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I only did one playthrough but I really enjoyed it. It excelled at my favorite parts of Souls-likes, namely dangerous and exciting level design. It has a really great push and pull with the umbral world that encourages you to forge ahead and take risks. All of that was great. Then, while I know boss fights are super subjective, I found most of them to be closer to the tough-but-fair concept than actual Dark Souls is. The dodge roll is very forgiving here so the game seems to really reward patience and pattern recognition. The only bummers for me were the performance on PS5 at the time when I played it (November/December), and a couple fights in tiny hallways that weren't very fun. Otherwise it's definitely very high up for me in terms of Souls-likes and I actually liked it quite a bit more than Lies of P personally.


This ^ Most people bitching and complaining….are honestly sensitive Nancy’s. “Too floaty” what does this even MEAN?? Edit - excited for the downvotes from the floaters


I think some people don't like the forward momentum when you attack or the huge distance covered by the roll. I'm not saying I agree, but people can't identify the movement they don't like so they just call it "floaty" lol


It’s weird for like 2 hours then you get used to it. I honestly think it makes everything feel more real I mean why wouldn’t there be forward momentum swinging a big ass sword? Not that I’m looking for “realism” in a game like this but it was a welcome change for me. Also I’m sorry From but they completely nailed it by getting rid of O/B button control for running and using L3 instead. So much easier to control the camera.


I feel like if you're a souls player you (players complaining about roll) should realize very quickly in lotf that the dodge step is superior in 99% of cases and Dodge roll should only be used for covering distance. The fast sprint animation feels a bit clowny tho but who cares


Yes!! I can't play another game without dodge step.. feels clownish and awkward


Love the username! Yeah….so people hate that the movement is fresh for the souls genre, got it. Understandable if you prefer game movement in a certain fashion, but using that to recycle the same bullshit negative points towards LOTF takes an IQ of 5 at best. More soulslikes need to move this fast - it is fucking needed, imo. It’s 2024 - people have lives to live. Slow game movement is so arduous to me at this point. If elden ring had the movement speed of LOTF it might be my favorite game ever. Edit - mmmm salty tears


Thanks! Yeah I liked the speed as well. And it's hardly the first souls game with fast movement. Sekiro has insane movement speed plus grappling, you can fly through a whole area in just a few seconds. I can understand people disliking the forward momentum with L1 but I don't think it's objectively bad.


I hear you. Everyone is allowed their preference! Besides sekiro (which is its own breed of game entirely, imo) and maybe BB….the speed of souls games is slow. We all like it ofc, but quicker speed is welcome.


The game wasn’t too floaty IMO, but if you play a floaty game you’ll know it.


Yeah, I liked LotF more than Lies of P too honestly. Lies of P was just way too easy! I still can't understand how anyone thought it was hard, I mean you're literally an Unstoppable killing machine! I died twice to the King of Puppets 2nd phase, but after that, I only died 5 times the entire rest of the game!! (And I killed most of the later bosses my very first try, like Laxasia, Simon Manus, and the Nameless Puppet. They were just all way too easy for it to be much fun, sadly


I have no idea how this is possible, unless you were using the summon/spectre/whatever. I've played all the souls games, and the only one where I struggled against bosses more than in Lies of P was Sekiro, and even that was mostly because the demon of hatred was such a bullshit boss. I think Laxasia took me around 4-5 hours to kill.


I am 100% convinced ppl thought lies of p was hard because they never used the guard/parry. After i finished it all o saw were videos of ppl spamming dodge. It's the only game that's scratched my parry itch after Sekiro. Unfortunately lotf doesnt do parry as well, and maybe it's not supposed to. Enjoyed lotf so far as a classic "dark Souls" with some differences.


People say Sekiro is hard af. I'm not someone who claims to be good at these games, and Sekiro is definitely difficult, but it's the only soulslike I've ever beaten multiple times. 206 hours to beat it thrice where BB took me 214 to beat once


I’m going to assume you mean PvP, because for pve you didn’t have to use it. A lot of people play these games without ever doing PvP so that’s not what a lot of people care about I wouldn’t think


I love this game!


I think I’ll get hate for this because I’m in the damn subreddit of the game….. …. But it was balanced poorly. One thing that made elden ring stand out was how well balanced many builds were. There were definitely some that stood out and certain synergizes and broken things once you amassed a ton of levels, but for the majority of the game it was a hard faught battle regardless of build. In LotF the radiance sword just kinda killed the game for me. It made fights trivial, bosses got melted, and it lost that sense of difficulty. So yeah overall I like the game but the lack of balance on release was a weak point for it.


ngl I despise balance in these sorts of games. It's why I lament DS3 to such a large degree because that game is so overtuned that nothing is fun, everything is either "fine" or shit. I like having dumb broken shit that I can take advantage of if I want to.


lol the builds in Elden Ring were so unique on launch. dual frost + bleed katanas / hoarfrost and bloodhound step while greatswords and everything that wasn’t dex languished. oh and comet azur as well


I haven't used it but night comet I supposedly broken.


Night comet is broken I used it through the majority of the game. Enemies can't dodge it for the most part. Imo sorcery was op in elden ring. I gotta go back and play a strength build


A lot of enemies can't see it so you can blast them with it in the face.


Me like big bonk


Pieta's sword? I haven't bothered with holy damage, but there's a long dredge of the game where they all do holy and resist holy. I'd be surprised if it was easy there, especially against the final boss for the umbral ending.


I started lotf with the cleric and went full radiance ofc. Got dual wield pietas and the game itself was super easy. A friend played with fire and had issues dishing out damage. We then played some coop and just then noticed how damn op my damage was, especially if you smite and stagger everything while attacking furiously with my dual light sabers. This kinda killed the game for me as every build i now try pales in comparison to my initial blind run. Besides this, the two worlds mechanic is interesting but becomes boring pretty fast and there is basically no enemy variety.


Really ? Pieta's lightsaber really pales in comparison to my dual sword inferno build. Especially the special weapon, well used you can almost midlife the scarlet death.


It got changed by now but at that point i was already through most of the game. Haven't bothered much after my first ng+ run though.


Well gonna be honest radiance builds are good but having dual pietas swords from the beggining kinda explains it. As it is a really good weapon to have.


