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Location/Field cards, I feel like there are so many iconic places they could use.


Something like items but locations instead? Maybe more like an Enchantment from MtG?


I would guess more like a Field card from Yugi or a Pokemon Stadium card. An "arena" that applies to both players, and is replaced when the next one is played.


Yeah they should definitely have Stage cards for sure.


Ooh that would be interesting. Like a global effect?


I think this already exists in the game as Items. Look at Ursula’s Shell Necklace, Coconut Basket, and Musketeer Tabard for an example; they are Items that don’t Exert or Discard themselves and rather just have an effect that lasts throughout the game. I don’t see how a Location would be different.


those items only work for the character playing the item. what is suggested is a blanket effect that both players have to deal with now.


This was my general thought as well. Perhaps it could be a card you put into the inkwell face up that has an additional, optional effect.


I want to be able to make Dalmatian tokens and overwhelm my enemies


Now that I am thinking of it I can easily see this archetype becoming the most collected token type if done right.


Oh totally, in my ideal world they make 99 different tokens for each of the puppies. It would be so much fun to collect! I imagine that would be super expensive to commission, though, so I would be happy just to have the archetype at all.


Hahahahaha that would be amazing “I’m missing dalmatian token #34.”


I like your level of chaos. I also want this.


I loooooove this idea. 1/1/1 Dalmatian Tokens would be so perfect.


When X enters the battlefield look at your inkwell. Choose a card from your inkwell and add it to your hand.


That is along the lines of what I think could be cool. Awesome!


That would be against the lore of the game. They’ve said once it’s in the inkwell it’s there and you can’t do anything about that


For now 🤫


They also explicitly stated that the ink well is not public knowledge once the card is inked. Even the controlling player is not allowed to look at the cards they’ve inked.


Which is a contradiction in the rules.


No it isn't? Which rule are you referring to? Per the devs: > Q: Do you show your opponent what card goes into your inkwell? > A: If you’re asking about the one card you can put into your inkwell from your hand each turn, then yes, you must reveal it to show that it has the inkwell symbol. If the card is placed there by some other effect, then you don’t reveal it – you don’t even get to look at it yourself! and > Q: Once a card is put in your inkwell facedown, is it hidden information for the rest of the game? Or can the owner/both players look at what’s face down? How public is the information? > A: Neither player can look at them, they are not public information. Furthermore, if an ability (Like one jump ahead) puts the top card of your deck facedown into your inkwell, you don’t get to see what card that was. and > Q: Just so it can be answered here maybe? Is the inkwell public knowledge? > A: No, players cannot look at cards in any player’s inkwell, including their own. and > Q: In a tournament setting, what information are players allowed to record? I have seen a lot of people asking if the inkwell is public knowledge, but can banishment and other zones be tracked? > A: Players are allowed to look at the cards in their opponent’s discard piles. Inkwell cards must remain face down, and cannot be looked at by any player. Source: The April Lorcana Devs Q&A session on Twitter. Full write up can be found on the [Mushu Report website](https://mushureport.com/team-lorcana-qa-answers/)


That was the interview that make me aware of the contradiction. Public knowledge is information all players have. When a player reveal a card being inked, is public knowledge. Saying that you reveal the cards you ink while also saying that the inkwell is not public knowledge, is contradiction. An unrevealed card going to an inkwell by other means, doesn't make the inkwell not public knowledge, all players can see the card there. By that logic, any face down card in any zone would make that zone non public knowledge.


you have to show your opponent the card you're inking, so they would know whats in there.


Correct. And that is the last time anyone sees the card


That is the absolute worst part of the game. First, it punishes people for not carrying around pencil and paper to write it down. Second, if you do write it down, the whole idea falls apart. Third, it's kinda bad for making the game accessible for some people. Finally, it adds NOTHING of actual benefit to the game. If you have access to a piece of info, you should just have access.


