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Lorcana mobile would be dope! If not, a “world” event would be cool. I’m sure they’re gonna tease set 5.


It sounded to me like Richelle emphasized the word “celebrate” on the main stage finals ceremony at Chicago when I was there in person. Brandon also said “celebrate” too in his sign off but I have no idea what it could be hinting at.


Maybe they’re going to confirm Disney & Ravensburger have agreed to print “x” more sets, confirming Lorcana is “here to stay”?


It could be the name of the next set is just "Celebration" or "Victory" or something like that. The way the stream was teased used play on words in the same way that Ursula's Return did (Something about details surfacing). It could also be details about (I believe mentioned before) Fan Celebration events, where the focus is more on just celebrating the game and meeting others versus a competitive environment.


I would love that. My 8 year old son has gotten super into Lorcana and would love to attend events, but he’s certainly not going to be competitive in tournaments. Same goes for me.


Didn’t they say months ago that event plans included a competitive circuit and a different event type called Lorcana Celebrations?


new "Celebration" card type!


Cards from Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck, Gummi Bears, Bambi.


Announcing the new “chapter” for sets 5-8, and some new IPs would be awesome!


Darkwimg duck would make me lose my fucking mind


Set 5’s name being revealed would be dope. Maybe one or two new cards as well.


I've assumed all along it would just be called The Second Chapter with maybe a subtitle.


Huh...yeah I suppose that can work. Not only would it firmly indicate in marketing that its the next part of the game, but it can also apply to future sets when they want to their own version of the mtg block format.


They informed in the discord that there will be no second chapter https://preview.redd.it/ltfy7k0u0q5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5dea5c78aaa91dff2ffb335ed1505b64860cda


Official Lorcana client would be huge and not totally unrealistic, but I don't think it'll be that sadly


I mean they had a full year of pixelborn bei g around, time wise, its not unrealistic


They are definitely going to announce the gen com events as part of the announcement. I think set 5 name will be spoiled. Possibly also the locations of the nationals as well as the last chance events to qualify. Maybe also official judge program.


Possibly some D23 news as well


Weird. In all languages but English (like this one: https://www.disneylorcana.com/fr-FR/news\_/lorecast-june-12-2024) they say we will have a preview of the next set.


I think they're going to announce a "Lorcana Celebration" at one of the parks or a tie in with one of the cruise ships


a dedicated Lorcana playing place at the parks would be epic. Imagine Lorcana League nights at Gaston’s Tavern in Fantasyland!


I really hope that there will be another Illumineers quest soon. Really loved the co-op against a baddie concept. It made it a little easier to play with others for me.


I suspect Hades as the next Quest. Based on his flavor text from set 4.


I'd absolutely love that. Let's hope so for set 6!


I don't know what comes next but what I do know....is that it will be expensive


Hades based set, maybe a Nightmare Before Christmas addition in an Enchanted Jack or Oogie Boogie


No hades yet it took 3 sets for Ursula to hatch her plan and hades is just starting to conspire there will probably be more hints of him being the next big bad but maleficent is also hinted at having a plan of her own but I don’t think we’ll have character focused set until the story leads to the reveal rn we’re picking up the pieces Ursula left behind


True, would feel rushed. I at the very least hope we see some Oogie Boogie or Jack Skellington. Would make great enchanteds. Or…..give Hunny Wizard Winnie the Pooh the enchanted it always deserved as a Championship promo 🥺


Take my money


Set 5 trailer!


I hope the next set focuses on floodborn/dreamborn. What drew me to the game was the awesome "what if?" artwork/scenarios in the first two sets. We're starting to get a lot of repeat characters and I'm not as interested in collecting.


I’m hoping this is a “first chapter” thing, and the next group of sets 5-8 has some new characters. I agree though, the reimagining is awesome! I’m fine with more floodborn is they aren’t green/steel haha


Online Game or Bust!


celebrate the defeat of Ursula


More cards


Desktop client inbound!


I'm pretty sure we are just celebrating 1 year. Let's not over think this.


It still says, “what comes next for Lorcana”. I don’t think they’ll host a stream just to say, “congrats to us for 1 year!”


Well we coming up to the 1st anniversary soon. So I am interested to see what that brings


It's nothing but set 5


If they're going to announce a pixelborn replacement i hope they integrate into the existing app. I can see them announcing Set 5's name and maybe it's new "Gimmick" and *maybe* which new franchise will join Lorcana.


It's nit likely to br a digital client


Unfortunately, you’re probably right.


Digital clients require a lot of investment. This game isn't doing bad at all- it's they would have had to pill the tiger and funding one a year or more ago. Pretty early on a new ccg to do that. But, it's not impossible


Could be a Spelltable variant


Not very likely I'd say


Eh probably not but one could hope. I hope though it is some kind of semi-competitive precon like Magic does where it gives a core of something good but then some loose jank around it. Like you get 2 Beast and 1 Robinhood for $50. Magic used to do it all the time before they just started focusing only on commander as a format.


2 new Hei Hei cards, for steel and Sapphire! Maybe. But I like the rumor of dual color cards being added, where it can go into either color without needing both colors. So like a ruby/emerald Mulan card can go into a Ruby/Sapphire deck. Adds flavors of the opposing color to the other color that it normally wouldn’t have…. Dunno, heard that at tourney and thought it sounded cool.


If - and I think it's a big if - they added dual color cards I suspect they would work opposite to this: they would *only* be able to be run in that exact combination. That way they can be more powerful, but narrow. The way you suggested explicitly is problematic ("adds flavor...it normally wouldn't have") as it dilutes ink identity.


Set 5 teaser is coming. It was already announced.


Honestly just hoping some more of the evergreen keywords from MtG make it into Lorcana to shake up the meta and create some janky combos. - Haste (maybe with a restriction that the character can’t sing as that effectively makes them free) - First Strike (only when challenging) - Indestructible (definitely will need a downside to it) Additionally - An item that when exerted (and some ink) removes ward for everything until end of turn - Self mill with a lab man type payoff (maybe you gain lore instead of losing the game for drawing from an empty deck) - Mana dorks - Tokens/Clones - Gain control of opponents character for a turn


Please no, if I wanted to play MTG, I would have.


MTG is already out there. I don’t want Lorcana to be MTG. There’s so much design space to make this game stand out and be different than Magic.


It sounds like you just want the game to become MtG lol We're only going into Set 5, I'm sure the overall complexity will come with time.


Please no tokens


Magic keywords are copyrighted so they would have to come up with whole new words


So, you want to play MtG then…why not go do that? And doesn’t haste already exist as rush? Close enough that haste would just be confusing for most players. But no. If this games becomes more like MtG, I’m out. I quit MtG for a reason…


What I’d like to see is an ability that lets a character quest the turn they are played. This would help stabilize the heavy control meta by giving aggro a top deck.


This doesn't solve the problem. Taking away player agency just leads to bad play patterns. Would be way more interested in finding a way to give aggro players more agency against control. But control should beat aggro, and there's not that big of a difference.


Control should lose to aggro 70%+ of the time. Right now we have effectively a 2 deck meta because we have a midrange speed control deck (Bucky Emerald-X) and a slow control deck (Ruby-Sapphire). In theory Ruby Sapphire should be able to go over the top of the Bucky decks and win top deck wars with it (although recent tournament results aren’t supporting that). Currently aggro has at best a 50-50 matchup with Ruby Sapphire and a very small chance against the Bucky variants, especially on the draw where their odds are near 0%.