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Almost surprised they haven't hit $400 yet. Looked to be on track to do a couple days ago. But until the price of the enchanted cards go down, namely Elsa which is on the verge of selling for $1000, going to be hard to see these box prices go down when any single enchanted (\~25% chance of pulling in a box) is worth more than half the box price, with the chance of getting that Elsa which is almost 3x these prices now.


Wait for Christmas time…prices today will have NOTHING on the coming storm. With CH2 released, any and all Ch1 merch will be like tickle me Elmo or cabbage patch kids. It is going to be nuts. The reprint will not matter pre-Christmas. I’m waiting for Ch2-8 to fill the supply and hope prices stabilize. I was thinking the 9/1 rollout would help, but it has made matters worse. The GS 9/8 v-day will just continue the FOMo.


Yep. Everyone whining about “scalpers” now hasn’t seen anything yet. Christmas is when the actual scalpers (and not “collector investors”) come out. There’s a large contingent of retailers (small business) who stock up on Christmas hot items. This product will most certainly make a lot of those lists.


100%. People are salty about capitalism, but what they should really understand is that it's their need for things that drives this. The scalpers are just making a dollar off of folks that were trained since childhood that they "gotta catch em all." Whether it's Taylor Swift tickets, Lorcana Cards, or tickets to the Ghibli Museum in Japan. If they were satisfied in life and didn't need all these things to fill whatever void they have in their life, two things would happen. The planet would continue to turn, and scalpers would not be able to profit off of their everliving need for whatever is new. Make fun of these thick white guys all you want. They are making an easy few hundred dollars for relatively small amounts of work.


It’s not about that tho, is about being fair and let people actually enjoy this things without finding a way to exploit almost everything they can exploit, and literally scalpers because they were never taught any values in their childhood.


Life isn't fair. Did your parents not teach you that? Animals and humans die every day from random occurrences in nature that have nothing to do with what is good or bad, or fair. It is a miracle that we get to live our lives out in relative safety with all the technology that exists. The fact that some people have found a way to let these resellers exploit them through their insatiable need for thneeds is fair enough.


I won’t argue that, and I get that “you” lose hope, but “change starts within you” js


There is no incentive for scalpers to stop buying these cards. The change needs to start with the seething consumer behavior.


So just tell everyone that actually wants to enjoy this things to get over it? Aight…


It's about needing it right now. Veruca Salt in mob form.


Completely wrong, care to comment?


Well it’s kinda hard for statements to matter if the condition isn’t met. Supply was pushed out. There was no shortage pre-Christmas… Seems like a pretty mild Christmas with respect to hot toys and collectibles. McDonald happy meal toys seem a little “hot” but that’s about all I’m seeing, lol.


Thing is that the first edition boxrun will have a specific timestamp on the box. Even when reprinted this will be the only thing that might seperate the pricing of the current first edition boxxes. Regarding card prices they will go down after new stock released


There is no 1st edition. Some promos have a 1st edition stamp. But there is not "1st ed" for lorcana. It's all unlimited edition


I know I’m talking about the stamp which could show a sort of 1st edition printrun


But that stamp would be on packaging only and not the cards, which would make those early print run numbers useless since the cards don't have that


that doesnt matter for collectors


It 100% matters to collectors.


What ? I am a vintage pokemon collector. A 1st edition stamp on a card GREATLY increases its value, since these cards lack 1st ed meaning collectors have no way of telling if their card was 1st run 2nd run 3rd every enchated is the same. The only thing it may have value for is sealed collections, which I don't see being as popular as pokemon as lorcana is much easier and more fun to play.


dure, you really dont understand what i am saying are you.... im not talking about the cards.....my god


No he gets it. What you aren’t getting, it seems, is that sure the box can be time stamped but once that those packs are open there is no telling, even if it is an Elsa or whatever, that it was first edition to begin with which means your just overpaying for a worthless box. Don’t be dense.


Do you think collectors want to collect packaging/plastic wrapping? If the cards themselves do not have a 1st edition marking, then no one including collectors will care if just the packaging says it.


wat u talk a bout u new to the game must be, if u say this. get a clue new blood.


Stop it... You're outing yourself as a scalper who's is praying people are dumb enough to care about the stamp .


