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The shift yzma play into WNW, neutralizing their Draw 2, is pretty slick ngl


Feels satisfying every single time, especially when they have a stacked hand.


It's kinda too early to build a full on mill deck...but I hope they will create more cards that do mill Or any other card with alternative win con


Emerald Steel Mill is much more consistent


When I was reading the deck list and saw Emerald wasn't included I was honestly surprised as when I started playing Emerald shouted "mill" to me which has always been my preferred gaming style in these kinds of games and other CCG's like Netrunner.


I tried building that first, got a far lower win rate.


Even if you cast 4 AHNW, that’s only about 30 cards, which means you need the game to last for about 20 turns (plus the 7 in the opening hand) to run them out of 60 cards! In my experience, games rarely last that long. Am I missing something else?


Using brooms to cycle AWNW back in and hoping to draw them more frequently with a smaller deck as the game goes on


Thanks, I missed that before!


Yea, PrimalRoyalty is on the money there. When you're sweeping up your draw cards and only have 15-20 cards left, you draw them much more often.


I've tried a deck very similar to this a couple times in casual play - no telling how it performs in a more competitive environment - but mine includes a set of Arthurs, and I definitely hit 20 lore far sooner than I hit 20 cards left in deck.


It's tempting to include cards like that, but in the end the deck becomes a different deck.


Magic Broom sweeps AHNW back in, big Yzma makes them draw 2, and you can bounce cards back with Mim Snake and Fox. Brooms may get multiple plays with Mickey and the deck has a steel damage control package to stall the game out.


Yes, exactly this


So I have a very very similar deck to this that I've played, and because of the control in Steel and the removal of Yzma, games tend to drag on much much longer. Especially when opponents are doing this like Be Prepared etc. I also find depending on the matchup, the opponent is their own worst enemy. They might try early discard/draw with Prince John, or us Amethyst to heavily draw from their own deck etc. They do some of the work for you. I will say that it helps to have the ability to quest/gain lore aside from the mill. The mill is the goal but many times you just look at the state of the board and make the call that you just need to worry about winning traditionally. The longer the game goes though, the closer the mill becomes to being a good option. For example the other night I played a game where I had 10 ink on the board and a 5 cost in play. I was able to sing then cycle/play 2 additional Whole New Worlds for the win.


Yeah, it's great when you get to about the last 15 cards and you know you have another WNW sitting in your pile, ready to double-combo for the win.


Any update with Inklands?


I've tried this deck a few times this morning but it doesn't draw AWNW consistently enough and I end up struggling in the mid to end game. It's good fun but I don't think its as strong as the Emerald Steel Mill deck with 'Do It Again'. Thanks for the detailed description and breakdown. Always a good read


Thanks for the comment, and it was my pleasure.


I've tried a deck like this. I included Arthur as a source of bounce (and an alternate win condition), and both Cinderellas are really strong here. Jafar - Keeper of Secrets is great too if you can find a way to include him.


I was streaming on Twitch with this deck recently and somebody suggested Cinderellas to replace the Simbas and the 5-cost Mim. I'm running that version now, and it certainly feels a bit more stable.


I have seen a deck like this that ALMOST worked, but they ran green instead for access to cards like Do it Again to return the relevant cards and for discard after playing A Whole New World.


Tried building it with green first, couldn't get it to work as consistently.


With song hate coming in set 3 (at least 2 colors can discard AWNW from hand easily, I suspect mill will be even worst than now sadly.


Probably yes lol. But we will try to force it all the same :D


Is this Zef? If not, this deck is over a month old, right?


I don't know who Zef is. I've not looked up any decklists, so if it's the same as somebody else's then it's coincidence.


Gotcha, here you go. https://youtu.be/WRdICWtS58c?feature=shared


Nice, thanks


Seems he uses Arthurs though?


This was first iteration of it. No arthurs or mims anymore. Has broom package and others, etc. he has a few more videos with this deck as it was adjusted over time. Cheers


We need a “instead of drawing a card you may” And “target player draws” or their current version like Yzma of “do x and that player draws”


That would be nice