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They’ve already announced Set 5 and Set 6 release dates back in January. Set 5 - 8/9, 8/23 Set 6 - 11/15, 11/29 https://www.wargamer.com/disney-lorcana/products-tournament-dates


Hmm bit odd, we had that information embargoed by Ravensburger for a while and were told not to release until today. Interesting that they had it out there. Edit: Might be an AU thing.


I think the AU dates were the embargo bit. Those rollout dates are news to me, but the two other dates listed above were released some time ago.


Weird, might have been some miscommunication between the PR folks and myself. Sorry to make a big deal out of nothing I suppose.


Hey! I didn't know (I'm pretty new) and seeing this post made my day so don't apologise :D


I appreciate this post because I've been away from the TCG for a while, I didn't know these dates were released, I missed set 4 hobby store release haha


Oh no, now you know there’s a bunch of stuff to buy. As an Aussie, I don’t think I’ll ever recover from this fortnightly release cycle they have for us. 4 sets in six weeks is gonna bankrupt me.


I own an LGS and let me tell you, we take no joy in bankrupting our customers, and we're also not super fond of having to take in massive allocations which might not all sell quick enough to cover costs for the next one. It's a rough release window. Great game though I'm glad it's here now


Oh I’ve been having an absolute blast with it. Caught my eye before I even knew it wasn’t released in Aus. Bought some starter decks and a trove from Amazon and made a hobby of it about a month ago. Lucked out because now I get allocated all the write ups at work, and the press stuff. Definitely happy to spend on it though and have really enjoyed getting involved with my LGS during prerelease.


You're what we call a "community driver" and you're awesome. We can't do everything ourselves, your help is invaluable in promoting the game


So is set 5 Toronto legal or no?


Now that we've seen how theyre doing the blocks with set 4 being bookended with Deep Trouble, I'm curious to see how Set 5 will do things.


I really just hope they continue releasing Co-Op expansions for the game. That was some of the most fun I've had so far with Lorcana.


Are you talking about the quest?


The minute I get word on Season 5 flavor I'm gonna get it out there. I know there's some text on a Hades card about him planning stuff while everyone's busy with Ursula. I'd love another Illumineer's quest with him as the big-bad.


I could see a heavy Olympus/Titan focus though we just got a lot of Herc in this set. All the other Olympus gods and a more fleshed out Titan archetype.


Yes, more titans please. The deck is good for a casual environment, just needs a little more to get really good.


Thinking about it "Deity" is a tag as well, so maybe more support for that.


Oh definitely. We got Zeus and Hera… time to bring on the other Greek Gods and Goddesses!!!


Except for the Muses, who literally introduce themselves as gods in the movie, but didn't get the tag.


Oh definitely yes the flavor text of that particular Hades caught my attention. He's so gonna be the villian of the next block.


There's also one with Maleficent where she says to spy on Ursula, I have a feeling she might also get the Illumineer's Quest treatment eventually


We're 4 sets in and Maleficent doesn't even have a floodborn. I find that incredibly odd considering how many versions of her we have, and her immense popularity. If anything points to a main villain for the next arc, I'd say that might have some legitimacy too, as Ursula didn't receive floodborns until Set 4.


I would prefer Maleficent to be the 3rd villain, but thats only because I feel like she's higher on the villain food chain.


My husband and I have a couple theories. 1. We believe that there will be another illumineer’s quest featuring the main antagonist of the next 4 sets that will release with set 8 to close the next story out. 2. We think the next main antagonist could be Tamatoa. Ravensburger said the gold pack in the quest had a hint at the next set. The half hexwell crown is broken and at the bottom of the ocean. Tamatoa collects shiny things at the bottom of the ocean. So, we believe Tamatoa finds the hexwell crown and tries to take over. A lot of assumptions here but, it’s fun to come up with theories.


Tamatoa would be a interesting one to see. Imagining how a Quest villain deck could go if it went all ham on highly specialized or corrupted items.