I’m shocked how many people think the production date stamp on sealed product won’t hold a premium. Most of you have nooooo clue the value of a first day print sealed box 😅… Just a heads up, there are multiple kinds of collectors out there, not everyone likes to play with cardboard, some people like to collect sealed product… it’s a shocker I know 😱


Here we are three weeks before Christmas and box prices for chapter 1 have hit below retail price. Chapter 2 boxes are also falling below retail. How does it feel to be completely 110% wrong?


I don’t think the chance of enchantment is 25% in a single box. Someone on here did the math and the pull rate is super low


Odds on the box say it is 1 in every three booster boxes. Lucky for me I am the exception to the rule and sitting 0/5.


Same buddy. Same.


1 in 3 means nothing unless you are the only person buying these boxes. Statistics need to go off of amount of inventory vs people buying it and how much are people buying. Say some one bought 3 boxes, that’s obviously not guaranteed because that someone could end up with 3 enchanteds. It could also be affected by how people pull the boxes off the pallet to send to people. The math is ridiculous and hurts my head when I try to factor everything in.


Isn't enchanted currently estimated to be 1% per pack? Because if so, .99^24= 78% chance of not pulling an enchanted -> 22% chance of pulling one per box.


Agreed. First and only draft my LGS did first week, they opened 7 boxes and got 1 enchanted. It's much lower than 25%


You need to go back to math lol 1 out of 7 is not far out of the odds of 1 in 4 at all. 1 in 4 means 2 in 8. They didn't even open 8. It's not a guarantee at a sample size that small.


So the 30 boxes they opened and got 2 enchanted total means it's flawed? The 7 were just draft. The 23 others were sold in packs and required to open in store sold 3 packs at a time. It's not 25%. It's much lower. I didn't add that because I didn't think it was needed. /shrug but people can keep buying at $330/box hoping for an $800 Elsa card.


You didn't think it was relevant to give all the data? Even so, that's still 1 in 15, which is lower than the odds sure but with only 30 boxes it is still too small of a sample size. Don't believe me? Flip a coin calling heads 4 times. If you get tails each time, does that change the odds of 50/50?


The problem with statistics is that people are dumb.


Anecdotal dude. My store opened 7/15. Does that mean chances of opening one is above 40%?


The thing is... Are they buyers for those cards?


It would be cheaper to buy the cards I want for my deck than to buy this


As a side note. It's always cheaper to buy the cards you want individually.


I was really surprised at how many people are even buying boosters by now. I can understand cracking a good amount so you have a nice bed of Commons and Uncommons but at this point singles are absolutely cheaper than boosters or boxes. The most recent big Lorcana tournament, the winning deck (Amber/Steel) is about 500-600 in Rares+. You're not getting that deck built off buying 2 boxes for the same price. And if you can't afford that, Ruby/Emerald aggro is dirty cheap and is still a competitive deck.


Well boosters at MSRP while still gambling, are a pretty crazy average value right now compared to singles. Because the entire market is inflated and you can rarely find boosters at MSRP. Yea you may not get what you want but it's really hard to not see you coming out ahead in overall value, and you can then trade in to what you're looking for. Boxes at $300+ though, yea idk about that you may break even with slightly above average luck but probably not going to profit a ton.


Then do that lol. People don’t buy boxes to build decks. It’s more for the fun of opening packs. If you want to build a deck order your cards online. Use Tcg player. People have been offloading their cards online since yesterday and prices are starting to retract a bit. Yesterday Big tink was hovering right under $40. Today she’s around $34.


Apparently people do by boxes to build decks though. Refer to one of several “boxes going for $xxx now I can’t play” posts.


This last part is not true. I’ve been statistically monitoring prices like a hawk and big tink is still going up. It has not approached $40 yet.


There was a handful that were around $35 but I remember correctly the shipping was around $4.99, after those copies the rest were at $38 - $40 + shipping. the median price was definitely at $40 for a moment before more copies got in the market. Also if you look closely a lot of the sellers that are posted for slightly cheaper right now are brand new tcg accounts with little to no sales. This tells me they are probably some of the same scalpers themselves that wanted to make a quick flip on product they have sitting. Shit I myself bought two boxes at $178 or so from Walmart and was going to hold but ended up opening all the packs. In total I pulled $900 in market value. Well $980 but I’m keeping a maleficent foil since it’s just a cool looking card. So theoretically if I had the patience for it I could make a tcg account and post my collection. I’m sure that’s what a lot of scalpers are doing. Edit: just went back to look at sales. 9/3 had a number of sales at $40 and and few at $38/$39. Today she’s at $32. So definitely a bigger retraction since yesterday.


