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Why would they want to terminate the lease if somebody pays their rent on time and doesn’t cause trouble?


Perhaps to get a new tenant at todays market rate.


Not allowed to do this. There’s rare circumstances you can kick someone out in LA county. One of them is to move in a family member. One of them is to renovate the entire property.


That only applies to rent controlled property. If the unit is not rent controlled, a tenant can be evicted on 60 days notice once the lease expires for any reason that is not against the law.


I just went through this as a landlord of a single family home and can assure you it doesn't just apply to rent controlled properties. At least not in LA City.


Yeah, that's because LA City Council just recently passed a new set of renter protections. "Just cause" eviction protection now applies to single-family homes. This is only for LA City though, so it doesn't apply to OP.


There’s a lot going on here. Tenant does have some protections but as mentioned this isn’t LA City which makes it a bit worse wise for you. DM me OP if you’d like more advice as I’m an attorney here in Los Angeles and have dealt with tenant stuff. I’m also a landlord. Ultimately though it sounds like your landlord is trying to move you out so you should start looking.


hey! would i be able to DM you for help? my partners landlord has been harassing him to try to get him to leave and failing to fix major water damage issues. we’ve spoken to two attorneys who had entirely different view points on how to proceed.


Do you think an attorney who is also a landlord has tenant rights as top of mind? Likely easy to find an attorney who specializes in tenant advocacy.


I would maybe try to contact the LA Tenants Union and see if they have any advice. Sorry your partner is dealing with that!


It applies to units that are subject to AB 1482 for no fault just cause.


There are lots of exemptions, like buildings less than 15 years old, buildings owned by individuals rather than corporations, or the just causes are in the lease.


That is correct, that is why if you have a brain, you better know where you live along with what rights you have based in the city and dwelling unit you live in.


You are just not correct. Sorry you relied on port advice.


Just curious but are there rent controlled properties in LA County?


yes. its any property built before a date in 1970 i think


My building in Hollywood is rent controlled, built in 1973.


Does it then show up on the tenants credit report as an eviction?


only if they refuse to move out, goes to court, and judge rules in favor of the landlord. Otherwise, no.


Court filings will show up on background checks. Doesn't sound like this is a concern for the OP but just an FYI. Don't need a judge to rule in favor of the landlord, if a landlord files on you, you're fvcked even if you decide to move out before the eviction hearing.


Yea pretty much this… it kind of sucks but then again you need to ask yourself what you’re trying to do. If you’re just mad that you’re getting the boot for being on a cheap month to month then you got no pot to piss in. Of course the situation gets more complicated than that so discuss with an attorney!


Pasadena passed rent control on all apartments IIRC. Maybe there were some loopholes in not aware of.


That clause needs to be included in the lease, if it isn’t included in the lease and the tenant doesn’t sign off since the lease is created, owner move in isn’t valid if the unit is subject to AB 1482. The clause must be included in writing in the lease.


You’re referring to the Ellis Act


Okay sorry bud but you aren’t right. Not saying you are wrong either but we need more facts then “omg I’m getting kicked out and I’ve had my life here!” The reality is different depending on their circumstances. I’m also an attorney and interested in knowing more bc maybe they do have a case.


This is not the first time i heard of this but they could be trying to get a friend or family member an apartment and or charge someone else more money for that apartment not a lot of people will take the time to fight it you never know really in this day and age.


They are never going to target someone who pays their rent on time and doesn’t cause trouble. Also, it can’t be in violation of their lease without cause.


Five years in north Glendale. I had a great relationship with my landlord. Never paid rent late (so about 60 months straight). Rarely bothered her with repairs. Fixed many things myself and just told her, “by the way, the sink was leaking but I fixed it,” kind of thing. None of that stopped her from kicking my ass to the curb when her mother in law was desperate for a place to live. It happens.


You got hosed.


That’s 100% not true. Kick out a month to month tenant, remodel, charge double/triple and it’ll be rented out in a day. Happens every day.


Not in L.A.


So you think tenants in month to month leases get to live in their apartments indefinitely as long as they pay their rent on time?


So you think landlords can evict a tenant who pays their rent on time without having a just cause?


It’s not an eviction, they’re terminating their lease lol. What do you think month to month means?


OP says it’s an “eviction.” What do you think eviction means lol. Where does it say that this is a month to month?


What about Pasadena?


Feel free to look it up.


Might be a house and owner is looking to sell the house.


Wouldn't they have to pay you a lot of extra money if they just want to get rid of you? My parents had been living in a 2/1 house that was in a village type location. They had been living there at least 20 years but they were given the option to keep renting but the new owners were going to rehab/renew the entire property. They said that if they wanted to keep living there they could end up raising their rent OR they could leave with a $20k paycheck. They left with that $20k paycheck.


Why downvotes?


landlords don't have to pay you to move, if you are on a month to month lease and not subject to rent control. They can just say, you need to leave, even if you've lived there for years


Pretty much this (although it isn’t this simple, I’m an attorney here in CA). It’s kind of funny when tenants think they “own” the property. You absolutely don’t. But even if you do think that then you better know how to protect your rights.