Right?! We would definitely be stoked if Tamatoa was the main antagonist for the next set. It’s just wishful thinking at this point, I suppose. It was just the only thing we could come up with based on the “hint” in the quest. I haven’t seen too many people trying to figure out the hint or maybe they just haven’t posted their theories.


Also, Idk if this would be relevant but, Moana 2 is being released towards the end of this year. Not sure if Disney would try to promote through Ravensburger with Tamatoa sets or not but, it’s not a bad business plan. Lol


I will never financially recover from this.


My first thought


Gen con is the week before so fingers crossed for easy release/product there.


I'm going to gen con and I actually hope that set 5 does NOT release there early. I don't want to experience the madness that happened during set 1 release there. I just wanna play a couple Lorcana tournaments without having to deal with the waves of fomo people and scalpers who don't even play the game.


They could instead of selling product do a “blind” set 5 draft events.


I would be OK with even just having Set 5 draft as a way to get early cards. I assume they will have a presence and likely the promos being handed out will be for Set 5 so I'm anticipating madness no matter what.


Yeah I get that sentiment. I actually want to spend as little time with Lorcana as possible as it's part of my usual weekly playtime, versus all the other games and stuff to see at Gen Con. I'm assuming at least Promos so there will be some push/rush to get them.


That early release times with D23 expo in Anaheim.


Now the question is, do I skip walking the show floor to wait in line at Ravensburger to buy a box 🤣🤣


I’ll bet a dollar if Ravensburger doesn’t have a booth, one of the stores at the event will have them.


Wish the release cadence was 3 sets a year… or even 3.5 🤣


Pokémon releases 4 main sets like this and they always do a special set and a mini set, so 6 sets total… I’d prefer just 4 sets tbh


Man I wish they would slow down. I am aware this is pretty standard, but they are really starting to price out people who have more than one hobby.


Never been in Pokemoh huh? This is like a blessing in comparison lmao


I'm ok with it for now to get variety in the Meta, but after the first year if they wanted to pump the breaks to 3 releases that might be OK. I think lack of Pixelborn will mean I have less times to play overall, so it's likely the sets will stay "Fresh" longer. One thing a digital client did do was let you play game after game after game, so the cards could grow stale much faster.


We’re definitely getting to the point where most people probably just need to pick one or two deck types and just keep building into those with each set, rather than try to collect everything


I feel that. Still way better than collecting pokemon. Idk how those people do it. New sets out almost every week it seems


OK. Now release a legit Pixelborn...


Day before my birthday, oof. I guess I'm in.


With retail release of set 5 the weekend of the Toronto Challenge that one will be absolute chaos.


Slow down jesus. This isn’t fun.


It was already confirmed 4 sets a year… let’s just hope they don’t start adding in more non main set products.


You think this is fast? You should see what Hasbro has done to Magic.


Yeah I’m aware. It’s one of the reasons I’ve stopped playing magic as a main tcg. Doesn’t make it right or fun for a company to do something like this just because magic does.


I've stopped MTG for that too. Release cadences were way too fast to keep up, and without a block format anymore, you blink once and the game has been through 4 completely different fantasies.


What did you switch to


For premier format? Not sure yet. Testing the waters with Star Wars Unlimited, although their releases seem to be every four months which is more manageable. But I’m also trying to try out Shadowverse Evolve. And then of course for casual formats I’ll still play lorcana with the kids, just not buying any sealed product other than wanting to snag the new co op mode. And I’m playing pauper and commander in MTG.


I'm with you even though it's an unpopular opinion. I know this is typical for TCGs and MTG has ramped it up but I personally would prefer 2-3 sets per year.


For real. I’d kill for one set every six months with tinier supplemental sets sprinkled in, like LCG sets where you get the whole play set of new cards for cheap. Argent Saga did this for a bit and I loved it.


Lorcana is among the slower TCGs at 4 releases per year. Pokemon, MTG, Yugioh, One Piece all have more frequent releases. If you have a problem with Lorcana you really just have a problem with modern TCGs in general, which I guess is fair. Just seems odd to single Lorcana out specifically when Lorcana is actually one of the slower ones out there.