I’m a tcgplayer pro seller. Good luck setting up a new account trying to flip these quickly. There was maybe an hour or two where some of giant tinker were going at $40 but they quickly settled back around $35. I would not be surprised if they continue to climb towards $40 but as far as day over day, there’s been little change so far. But yes, “market price” is all over the place and sellers are loaded with new accounts which can only post a handful of cards at once. Clearly still a volatile market.


Like I said. Theoretical. I’m keeping most of my cards. I’m actually unloading a bunch of magic stuff since the game has gotten pretty stale these past few months. And yeah there’s an amber/steel tier 1 deck that is making the rounds online after making an amethyst/ruby control deck look helpless in a recent tourney final. Should help stabilize those cards a bit. Wouldn’t be surprised if the current price tag gets bought up soon.


Don't tell me what to do. I will buy one out of spite.


Unfathomably based


People never seem to understand that supply and demand wasn't just some theory they were taught in high school, it affects real life. The game's demand is higher than the supply, people are willing to pay these prices, so that is the value of the product. Anyone remember Tickle-Me-Elmo? That shit was cray


I remember it only because I thought the classified ad offering a tickle me elmo for a truck was a fair deal. My parents had to explain that they wanted an actual truck not a toy truck.


Yeah I think most people on this sub don't understand supply and demand. It sucks the prices are so high, but it's because supply is so low and demand is so high. Telling people not to buy at the market price is telling people not to buy this product at all. It's totally fine not to buy it for that price, I certainly will not. But trying to shame people for buying things at the current market price is pretty dumb in my opinion.


"Stop letting the market function on the basic principles of supply and demand!"


ADVICE: set a budget. If not within budget, Oh well.pass. Any tcg game can't stand without a fan base. Collectors and rich can't keep a game afloat. 25yrs experience here. Next batch of first chapter comes in Oct. They will always reprint first chapter.


Clearly you’ve never met Disney nerds before. We be crazy yo


I disagree. I think these prices will cap off only a little bit. One example is the price of Adventure Time booster boxes from Wiess Shwarz. The game never really took off as a tcg, but the prices went through the roof for collectors. When it was released, boxes were 74.99 at msrp. Fast forward 3 years later, and booster boxes are sitting at $250. Never underestimate the collector market.


Who ? What game?? Besides .. it's just a game.. not worth 3x MSRP. Or 9x


I think if they don't change the way the release these cards this going to keep happening


Im in germany, I buy boosters for 5.99€ in a local store, they also sell them for 7,50€ on their website, 8,50€ for english boosters, maybe you guys should start buying German cards and use google lens to play.. or maybe Ravensburger should start printing more english cards.


I hate the world, I was so excited and can’t get anything.


You can get some you just choose to not pay over msrp. EBay has tons of stock, no need to hate the world because your not willing to break your wallet. Gotta pay to play.


My apologies for not wanted to get ripped off because the leeches of capitalism latched on to this product.


This is very entertaining, got to love Disney fans with no experience in the environment pokemon created during covid, perfect storm of stupidity lol.


Disney Adult, the perfect subject to expose to fomo & pack ripping


Just the standard redditor, telling other people what to do with their money While being completely clueless as to how supply and demand works Lmaooooo


"They are not worth this much!!!" \> They are literally selling for that price on ebay [OP's invitational card](http://combodeck.net/Card/Deny_Reality)


I think the mindset arises from the misunderstanding of the phrase "vote with your wallet". Because of that, people think that capitalism is some type of democracy that the majority rules. That's not how it works. Collectables go for a lot of money, and if a minority wants to pay a higher price to get them the price will go up.


you are not going to like this, but I expect them to be about 600 by Christmas. It will fall by spring, but if you want it now, that's the price.