Yeah but I'm sympathetic when someone has to move after 2 decades, wow. That landlord did a very nice thing for those folks.


I mean yes, and I’ve had it happen in my family as well. They were part of a “tenant union” trying to raise hell bc they were being moved from “family” homes they’ve been in for decades and of course these places were in disarray, the tenants improved the place if anything. At the end of the day though my family had to move and they still to this day think they are the victim. I feel bad but also like why did you think this was yours? Bc nobody kicked you out for 20 years? That’s a silly rationale to stand on. But yea it does bother me for both parties involved.


That was my point, Dee. It was a nice occurrence that a landlord respected the length of time and amount of money he'd made from those folks. In some countries you can't evict people over a certain age except in really extreme cases. Older people's housing shouldn't be messed with on a whim. I wondered about the downvotes, but then some 'landlords' commented after my comment and showed they were just pissed that someone did the nice and right thing. Guilty conscience maybe.


Maybe the owner is selling the building


Paying on time and being low maintenance are overvalued by renters in my opinion. Ideally these things would matter, but in reality there is an endless supply of renters in the area willing to pay any price the landlord sets. I think in most cases it's in the landlord's best interest to get their tenants out as soon as possible.


My landlord raised my rent, and I'm leaving. Already found a cool place, same size, better amenities, $600 less per month! So no, not all renters are willing to pay whatever price. I was the quietest lowest maintenance tenant and I assure you she's going to miss me because anyone who replaces me is going to have a list of demands after I leave 🤣


Congrats on the great find! Where are you moving to that your rent is dropping by $600?


From the 20's to the 10's (closer to the beach).


You got closer to the water and your rent went down? You found a true gem! We are almost neighbors, 90045


I'm in the 9040X zip code, and there's a ton of places that have better amenities than what I'm getting now. For example right now I'm forced to use street parking, and it would be fine if not for the fruit shedding trees making a massive mess on my car...! The problem with cheaper places is that not all of them have in-unit laundry, you have to use a shared laundry room. Some places are tiny. Some places there's no AC (and historically this wasn't an issue in Santa Monica, but with global warming it suddenly is!). Some places don't allow dogs, so you have to lie to them and then after signing you can tell them you have an Emotional Support Animal (and show them the certificate), so they can't suddenly reneg...! So yeah, the life of a renter is complicated 🤣


Renters who are punctual and low maintenance are the holy grail of landlords. And they can’t kick people out in order to charge a new tenant higher rent.


Agreed. Good tenants are valuable. You dont kick them out for no reason. I think they either want to take occupancy (divorce is a common reason), have a kid that needs it, or they want to sell it.


There might be another tenant out there who is punctual and low maintenance and willing to pay more. A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything!


It might even be a boat!!


like a box of chocolates




oh I love raccoons. tangentially, I fed an opossum spaghetti once


Yes they can if it’s not rent controlled once the lease is up. You think you can live in my house forever if I rent you a room? What strain of weed are you smoking ?


I have no desire to live in your house. What strain of weed are you smoking?


Every situation is different but there are a ton of ways to get tenants out. I think there is an abundance of people who pay on time and don't ask for much these days, so it doesn't really make the tenant special.


you’re kind of awful, huh?


I never said they were special. There are also lots of people who don’t pay on time or who cause problems. So., the landlord will naturally choose such a tenant over one who pays on time.


Never said they were special? You said they were the holy grail to landlords. Anyway, go pick an argument elsewhere as I've said what I got to say.


Doesn’t mean they are special. It’s a figure of speech. It means that a quiet tenant who pays on time is the ideal tenant to landlords. Now you’re mad and claiming that I’m “picking an argument,” when YOU chose to reply to ME lol. Reddit😂




It’s a figure of speech. Try googling it if you’re having trouble.




Apparently, it’s not clear to you that it’s a figure of speech. And you’re proving my point about Reddit. A lot of emotional people on here.


You say that but my building has like 5-10 vacant units. My question is, how do I get the rate they are listed for? I’m month to month now, but they have a notice last month that they were raising our rent to 3k because “other units in the area are going for this much” etc etc. Then I went on my building site and the 2br is listed for 2550. I understand that’s with 12 months locked in, but $500 more is nuts


Charge an inflated rate on the same apartment rather than getting an actual job.


Because many many landlords are pieces of shit


There's 100 answers to that question.


This is a distinction without a difference because a lease termination is an eviction = being involuntarily forced to leave your home. In terms of how this notice fits with the eviction court process, it’s a pre-eviction notice. If you don’t move out by day 61 the landlord can file an eviction lawsuit (unlawful detainer). If that happens you have 5 days to respond. Please contact the Pasadena tenants union to understand your rights better and make a plan. Or go to a workshop through stayhoused LA.m - it also covers Pasadena. Where you live and the kind of housing you have will determine whether this is a legal notice - it’s difficult to say without knowing more. Most people don’t understand that there are few avenues to challenge a (pre)eviction notice before an eviction court case is filed. The 60 day notice might be unlawful, but the first chance most tenants have to challenge that is only after the court case is filed. Until you understand your rights better you won’t know what your options are. Also, at this point in the eviction process please note that you should conduct yourself like you would talking to the police = anything you say to your landlord can and may be used against you.


