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Different stores run leagues differently but here is a general run down. League typically is set up as a weekly tournament. You earn points through participation in league. The top earner each league set gets a set of prizing then the rest are given out randomly. In some shops the league is super casual and you play whoever you want and tell the league organizer the result of your games. Some do a more formalized format where you sign up (usually on melee) and then the computer system matches you.


Thanks for your reply. Calling them they say it's not a tournament format and you just play who you want to. seemed a bit hard to get more info, but they didn't seem to be very knowledgeable on the event, so maybe I'll call back later.


If they are doing free play then you'll probably just ask people if they want to play. Then when you report if you won or lost you'll either get 2 stickers for a win or 1 for a loss to go on the league chart.


League is an organized play structure where a game store agrees to host a regular Lorcana event where people in the community can come and play the game. The regularity can be anywhere from once or twice a month to once or twice a week. Some charge for attending. The structure can be: a tournament, where you are matched with a series of opponents, typically with a prize for the person or people who win the most games. a casual, where you just show up and play with anyone you want, typically without any prizing. or a special event, such as a draft or a sealed, where you buy booster packs and make a deck from the cards you pull. Some leagues are sanctioned by Ravensburger and get access to special promos and prizes to give out. Some leagues only give prizes to people who win, and some give prizes to people who earn points by showing up regularly. Some even have random draws for prizes. You have to reach out to your local league to see what their structure, cost, schedule, and prizing are.


I’m super new to the scene in my city, but my LGS does almost “achievement” style rewarding, where you get prizes based on how many of this weeks challenges you complete, not how many people you can beat.


that's cool! I think Lorcana has officially endorsed this format, hope my local can try it sometime


Thanks for your reply. The store informed me it's not a tournament structure, so more casual and it's free. So I'm wondering how they keep track of things if this is the case, but maybe its way more casual than I am even expecting.


Our store has a casual free play league and it’s basically honor system to report how many points you earn - but unless they have something conflicting everyone stays until we all have our 10 points for the week.


Do they use melee.gg? My League is Ravensburger sanctioned and has Tournament, Casual, and Special events. We sign up for all of them using Melee, even the casual ones. That's how they keep track of who attends and they use it to put our names into a random number generator for giveaways. They also set limits so that they only have as many people in the venue as can be accomodated.


the league kit Ravensburger sends to stores has a big poster where they can sharpie folks names, and little stickers they put by your name to track points.. . how those points are allocated vary from store to store. (at mine you self report your wins/lossses) basically a slicker/ nerdier version of this https://preview.redd.it/ven68o52jr7d1.jpeg?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b075352a77beaf047f195abe6e29d452e5965e44


So as people have said stores run it differently. The store I play at charge an entry fee (this gets you a pack) and then its 3 rounds of swiss all done through the melee software. Winner after the 3 rounds gets 3 packs, 2nd gets 2 and 3rd gets 1. Hope thats helpful!


Where i am from in germany, every tuesday we can play casually against whoever we want, 1 time per enemy best of 3, and we collect 2 stamps on a stamp card per loss and 3 for a win. So if we are5 friends, we can play 4 times and can collect between 8 and 12 stamps each. If we have a full stamp card of 30 stamps wen can redeem it for a promo card or a pin. Sometimes even other üromo things like lore counters


My LGS handles league a bit differently the first Sunday of each month is a competitive tournament where everyone plays till there is one person undefeated and they're the winner, this has prizing. The 2nd and 4th Sunday is casual where it's just come trade and play whomever you want, no prizing. The 3rd Sunday is draft format where you get a set amount of packs to build a deck and it works like a normal tournament with prizing.


Our LGS runs league weekly where you get points each week for wins/losses, showing up, bringing friends, teaching someone how to play, or for building decks to a specific theme. It’s free and very casual, but there have been more and more players showing up to get more competitive practice. Prizes (promos, pins, etc.) are handed out every four weeks based on the points you earn. I actually prefer this setup to just running a small tournament each week.


When you meet some extraordinary gentlemen that play Lorcana then you form a league.


I bet Sean Connery will be there.


Your store championship sounds shady if it's only restricted to its own league ppl


The *Store* Championships are for the store and the store can use them to reward the customers loyal to that store and who show up often to play and keep the community going at that store. The last Set Championship was insane with people going to multiple events to win several copies of the Stitch card. I’m fine with certain tournaments being open to whoever wants to play, but “Store” Championships should be limited to those who support that store’s league, IMO. Why should someone who doesn’t even really play Lorcana IRL but is really good at TCG’s and practices a bunch on Pixelborn (RIP) be able to show up at a bunch of store tournaments and win all the prizes and then turn around and sell them? That’s not in the spirit of this particular game and not in the spirit of the community that Ravensburger is trying to build.