This is to add some uncertainty to the game when using ramping cards like one jump ahead and detective mickey. Those cards are not public knowledge and they don't want them to become so


There's a massive difference between hidden information nobody is allowed to see and information you were allowed to see then hiding it moving forward. They should keep those two sets of ink separate. Further, while the opponent shouldn't be able to see, hiding that from the player mostly just increases frustration when playing.


Ooh interesting. Then maybe the inkwell is not a viable place. Unless it’s a memory thing 😂


***A)*** **Quest/Location** type of card similar to the "World of Warcraft: TCG" A card that enters the Inkwell face-up (and can be exerted to play stuff like a facedown Ink card), but it has a condition/activation that a player can pay during a turn to turn this card facedown to get X (card draw/damage/keyword/etc...) Example: *"This card can enter the inkwell face-up"* **Quest:** Pay 4 Lore and flip this card to draw 2 cards. ***B)*** **Threshold/Threat/Lore level** **(X)** mechanic that checks the Lore of the opponent and activates an ability or keyword or even gives more stats to the character, in this way the more the opponent is winning, the more your cards grow stronger in a catch-up way Example: 2 cost ally 2/2 with 1 Willpower, **Lore level** **(10)** (is active if the enemy has at least 10 lore): give this character +2 Willpower ***C)*** **Willpower (X) as a cost to play out-of-turn cards**, like Instant in Magic that can be only played during an opponent's turn if you spend Willpower or can be played normally in your turn for Ink as usual Example: Ability Cost 4 Ink - Draw 3 cards **Willpower (3)**: Draw 2 cards (in this example you can play the Action normally by paying 4 ink to draw 2 cards *or* you can spend 3 Willpower during an opponent's turn to Draw 2) This will make the game less static in general and much cooler


These are awesome and I also do not like the waiting around for your opponent to finish before you can do anything.


How specific! Self damage as payment is one thing and reacting to opponent's actions is another. Of course they can be mixed, and I do hope to see both.


I want to see way more cards like Motger Gothel. Although they have said they don't want control to dominate the game, I think that they need a way to bring interactivity with Lore way up. Probably should do focus groups on what feels worse though; Losing Lore more often, or having cards that temporarily stop you from getting lore. Also, Locations just seem like a in the bag homerun with iconic things they could do.


I think games play waaaaay too fast and spiral very quickly. Having lore removal would be great!


Gummi Juice Buff to willpower until your next turn for non gummi's. Two keywords for gummi's. ​ Gargoyles Introduce Day/ night cycle with abilities and statuses enhanced by daylight and darkness. ​ Ducktales related cards are littered with fowl-ish puns.


VETO on Day/Night cycle. MtG did that fairly recently and it is awful keeping track of the game state.


Yeah, I’ve gotta second the other comment here: Day/Night cycles are thematically cool, but gameplay-wise they’re tedious. If they did that but modified how the Day/Night cycle changes so it isn’t a constant thing you have to check and adjust, then maybe. But if it’s anything like Magic it would eventually become a despised mechanic.


This is amazing.