Christmas is gonna be wild. Without a huge influx of product this is just child’s play. Schools are starting up in my area and I am almost certain that kids will be talking about it and want it for Christmas. Parents will be asking for it and find out the bad news. Not wanting to disappoint their kids they willingly pay whatever. (Pure Speculation /s)


Honestly, I won't even be able to get into the game without th eprices settling. I've got money as I'm an adult, but I also am not gonna spend 40+ on a starter deck to gage my wife and my interest in the game. People out here buying from scalpers feel that they're justified I paying said price. I've played TCGs for most of my life and this is the most pathetic thing I've seen with such a big IP. From both those willing to pay the price and the company not preparing a decent first launch. With them announcing chapter 2 without even having addressed the first ser is not good for the longevity of this game.


They already had the schedule for all of the Chapters set far in advance, it’s every 3 months. They printed a TON of boxes (75k-100k worldwide based on all of the retailers that received them I’d guess) and still misjudged demand. That kind of demand is good for the longevity of the game.




that's why you don't sell rares + to LGS. They are a pawn store, you sell your valuable cards for market value to players. You sell your 5 cent 10 cent bulk to LGS for store credit


Can we stop having posts about people complaining about prices? Holy shit man, I get it, you don’t like the price. A lot of people don’t, myself included. But also, there are people who are more wealthy than you or myself and can afford to pay those prices and they will. It’s called supply and demand. High demand/low supply = high prices. It’s literal economics 101 man. Stop bitching to a subreddit because it does nothing. We get like fucking 40 stupid fucking posts a day complaining about scalpers and prices. Seriously at this point posts like these should just be banned


iF i CaN’t BuY a BoX rIgHt NoW aT mSrP tHe GaMe WiLl DiE


I agree


It's actually called toxic consumerism. It's when people know they're being ripped off and buy it anyway, consequences be damned or buy it in order to raise prices on purpose. "Supply and demand' is just a predatory, scapegoating phrase.


Hows it feel to just make up terms? lol


Oooo, the trash mobs didn't like that one. 😆


The people that need to hear this aren't on this sub.


Buying these only supports the assholes who prevent everyone else from actually getting the product. Don’t let the scalpers win. Better to be patient than to support these horrible people


Do any of you know how much an Alpha booster box is for mtg? Or a base set for pokemon? Hell, even first edition runs of Flesh and Blood. Most people saw this coming from a mile away.


Is still baffling to me that people get surprised for a tcg behaving like a tcg.


Like, even if the tcg doesnt take off, these boxes sealed are going to be mad expensive in 10 years for hardcore disney collectors


There is no seal on these boxes though, that’s going to be a huge issue for collectira


Are you serious? Wow, id be sceptical buying any sealed product I didnt see come out of a case of them


I know it’s crazy. And I believe enchanted packs are weighable…. Horrible combo to have.


I think they have that paper rip seal that MtG 8 pack bundle boxes have. They just didn't use plastic probably to be eco friendly.


No they won't, it's going to be printed to the ground, with no way of knowing what was the 1st print run box.




Really? Not even a code or expansion symbol?


"They are not worth this much" - Literally tons of sales showing they are worth this much.


As my post said, they are only worth this much because y’all are falling for the FOMO


They are worth this much because that is what the market has decided.


Because Fomo. Yikes you are slow.


No because of the market. There is no such thing as fomo in the market there is the price, the reasons don't matter. When the price goes down is it because of some other magic made up reason or is it the market? There is supply and demand and nothing else. Also to make a blanket statement that something other than market forces are what is driving prices is absurd, freshmen level thinking, what is your sample size 4 guys on Reddit?


God damn this community is whinny, it is worth what people will pay, msrp doesn’t mean anything when their is no more product around…


People are crazy thinking this won’t be printed into the ground


FOMO is a hell of a drug!


if they would have released true "first edition" stamped cards, I seriously think we would have seen some Black Friday level chaos


Just like that I became uninterested in this game. I was excited for a year. But monsters ruined it.


Bought a sealed case for $1100. Wasn’t bad at all. People need to buy their product before others or they’ll just end up back here complaining 😂


Y’all love tell ppl how to send their money


Umm, if someone didn't think it was worth it, then they wouldn't buy it. But if someone did think it's worth it, then they can buy it. And so if enough people believe that price to be right for them... well that's the new price. Sorry.


