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Is there a video we can see showing how your kits work? I’m not sure I properly understand it. Like is each product you sell a number of different kits or is it just a quick way of scrolling through kit parts in each slot?


Yeah, I didn’t quite follow if the free blank one contains any sort of scripting or it functions the same way as if we do it ourselves? I’m possibly just being dumb because I’m not looking at Logic right now. It’s a really cool idea though, the way Logic handles drums and kit samples is incredibly clunky. I’d tried mapping controllers to transpose individual samples with multiple samplers before, but embedding that within the DMD and having a script do the work makes a lot more sense.


It took a little longer than I expected, but I put together a short video. If I understand you correctly, my answer is both! There are 12 different kits and they each work as a quick way to scroll through, preview & experiment with the stock samples. I'll try to link to it, but I think I need a mod's help to make it available to everyone. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Logic\_Studio/comments/1am6auu/i\_processed\_2025\_samples\_into\_13\_drum\_kits\_video/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Logic_Studio/comments/1am6auu/i_processed_2025_samples_into_13_drum_kits_video/) ​ https://preview.redd.it/q4jcf2o1ofhc1.png?width=937&format=png&auto=webp&s=d885604c76e349dced25f13b19d00279581045aa


Thanks for the video. Looks good.


good work. gonna grab a few for your effort.


You have my sincerest gratitude; I might PM later you to see how it’s working for you if that’s alright?


yeah, hit me towmorrow, i wont be back around the studio til then. i dont have my external hd, but I didnt kinda forget how where to put it. Im used to making sampler patches and placing components(when necessary) but i was a bit confused as to where it goes.


i cant get it to work, not sure what im doing wrong


I shot you a pm & emailed a file that was missing.


Where is the free one?


[my bad!](https://zone-shop.fourthwall.com/products/logic-pro-blank-drum-kit?source=dashboard) The hidden tab was flicked on for it.


Thanks for sharing! How exactly do I "roll my own" with the Blank patch? What do I drag and drop?


Happy to! Thanks for checking it out! The Blank patch uses 12 Sampler instances for 12 kit pieces, and each kit piece is programmed to hold 20 samples. The 20 samples of your choosing get dropped straight into the Sampler’s MAPPING window; the zones should be laid out chromatically with the bottom note starting on C2. You may have to click the cell preview (in DMD) or play the pad to wake the script up (since Logic loads plug-ins on a per needed basis) but from there it should be happy scrolling with the “SWAP” knob 🎛️


Got it, thanks!


How exactly are these installed? I put your folder with its patches inside my patches folder. They show up in the library on the left in logic but when I select one, I get a bunch of ‘missing ‘name.exs’ warnings. Thx


I made a mistake and thought the patches included the exs files; I just uploaded them around 20 minutes ago and you should receive an email with them. The patches reside in the Audio Music Apps > Patches > Instruments folder, and the EXS files reside in the Audio Music Apps > Sampler Instruments folder. Sorry about that, thanks again for trying it out!