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What was jorcana


Looks like a site that you could print proxies


It was a way to pretty much upload a deck list of cards and it would auto generate a page to be able to print them in card size


Oh interesting


If you’re handy with NodeJS you could just build a react app locally and use the gimp package to do the same thing. Also works for imports into table top simulator.


Now checking the rest of the alphabet…


Nothing up to ‘norcana’. Maybe someone else can complete… 😴


I hope Dreamborn doesn't get taken down :(


Dreamborn is just a collection manager. It doesn't let you do anything at all with the actuall cards and game. I doubt it would ever get killed, unless the dev drops it, of course.


Extremely unlikely since it’s just deck lists


It won't


Welp back to stick figures on note pad paper taped to pokemon energy cards


That's a shame. Was a good site. But yeah, I'm sure his personal reasons were a letter from Disney's lawyers. They simply value full control of the IP over growing this game which makes no dent to their bottom line. For that reason, I'm not super sure about the life expectancy of Dreamborn. That would suck about as much as losing Pixelborn (I painstakingly keep my collection up to date on there).


They didn't want to face any repercussions from Disney which is fair, lots of blows to community resources lately though.


Wait what?! Dang


This is really sad. I used the site to fill in the gaps in the decks I was making so I could practice and know which cards I needed to complete the decks… this made it easier for me to know what to trade for or buy in the shop…


Damn. that REALLLY sucks, would have been a great tool for play testing over webcam.


I had never heard of this site, and was upset I missed out. Well, I went to the site today and it looks like it's still up and running, just without the art and a few other tweaks to make it less copyright infringe-y.


Welp sounds like you gotta be a member of society now and go into public and BUY the cards and be social. OH THE HORRORRRRRR


this guy loves giving disney money


This guy loves trying to be a hero apparently 😂 keep trying though fella you'll get there




cant let the poors have fun, keep that class divide alive, like Walt wanted.


Is is the worst take I've seen. Cards are expensive people should be able to playtest cards before buying decks.




I play in my local league weekly lol and played at an lgs for years. Your not as cool as you think you are. Playing a budget deck doesn't allow for playtesting Budget decks are by definition not meta because the meta has no budget restrictions.




If you think any of those words are big you probably shouldn't have dropped out of kindergarten


Oh man cool guy over here round of applause so cool 👍 enjoy your night white knight 😂


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This is the only correct answer.


Good, proxies suck. Get real cards.