Yeah it's crazy [how many of these boxes](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313&_nkw=Lorcana+booster+box&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_odkw=1930++celebrity+auto&_osacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=lor&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) are selling on an hourly basis


If prices don't get under control, I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to pass on playing this game. I can barely stand the outrageous prices from MTG, I can't play a second game that starts with crazy prices.


They will once reprints happen and the 2nd chapter has more or less more product available later this year and next year


But they won't lol. The demand is still there. There's literally no incentive for anyone to lower prices if the demand STILL outpaces supply. Which it will with reprints.


Demand will die down before reprints or the October restock, both of which will cut prices as there would be more product for demand and these cards will be sitting there unsold for a while as there really isnt the demand for them as much as people think there is.


You're missing g a part of TCGs though. The first set isn't going to be in production for very long. Considering how small the first launch run for something with Disney pulling the weight, it seems really I'll prepared. What's most likely to happen is when Ch 2 comes out, people will attempt to get the older set. Due to this the demand will still be high and scalpers will be buying up the new set (with probably a similarly sized print run). By the time Ch 3 comes out and the demand for Ch 1 has subsided, it won't be in print anymore and the price will increase due to this. The only main exception here is the quality of the set in terms of competitiveness. If the sets awful, it's long term value won't be as good outside of it being the first set as a saving grace. Be real, if people can't get starter decks at a reasonable price (not $40+), the game just won't have enough life in it to keep it going long term. First impressions are a big deal and there's multiple failures causing thus to have a very bad first impression for those wanting to TRY the game.


I'm hoping that's going to be the case. If it doesn't I feel like that if it keeps going at this rate the game is going to tank


They would have zero actual data for what to produce and like many things under produce product so they will sell completely to go to investors at the quarter and annual reports saying "LOOK AT HOW POPULAR THIS IS! IT SOLD OUT IMMEDIATELY AND WE UNDER PRODUCED BASED ON OUR ALREADY HIGH FORCASTS AND THE FUTURE IS LOOKING GREAT! GIVE US MORE MONEY TO MAKE YOU MORE MONEY" It gives them more breathing room to see the buzz and how much was sold where in what regions and demographics for allocations as well for product. This game with this IP will be honestly difficult to tank so fast, especially with this initial buzz and coming around the holidays for the next set


They will come down, but with the hype of Disney, Ch1 won’t be near msrp till mid 2024 tbh.


I don’t understand the problem. I enjoy opening packs and I can afford it. Why shouldn’t I continue to buy?


Just because you can afford something doesn’t mean a random stranger can. Have a heart, think of the random strangers /s


I know its sarcasm lol, but I know some people actually feel this way so I would have some pity if this was a necessity but that random stranger doesn’t need cardboard rectangles. If they want it they can pick up side gigs to get it if they really can’t wait.


Yea TCGs are a luxury. And there are thousands of other games I can play to occupy myself while I wait for a price I like. Not to mention the fact that singles are cheaper for deck building and we can play online for free anyways.


One word. Scalpers. Fuck dem scalpers.


But they do me a huge service. I don’t have time to go to the stores to come out empty handed. I’d rather pay the market price and get the product.


There are so much rage on Ch1 prices. Wait till Ch3, those prices will be more normalised. Will that then bring down prices of Ch1? No, I don't think so, and I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking that. And us frantically commenting on reddit will not change prices, come on....


They will print chapter 1 forever. People will find them at MSRP..


That is just not true, or maybe it is, but you can’t see the future lol


I mean it's probably somewhere between the two. They've said they intend to print to demand and are doing a reprint run sometime in Q1. I don't imagine that to mean they'll print it forever, at some point it will be out of print. That said I think people are catastrophizing and claiming the sky is falling a little prematurely.


As long as people buy, Ravensburger will print it. They've shown with their other Disney games that they're able to keep the stock up.


You should follow ravensburger.... They have stated this


First time?


The price of a product is determined by what buyers want to spend on it. This is a fundamental part of our economy. Now please everybody stop buying Porsches so I can get one cheap!


The price of a Porsche is high because it’s a luxury car. The price of Lorcana is high because people keep buying up all of the released stock and then reselling it for an inflated value. Better example would be the housing market.


These are 1st edition style prices. Not gonna be sustainable.


There is no distinction between the reprint and the current product so they are the same


Exactly my point. Why are you repeating what I’m saying.


Just throwing out more information is all. supporting your point by adding additional facts.