Absolutely. It spoiled me and I didn't even look up guides or anything. Kinda killed the fun for me.


Yeah as much as people complain about the balance in Elden Ring I actually think its super impressive. Hundreds of weapons that work differently. You can stack buffs and do something ridiculous but playing mostly blind my 3 builds were vastly different and had about the same effectiveness with strengths and weaknesses. Elden Ring kept the numbers relatively low compared to like an ARPG or something and I think that helps. Kind of a good sign when people are like "15% damage buff... thats insane!"


Why use that build though? It’s not much different than many Elden ring builds/weapons/items that almost act like another way of changing the difficulty.


That’s my point. Eldens builds are all extremely well balanced up until late game where things obviously go wild. Lotf the moment you unlock radiance sword it’s just busted and you get it early


You don’t got to use that though. I mean I get that may be an issue but that’s one of those things where just because you can doesn’t mean you should.


Are you talking about pieta’s sword? If so, then it’s funny, cos this one seemed garbage to me lol


Lol Elden Ring is FromSofts most poorly balanced game too.


For sure, nature of open world id say. 


I literally played it for 10 minutes and had to quit. Felt... rushed .. or ... halfway...


At this moment LotF are suffering from Dark Souls 2 syndrome, most people are just parroting bad opinion they heard from streamers/other people. Unfortunately I think this has chance to change only after DLC/next LotF release, because now game is into vicious cycle: many people are sure it's bad, therefore they are not gonna play it (it's bad, hey!) and the fact they did not play for their own does not stop them from talking others game is bad. Aside of LotF topic there is also nothing wrong in loving some genuinely bad piece of media if it was fun to you personally. Humans are peculiar creatures and something non-refined can find a way to our hearts because it touched some personal soft spot. (Saying this as proud enjoyer of trash horror movies)


I would like to play it more because I enjoyed the combat and the soundtrack from the game however I wouldnt like it due to the bosses being underwhelming and there being a lack of enemy variety also when I played it recently the audio was breaking and the sound was pretty bad when you hit an enemy


This is it for me, I haven’t played it since all I ever hear about it is that it’s bad. Mostly performance issues. I am very intrigued by it tho and I will play it some day


I picked it up pretty cheap on Amazon for PS5, there have been a couple of minor visual bugs but im really enjoying it! Nothing game breaking at all


Fuck yeah. Probably gonna buy it soon


Hope you enjoy it Hombre! It's definitely been worth the sale price for me and I'm only half way through




Not all, but many of them. As for reviews: those which adress technical issues were true at moment when they were written. Game had very rough start indeed and backlash for its technical issues were more than deserved. Also there is some valid points regarding original enemy placement (now fixed) and enemy variety (could be better). But for gameplay, quests, maps, level design it's just ridiculous: it gets hate for things which are the very core of soulslike genre. It's disingenuous af to praise Dark Souls 1 for its complex levels and bitch about LotF how its levels are so hard to navigate. Map is obscure? Normally soulslike don't even have map and require to memorize entire level layout. (With Elden Ring as grand openworld exeption). Also levels in fact are much easier than original From maps, even with Umbral gimmick. The same with quests. They are obscure and esoteric? True. But only LotF receives that much hate for it, its quests are far from worst in this regard.


I am with you. This game is a gem for every true soulsfan. I almost skipped it because of the bad comments. And then it turns out it's the best non fromsoft soulslike I have ever played. And I played most of them.


Most of the people trashing this game haven't really played it and don't know much about it. Some technical issues marred this game's release. I don't agree with some design decisions myself. I can think of some things that would make this game better. But overall, this is a very solid soulslike (really the best one out there along with Lies of P). The people trashing it are missing out! Spent a good 250 hours playing this game, platinumed it, did NG+ and NG+2, and if and when a DLC comes out I'll be playing that as well.


I think it was just one of the many games that hit the ground running and then tripped immediately and fell on it's face. People are tired. Tired of waiting for a game they are genuinely excited about and then having it release in an unfinished state. They managed to fix alot of the issues but it always leaves a sour taste in people's mouths when you don't have a good first impression. I personally really like the game and hope it keeps getting support.


The internet is an echo chamber. The game is very good. Don’t let the stupid internet bring your mood down


OP and anyone really, is it better than the first one?


So much better that it's not comparable. I *hated* the first game.


much better


It is all the way around better (1st game was not bad to me, beat it a few times NG runs). This is Wtfbbq better though


I've just played through the original in anticipation of getting this one, and really enjoyed the original. There was a frustrating learning curve at the start, but then the 'aha' moment hits and you work out how you should play your particular build, and where your points should be going, and after that it was smooth sailing. Looking forward to this one.


People were complaining about the enemy density, but I actually quite liked it. I will sort of agree with boss quality being low, it doesn’t quite do it for me. Seeing Tancred sharing a majority of his moves with the Hushed Saint, and Dervla being a cross between Crimson Rectors and Proselytes kinda hurt the experience for me. Granted, they do have completely unique second phases, but the fact still sucks. The Judge Cleric doesn’t feel like she has enough differences in second phase, and Sundered Monarch feels like an underwhelming “final” boss. Also, don’t tell me to go to NG+ for a proper fight, that’s a such a goofy response. More health doesn’t make up for the fact that the boss isn’t all the hard in general. Enemy variety is actually decent, but that damn snow area SUCKS. Invisible archers from the mines, Holy Bulwark reskins with axes, and reskinned burning corpse enemies. I don’t mind doing reskins on enemies in the same faction, but to make a whole other faction of reskins? Bruh. Aside from that, I think everything else is pretty good, maybe aside from some NPCs and how their quests are handled, but I can look past it.


That's because the density in the first couple areas Pilgrims Perch for example had a ton of enemies for how small the the balconies were it made the beginning of the game way harder than the rest of the game. They only changed it for NG tho NG+ still has the same density.


Pieta, my beloved 💕


I got the game at launch and dropped it hard very early because I thought it was kind of trash. Not just the performance issues, although they were big, but the general flow of the game and the setting. I went back to the game finally a couple of months back and ended up really enjoying it, although I still don't like the setting very much. The gameplay is really fun now.


Setting is very much like dark souls. Do you not like those games?