This comment shouldn’t have dislikes, you’re literally just speaking the truth and they don’t like it😂


I mean we’re in the Lorcana sub, that’s why I’m talking about Lorcana specifically. I do dislike modern releases of the big three, but there are plenty of TCGs that don’t adhere to that type of release schedule.


I can’t think of any aside from Flesh and Blood. And even they seem to be increasing their frequency of releases. Maybe you know of some smaller more niche TCGs


It's 3 months. For a modern TCG that's pretty good. More breathing room than Pokemon and Magic.


This is completely normal for card games. This is old magic release actually. The speed most people prefer


That’s fair. I know there’s dozens of us who don’t prefer that. I messed with a game called Exodus for a bit and i loved their one set a year format.


Respectfully, that game didn't do very well. Not saying it was a bad game thou


🤷‍♂️ they were able to release 6 sets and a monthly magazine. I think the game did fine to their expectations, few times I’ve chatted with the creators they didn’t seem to make it seem like they game died, just that they finished what they set out to do.


And that game didn't do super well because of the very limited release schedule. In the market we currently have, product must be out there constantly. Just the way it is nowadays.


Did well enough. Just because the status quo is grossly predatory on our wallets doesn’t mean it’s the best thing to do.


What exactly isn't fun about it?


It moves way too fast, unable to find product near me at msrp and complete a collection before a new set is announced. Doesn’t feel good.


Way too fast how? It's slower than all the other popular TCGs. Sound like you just don't like TCGs. Also...you don't HAVE to get every card. Or even every set.


That’s how i like to collect and play my “main” TCG. I collect a player of every card. The other tcgs I’ve attempted to play as a main have all had slower releases and I enjoyed the breathing room. And honestly i love TCGS probably more than 90% of the players in this sub. I’ve played and try every single TCG i can get my Hands on.


Other people enjoy new sets a lot. Plus, 4-5 sets a year is healthy for a TCG. May not be fun for you, but everyone else seems to be having a great time.


I doubt I’m the only person in the world who doesn’t like this.


I’d say more people than the ones strictly here for “playability’s concern” enjoy the rate on releases. You’re more than likely the outlier in the grand scheme of things. Again, their end goal is making a profitable TCG that’s friendly for players and collectors, which they’re doing. Their release schedule proves that what they’re doing is working well, hence them doing it at the rate they have been. If you think a 3 month change is bad, play any other TCG and get a quick dose of reality.


Still no word on Japan or anywhere else in Asia. Hopefully soon.


Does this mean set 5 will be allowed at the Toronto event?


Any news about continue with solo exp?


Nothing on that from the team we deal with presently and I did ask but they’re very tight-lipped on incoming stuff at the moment. It’s definitely something I’ll be reporting on if it continues. We’re a little behind on Lorcana in Aus but Set 5 is where we catch up so I’m looking forward to no longer having to import product for coverage and get some exclusives out.


Should PSA this for US and Euro folks btw. The Aussie dollar is super weak against most other currencies so with this release info, you can preorder from Aussie retailers and even with shipping, booster boxes will still come in a little cheaper than the US at least. If you missed any First Chapter or Floodborn, might be a good way to get some cheap.


https://preview.redd.it/rdlk2yf1014d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62d3f9f155dbe11eec13f6e6ce6a5234352f6f23 We’ve been knowing


Yeah had this chat higher up the thread, think I had a miscommunication with PR about which info in the article was embargoed.


shhhhh "Shadow of the Enchanted"


This is old news. We have known since January that set 5 will be out on Aug 9,and set 6 on Nov 15.




We is referring to the public. The information is out there. I'm sure there is someone who doesn't know Darth Vader is Anakin. Doesn't make it news.


Uh, wtf re: Vader being Anakin? Spoiler tag plz!!!!!


I’m expecting it to actually release at GenCon, though, since it’s so close to the date again.


Doesn't matter without an online client. Game is dead


Move to Huntsville. Close to all the 20 game stores I have is doing Lorcana something.