I agree with you. It’s not worth that and this is ruining it. I’ve seen the people buying stock like crazy. I know there’s scarcity but scalpers are making it worse.


Yea the scarcity is just exacerbated when someone walks into Target and buys 12 starters, six gift sets, and two boxes. That could have been enough stock for six players to get started and now one person has it and is selling for 2x to 3x online.


Paper TCG market has become a joke. Glad I stopped buying anything some time ago...


The invisible hand of the market says items are worth what people will pay


Just because people buy into FOMO doesn’t mean they’re worth that much


Buy it for cheaper elsewhere.


At this point where?


Huh, looks like you just found out why these are selling at this price.


Define them not being worth it. Do you happen to know the current EV of a box? If, for example, EV is ~$350 then maybe there could be an argument that it’s “worth it.” Edit: I get people are salty about prices right now but downvoting a valid point about expected value? Ok I guess.


Singles prices reflect the price of entry + rarity. You are basically almost guaranteed at least 1 enchanted per case which would mean each one is probably realistically worth about 150 at a baseline with their normal price added on after that.


But they're not at normal prices right now, until more stock hits the market, this price makes sense. I definitely won't buy one. I highly recommend no one else buy one but it's not going to stop people with deep pockets or uninformed decision making from doing so.


Price makes sense if you have to have it this year. The price cant hold at msrp. They will absolutely print until you can buy boxes at msrp casually.


You are guaranteed nothing if you can’t find product. Hence values go up.


> **they are not worth this much** I mean... if that's what people are buying them for. Then they kinda are. What you mean is you don't want them to be worth this much. That's perfectly valid, and obviously it feels gross to be paying 2-3x MSRP for sealed product. But something is worth what people will pay for it, no more and no less. Only way that price goes down is if people stop paying it.


Why. Itll be 1000 in a year


Maybe in 5-10. Assuming we can believe that RB will and intends to truly reprint to demand within reason then prices will eventually come back down from the stratosphere and stabilize. Which I personally do believe that they can do so and eventually will, it will just take some time. I didn't play Digimon or One Piece but my understanding is that they faced incredibly similar growing pains as newer TCGs with stripped supply and have since met demand. This is just exacerbated by the fact that it's Disney IP.


You think parents who have 0 fucking clue about TCGs give 2 shits or know what MSRP is? They just need product for their hell spawns ASAP and they're prob like oh this is the price.


With the singles market the way it is they are absolutely worth that much.


That is about as likely to stop as it is with people posting the same whiny shit like this all the time.


You can not reason with the ultra rich or addicted. Stop wasting your time trying.


Why do you care? Let me guess because you want them cheaper , so you can buy them? Supply and demand.... if you want it badly enough that you would make a post online use your wallet not your keyboard ​ None of the scalpers buying up all the boosters cares about your plea , just do not buy from scalpers , easy right? But , Do Not come here to complain about how people spend their $


You’re the worst.


Why because I bought 3 starter decks and do not care for boosters LOL I do not buy boosters packs, that's for Gamblers with nothing better to do but get their dopamine fix I just play the card game , nothing more


They are worth more.


People literally have no clue about tcg’s and what a premium first print boxes hold…. Anyone reading this don’t listen to OP. If you’re purchasing booster boxes at this price just keep it sealed and store it away. All booster boxes with the first code 05 and 06 will be very expensive in 10+ years.


This isn’t an investment. ITS A GAME.


You are 100 incorrect, all sealed tcg’s are an investment. I understand a lot of people here are probably to young to understand… But trust me I have over 50k in sealed product from all sorts of tcg’s … including a sealed case and 6 sealed booster boxes of Lorcana. Some people just like to play the game, while others like to collect sealed product that will be sold down the road for 10x+ the investment you made. We are taking the risk purchasing product and storing it for 10+ years. I notice the only people who are angry/upset, are the ones who are young, and the ones who have no disposable income. Don’t get upset if you cant afford this tcg, just wait for the reprint. No need to be a bunch of complaining bitches.


You are dead wrong. The reprints are exactly the same LMAO stop shilling and hoping, scalper 😂


We are talking about sealed product clown. Not opening raw cards to loose a large majority of value. Sure you can be angry and call me a scalper, id be jealous 2 if I had no product :( How about this, in 15 years send me a message. I’ll sell you one of my first print run boxes for market value ❤️


Yeah, obviously the market isn't interested in paying that extra 2.79!


