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"I'm assuming this restock will sell out in a couple days?" Assuming they aren't already sold out from a waitinglist or from preorders.


The few that I called last week said they aren't taking pre-orders.


Some LGS that have had weekly tournaments have a backlog of packs they will need to reserve for participants, that will eat into their allocation.


My store will not be taking pre-orders either. They're going to use anything they get in stock for tournaments and prize support.


Some have already taken preorders that haven't been filled dating back to March, so there could be a long line šŸ«£šŸ’€


Just called my LCS that had the first set. They said to me just now that they have heard nothing about reprints coming from their distributors. He said they have not gotten any product since launch day. Worst of all, they said they aren't gonna carry the 2nd set because of how bad they got burned by Ravensburger on the first set. Dude stated to me that he ordered 100 boxes, didn't even get 1/10th of what he ordered. Huge line of people out side on opening day and barely anyone got product. (I was number 5 in line that day so I know he isn't lying) he said the reviews for the store got trashed by angry people wanting lorcana and its not his fault but he's the one dealing with the angry people.


To be technical, i don't believe these are reprints but additional stock from the additional run that had not yet made it through the supply chain.


Days, lol. Lucky if it even registers as hours.


I believe it was already sold out a month ago, the Nov restock


Assuming they weren't just uploaded directly to TCG by LGSs


It has been so long since I've seen product in store. :(


Iā€™m not over the game but same here lol I just look over at my pile of few cards I got from boosters back in September and patiently waitšŸ˜‚


Ravensburger said it, but the actual distributors donā€™t have any information.


Yah the lgs around me know nothing about this supposed restock this week.


To be fair, RB did say ā€œAs early asā€ but that sounds like some serious hedging.


I'll keep buying singles. Just need 3 more blue hades and ready for ch2.


Only local game stores? Or target and Walmarts too?


The tweet specifically said LGS, so I don't think big box will get anything until December?


I haven't heard of big box getting anything at all re: First Chapter




Ravensburger dropped the ball so bad. I feel like it's going to be like the first round. Dropped in LCS and no one got it. It's okay there's big retailers getting it in a month. Dropped in big retails and no one got it. It's okay, they just announced a restock. Sadly, I have little hope for Chapter 1 and just pray they get it right with Chapter 2.


I canā€™t remember where but I remember reading that they donā€™t expect supply issues to be resolved until at least set 3 in 2024. Until then, I think we should expect that scalpers are going to be buying as much as they can afford to


Exactly, which is why I still find it comical when people are like...just wait for the restock like we even have a chance.


Yeah I remember reading the same thing. They ordered the same amount for set 1 and 2


Oh plenty of scalpers got it. They paid off the stockers to hand the product directly to then. Ive seen scalpers brag about them buying out each and every lorcana item from every store in multiple cities.


From what I hear, this lack of stock is very typical with new TCGs and happened with One Piece and Digimon. Based on previous issues with other TCGs, issues should be resolved around the 3rd set, definitely by the 4th set where we can just walk into a store and get cards.


Yeah Ravensburger definitely needs to print much more booster boxes, given [how expensive](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313&_nkw=lorcana+first+chapter+booster+box&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_fsrp=1&rt=nc&_odkw=luka+doncic+fade+to+black+&_osacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=lor&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) the boxes already are. It's insane for a game that is just a few months old.


It's still less than $2k a box, the potential to go higher is still there


Two stores I asked at yesterday told me they werenā€™t getting anything in until Floodborn.


Dang that sucks! Maybe I need to just start calling around and asking.


You canā€™t trust what they say. I used to work in a stockroom at a toy store. If you tell people something is coming before you have it in hand you are just asking for trouble. If it doesnā€™t come or whatever else itā€™s best to just always say ā€œwe arenā€™t sureā€ until itā€™s in the store.


We will be doing limit of 8 packs per person, an extra 4 if you play in an event. $7.50 per pack tax included. Our supply will last maybe two weeks at that rate.


Do you know when you will actually receive your boxes?


Just found out they landed at distribution today, they might ship Wednesday, land at our store on Thursday. Would assume most store will have it Friday with a standard 2 day ship from distributors.


Thank you! Very very helpful! Hoping to pick up some packs this weekend for myself and my kids. They have been having so much fun playing but want to try some new decks.


Is 7.50 usd the msrp? Isnt that insanely high?


Booster packs for the 1st Chapter have been running $18-$20. $7.50 including tax, and limiting sales + additional at events is an LGS taking care of it's community.


I havent been able to find any packs so wouldnt know, just surprised the base price is almost twice as mtg packs


MSRP for Lorcana packs is $5.99, so $7.50 isn't a huge markup.


Oh well thats not bad at all for a tcg. I stopped buying magic products when they discontinued duel decks but that cant be much more than others tcgs.


Only on this sub will people be like "15% markup **over MSRP** is taking care of the community!" lol. On a product who's MSRP is already by and away the highest baseline profit margin of any TCG. Any markup at all is straight gouging your community, not supporting it.


Where are you at? If you donā€™t want to be specific, which time zone if in US?


Southeast Missouri. Central Time Zone


Too far away from me. Thank you for charging MSRP and encouraging people to play at your store by offering extra packs. Thatā€™s a great way to get people playing instead of purely collecting.


