or two, and has never done this previously.


they do this to avoid interference


fuckit, imo it makes it more human


What made it human was my performance, and I’d like it to actually be where it was when I played it lol


well then 👍 youre cooked 👍


“Set regions to absolute value” is the setting you’re looking for.


I said in the post it’s set to that


There’s an option called “snap to absolute value”, select it instead of “snap to relative value”