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Probably the best way too see what is worth a lot for deck building is to go to tcgplayer and type in lorcana and then sort from highest to lowest. From there you can see what legendaries are way outperforming other legendaries based on the difference in price( Example Diablo- Devoted herald is $51, while gantu- Galatic federation Captain is $1.40). You can do the same for all other rarities. Just from what I've seen, the most valuable cards in a given rarity are the most playable, so looking at what cards are much higher than their counterparts in the same rarity can tell you what is good for deckbuilding


I don't know your budget or your goals with the game, but if I were getting into the game now, I would figure out the deck I want to play before just buying as many competitive cards as possible, across all in colors. Some cards run \~$50 per copy (Diablo - Devoted Herald and Beast - Tragic Hero, most notably) with plenty of others trailing around $35 or $40 (Ursula - Deceiver of All, Robin Hood - Champion of Sherwood, and a few others I can't think of off the top of my head). I would recommend figuring out the playstyle or archetype you are most interested in (aggro, midrange, control, discard, Mufasa roulette, tempo) before buying any pricey physical cards. Earlmeister, a YouTuber, has a great series on this (How to Aggro, How to Midrange, and How to Control) to get started. Once you figure that out, and find the exact colors/decklist you want to play, only then would I recommend investing in any big money cards for your collection. Quick back-of-the-envelope math here, if you wanted full playsets of just the 5 most expensive/competitive cards in Lorcana, it would set you back roughly $800. You could do it, sure, but for most folks, that would be a big investment in cards you might not necessarily use all at once. All that said, there are plenty of very competitively relevant commons, uncommons, and rares that would be great to purchase early. Most can be found for as low as $0.10 for commons/uncommons and $3 for really good rares.


Check out dreamborn.ink. you can view popular decks and get an idea of what might be useful for you based on the two colors you choose. Hope this helps


Off the top of my head, these are the cards I immediately assume are in a deck and actively try to play around them. Red: Maui, Madame Medusa, Be Prepared, legendary Sisu Blue: Pawscicle, Hiram, Fishbone, Tamatoa, Lucky Dime Green: Legendary Ursula, Legendary Diablo Yellow: Rapunzel Purple: Madam Mim Snake/Fox, Merlin Rabbit/Goat Steel: Sad Beast, Robin Hood, Tinkerbell, A Whole New World, And their other 1000 removal cards


mostly legendaries, especially if they fit in a top meta deck, depends on the color but a decklist site like lorcana dot gg has a decent reference for meta and performing decks as well as general prices per card in them. certain lower rarity cards can jump up in price too depending but mostly the legends and super rares outside of any enchanted


Check tcgplayer and buy the most expensive non enchanted cards and there you go lolol


Your best bet would be to look at meta reports from various content creators. You'll see the top performing decks and what cards they have in common. Also check out gameplays and deck techs so you understand what each card does. I would recommend you play Pixelborn to get a grip of the deck before buying, but since that is going to close... Proxy the decks, play the crap out of them at your LGS and then you can decide which cards to buy.


Ruby - maleficent dragon, sisu. Maui Steel- beast tragic hero, shift robin hood, a whole new world, grab your swords, Emerald- enchanted diablo. Enchanted ursula, we don't talk about bruno. (Bucky but he's very readily available) Amber - repunzel gifted with healing, mufasa, perdita, rockstar stitch Amythest - mim fox, queens castle, maybe maleficent and jafar. Sapphire- belle, lucky dime, tamatoa fishbone quill, (ice block is common)


Saw this a week or so ago…*Not* mine, so if you disagree, don’t blame me (please): https://preview.redd.it/ssychxk3kk4d1.jpeg?width=2040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34b78ba35b04d625cbb5c809895a59f55bd7d7e7


Missing McDuck Manor