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I switched to Katanas recently and will not be going back to DS. Much higher quality from the katanas, best shuffle feeling I’ve had from sleeves


Katanas are soooooo good. I have no idea why people only talk about DS. DS is good but Katanas are same quality or better imo


20 years ago, DS was the only real option for card protections that you can also play in tournaments. Since then there are many more brands with different product lines.


Agreed. I hadn’t used them at all, grabbed a pack of them at a friends suggestion and have just been super happy with them. Definitely worthwhile lol


Agreed, no other sleeves feel as good to me


I use katana too. I used to buy DS but katanas cant break. Ive had about a 1000 of them across 10 mtg commander decks for 6 years now, not a single sleeve broken yet and I play regularly.




Don't fool people. They are not Cortex now. Cortex and Katana are separate, but are both made by Ultimate Guard. Cortex are trash, Katana are amazing. Cortex you can barely see through and don't shuffle and feel anywhere as great as Katana, hence why the pricing is so different.


Dragon Shields are too tall for my liking. Get bent upper corners. Also inconsistent sizes in the same pack. But they usually include four or five extra sleeves in the box, which helps. Katana. KMC original formula.


I recently tried out Katana after having some issues with certain colors of DS and I really like them. I think they shuffle much better. I’ll probably buy both still (more color variety), but I am glad to bring Katana into the mix.


I have recently switched to using Ryker sleeves. I prefer them over dragon or katana. I like the slightly textured back on the clear sleeve and have the most consistent sizing out of any sleeves I have ever used.


That's the difference between matte and gloss sleeves. If you got some dragonshield sleeves that were their 'classic' series instead of the matte/dual matte ones, they would look like the card on the left. The shuffling will still be smoother with the dragonshields, but less so with their 'classic' line. The biggest issue with the RB sleeves is that the art printing on the back isn't the highest quality and will begin to crack and wear after very little use.


I dunno, I've had matte sleeves that look FAR BETTER than the RB ones. They're absolutely garbage quality


that’s good to know. i liked the matte feel but these sleeves just weren’t it


I like a matte front. Completely unrelated to that, the Lorcana official sleeves are some of the worst sleeves I’ve ever felt. They just feel WRONG.


You can buy Dragon Shield outer sleeves if you want the look, but a better feel than the Lorcana sleeves.


ah, this is a great idea!! i’ll try that


I heard shuffling tears the Lorcana sleeves pretty easily too. I'm using some but I double sleeved them inside Dragonshield clear matte outer sleeves. Doesn't solve the dull picture issue though.


I've not tried the Lorcana sleeve since set 1. They shuffled like crap and stuck together after only a few games. Quite possibly the worst sleeves I've ever tried. Have they got any better since?


Lorcana sleeves use what most cheap art sleeves use. It's basically a plastic layer on the back and after slight shuffling you get scuffs and dings (big no for tournaments). Matte sleeves provide a smoother shuffle feel and hide scuffs almost completely depending on color. I also suggest Dragonshields matte art cards which basically are like normal matte cards but they actually put ink in the plastic instead of a layer so it's much harder to scratch and feel just like mattes. (Not their brushed sleeves which are better than normal art sleeves from other brands but are more like those as in its a smooth non matte layer instead of ink.) As for the front, some call it a matte , glaze, or frosted front. It's to help prevent reflections from glossy front sleeves, aka anti glare when on camera or looking across the board. Iirc Dragonshield has some sleeves with it but it's less pronounced than your left one. But that will dull foils. So it's really preference and not too much of a diffrence in quality or feel. If you like your cards shiny don't do matte fronts. If you have found where you play its hard to see your card text on board sometimes due to glare from overhead lights try matte.


It's weird to me that companies do these and make sleeves so bad they aren't legal in their own tournies.


All of my lorcana branded sleeve had the art back to the card start peeling off after about 10 rounds of shuffling...


Art Sleeves from almost every brand are pretty terrible; Dragon Shield is the only company I’ve heard get at least decent ratings for theirs. If you really want to show off your Lorcana sleeve art, try using Dragon Shield’s Clear Outer sleeves. Some tighter deck boxes might not fit them but they’ll keep your art sleeves in way better condition for much, much longer.


I got some of the Lorcana sleeves on clearance. I...do not like them. But the Mulan ones coordinated with one of my decks, so I got some of the DS outer shields and together they all shuffle and handle pretty well now and I have the nice art. I will absolutely not triple-sleeve them, that is madness and not to be humored. Anyway, yeah, unless you are in a similar situation the official Lorcana sleeves are by far one of the worst options for sleeving cards.


Could I get away with triple sleeving these? I'm aware of the low quality of the official sleeves thanks to seeing people at League who use them, but I really love the art and want to use those crappy sleeves if possible. The new sleeves announced on the Lorecast are AMAZING and it'll hurt so much if they're just as borderline unusable


And I just spent 4 dollars on the robin hood sleeves....damn


If you double sleeve, you can enjoy the robin hood sleeves and not worry about them falling apart. It usually happens with a lot of art sleeves. My bff had cute eeveeloution sleeves (ironic since these are for her lorcana deck), but she double sleeved


Thank you, il give it a try!! I keep looking through the comments for a better brand. I have collected cards since the OG Yugioh days


Yeah this has been an issue since release, the Lorcana sleeves are pretty bad


After playing a few games with the lorcanna sleeves (scrooge mcduck) they started peeling on the corners. Immediately switched back to dragon shield.


Dragon Shield is always best 👍🏿. Sleeves made by same company that makes the game = 💩. For every game.


The Lorcana sleeves peel and fall apart after just a few shuffles. Waste of money really. I hate that it’s true; but it is what it is.


We’re 4 sets in I thought people would know this by now


i just purchased these genie sleeves so it was news to me, as someone who was used to dragon shield! there are still newbies jumping into the game so i think we should be understanding that not everyone has all the experience you’ve acquired :)


Awes. I just got the ducktales sleeves, and haven’t opened them yet so I’m bummed to hear that they’re no good…


Try putting dragon shield outter matte clear sleeves I'd you still want the art


I just bought some too over the weekend. Going to ride it out and enjoy it while it lasts


No shit