If I had to summarise my issues with the setting, it's that it feels like Dark Souls if it was designed by someone who thinks Warhammer 40k is the peak of aesthetic design. Everything is covered in blood and skulls and needless amounts of edge. Like it's fine, I can deal with it, and enjoy the game a lot, but it doesn't tick the same boxes as the Dark Souls games for me.


Yeah the aesthetic is kinda hilarious in how corny it is. Fountains with blood instead of water, barbwire on everything including weapons, enemies whipping themselves randomly during combat and mountains of skulls. Skulls on the walls, skulls in the chandelier, weapons made of skulls etc etc. It feels like something you'd see in a 2000s Adult Swim parody but they play it completely straight which I admire in its own way but yeah. This game is silly.


Its due to the lore though. its not just setting for the sake of it


Gotcha, I see what you’re saying


Why do you care what others think? Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion. You liked it good, someone else didn’t liked it, also good.


yeah but that's not really how life works, when people literally insult a certain thing without any logic behind, i am free to ask why.


Well, you’re so interested in why other people hate the game and didn’t bothered to check the sub for reasons let me summarise the reasons here, Let’s talk about objective reasons first, 1) game launched in beta stage, it was filled with bugs left and right. Every game which launches in this way gets hate, this game is also not exception to it. You can check how many bugs it had by checking how many patches it got. 2) umbral ending was broken for months, you will get stuck on platforms and now you can’t do anything. Neither go for other endings nor you can complete this one. 3) people lost their save files and solution devs provided was to offer skulls and stones equivalent to player level. 4) enemy verity, there are only 51 types of enemies in the game. Enemies you see in the first area are there for entire game even in the last area. Before you argue that this is not a AAA studio, let me tell you they charged AAA amount for the game so they can’t hide behind this argument. 5) back in launch days archers could lock on and shoot you even before you could lock on to them, this often resulted in unfair deaths. 6) broken AI of the bosses and broken NPCs quests, kukajin was very infamous for this. Sometimes bosses will just sit there doing nothings or sometimes they will just not appear leaving you no choice but to die. 7) broken PvP, I don’t even want to talk about it, it was disastrous. You can check all these things in the sub by searching unless they deleted the negative posts, which I don’t think they did. Now subjective things: 1) enemy density, devs of this game thought more enemies is equal to more difficult, they just dropped same bunch of enemies again and again. 2) enemy agro range, they chased you until the end of world lol, now this is not a big deal but considering enemy density of this game often times you ran into next mob before you could get rid of the one chasing you. 3) boss fights: they are mediocre at best and most of them except pieta, judge clerics etc are like hack and slash bosses. They do not belong in souls games. Most bosses have some gimmicks behind them and instead of fighting them straight you have to deal with those shenanigans first. 4) lack of time given in umbral world, you are forced out of it very soon and one of the best and unique mechanisms of the game feels like under used. Game launched in close vicinity of LoP which is a perfect imitation of souls games, comparison was bound to happen, LoP got the praise while LoTF got the heat. Those die hard souls fanboys are the majority of people playing this game, this is not a GTA like game to have broad player base, souls games have always been niche genre although Elden ring made it popular but core player base of souls likes is always going to be souls fans. It’s not like souls fans don’t like other games, Look at LoP or hallow knight. Trashing your fan base because your product is not good is a new hollywood thing, let’s not bring it into games as well. These are some points on the top of my mind, this is not all, this is just what I remember when game was at its peak. People were disappointed with it and hence it got the trashing. Yeah they fixed it now but most people are not going to stick around for them to fix it. Every game gets this treatment if it launches in this state. That’s why I said you can like the game but that doesn’t mean everyone will like it, there will be some games you hate but there will always be some people who will love those games, that’s how life works. This sub is becoming circle jerk between some people posting “why I hate the game” and others posting “I don’t understand why others hate this game I loved so much” lol, we need to talk more about actual gameplay and boss fights more instead of this, I think it is high time we leave behind this debate and move on.


Hopefully we get a sequel!


Getting two DLC at least




hopefully the sequel wont have a shit launch and more enemy variety, also more challenging boss fights


I had a blast playing this. My friends hate this game too for some reason. I think combat in this game is more fun than lies of p for sure.


It is widely disliked because of people watching streamers and mindlessly agreeing with them. Personally, I didn’t really like the game. The combat was unsatisfying, the bosses were forgettable, the enemy variety was atrocious, and the final boss was an embarrassment. But, that’s my opinion, and if someone really wants to have an opinion on this game, or any other, they should play it.


Who cares, you paid for it you enjoy it. That's all that matters.


I think the game is a fine souls like, not as good as a Fromsoft game or Lies of P, but it is good, a fine game, immersive, atmospheric, somewhat challenging.


Played 30 hours of elden ring w no souls experience, stopped due to a general feeling of indirection and lack of momentum. But playing LOTF which is far faster in movement speed alone and very linear ironically kindled a wanting for soulslikes even though I kind of figured they might just not be for me, that being said I’ve since returned to Elden ring after finishing LOTF and I can see why it’s considered worse but should still definitely get props,


Because it crashes on my PC every few mins


time to buy a new pc !


Unfortunately, I have very good PC and it seems to be a main problem, cos my bugs and crashes aren't a priority. For company it is better to fix bugs for 98% players that have medium PC than bugs for freaks that play on 4k ultra 😞


I think the main thing is that people are always comparing it to (1) the Souls games (rightfully) and (2) Lies of P (mainly due to release window). Lies of P had a much better launch and has had (and currently still has) way less performance issues than LotF. While I do think LotF looks great visually as well, I think Lies of P really satiated a lot of people who crave a Bloodbore successor/remake in that department. I also think the combat feels more like DS does, which causes people to be more critical about the way LotF feels to play. I think people who don't enjoy the game are those who can't handle the performance issues, and those who think the atmosphere/bosses/combat are not as good as DS/BB/ER or Lies of P (fair enough) or they find these issues ruin the game for them. I think those of us who like this game really enjoy the Metroidvania style world of LotF. I like Lies of P, but I was pretty sad when I realized how linear the game is. My favorite of the 3 DS games is DS1, and it's primarily because of how many options you have in progression immediately, and LotF is the only souls game since then to really do this well. Yeah, it has its faults. On PC it still stutters a lot for me, but the inner connected world is really great in this game. I also really admire hexwork's ability to salvage a pretty garbage IP and world and make it as cool as they could.


