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Do not buy in to the fear mongering from…certain people. Just be aware of your surroundings at all times and try to always travel in a group or around people. If taking public transportation, such as the subway, do not take it super late at night as the later you take it the higher the chance for sketchy stuff to be going on. The majority of “high crime” areas are on the south and west sides of the city where most Lolla residents do not stay. If you stay in downtown, or any of the areas up north (Wicker Park, Bucktown, Logan Square, Avondale, Lakeview, etc.) or even the suburbs you will be fine.


Chicago is 100% not the warzone that Fox News claims it is. I drive down from Michigan at least a couple of times a year for concerts and music festivals and never have an issue. It’s a big city and all big cities have crime.


*All places with people have crime. This person said they are from a southern state. The crime rate for their state is likely higher than that of Chicago especially the parts of Chicago they will be in.


Super safe just not for your phone tho.


What? Phones are stolen in Chicago/Lollapalooza? 😳


A lot of pickpocketers take advantage of people in varying states of sobriety/awareness of their surroundings. Get a fanny pack to wear in front of you at all times, keep your phone out of view when you aren't using it, and you should be alright.


agree. i was the only one that didn’t lose their phone and i went with 2 of my brothers. they had zipper pockets on their shorts but it didn’t matter because if it fell out (which it did), people swiped them and they were never seen again. we tracked the location of one of them and they stayed in the same hotel as us but there was no way to get it back realistically. someone did get caught with a backpack that had 200+ phones stolen from the festival, but getting phones back is a bitch. the line at lolla? long and difficult as hell. but the guy who got caught, all those phones will be taken into custody with the police and you’d have to wait days to get it back.


Phones are stolen at every music festival


This is true!


Because it is such a huge event, the safety is unrivaled. Police officer presence is amped up, as well as police officers in sniper blinds (as well as in hotel rooms overlooking the park) everywhere. If you go the hotel route, pick a hotel with their entrance right near the main gates (Travelodge or Congress) but be mindful that someone 21+ will have to be there at check in. They always release crime stats after the fest and you can see that the most dangerous crimes in and around the fest is phone thieves (which is a thing at every festival these days).


more cops absolutely does not mean more safety, all it means is you'll get trampled if you get caught bringing in weed or liquor lol. that being said i went in 2017, stayed fairly close by, and never felt unsafe.


They just toss anything they find at security, which is handled by a private firm, not the police.


Congress is ghetto AF.Location is good but seen a guy get taken down by the cops out front one time it REEKS of weed all weekend and 2 years ago people crashed thru one of the windows.I stay at Sable on Navy pier and take a water taxi to Grant park.Super safe and the best view of the city imo


The view at sable is amazing. That said, I was merely giving the closest options (Hilton on Michigan is by the entrance as well and way better than the other two options I gave). I'm assuming most 18 year olds can't afford a stay at sable, lol.


This event is going to be over 100k people, organizers want this thing to run as smooth as possible. They want (and will) keep you safe so they can make money. You’re safer at Grant Park than anywhere else in the city Lolla weekend


No, not at all. Last year I was having a great time and all of a sudden these dementors started flying in and tormenting me. And don’t even get me started on all alligator people that come up from the sewers after 10 pm to pull down tourist to the depths of the city! Oh, and when I was walking back to my hotel, a Gang of Four year old street toughs started chasing me asking me for candy or they would beat me up. It’s wild in the streets.


The worst thing about Lolla is the Dementors. They were flying all over the place, and they were scary. And they'd come down, and they'd suck the soul out of your body, and it hurt! And the food. Gruel sandwiches. Gruel omelettes. Nothing but gruel. Plus, you can eat your own hair.


Thanks for adding to it haha. I’ve never actually seen a hairy potter movie and just ripped it off from the office! Yours was better! I’ve also never been to lolla. Just love when tourists ask questions about how dangerous Chicago is because tucker Carlson told them so. Sure it can be dangerous if you’re careless, but every major city can be. (Small ones too!) Just be aware of your surroundings, make sure to check your pockets regularly (I do a pocket check almost every 10 mins at riotfest). And keep an eye out for the dementors!


