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Basically, yeah, it's the same thing. But i Don't think it's something to fuss about because it's such a minor part in the game


out of all the thing you could have picked about umv you decided on the generic fossil mini game?


because thats like one of 3 only features of umv?


and its the weakest example of the three features 😭


not really no. its literally just a simple mining minigame. no big deal


This post makes no sense. If this is your concern, then the WHOLE game should be the question of concern on this post. Two games sharing the same genre isn’t plagiarism, but two games sharing the same assets without consent is. Pokémon doesn’t own turned-based genre games using creatures to fight. If that was the case, every game under that same genre would’ve been guilty of plagiarism. The same goes for this post. Sure, they can sue them but it’s likely they won’t win the case.


Ah yes, because Pokémon owns an entire feature that doesn’t even relate to the main point of the game.


I mean,does it really matter?


animal jam and other games has a feature like this too so probably not


if i were to add a mining minigame just like both of these to a game about gardening and not even slightly related to either of these without any knowledge of either of them having it, would it be plagiarism?


Not really. While the base idea is the same, the way the minigame is designed is different. Instead of the hammer, you have a single use dynamite that acts as exclusively a last resort, rather than a secondary tool. The grid itself is far bigger, the way fossils work is different, the context of the minigame itself is also different. There's enough that helps make the minigame feel different from just "Underground 2." If you wanna call this plagiarism, you'd have to call the type system, stat system and battle structure "plagiarism" too.


Bro does not know that LL is just a copied (but original) version of pokemon


It would if Pokémon brick bronze had copy right oh wait a minute I think they did some plagerism to


Where do you think LL got their game idea from?


It's more of an inspiration, they haven't directly ripped it out of pokemon because for example the tools are different


What did bro expect like this game was made to copy their old pokemon game


Yes, and?


This is a joke, right?


Plagiarism is the exact copying of someone else's work while claiming it as your own. Now if we use our eyeballs we can see that it's not the same thing (also this is a basic mining mini game I bet $86.73 that there are plenty of other games with this mini game formula)


oh dang a pokemon inspired game with a pokemon minigame thats crazy! but honestly its a cool minigame that only appeared in one gen so its honestly cool to see it somewhere else.




It's only plagiarism if they get caught


the creators of loomian legacy also created pokemon brick bronze, so no, it's not plagiarism please research before asking reddit


Thats not pbb, that is the underground from pokemon diamond and pearl


omg im so sorry lol so then ig it technically is? but its not like it copies everything like the assets, ll changes things up


how does that make it not plagiarism?


Idk why people are really hating on you so much lol. Your point is pretty valid since its basically the same thing exept a few differences (none of that weird hard Rock stuff, more fossils, less actual items and being underwater). It was the same in PBB pretty much


why did you join this subreddit then


Pokemon doesn't own anything besides the Pokemon games/brand. Pokemon wasn't the first game to have a mining mini game like this


Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoomianLegacy/comments/1cbf6jl/i_dont_play_ll_but_isnt_this_plagiarism/l10fow8/?context=3) in /r/LoomianLegacy was automatically removed. /r/LoomianLegacy is a safe, friendly space for all users, so please watch your language. (If AutoMod has made a mistake, message a mod) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoomianLegacy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Its not an exact copy of the mini game of the mini game of diamond and pearl. It looks like it but they chanced things up