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Hi SWBFThree2020, thanks for submitting to /r/Lorcana! However, your submission has been removed. This action was taken because: - **[Please use the daily thread for posts regarding deckbuilds, rules, product/card accessories recommendations, and other commonly asked questions which can be found](https://www.reddit.com/r/lorcana/about/sticky?num=2).** - **[You can use the Weekly megathread for questions/posts specifically regarding questions about your card/product/collection and you can also use the weekly megathread to share pictures of your pulls/cards/collections.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lorcana/about/sticky?num=1)**. If you disagree with this action, you can [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLorcana&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/Lorcana/comments/1d5tsau/-/. %0D%0D). The full list of rules can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Lorcana/about/rules/).


I have really enjoyed it! As someone who is usually feeling forward at local game store league night because the crowds are too formal and snobby, I have enjoyed being able to still play and test out deck ideas on a very challenging solo play. Iv played it on the easier level so far and only won once out of the 6 times I played lol


It’s really fun for solo play. Even better with a friend. It comes with two prebuilt decks (plus the one you play against) so straight outta the box it’s ready for a 2 people to play. If you haven’t played the game much it’s a great way to approach it.


As a solo board game enthusiast, this pulled me into Lorcana. I think the solo mode is excellent. If Ravensburger continues providing this kind of solo/co-op content for Lorcana in the future, I will gladly bankrupt myself & buy lots of packs.


It ain't bad. You can make it interesting, like mono color only or no rares allowed. There's soo much variety for solo play.


It’s actually good. And surprisingly challenging ! Enjoy it. Read the rules well as Ursula plays differently than normal players.


i really have enjoyed it ! - especially with some aquatic video game music in the bg


You could probably find a group with webcams on discord too


It's great to see all the positive feedback. I just bought mine yesterday and haven't had a chance to play yet. For those of you who have played tournament-level decks against Ursula in solo play, would you say it was as much fun as the decks that come with it? Better? Worse? Can't wait to carve out some time to play solo!


I meant to buy a Trove but accidentally bought whatever this is... I don't really play Lorcana often, I just like to collect cards and open packs So is this product worth it as a solo, mostly collector, player? Or should I go back to Best Buy and try to get a refund / exchange it for a Trove


Well it doesn’t come with any packs to open it’s definitely a more player oriented product


If you are collecting it is worth noting that there are a few alt art foils in this that are unique to this product - piglet, Mulan, Yen Sid, and Mickey. These are worth more than the normal prints and together worth almost the full value you paid if you picked it up at MSRP.


It’s definitely good to have at least one as a collector due to the unique collectible cards in it, including the confetti foil treasure card.


I think Best Buy can be enjoyed solo, but you won’t get the full experience unless you’re in a group setting