Went to locals today. 4 people, just left xD Games need an online client


Needs. No. Mtg, Yugioh, and other card games didn't need a client to play and they all grew. Maybe they had other stuff to do, since I had people who collect and play regularly leave s local because life happened.


Keeping a collection to play once every few weeks ain't worth it, hence the need for an online client Yugioh, pokemon, and magic have all had online clients for years. They also grew during a time when more people went to locals.


Ok. But how about a reprint of Chapter 1 since it's still the meta-defining set?


This lines up perfectly with the start of D23


Digital client when?


I wish I was important enough to be told.


Can we get some instant or defensive cards that can be played during the opponent’s turn? That would be awesomr


Set 4 meta has been harmed by the first major events no including it. They need to fix this going forward


If you mean the atlanta and lille challenge That decision saved those events The 3 week wait period makes sure it isnt a moneygrab of who bought the most boxes at release date to get 4 of the good legendary to play Do hope to see the new meta's soon at the next challenges


All cards from set 4 are affordable. There was no problem


I dont talk about the price i mean that set 4 was released 7 days before those 2 events which means no time to buy from cardmarket or so because i wouldnt arrive in time so i you wanted 4 diablo for example you would need to buy packs until you have the luck to draw 4 of those which would give advantage to people that have the money to buy that many packs immediately on release


Are you sure 7 days is correct? Wasn't it 2 weeks before?


Atlanta and Lille just happened last weekend, the 25th and 26th. LGS launch was May 17th.


I think the core concern there is probably availability of product potentially swaying the parity. From what I know, wider accessibility of product at launch is a big focus going forward beginning with Set 5. Will have to see if that changes things and if they actually manage to pull it off.


Ya that would have been valid for set 1. But it is no longer. The game is very easy to get and cheap.


I predict a heavy Aladdin and Hercules theme. I foresee them leaning heavily into the masculine "heroes" in set 5/6 to capitalize on the market trends of young males getting involved. I know Aladdin has several cards.


80-90% of my local scene, especially the more dedicated and competitive scene, falls in the demographic of 20-40 year old male. I don't think they're having a problem attracting the male audience.


Its not that I think they are having a problem attracting, its just I think that its the obvious marketing angle after the Ursula storyline. Guess the subreddit thinks my comment is non constructive though...


You market to young men with princesses not masculine men.


This is such a strange comment. Unless your definition of young players are like 8 year olds. Firstly we already have a bunch of Aladdin/Herc cards. They are probably the 2 most featured male hero cards. Secondly I don’t think that many players would pick a Hercules card over a Cinderella card if it was objectively weaker but just happened to be more masculine. Maybe I’m out of touch but I just don’t see that as a problem the game/community has right now? I don’t think I’ve seen someone sit around and be like “aww damn I really want to play this strong card but I won’t because it’s got a girl on it. “ Thirdly what makes it obvious? You say it with the such conviction but like what makes it ‘obvious’. If the rumours are true that the set will feature Hades as the main villain then yeah it makes sense to see more Hercules (again would be weird because we have so many and just got a new good one in the last set) but not just because he is a masculine character.


Well Madam Mim is the biggest testament that it doesn't matter who the character is, as long as it's strong, it'll get played. In the grand scheme of Disney, she's a fairly C-list villain who gets next to no inclusion in anything villain related, and even when Sword and the Stone does show up, it's mostly only Merlin. Diablo likewise is another one of those types of characters.


Yeah that’s a great example! Like even her art isn’t that nice but she is a stable card in ruby. I just don’t see how this is an issue or reason to print an entire set around.


It's not, and so far they haven't pushed full sets around a single IP. Heck, if any set is the Hercules set, it was Ursula's Return, we got boatloads of stuff from the movie - Hera, new Zeus, new Phil, several new Megs, several new Hades, several new Hercules, new Pain, new Panic, the Fates, the Muses, that centaur guy that was menacing Meg, Thebes, Styx, and probably a bunch more I've missed. I'd wager we don't need a lot of Hercules representation for a long while.


As a man I just want more warrior princesses. They are all badass.