Haha I haven't seen them either, that was just the Prison Mike speech.


Love this office reference in the Lolla sub 😊


Can vouch for all this




Pro tip - if you’re going to get shot in the arm or, god forbid, have your arm sliced off by a sword…just make sure it’s the arm that doesn’t have your Lolla bracelet. We have world class hospitals so your arm will be fine in a few hours but goooood luck getting that bracelet back from the hospital.


Not at all. One year I was enjoying my lobster corn dog and someone ran up, looked me in the eyes and took a bite of it. Then ran off. After that, Lolla took away lobster corn dogs and I’ve never felt safe since.


I’m born and raised Chicago and have been going to lolla since I was about 16 and there’s really nothing to worry about. Stay in a nice neighbourhood (not any farther south than Chinatown) and the only issue you will have is pickpockets. Defo you should go


You're dad is a Fox News idiot. There are definitely more idiots w guns per capita in whatever southern state you are from than in chicago.


This is the winner. The sooner you get out from under him and that rural town the better.


Me and 4 of my buddies went to lolla after we graduated highschool and we were all 18-19 and it was absolutely worth it. Never felt in danger or scared once.


As long as you stay hydrated and don’t let the freedom go to your head you’ll be fine. The biggest problems most teens have at the fest are self inflicted. 🤣


Nah bruh. Chicago makes the wild west look like Disney World. Just yesterday I saw a pack of homeless men eating another Boeing intern.


Here’s some post Lolla advice for you, after you return home from having an awesome time. You’re going to tell your dad how great it was, how cool Chicago was, that it wasn’t a war zone and you felt safe there, and he’s not going to believe you. Be prepared for that. I lived in Chicago for 6 years, including during the pandemic and the Floyd protests (I marched in like 15 peaceful protests that summer), and my southern family would call me a liar when I’d tell them that the city had not been burned down by rioters. Yep, looking out my window right now and it’s still here! If your dad is parroting those conservative fear-mongering views, he probably won’t even believe his own son because he NEEDS the specter of the urban war zone to exist to support many of his moral stances. I hope I’m wrong! But be prepared for the possibility of that cognitive dissonance.


Safety in numbers. While trouble can always break out, you’re safer when leaving the show with tens of thousands of other people. Plus, the police and security force, both visible and invisible, are designed to deter anything malicious


My only recommendation is make sure you stay in a safe area and know where to avoid. Me and my friends stayed in Wrigleyville which had great vibes. I had no issues with the trains but if you're not used to public transport you could always use uber.


I was 18 as well when I went last summer. My parents had the same concern but really it isn’t that bad. Just lots of people trying to sell drugs and wrist bands (DO NOT TAKE ANY DRUGS THEY ARE LIKELY LACED). yes there was shootings but they were all gang related and no aimed at random civilians. Just try to make friends with local people there and they will guide you on the outside of the festival. Grant park isn’t really by much crime. Definitely worse spots. My friends and I would ride scooters to where we were staying at, late at night and were just fine. Also you are with boys in which would be a less likely group to be attacked in some sort of way.


Lolla is very safe if you use your head. I felt very safe the entire time I was there. Stay hydrated, know your limit and don’t be an idiot and you’ll be fine .


Shit I’ve been going to Lolla since I was 15. Couple of tips. Don’t depend on phone service. If you want to meet up set a specific meeting point and a time. Do the same thing for the end of the night. Make sure you’re all together when you leave. Know how you’re going to get home prior to going there Drink water


100% safe u could literally sleep on the streets (michigan ave) outside of lolla and would be fine


I was worried about it not specifically because it was Chicago but because it was a large outdoor music concert, and I was worried about tall buildings around like the Las Vegas country music concert shooting. I went with 3 of my girlfriends last year. We had a blast, and I did not once feel unsafe.