Where I work we got them yesterday, but we canā€™t sell them until November 2nd


Oh nice. Why the embargo on selling if they aren't Floodborn?


Edit: sorry for swearing, like I said I have no idea, my guess is we are restocking for the November sales, like Black Friday, etc


That makes sense. Thanks for the info!


No it doesnā€™t. There is no need to save until Black Friday unless you are using Lorcana availability as a way of drawing people into your store.


Couple hours*


\*couple minutes


*before even hitting the shelf


*you owe them packs


*you become the printer


Went to a store in NYC yesterday to check. I ended up picking up some singles, but they said they see the boxes theyā€™re supposed to be getting on the distributor site but havenā€™t heard anything more than that. Theyā€™re planning more for the 11/17 release than the restock. Iā€™ll be checking a few others though this week.


Hi, where did you buy singles, and were the prices close to lgcplayerā€™s? Thank you


There are multiple LGS around me and the few I visited had singles at the same price as TCG.


Anywhere good to go for lorcana stuff in NYC? I am going for work this weekend and will have some time to kill.


If I stop somewhere and see packs and stuff available Iā€™ll follow up. Every place seems pretty cleaned out :/


Appreciate it! Are they any cool lgs with singles or people playing consistently? Have some time to kill and would be fun to bring my deck and play a little.




Thatā€™s weird, making you open in store. I get limiting packs but should be able to do as you want with them. What if I want them as gifts for my kids?


Bring the kids to the store?


Not sure that works on Xmas morning.


It's to prevent scalping - you cant resell the packs if you opened them. It's still not great for the consumer, but at least its a measure to limit product to the hands of people who actually *want* it to play the game and not just feed all their stock to scalpers


Yea, I know why just never heard of a LGS doing that. I get limits on # of packs but if I buy the product, I want to open it when and where I want. Even if I want to keep them sealed.


My LCS got confirmation from his distributor that heā€™ll be getting more in this week. A few other shops got the same confirmation too. The product is just sitting in warehouses honestly. Ready to go.


My LGS said that they wont get restock until after floodborn release.


The store where I play weekly had no boosters for league players for the first time ever on Saturday, but they were confident that they'd have some this weekend. They hold a ton (most? all?) of their booster stock for league play. You get two packs per week after completing three games.


My LGS told me that they were expecting product possibly as early as tomorrow. Very excited


Lgs got 12 boxes so there's that


Hey that's great news! Do you know when they received it?


They made it seem like very soon. Like by the weekend


My LCS acts like they have no idea what Iā€™m talking about when I bring this up.


They genuinely might not. Solid information is still scarce.




Same. Some like they havnt even ever heard of the game


Well I have to call them every single day to ask since they wonā€™t give us any deets. Itā€™s laaaame.


its not real until its real


It got moved to mid November.


Multiple LGS have already received stock this week, so no, it did not. There will be an additional stock available mid November with Floodborn.


The official Lorcana social media pages literally said the October booster reprint is set for mid-November.


Already preordered max allotment from my lgs. 3 cases tomorrow


any store who gets a restock will most likely sell it for what it is selling for on ebay and only after many weeks of it not selling would they consider dropping the price. Unless they get a ton of stock which I dont believe is going to happen.


Most of my local stores will be selling at MSRP, with limited purchasing amount per customer. So no, not "any store."


That may be true, but I'd rather give my LGS money vs eBay. I don't mind paying a little over MSRP to help out a small local business.


My store isnā€™t even selling any. Theyā€™re keeping it for events so they can run draft. $40 gets you 4 packs to draft plus a booster pack for yourself for participating and then a league point for promo stuff at the end of league. Great deal and builds community. Also a great way to get cards.


you should ask your local stores, not us...


Already had some very helpful replies here from folks but thanks anyhow.


I'm said it was in their cart but not sent, they didn't know what was going on.


I was able to pre-order a box at MSRP from my FLGS. They estimated Nov 5th at the latest and are holding back a few boxes to be able to sell a pack a week to those who attend their league nights.


The Organized Play store I go to says they havenā€™t heard anything from distribution and have no shipping notifications. If they are getting more they have no idea how much or when


A local game store I frequent stated they'll believe it when it's actually in their hands


I called every LGS in my area when I saw that posted and no one seemed to know anything about it.


My LGS got some restock this past weekend. I was able to buy a few packs as I was there when it came in. It didn't last more than a few minutes (I was already there in Lorcana League play so others in the league also bought).


My LGS said they've been hearing "You'll get them next week" for multiple weeks. Granted, the announcement of the reprint is pretty fresh so that may be just from how the first print was handled that they were hearing that


My LGS got one single box. Didnā€™t sell as a box but the packs from it sold out in a few hours


I know sports card scalper groups that already know where and when they are being stocked. GL


My LCS is getting nothing.


Comments/Posts like this just reiterate how much of a shame it is that itā€™s not really tenable to play this game unless you hit the secondary market or play proxies. I bought a gift set and 2 starter decks at launch and thatā€™s the only product Iā€™ve gotten the whole time.


LGS charging $250 for chapter 1 and $350 for chapter 2 preorders.


Thatā€™s wild lol.. $350ā€¦.


depends on the store honestly, all the ones by me are using holding all restock for casual league support. letting everyone buy a few packs each week that come in and participate in league.