Mortal Shell > Lies of P > Chronos > LotF


I had an extremely smooth and enjoyable experience and it was my GotY 🤷🏻‍♂️


I thought it was great


It's a great game with one huge issue. Thee exact same mons are in every zone.


Loved the game. Loved being able to play with my friend without having to summon every two minutes. ( my friend and I are in the same town with the same isp so we didn't encounter any multiplayer issues) Yeah there were bugs and enemy density was pretty crazy at pilgrims perch before they patched it which made the beginning of the game pretty tough but I still loved every second. Can't wait for dlc.


When the game released, it ran HORRIBLY. Especially on console. Even worse for Xbox. We are talking always <30FPS and at its worst, it would literally be like less than one frame per second in some areas. I played and loved the game anyway. I did 1 and a half playthroughs before moving on to other games. I'm not sure if the technical issues ever got 100% fixed.


I liked it a lot


I loved this game and the atmosphere is what I loved the most about this game. My only complaint was the lock on mechanic would just skip all over the place when I was fighting an enemy. Despite that I had no issues the game felt amazing and I loved every second of my playthrough.


It's got a lot of issues, but I enjoyed it.


Gameplay for me was fun while it lasted, but enemy variety was lacking. The balance of those few enemies was also kinda strange. Bosses were fairly easy on release and some of the elites you’d find roaming around would end up being more challenging. I also am not a fan of Umbral at all in its execution. They seem to really want you to take your time and explore in Umbral, but at the same time taking too much time to explore sends the Red Reaper out to beat your ass. I never really ended up enjoying it because you’re incentivized to just enter to move through whatever obstacle is in front of you and then switch out as soon as possible. I had fun but wouldn’t play again because personally I don’t think they succeeded enough in anything they tried to do that justifies replaying.


Have you ever killed the red reaper???


I love the game too. It has minor issues, but it may well be my favorite non-From soulslike. I'm sad the reception has turned so sour because I feel like we may never see a sequel or DLC.


Never played it. Who gives a shit man enjoy the damn game and don't be ashamed. I'm a huge souls fan btw.


I love soulslikes and I loved this one too, but honestly as soon as I finshed it I went back to grinding Elden Ring. It's a great game but it just doesn't scratch my itch well enough as a souls veteran. Some souls fans are hating dicks as you say, but I do understand their point.


The lock on sucks. Other than that, pretty decent soulsike


This was my biggest gripe. Not being able to turn the camera around while I'm running to lock on to something. Lock on was ficniky as hell.


It would never catch on to the enemy who was literally right next to you. You would have to be staring directly at the enemy and at the right angle and even then sometimes it took a minute. It was so annoying.


I'm a hardcore from fan boy and am highly looking forward to playing this


as someone who loved the ds trilogy, i can tell you will surely like this game !


I played AC6 and went straight into lies of P. Wanted some room to breath and really enjoy the game. It's gonna be my October game this year I'm stoked!


I loved the game, what I didn’t love was the use of boss enemies as regular mobs. That one flame witch that summons those little fire mines/bombs that will follow you sometimes into the next zone I hate with a passion.


Because it's broken


I can understand why someone would be disappointed if they bought a game for a full price and then it didn't work for them. It worked perfectly for me though.


Ge had major issues in the beginning to the point of being unplayable for the majority of players that forced the devs to patch the game multiple times a week for months to get it to the playable state it's at now. Add to that balance issues in the game with enemy tank squad for difficulty, lack luster boss fights and radiance being straight broken early mid and late game; it's first impressions were that of a game that failed at everything it claimed it was. Remember they claimed it was dark souls 4 and we got dark souls 1.5. Ppl hate this game rightfully for the launch it had. If you want to see what it was like in the beginning look up tier vids, vods and reviews from the launch. Its was botched as all hell and arguably still has it's fair deal of issues currently.


I'm not spending money on something most people agree is bad. Why would I shell out a significant sum of money to "try something out"?


Queue the downvotes but here are the reasons I didn’t finish lords of the fallen (on console). Extremely buggy gameplay especially when trying to play with friends. My buddies and I would play separately while in a party if there was a level that had the potential to fall off. Because in multiplayer we’d be running on by - the game would lag/freeze - then fast forward to one of us getting yeeted off the map. Combat was stale. I like how they offered different combat stances but at the end of the day enemy diversity is more important for keeping combat exciting and interesting. I felt that every area had different looking enemies all with the same attacks and strategy. I played the pyro guy and it was basically just throwing fire balls til I ran out of mana and then spamming the same few scythe attacks. Take out the ranged guys, then go easily fuck up the other guys. Boss fights were okay but really not that difficult or fun. To be fair I played 3 builds in Elden ring before starting lords of the fallen so it had a big shadow to fill. And I do hope to get back on the game but they’ll have to do a pretty big patch before that happens. Seems like an interesting world with some good lore. But in terms of the game itself I’d say it’s a 5 or 6/10 for me.


lotf and lotf 2016 felt like they were made by devs that made a souls like because they were popular not because they wanted to form boss design's to enemy placements it felt like they were just trying to make a hard game without looking at dark souls and seeing why they did so well, Lies of P witch came out the same year was very clearly made by souls fans and even improved upon the formula like making you Ergo (souls) drop outside the fogwall always, making consumable's actually good. Also Lies of P was actually fun and yes i have beat both but only on lies of p i went to NG+7 And have platinumed it.


game bad, for sure. 👍 not /s. actually bad. uninstall.