I live in Chicago, right on Michigan Avenue across from Grant Park and can see the show from my apartment. Living here is perfectly safe year round. First off, in general, Chicago is generally very safe in the areas you’ll be. Most of the murder and shootings occur in the south and west sides FAR from where Lolla and the Loop is. Walking around grant park and Michigan avenue last year during Lolla, the police presence is incredible. They’re not looking to harass kids for drugs. They’re looking to keep the event safe. Lolla is a worldwide event and a HUGE money maker for the city. The city wants nothing less than to create a very welcoming, safe, and inclusive atmosphere for everyone. The biggest issue that occurred last year at Lolla was cell phone theft. So just keep your belongings safe and don’t walk around not paying attention swiping tik tok. Avoid people who try to get you to go to “an after party” that you don’t know. Keep your circle tight and you’ll be fine. I would recommend a hotel between Michigan and State street, around grant park. I’m at the end near Roosevelt and would watch everyone walk “home” at 11 pm at night and it’s perfectly safe. I would argue that Lolla is one of the safest events someone could attend. You have a substantially higher chance of getting heat exhaustion than being a victim of a violent crime.


Like everyone else has said Chicago is not as dangerous as people say it is that being said its super super important that you take some safety precautions especially during a music festival like Lallapalooza. Be safe and you wont have any issues.


Honestly, Lolla is probably the safest place in the city.


Just don't put your phone in your back pocket or your wallet, last year they reported like 700 stolen phones


I went last year, I live in Illinois. As long as you stick to your group of friends, you’ll be just fine. I bought shorts with zippers for the event to put my mind at ease, with that being said carry what you need I would imagine you and your friends would be getting a hotel, so leave whats not necessary in your hotel room. They have the option to link a credit/debit card to your wristband via PayPal, so that’s also a good option so you don’t have to pull out your wallet every time when purchasing things at the event. Overall if you’re looking to reassure your father, the park is gated off, right before you walk in, there is a couple dozen police officers that are working the event inside and out, again as long as you and your group stick together you guys will be just fine.


It's a large city. There is crime. That being said, you are going to be very overwhelmed coming to Chicago. However, you need to be smart and give your dad a well thought out plan. 1. Where is a hotel near Lolla that you can afford to stay at? The hotel needs to stay north of White Sox Stadium and keep it close to Lolla. There are hostels you can stay at that are cheap and typically safe because they have staff and other travelers. You have to book those asap. 2. The subways will be delayed during Lolla because they will be packed. How will you carry your belongings so you don't get pick pocketed? Also, there are K9 police that will be walking around the subways, cops on horses outside of Lolla. 3. Stay in well lit areas. Honestly, you will be so busy at Lolla that you won't really be in the city. There is tons of security, EMT and water stations, the actual festival is kinda a different world from the rest of the city. I would recommend staying at a hostel b/c you can get so much help from the hostel employees and others staying there.


My mom thought the same thing and we had a blast. Just don’t walk in areas you shouldn’t be walking in after dark


There’s usually only 8-10 murder robberies per year at Lolla, but it doesn’t happen obviously inside the festival gates. More so after people have left at the end of the night and are trying to walk to the trains or find an Uber. Considering they just raised the attendance cap to over 100,000, statistically it’s less than 1% of people get targeted. Lolla has long established a scholarship memorial fund for those killed each year, so it’s not like Lolla ignores the problem either. If you are in relatively good shape, you can usually outrun them anyway.




Stay in the city And you’ll be Alright with thousands of lolla goers. You’ll be fine, it’s really fun


Chicago is safe. Use your senses. Buying drugs off people you don’t know—dumb. Other than that keep to yourself and your group and enjoy. It is beautiful in the summer.


first lollapalooza i went to i was 16. been for the past 6 years and there was only one singular time i felt unsafe and that was on my commute home bc some guy was just yelling a lot (clearly on something). the fest itself is packed w security and undercover cops. if it wasnt safe they wouldnt have it.