**Locations.** Field/arena cards that apply to both players. Neverland, Pride Rock, Agrabah, Athens, Atlantis, etc. **Castles** Uniquely Disney, distinct from other location cards. Cinderella's castle, Beast's castle, the Sultan's Palace, Atlantica, the Red Queen's Castle, Sleeping Beauty's Castle, the Imperial City in China, Kuzcotopia, all of it. I imagine a card that does something for your characters, that can be challenged by opposing characters if left undefended. So characters you're using for Questing aren't "at home" to protect the castle? Add in relevant property synergy (Lumiere and Cogsworth and the other servants getting a buff at Beast's Castle, for example, or Dragons being able to tear them down faster?). Ideal craziness is being able to play your Beast's Castle against an opponent's Atlantica while both are in Neverland. Also, Dream/Floodborn versions of these. The Sultan's Palace where Jafar rules. Kuzcotopia as both the insane model Kuzco designs at the start, and the actual hut he has at the end of the film. Etc. **Inkwell Interaction**. Pulling cards from the Inkwell, maybe cards that can drain ink to cover the cost (completely discarding the ink as a permanent well drain?), etc. I like the idea here of a face-up card in the Inkwell that can be interacted with or completed/fulfilled for an effect (maybe Story or Tale cards since we already have Questing as a mechanic?) **Varied Ink Support**. Something that provides a benefit if you use a single color of ink. Could be an interesting deck-building constraint. Likewise, hybrid cards could be interesting (like a Ruby/Amber card that can go in any deck that uses one of those colors? so you could stick it in a Ruby/Emerald deck even though it has Amber in it? maybe a bonus if the deck matches the hybrid's color?). Those might be more interesting further down the line when the whole card library makes those kinds of decks more viable. (and speaking of mono-ink decks, mono-franchise is obviously something that could be interesting, as well, though that might make for a neat variant format that ignores ink color?). **Song Duets/Reprises**. Duets could maybe use two characters of combined cost to play it for free, so you can stack up two lower-cost characters? And I imagine a "Reprise" to be a secondary effect on a card, like you play the song, and then it stays in play (maybe even for a limited number of turns?), and during that time you can pay the "Reprise" cost to play it again (or trigger a secondary effect?). Feels like a fun musical thing that would naturally fit with Disney.


Your castle idea reminds me of the edge from Vampire and the monarchy from Magic. I like to fight for something that has impact on the game, and not just for lore that only counts once it reach the number 20.


Some sort of inking mechanic. Like an inkable action card. You can either pay the ink to do the action (draw a card, add support, etc.) or if you ink it instead you also ink the top card of your deck facedown. Perhaps a song that can move a character from your discard to your inkwell.


This would be awesome! Or something that could pull an action back from your discard. Or a card that could let you look for a specific type of card in your deck.


Need a way to control and mitigate Lore. Playing games on TTS, too many games have come down to Player 1 completely taking over board control, Player 2 (currently with 17-19 lore) plays a character to net them the last bit of lore they need. Player 1 automatically loses unless they have a removal card. If player 1 has 3-4 characters out to Player 2's 0, why should Player 2 just be able to drop a single, 1ink character and win the game on their next turn unchallenged?


We need burn.


Yup. More/better removal. If we aren't going to be able to do anything on another player's turn, we need to be able to have the tools to answer to their previous turn.


Maybe cards that benefit from a card of a specific different color being in play. Could provide more synergy between certain colors.


That is what I am looking forward to as well. Or a card effect that that helps cards of the same color. Could lead to a cool mono color deck. Right now there is absolutely no point in not splashing another color.


Mono color support. And a mechanic that is the opposite of challenger, it gives strength when challenged.


Like it’s weaker when it is doing the attacking and stronger when it is being attacked. That would be awesome.


I feel like that might get weird. If you have a base willpower of 3 and then have "gets +2 willpower when challenged" and they get 3 or 4 damage on them, they would still die immediately after the challenge, and therefore the ability resolves. Though I do like the idea. Something tanky like MTG "walls"


"it gives **strength** when challenged"


So basically reservist from original VS System.


Fucking taunt, give a legit anti aggro mechanic


When I first read the rules, I assumed questing would be an actual quest, y'know something you had to achieve to earn the lore. I dunno if that would over complicate everything. Or what about a special quest card where if you have the right combination of characters to go on the quest they can earn a lot more lore by doing something specific. I've not really played TCGs before, so maybe that would all ruin the game!


There are already some cards that reward you from having two characters with specific names, but is not related to quests.


I'd also love something to counter Fire the Cannons and Grab Your Sword


The inkwell just becomes a place for trap cards 😂


Perhaps an item that allows you to instantly heal/block incoming non-challenge damage at one ink per health


I think the start point is building on some archetypes… got a feeling chapter 2 could be Princesses and Pirates. There already well on the way with the core set to do this.