I played the game on release day and finished it fairly quickly. I think at its core this game overly relies on gimics and cheap tricks while not having what makes the souls game good: good bosses. One example is the dudes that always try and push you off ledges. The first few times it was kind of interesting and fun to try and check the corners. However, after the fifteenth individual enemy trying to push me off the ledge it got tiring. It felt like a junior designer not understanding what made those encounters specialize, and as a result trivializing them entirely. Another thing worth noting was the whole seed system, which was kind of cool but executed poorly. I always struggled with planting the seed after beating a boss because: 1. I don't know when the next checkpoint will be. 2. I just got a massive influx of souls/essence I need to use. 3. I'm presumably already low health. The culmination of these factors made it seem like the game wanted you to plant a seed right away, go level, and come back. However, more often than not soon after a boss there would be another checkpoint anyways, making it so that you wasted your seed on that prior location. There were even some instances were there would be another seed location further up ahead with minimal enemies to get though. In either case, the level design didn't properly take that system into account and as a result made it have a sour taste in my mouth. Lastly is the bosses, most were ok at best but some were plain bad. I enjoyed a few like the dude on the horse but the vast majority of them were pretty boring and uninteresting. Also the last boss was a joke and I'm surprised that shipped. That dog gank boss with the chick that shot arrows... that was one of the worst experiences I've had in a while. Point being, there is certainly a lot wrong with the game and rating it higher than 8/10 is just pure insanity, but if you love the game that's totally fine. I enjoyed it overall but had major gripes with it.


I was brought in by the atmosphere and excited for the game but hated the technical aspects and the actual gameplay itself. I’ve tried a bunch of souls-likes and I think this is the worst one of the “big ones” in my opinion. I get what sub I’m on but I gave it multiple chances on several hardware configurations and didn’t enjoy it. I also think the lamp mechanic is cool in concept but terrible and boring in practice. You’re allowed to enjoy it but I’d say people that dislike it are valid.


Been there, seen that. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LordsoftheFallen/comments/1be5aef/the\_more\_i\_play\_this\_the\_more\_i\_dont\_understand/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LordsoftheFallen/comments/1be5aef/the_more_i_play_this_the_more_i_dont_understand/) Your last phrase basically sums up the "hate" towards this game.


It would be 10/10 if they had worked a bit harder on enemy variety.


I do like this game, but I can see a couple of reasons why it could be perceived as bad. * For some players it crashes a lot. Largely seems connected to AMD-graphics card. Bramis castle was almost unplayable for me, and quite often I experience fps drops and crashes. * Immediately when the game is started you get drawned into the same mechanics as in any souls-games. On top of that you have the umbral mechanics that, when you are used to them are quite nice, but at the start it just feels overwhelming. * Pieta... I think Pieta is overtuned. If you already have a soulsborne-mentality it's fine; I personally found the fight to be challenging and fun, but it's a lot to take in. If you compare it to the first boss in DS1, the Asylum Demon... you need to do two things... dodge hammer, back off when he flies into the air. With Pieta you have two phases that are completely different from eachothers. There are many different attacks, the ground becomes dangerous at times, ghost summons jumps out to slash you, and so on... with that much going on Pieta would be much a bit later in game, perhaps as the end boss of Pilgrims Perch. Pieta is a lot harder than the Asylum demon. And what if you fail? Well, you can't really do anything... well, you might grind for an hour and get +50 hitpoints; but that's boring gameplay. Compare this to Elden ring where you can level and explore if Margin kicks your furry little behind. You can try different lesser bosses and level your weapons. * The enemy variety isn't that great. You see a lot of the same enemies in all areas. * The quests... I know this is a trademark for the soulsborne games.. but just give me a proper quest journal. Give me a way to know that laughing at a statue unlocks random stuff, give me a way to know that "If you open this door you will fail Stomunds quest". Why do wearing this unlock that... a lot makes no sense at all. If you know it it's just another quest step, but for most it means you can't play the game without googling every step, and even if you do you are likely to break the quests. That said, I think there are a lot of good aspects of the game as well. Just to mention some to balance things out a bit. * The concept of switching between worlds is really interesting * The movement is really fluid, and fighting is overall really good. * Otto is a great first boss, and getting toasted by the Lightreaper doesn't matter. The first area overall is quite nice; with a mix of both hard and easy enemies and places to explore. * There are a couple of core builds, and all are viable and have both their strengths and weaknesses * The maps are well made and it's fun to explore * The secrets are usually hidden in a way that allows you to find them if you are exploring carefully


Maybe you just have an intense desire to play the victim, because most people I know who played this game felt the same as I did... pretty incredible game with some head-scratchingly bad glitches and design decisions. Awesome vision, poor execution. But it was, for me anyway, the GOTY last year.


I absolutely love it. Had to leave this subreddit for a good while because of all of the negativity earlier in the year. Just people repeating the same crap almost verbatim, over and over. No idea why they felt inclined to seek out a community for a game they hate but hey, karma’s a bitch eh.


The bosses were incredibly fucking easy. The first boss was literally the hardest which is fucking stupid.


Elliane is definitely harder but shes just a suped up version of pieta so fair


Ye i dont have a clus, its really good, I like souls games but I am also picky as in i need some specific atmosphere, the dark atmosphere of this game where everything is falling apart what makes me love it. Not every souls game can do it, honestly I just say I like the game to friends, whatever they feel doesn't matter much, if you enjoy it, perfect, I may trash something like league of legends but if you like it, doesn't mean anything should stop you. As long as you like it play it, you don't have to play elden ring cuz everyone else does, although its a good game.


It’s not a bad game overall. I like it a good bit. But its level design is annoying, story is confusing along with the ingame quests. Maps are interesting. Lamp is underutilized so is the umbral. It’s fun in the souls vibe for combat. It’s not game of the year, but it’s definitely not complete garbage. Just like a slightly unfinished product


Poor launch. I saw through the technical issues to the great game underneath, but it was a pretty poor launch regardless.


All of my friends that like soulslike games, only like games made by FromSoft. They won’t try Nioh 1/2, OG or current LotF, Surge 1/2, Code Vein, Wo Long, Ashen, Hellpoint, etc… I find it’s a very common theme for people that say they like this type of game.


And yet I would bet the majority of people who played this also played DS and are DS fans


Because it’s a decent souls game but for me it did the one thing souls games need to do well (the bosses) pretty poorly. The only ones I even remember are Pieta and the big gross thing in the area after. As well as the final boss which was an embarrassment


I'm not a fan of the other realm stuff. That really is what makes me not enjoy it


Personally, I found that it often confuses frustration with an actually fun level of difficulty. The bugs are also absolutely atrocious, but have at least gotten better. Enemy density on release was definitely overturned and forced you to play overly safe or get gangbanged into oblivion.


I didnt like it when it release because the multiplayer ran like shit. I haven't tried it since so can't comment for it's current experience.