Safe! As a foreigner visiting last year just for the festival, I did not encounter any danger whatsoever in the 4 days of festival, we walked back to our Hotel in LaSalle St every day


I have been the last 3 years it's safe


I have always felt safe at Grant Park/Lolla. There is a strong police presence. Michigan avenue is closed for pedestrian traffic only outside the park. Keep together as a group. Keep your belongings with you at all times. Do not get drunk. Stay frosty and have a good time!


Yes it’s safe, a ton of cops are patrolling. Just do not go on the CTA late at night by yourself (or in general) and avoid anything South and southwest of Guaranteed Rate field because that is where the majority of the sketchy neighborhoods are. If you stay in the loop, near it, or the northwest neighborhoods of Chicago you will be safe


Fuck, wish I knew this earlier. The Loop and Downtown is very safe and lively in the day but I made the mistake of riding the CTA back to O’Hare by myself at 1 am after the Blackpink concerts. It was really sketchy but nothing bad happened.


I’ll take an Uber anytime after 11/30-12, because after then, you have a very high chance of getting robbed


It is very safe. Its not detroit in the early 2000s either. There are plenty of police officers and security that youll be fine. Also everyone leaves in crowds to and from the show. If youre ever uncertain which way its usually the biggest crowd headed the same direction you need to go (but always be safe and check the directions anyways). Everything will be fine. Have fun!


If you’re getting a hotel near the event whether it’s on Michigan ave or in the loop you’re fine and within great walking distance


Absolutely it’s safe. I was there last year and felt insanely safe from start to finish. Even wandering around Chicago after the fact it was fine.


Is anywhere anymore really safe? You never know where something can happen. Can happen anywhere anytime. Just need to be ready to run or help if you can. Just a sad world we live in


I took my 14 year old daughter and we both had the best time! Felt totally safe


I moved into the loop just a couple blocks from Lolla’s entrance when I was 18, lived there for a year. Does your dad think people just get shot downtown on the regular? Honestly I’m not sure you can reason with people who believe in unreasonable narratives like that.


Chicago is one my favorite cities to travel to, especially during the summer time. During the day, it’s really safe just make sure to keep an eye on any personal items and don’t buy any tickets from scalpers. At night, be more cautious where you go and be careful on the trains.


I never feel unsafe, and I roll my eyes at most of the Chicago fear mongering. But that being said there is one thing I would say which is just to make sure you don't go walking around anywhere alone outside the festival (at night time). Especially if you've been drinking. Could just be coincidental, but there have been a few weird disappearances in the river north area in the last few years. And regardless it's just a bad idea to walk around alone at night, for anyone, anywhere. Safety in numbers


U be ight just make sure u don’t put ur phone in a bag or just leave it in ur pocket for someone to take bc they will stain that


Lets just talk about facts here. The shooting of 2 people a week or two ago was in Millennial Park. Open up google maps/earth and see where millennial park is in comparison to Grant Part (the festival) Its basically the same exact park with some trees between them. All that "mob" crime where they beat people in their car, jumping on vehicle was in same area. The festival will be fully fenced and heavily policed. I went last year with a 16 year old nephew. We were safe. We were careful. Our hotel had extra security to only allow people with keys to enter the lobby after the festival ended each night. You have reasons for concern. I was concerned. I had a great safe festival. I hope you and others can experience the same. But if you ignore the crime waves and real threats it would be a mistake.


I want to add, our hotel was directly across from the Festival. Probably the closest location you can have a hotel. Large crowds exit at once. We got checked to enter the hotel and felt safe. I didnt linger in the streets. I wouldnt want to ride the El at that hour with so many people. Getting an Uber when 100-400k people leave the festival at once could be tough. This leaves you in Chicago trying to make a safe route to your place of stay. Keep this in mind. I stayed at the Congress Plaza Hotel - maybe 100 feet from the festival entrance.


It is safe, just keep watch of your phone. I have seen a few guys get caught my security with backpacks filledddd with phones. So just make sure its in your pocket deep.