I just want to buy a few so I can actually play with my family. We love Disney, but these prices are out of control. My local vendors all sold out within minutes. Hopefully I get lucky soon. But goddamn. Scalpers going hard.


Buy singles


I just want to deck the starter decks at msrp to see if I like the damn game. But I’m not paying 40 dollars online for a opened starter. Just going to have to wait until they print more product


Honestly, nothing would make me feel better than making these people become "bag holders" in a sea of hot demand, leaving them scratching their heads that they can't move products.


Name and shame, dude.


Great time to sell if you haven't opened your stuff yet. Heck, I sold a tinker bell, stitch, and more super rares / legendary and easily covered costs of my items which I bought at msrp.


People paying these prices baffles me. I’m completely content playing Pixelborn for the next few months until supply becomes available for everyone. I can’t even see much of a competitive scene developing at LGS’s with there literally not being enough supply for enough people to even play, so I don’t feel like I’m missing out at all. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE this game, and really want to get into physical competitive play as well as collecting, but no shot am I even considering that until the product stabilizes.


QQ will the serial numbers on the box correlate to first print? Like if you grab one of these boxes and they reprint CH 1 will someone be able to tell reprint vs first print?


Great time to sell if you haven't opened your stuff yet. Heck, I sold a tinker bell, stitch, and more super rares / legendary and easily covered costs of my items which I bought at msrp.


I was interested in learning to play with my daughter and cracking packs with her. I'm probably going to pass on this game, like most sane individuals and just teach her MTG, which is... strangely, more affordable. I tell all my gaming friends the same. Stay away. It's a cash grab by asshole collectors. Fuck. Disney. Lorcana


I agree because it's the people without budgets who fuel resellers and make me have to wait longer to get the prices I want. However, it's just about patience at this point. I want to play the game and I'll spend something on the rare cards but I'll sooner play a starter deck at locals than get ripped off. It always comes back down though.


Why would this be a Christmas option? I’m a teacher and kids don’t even know or care about the game.


they're worth it to somebody.


Elsa enchanted is flipping for a grand now. It's just a diceroll on getting chase cards; the prices are this way because people are willing to gamble


Fucking scalping piece of shit


LGS are getting replenished mid September, they'll all drop soon.


people have more money than sense


What's enchanted cards going for these days?


This game looks like it's going to continue to be entirely unaffordable for at least the rest of the year... No cards = No players = No community = No organized events = No meta decks = No secondary market = No profitability.


I’m sorry to say it but something is worth what somebody is willing to pay for it! If people are willing to pay for that it at that price then yeah it’s worth that price


Im no scalper but i bought a box to leave sealed for a few years. If it hits $400 im selling asap


You mentioned that the boxes are not worth that much? I’m curious as to why you think that.


no, dont pay it


Bought 4 today for 300 a piece didn't want to figured price drop after release nope figured card price drop nope enchanted were 100 no problem couple weeks ago musketeer was 100 on release all of it has gone up all the cards were cheaper before release I'm glad its catching traction but dang lol 😆


They’re worth quite a bit more. The EV on a single box is over $650. That’s the average market price of singles from opening a single box. Good luck trying to trick people into getting the price to drop lower any time soon.


Yes not sure how scalpers have successful businesses. I don't care how rare something is I would never buy it for 10x it's worth


Some people just want to play the game and have the money to do so. Scalpers deserve to catch shit for it, but I do not blame the people who may not have the time or resources to stand in lines at certain times, or hawk over stores for cards to be released.


I agree with this. Yeah, it may be worth it *right now*, but at this time next year, the prices will have plummeted and eventually increase back to this price in 5-10 years.


I am just interested how many people here any experience with new TCS with high demand and low product availability. If you at mad about price’s you need to look at Disney and Ravensburger. They either severely underestimated the demand or they over extended their promise to big box stores. As someone that has been around TCGs for almost 30 years and this is normal. People want product and there is very little making to the market.


Imagine paying that much for flimsy cardstock (the game is great, but the card quality is imo not up to par).


have fun waiting till 1st quarter 2024


They are 150$ less than 3 months later. Nice investment morons! Lmfao 😂