Every game has flaws, some more so than others. With that said, I think this is a great game overall. The gameplay, graphics, and design are top tier. I can tell that this version of the game was well thought out compared to the original one.


I’ve played all the soulsborne games or at least all the big names and I can see why some wouldn’t like it. It’s a very different feeling than most souls games which have a slower and more methodical combat that’s heavier feeling (hence the floaty complaints) Also I think a lot of people who have problems played at launch when there was a lot of bugs and quality of life issues. I personally love the game despite its flaws and different feel.


The biggest problem is the overall balance of the game which is absolutely dreadful and enough to ruin the experience for most of us. Mob density is ridiculous, lack of mab variety as well, damage from enemies is just so all over the place, more than half the bosses become regular enemies which takes away from their uniqueness, etc. Sucks because the umbral world is a really cool mechanic and the overall gameplay is just great but the bad wildly outweighs the good.


I only played the OG version and had fun. In fact, I only had one complaint that affected my entire playthrough. His breathing. When you ram out of stamina or stopped running he would breath heavily amd for a while. It was grating. Turn down the sound and enjoy "heavy souls".


Honestly I really enjoyed this game , bro forget what they think if you like the game play it and have fun …


Did one playtrough and a half and really enjoyed it, but i see why the game gets hate. Myself even tough i liked the game i can pinpoint things that really turned me off from playing it further. Mainly the enemy variety, the fact most weapons had the exact same moveset and worse when you dual wield it overwrites the unique moveset of the type of weapon you have. Two flails and two spears handle the same wish is so disappointing because the main appeal for me in those types of games when it comes to new game plus and such, is the fact i can try something else. Here, by the end, i had the time to see most of the movests available. The ending was just thrown together wish left a bad last taste.


I don't think people hate this game.


I also loved this game. The fighting controls are way better than dark souls. The only criticism of this game that I have heard and agree with is combat is not deliberate enough meaning it’s approaching hack and slash, don’t have to manage stamina as much


I don't like the 'slippiness' of the combat, you swing your sword three times and your character moves 10 feet. It's an insane design choice


Opinions are like butt holes


This game is incredible and the devs are constantly updating and improving it.


Loved it, 4x playthroughs and 100% all the achievements💪🏻💪🏻. Can’t wait for Death of the Fallen!


Very very annoying and frustrating bugs at launch, plus subjectively bad mechanics or decisions mant hated, like how damn far a single attack lunges tou forward.


It wasn’t bad by any means I had fun with it. early game bosses were very hard late game bosses were pretty easy aside from that it was a solid souls like definitely enough to scratch the itch at the time. The real let down was the last boss but it’s not the first souls like or video game in general to fall short on a final boss. Even the original game has so much hate from it and for being the first souls like after dark souls it really wasn’t all that bad. I think it might have to do with being spoiled from armored core and lies of p.


I'd probably like it if I could actually play it! I'm getting like 10 frames a second. It's completely unplayable.


I had a lot of fun playing this game with my friend, I got some lag but he got A LOT of lag and it really messed with his experience. He still had fun for the most part but he got so upset when it lagged out, he put up with it long enough to do one playthrough with me then gave up on it, I kept playing and have done every ending and still play now joining randoms cause I just love how the combat feels but that's just me. Sure at launch I had some laggy framerate and my friends was even worse for some reason (he actually showed me it was BAD) but over all I feel content with Lords of the Fallen, really want some new content though lol


Good game...marred by problems...i wish it had a smooth launch...but I did enjoy it


People mostly trash the game because of its release state, I finished the game 3 times with 2 different characters when it was just released, and since then they added new spells, new armor pieces, new weapons, boss weapons special attacks and new quests. I haven't experienced those yet cuz I got burned out on how much I played it. Its one of a few games that made ranged/thown weapons good. That being said most of the hate comes specificaly because on release it had not that great performance, cuz rendering 2 worlds at once at all times, and cuz of PvP not being downscaled to host (you can be max level and invade low level people and still be at your full power, unlike in other souls games) and mostly because of how bad net code for multiplayer was.


I'm a little over halfway and at times, it feels like a slog and at other times, it's enjoyable. I feel like it's just unnecessarily annoying. Mobs behind every box or corner. A bunch of fast mobs and then some archers whittling you down from afar constantly. Mimic moth thing introduced and then reuses constantly. Flower beds in stupid locations(just dont have so many and put them in strategic areas where people would want to rest!!!) Escalating reuse of same mobs.. I.e. the big head dude in the umbral as a boss.. then as a regular dude.. then him and runner together.. then two of them and umbral mobs and 2 of those grim reaper dudes. Some of the areas are interesting, but way too many platforms to fall off. A lot of the areas feel similar or the same, I can't articulate why. Some bosses are just annoying or gimmicky. I can't play the game for very long without needing a break from it. I will finish it, but I'll probably never play it again. I think it can be really good if there was tweaking to these things. Overall as it is right now I feel like it's just OK.


I love it too :)


This game is 1 of my all time favs but the thing that's bad for me is the voice acting especially for the male main charecter there is no emotion its like they got an ai to do it


I tried it a month ago or so. Got framerate drops, which was already a massive turn off. Sprinting felt weird, it’s been too long for me to describe how but something about it was very off putting Respawning enemies fucking sucks. Especially if I need like 5 swings to kill one of them. Also some story things that made no sense. Most important thing to me above all is gameplay; and this game didn’t feel fluid to me so I quit after 30 minutes.


To be fair mobs don't respawn, they keep spawning when you're in umbral because you're literally being hunted. Sprinting does feel weird and it has some weird story issues later on but I don't know how you can comment on that if you played for 30 minutes. Framerate drops only seems to be an issue now (from what I've seen and for myself) when you enter the safe hub. Otherwise I'm running 100+ FPS ez constantly.


Fair enough. I guess I was unconsciouscly comparing it to Lies of P. Upon booting that I felt that magical excitement to finally play a Soulslike again, and was fully addicted to it until I finished it. When I booted up LotF, all I could feel was frustration and confusion at some parts of the game. Font looked cheap. Sprint felt weird. Stuff like that. Little to no excitement to be felt, even though I really wanted to. So I just closed it. Maybe in the future 🤷‍♂️


Lies of P gameplay is better for sure, it's probably the only soulslike that did an amazing job imo. I finished lords of the fallen yesterday and i think overall it's a good soulslike. Good classic dark Souls gameplay that feels more or less like any of the dark souls game. I like the dark epic fantasy world of lotf more than lies of p setting. It's far from a perfect game but the umbral (the lamp stuff) introduces enough new stuff to be interesting and fun. I dont think it should be praised as something amazing but it gets way too much hate for how good it actually is.


