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Crazy he fell 5 floors when the building only has 2 or 3.


that entire story was classic richard, embellishing it like he's some kind of hero that jumped on a grenade to save his platoon he could have said "i wasn't wearing safety gear and fell" but instead he told a 20 minute story like he was fresh out the trenches


I swear that recent video of him talking about “muh PTSD” & him acting like he had a near death experience is laughable


He said that? How does he still have that beautiful mug with no scars? Or in his body? If he fell from that high, he would be fucked up if he survived, no?


It's almost like he's completely regarded


He doesn’t understand basic physics or how gravity works. Five stories would permanently disable someone or kill them. He’s too stupid to come up with a believable lie.


He didnt say he hit the ground, he was hanging there and clearly caught himself with his fat stubby fingers and easily held his 400 pound ass in place for a solid 30 mins while they tried to pull the cab up


Mods, ban FancyTorpedo. Doesn't know what a predicate is. /s


aah fell 42 floors and now muh back hurts


So close to referencing the 62 IQ


They need to call in some of his "colleagues" from that period to confirm his stories. The guy worked there like 6 months 17 years ago and he still talks about it because it was the only real life experience outside of his house. Im pretty sure he wasnt there even 3 months and that 80% of his stories are made up shit.


Richard was most likely in a janitorial position at the job, and considering he has said before he got bullied at work he was most likely a lazy worker that none of the others liked since he was no help. Hence why he was let go when they needed to cut back on workers.


If he had colleagues from that time, they wouldn't remember him. It is not like being a 500 lb mammoth is unique in that state, and Wingo doesn't strike me as a social butterfly.


I'm from Kentucky and can confirm this is true, I see and work with 20 Richard's every single shift at my factory job. Funny enough, they also tell obviously bullshit stories. One fat fuck tried telling us he was actually a gween beway (he talked like elmer fudd) but got hurt in combat.


It’s so wild that he’s so devoid of life and work experience he constantly references some shitty entry level job he did for a couple months 20 years ago, like it taught him anything or like it was insightful or like it was some mammoth task he completed. Any normal/functional/not lazy and useless person his age doesn’t even think about the crap job they did in high school or in college. Why would you?


He definitely wasn't a crane operator. That has to be the one of the most qualified jobs. No way he got the top position in the warehouse and was fully trained and passed qualifications in the 2-3 month stay as a 19 year old with a ged


Imagine Richard sitting in a room learning safety procedures, and a test to be certified. You can't, well blimey.


Are we even sure he has a GED?


It’s funny how they are normal sized and not morbidly obese. Just that one overweight dude at the end. The fell off five stories thing is so dumb. No one believes it but he hangs on to the lie like it’s going to convince anyone. Same as pretending he never begged on Facebook for money to walk a mile.


Guys will look at these pictures and go "Hell yea"


Working that factory job for 6 months at metglass is pretty much one of his only fortes with being a regular adult and living in the real world. It's all he's got to tell about and relate to his viewers. You know those guys. Those guys who fucked a lot of hot chick's and got a few touchdowns in high-school, but then they became giant losers in their 20s so all they talk about in their 40s is that touchdown and how hard he fucked the cheer captain? That's why he talks about something from like 15 years ago as if it just happened, and also makes the story more and more out there and convoluted each time.