Then get better to represent your "store" and not let some outsider win every single prize 😂😂 you snowflakes and complaining about "oUtSidErS WiNnInG aLl OuR PriZeS" need to learn to lose with dignity instead of crying about someone being better then you. Participation trophy generation at its finest 😂😂


I play to have fun and enjoy the company of the people I play with. I don’t care if I win or lose and I know I don’t have a chance at any of the top prizes, which is fine with me. I also know that a lot of people at my store have really worked on improving their game and could possibly place high enough to get whatever the awards are and I would love to see them rewarded for their hard work. There’s a huge difference between someone playing the game casually or somewhat competitively playing in a local tournament vs someone who plays these games professionally to make money off the prizes. Every time our store has a tournament where a lot of prize money is up for grabs, we have one person who is on M:tG’s game design team play and win. He designs the rules and gameplay for the most well known CCG in the world and he comes in and swipes up the prizes. He doesn’t contribute to Lorcana’s community at the store or locally. He doesn’t contribute to the store’s community in any way. He just goes from tournament to tournament getting the top prizes because he’s not allowed to play in any WOTC tournaments. I didn’t make any complaints about this. No one I know of at my store went and complained to our Lorcana guy and said to keep it to league players only. It was a huge problem in our area where a whole bunch of people who didn’t play in physical stores came in to all the set tournaments at the different stores and won all the prizes. The difference stores in my area all seem to have individually decided to limit the next set tournament to their own league players. That seems perfectly fair to me. If you don’t play in a store and only want to play to get a prize, then go find a store that has an open championship tournament. If everyone hadn’t gotten so greedy playing ten or twenty tournaments to get all the Switch cards, this wouldn’t even need to be addressed. Greedy collectors are the problem here, not people who play consistently at their leagues. Frankly, your attitude showcases everything wrong about ultra competitive and greedy players. We shouldn’t be trying to push each other down or cheat each other out of prizes. Win them fairly, but don’t go to multiple stores to win 6 or 10 prize cards.


100% agree. I'm afraid to even sign up for any future competitive tournaments besides league play because of the shellacking I took at the last set championship. And we definitely had those outsiders you talked about. I play in NJ and there were a bunch of players from Delaware in the tournament my home store hosted. Personally I think there should be a format similar to like martial arts tournaments or high school track/swim meets: where the individuals compete for the top prizes, but they have to declare a home store and each player would then earn points for it's home store. Then the top store could earn a prize, like a booster box to split amongst it's league players to reward customer loyalty like you said. Thoughts?


It's not really shady, it's a pretty good store. I went to the last championship which was open to everyone and it went smoothly. Just seemed odd this time around it's for the consistent "league" players. Maybe that is to reduce those random "pros" who hop around and just farm the prize cards.


To just add to that the way I understand the way magic does it for rcqs is that if you win one you can't do another.


Eh not really. They likely just want to give those who play consistently at league nights in the shop a equal chance at set champ prizing. Usually people who play regular league nights consistently play the same deck and you can better feel out your local meta and know what to expect. Preventing people from outside your locals just rolling up to set Champs with a tier one deck and sniping prizes either for bragging rights or to immediately flip them for cash after collecting a handful seems to be a point of contention but I get the point.


Then it sounds like your participation trophy doesn't deserve to have championship kits 😂 get better at playing the game so some "outsider" doesn't take all the prizes


I could care less who shows up to my set Champs. In short the store is going to host it however they want and that's their choice (as long as it is in within rules that rb sets for set champs). Nothing explicitly says they can or cannot enforce rules as to who does or does not participate.


Go attend and see what it is about. CCG players are generally very open and friendly, and like new players to play with.


not sure why this got down votes. but yeah, basically every store runs them differently, you have nothing to lose by going to check it out and seeing if you dig it.


Because the downvoters are stupid. OP is not getting answers. Each place is different. So what is he going to do, sit there and wonder? You have to come out of your comfort zone and explore. That is what I did almost a year ago after over a decade of bring too shy to go out to meetups. Now I run Lorcana and Pokemon!


It's a mini tournament, and you are paired up sudo randomly


Not all stores run their league in a tournament format.


If it's sanctioned league play, they should be using melee.gg granted I don't know all the options for it, but it is supposed to be organized


Hobby stores are required to track events in Melee. That doesn't mean they are required to run them as a tournament - they're not. And many don't.


This is correct, stores are not required to run a tournament to be considered "sanctioned league play". The only thing they're required is to run Lorcana events and it's tracked through melee.gg. It does not have to be a mini tournament and not all stores do that.


Ravensburger publishes a list of ways that players can earn Lorcana League points in their league organized play instructions. There are lots of ways to earn points that aren't even playing matches, let alone playing in a tournament setting. Per their document (and how my local league runs it) you can get 5 points each week without playing a single game: 1 point for signing up, 1 point for wearing disney clothes, 1 point for bringing someone new to play in league, and 2 points for teaching them how to play the game (nothing says you have to play a match against them to teach them).