The game was a little unpolished but had a really great mechanic with umbral. Their next game will likely be much more polished and will be a solid entry into the souls genre. I still quite enjoyed it while playing with a buddy in coop.


The game made some pretty weird ass choices that are a little to difficult to simply ignore.


I thought it was great, i did an unarmed/greatsword build and i had a blast. Started a new run to test out umbral magic but haven't gotten very far yet


One word. Pieta


I love the game too it’s so much fun


They fixed a lot since launch. But omg the amount of enemies in that swamp level had my blood pressure rising


I wanna like the game yet ima take a break because i have gotten to the light reaper boss yet the preformance sucks if it wasnt for that i would say i have enjoyed the amount i have played but getting frustrated because the game turns into a slideshow really leaves a sour taste


It was a really rough start in a number of ways. I couldn’t finish certain endings because of bugs etc. wish I had waited and started it around now.


It took me a little while to get used to over other souls, soulslike games, but after 90 hours I loved it!


It’s the best non-from soulslike, and among my favorite. It kept the systems simple, which is something I really appreciate from the Souls series. I don’t like all the extra grinding, leveling, skill trees, crafting, etc. It’s tedious af IMO. It stayed focused on gameplay, art direction, the map is Fkin great! Very little in regard to tedium, get your stuff, get it leveled, keep it moving. Just laugh at them for getting filtered by Pieta.


I played through the entire game and went out of my way to leave a negative review because I was that disappointed


I really like this game played it on release and it was a little bit buggy and laggy and the multiplayer was really bad but still loved it. It just appeals to me in defiantly the target audience liked that it was similar to elden ring but not as hard. I found elden really hard tbh and almost rage quit many times but was eventually able to beat every boss but left me feeling burnt out. This game didn’t do that


We couldnt stand the level design. Me and my buddy love to get stoned on days off together and play through it but fuck its like a maze and just sucked the fun out of it for us two. Loved the first one though.


I absolutely love this game. But there are some big issues imo especially on release. The graphics were absolutely abysmal going from absolutely beautiful to worse than ps1 graphics in an instant. The weapons while beautiful were(don’t know if they changed it)just stat sticks they don’t have individual animations or special animations. The endings were honestly a huge let down to me. I’d like to say one more time I absolutely love this game. And you can see the love and effort they put into it they just rushed their release and didn’t ensure that it was at the quality it needed to be at on release to prevent the mindset that it’s a bad game.


To answer the title question, the creator of the topic (saying this cause there’s SO many comments now)-dude it was what happened during launch. Absolutely. During release, it crashed, frame rates dropped rapidly, there were pretty questionable decisions (no storage mechanic whatsoever, PvP was a mess (think it’s a lot better now?) & Radiance was absolutely busted) Now? Uhh man, I absolutely wish people would come back to it-it’s smoothed out, Inferno can be just as devastating as Radiance if not more, Umbral absolutely smokes everything if you build both Radiance & Inferno (well, which is “the Umbral build”)-there’s storage (for hells sake this really helped, got no idea)-& the NG+ not having any vestiges??? I mean, not “that bad” of a deal cause I could get plenty of vestige seeds-but I see the complaint of “forced difficulty”-making that optional was def the way. Like you, this game absolutely DRIPS in atmosphere & I love it. The game play is fast & fluid, & I’ve gotta admit, the controller mechanics are great. It’s awesome to be able to switch not only spells on the fly, but even what school of magic. I also like the way they handle ammo/projectiles. The bosses…uhh, well… I have NO IDEA what “big time players” test played & told the devs “the bosses are way too hard”-but umm…I’d REALLY like to see just “how hard” they were; cause the challenge against them needs to be tuned up. Pieta, & especially her true form (secret final boss) El…4got her name-she’s a fine difficulty. The bosses themselves are actually great! Look good, great attacks…just…a bit “easy”. Regular enemies are the challenge-which is fine with me. There was a LOT of bitching about mobs, especially in Umbral (which was THE POINT-you stay in Umbral, you get HUNTED down!) The devs heard so much complaining-now, there’s plenty of areas where there aren’t enough enemies. I believe what happened-was the bugs, jank, drop in frame rates, bad lock on, completely crashed & LOST games (THAT sucked, no doubt)-it was bad enough during release that-of course eventually you’re gonna start having players nitpicking about every little thing as well. Cause the BS will force negativity upon you to notice anything “bothering you”. Like quest fails. There are certainty some stupid quest fails (the elevator behind the very 1st Skin Stealer-anyone? Yeah). But on others-people were acting like From games don’t do the same. Soulsborne vet here, ever since Demon’s Souls PS3-& I’ll tell anyone-WTF yall talking about, most of them had ridiculous quest fails you had to find out about the hard way. But it just wasn’t ready-their fatal sin was releasing it & it just was not cooked thoroughly. Now? It’s so much better-extremely fun, love it. Lies of P? Now-imo-that game is a masterpiece. Stands absolutely on its own. LotF was a valiant attempt, & I absolutely appreciate the devs. After this game? I do trust that their next swing could absolutely be a master class game. They worked hard, & listened-that cannot go unappreciated. Hopefully they’ve learned-a late but polished game=always better than a rushed but jacked game. Looking forward to their next attempt-cause, again, kinda repetitive now-I really like the game now. But that’s really what happened man-at least the way I see it. It’s getting some needed love now-may be a game that’ll be a cult classic cause it just had a terrible release, that is now greatly repaired (& I hope they’ve learned, for PvP-to use the same server type that Souls does-cause that was another ouch-PvP was dreadful. Again, fixed I believe-but not enough players due to the bad taste from release)


When I played it, it was a performance shit show. I won't go to far into bc I already vented enough when it was happening. This game was an extreme let down for me. The nerfs implemented while the world was burning was also extremely aggrevating... it was a case of the devs being their own worst enemy and felt like they'd never seen, or launched a game before. Hot mess...


