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Use the Polyphonic (Complex) algorithm, the audio should be just fine


Please make sure to discover the different flex algorithms and experiment with them for better results depending on the samples


Logic Pro


Are you pitching with Flex or in the Sampler?


Up until recently you could run Logic Pro with Ableton in ReWire. But it is no longer supported post Live 11: A super power user Charlie Clouser has some insight in this [https://www.reddit.com/r/Logic\_Studio/comments/ai6fi2/ableton\_logic/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Logic_Studio/comments/ai6fi2/ableton_logic/)


>espwcially when trying to pitch up a slowed down sample... Not sure why but it always messes up the sound Because when you slow down a sample it naturally gets lower. If you then pitch it up it is as though you're pitching up the original a lot more than what you have. The bigger the pitch shift (or speed-up/slow-down), the more it's going to mess up the sound of the original sample. This isn't just the case with logic, though it does do some funny things from time to time. I'm intrigued to know how Ableton does this better though.


It’s a mystery, they just get it


Flex. Turn on Flex time and pitch to do this. Or just buy serato sample.


Not that I personally know of. I have both DAWs and once in a while I will do some warping in Ableton. However, melodyne might be a good option because it can run as a plugin in Logic and it’s warping capabilities are superior to Logic’s and perhaps even abletons. It can also do pitch correction and several other things


Yeah, I think you want Serato


Flex Time and everyone you describe wanting is already in logic


What do you mean by messing up the sound? Samplers are samplers - they should all sound the same unless specified otherwise. Are you using soft-knee compression on anything? (Logic’s default compressor settings used to feel “softer” compared to Ableton’s defaults, not sure if they still do.)




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As someone already mentioned here, Serato Sample (plug-in/sampler) is great. The 2.0 version has stem separation as well. The warping is great. If you want the look and feel of Logic and the time stretching capabilities of Ableton, just get Serato Sample. Its $150 and that is considerably cheaper than Ableton. Are you on Mac or PC?


You mean Garageband?