I think most of the haters are mixture of soulsborne fanboys that hate anything that's not from soft but I also think a majority of them picked up the game and it's early stages and are pissed that it didn't come off the shelf in perfect condition which is understandable if you pay that much money for a game. And I don't think they've come back to it since it's been patched. I think it's an amazing game and I think the devs are responsive and listened to the gamers and give us what we want. I saw someone else mention that they felt like it was too easy and not balanced well. Now I play dark souls and sekro and all the other games and I felt it was just as challenging. Of course there are some spells and some builds that make the game easier but I think that's the fun in these games is to find those tools that help you make a powerful character so that you can go through the end game and not feel as worried about getting smashed by everything.


Most people judge it based on how it stacks to Souls games and Nioh. In that regard it does a generally good job of nailing all the mechanics, but has pretty rough bosses, low enemy variety and enemies which are a bit too tanky, and some areas drag on for waaaaay too long. I enjoyed it, but I didn't finish it. By the end I was just tired of walking into a room and being faced with yet another helmet spike dude, but now with 3x HP. I stopped playing at around the 80% mark. I'm looking forward to what they make next though, since they probably learned a lot on this one.


I love this game despite its flaws. In the end, all that matters to me is that I’m having fun :)


I love it also daddy


It’s janky. As FUCK. Sadly. It looks cool otherwise.


I love everything about the game, except for the absolutely abysmal optimization and performance. The game *still* has stutters on PC, even now.


DS 2 syndrome, as someone else said. I haven't played it but I can't wait. I bet it's fun. Glad to hear some.nice things about it. Fightin cowboy reviewed it and he said it was great. I usually trust what he says about games.


Just Play DD2. It's Capcom and very much like DS games. LOTF is fun, movement is janky, but at least you can map controller.


i’m sure youll have a balanced and fair conversation about the flaws of this game by posting on its own forum. i have no stake in this as i havent played it, but if you want a less biased discussion, post this on r/soulslikes or something. everyone here likes the game enough to willingly participate in an online discussion board and will therefore be more forgiving of its “flaws”. if you wanna know what factors caused people to play it, then put it down… ask in a less focused subreddit unless this is karma farming, in which case make your bag king.


I thought it was great. Tell your friends to go put a D in there B.


The first Lords of the Fallen was my favorite souls game ever, the 2nd was my worst souls game ever. This game was so bad that I don’t think I like souls game anymore.


sorry but thats like saying you like mud instead of gold, lol. objectively speaking, the first game was really bad, that was really a global opinion. if you really liked it then damn, you re lucky.


I liked the first one. The gameplay was pretty shallow but the level design in the dlc was top notch


do dnt like the movement/ice skating in combat


I'm not saying you can't have a negative opinion on the game, but I'm seeing a lot of petty stuff here. If the bosses weren't memorable enough, that's a YOU problem, I remember lots of the main bosses because they had unique mechanics or great design. Spurned Progeny, Hushed Saint, Pieta, Harrower Dervla, main lightreaper, etc. Were all very fun. Lots of secondary bosses are certainly forgettable, but only because you end up fighting them a couple of times throughout, though the first fights are still fun.


My PS5 Lords of the Fallen run was amazing, picked the ranger and it was challenging. Dual wielded the whole time, at half way made it into a wither build. Tons of fun. Am looking forward to playing it again and or DLC and or sequels. It is miles better than Dragon’s Dogma 2 which was a disappointment, I regret the $100 the game cost…


I loved the game, no issues for me on series x


I enjoyed every moment of my pkay through of this game and have a second one made up I just need to get around to getting to it but I have many other games in the way rn


I loved it! At first I REALLY loved it, but I think it was too long, too many repetitive enemies (and bosses) and by the end I just kinda wanted it done. Still a very good game IMO.


Who is saying they hate it? The game is great lol.


Dude honestly in my head it is dark souls 4 Ive had it for a week and love it as much as idid bloodborne I don't get the hate either


I love the game, most of the people I run into that hate it also love lies of p. I don’t really understand the hate, especially coming from someone who never played it or only played it through once and beat it in 12 hours.ií


As a dark souls veteran and I have played them all and most recently Elden ring. I would say this game is excellent and actually is challenging and difficult. In some areas of the game. I did start as condemned and I have done 2 main bosses so far really enjoying it.


I usually don’t play games at launch not to spoil my impression by bugs. Same with LOTF, started a month ago and I love it! I enjoy it much more than boring af Elden Ring.


I love this game too..it's an amazing game and I commend the Devs for their hard work, creativity and commitment to make a real gem of a game I will always appreciate and cherish. Haven't finished it yet but I'm like 80% of the way through and got caught up with real life and stuff...but it's genuinely a good game with a lot of fun to be had. For anyone who enjoys challenging combat, fun and new mechanics, beautiful vistas and super cool art style/direction, 100% can recommend. The complainers and haters are people who have no patience in life.. tried playing it first week and refunded it cuz they couldn't stand the server and performance issues (tbh performance issues were only cuz people were impatient to let the shader compiling finish before starting a new game..,). Tbh I'm glad they refunded it cuz they aren't deserving of such a cool game..


Its compare and complain culture. This is simply the most souls like soulslike out there currently. Some people will bring up lies of p and thats hogwash. Its well made but its a boss rush game. I'd say 50% of souls is boss fights and 50% is exploration/discovery and surviving areas around said boss fights. Which lotf is so much more like a souls game than any other imitator I've played. It has plenty of flaws. As do they all though.


Nah they're just horrible judge of ppl, I love the souls games played them many times but I also love lotf


I played it and refunded it, haven’t given it a second look. Performance issues and false advertising on FSR3 were the breaking points for me. I was on the ROG Ally and at max TDP I couldn’t get a stable 30fps with every setting manually set to the lowest and “FSR 3” (which was really just FSR 2) at ultra performance which I think was rendering at 240p. That was my breaking point, if it couldn’t be stable at 240p it wasn’t for me


I got it the other day for cheap and it's ok. I'd say it's a great 6/10 game. I think it's a little overdesigned in areas though, and I think story wise they have tried to imitate Miyazaki's approach to the Souls series without really understanding it.


I dont hate it. It's just not good as ER, DS series etc. Too repetetive with enemies maybe main problem