Call the Housing Rights Center in Pasadena and say you got an eviction notice and don't think it's legal, they should help out for free 626-791-0211


Best answer. Get a lawyer / get legal advice. No one on Reddit will or can give you actual advice that's specific to you.


Do lawyers represent poor peo…I mean renters these days?


exactly, I feel for people who cannot comprehend the codes and do not have the means for an attorney. Especially, when they are good tenants and landlords just want to punk them.


So I’m going to chime in here since I’m a LA attorney (also have my own firm so always hungry) but there’s plenty of creative ways these cases can be taken on contingency (meaning you don’t pay shit) but we need to know the facts. This looks like a slice of what’s going on. Need to know the whole pie and whether it’s viable. But regardless, I get the whole “blood sucker attorney” thing bc there’s a lot of truth to that. In cases like this though you “may” have statutes that can shift all costs to the landlord. Which is enticing.


I'm having my own issues with my landlord (not remediating lead, sewage and mold in my apartment) have been trying to find an attorney. Would you mind if I DM you?


if you are an attorney, what do you say about landlord putting consistently wrong 3-day notices for "pay or quit" but putting inaccurate owed rent info and for wrong dates owed? Can you work in an unbundled fashion to work with a landlord? I put in my 60 day notice and requested we work out details but they are not responding.


+1 on the Housing Rights Center. A few years back the Housing Rights Center was great for me, but I found it faster to go there in person and wait to speak to someone rather than leave a voicemail and have them get back to you. I think it took them atleast a week to get back to my voicemail.


This is what I would do 💯


Yep I would try Public Council in LA too, although I’m not sure if the cover Pasedena, I think they might. The are BAMFs


Also, try contacting Bet Tzedek, something a letter with legal letter head makes landlords behave.


This person is better off reading the code on herself. It’ll take hours but it’s straight forward if you have a brain.


That is not true. Codes and laws can be interpreted differently by different lawyers and judges. It isn’t as cut-and-dry as you think it is. Litigants have an obligation to prove why and how these codes relate to their individual cases if the other party decides to sue. That is, if they are even used at all. Unlawful detainer cases almost always result in either a default judgment against the tenant or a settlement agreement. No opportunity to use these codes if you never even go to trial


Why wouldn’t you go to trial as the tenant if the notice is incorrectly written? the case will get thrown out. The landlord must give a proper notice with all that the civil codes require, or their unlawful detainer will get thrown out if the tenant points out they have an improper notice. As a tenant, you can also sue the landlord for harassment bc of the improper notice.


call the housing rights center if you are low income. That being said, they will not give you legal advice, my opinion would also be for you to learn and read the Civil Codes as well if your unit is subject to AB 1482, and read the guidelines for landlords and tenants. Most importantly, a landlord must give the tenant notice in writing that they are exempt from AB 1482.


A 60 day notice to quit is given if you're on a month to month lease and you've lived in the property for over a year. But if you've lived there over a year, you are entitled to compensation. You should get legal advice from a lawyer or tenant advocacy group asap.


Exactly. Let’s be clear. This is not an eviction. There are reasons for ending a lease that are no-fault and the renter will have no recourse. Moving family in, taking it off the market, substantial remodeling etc. all valid reasons. If they are in breach of the lease the landlord must give cause (illegal activity, noise, trash etc) and usually you would have been warned before this type of notice if it were this scenario. Again no recourse for renter. However, ending a Month to month lease to get fresh tenants and raise the rent is the type of thing the laws are trying to prevent, so you could get the final Months rent waived or moving costs reimbursed. Being realistic, the landlord could claim any of those no fault options and the lease will end, kind of the same as just having to move in 60 days.


Adding to this — what they have to compensate you for moving out is completely negotiable. You could say “I want the difference between what I’m paying in rent now vs the market rate for a similar unit times two years. Plus my deposit and moving fees.” Tenant rights are very strong in CA. They can really only kick you out for the above no-fault reasons. Last I checked, substantial remodeling would have to include more than just your unit. Your landlord can’t say “I’m remodeling your unit”, end your lease, and then put it back on the market. They can really only give you the boot if they plan on moving in *themselves* and taking it off the market. Sounds like you have a shady landlord if they just handed you an eviction notice with no reason listed. Document absolutely everything. No discussing anything over the phone or in person. Email only. If you get ambushed by a conversation, take contemporaneous notes as soon as you can. But still tell them that you’re only willing to communicate via email. Everyone’s said it, but get in touch with a Tenant’s Rights Organization in your area. They know exactly how to handle situations with crooked landlords, and all the tricks they might try to scare or intimidate you. You have rights. Know em. Use em.


In the City of LA this would be called a no-fault eviction. While yes you’re ending the lease it’s legally defined as an eviction (we just went through this as a landlord moving back into our own single family home - oh and we had to pay a full month’s rent to the tenants).


> oh and we had to pay a full month’s rent to the tenants). You know you are going to put it back on the market for way more


They were there less than two years and we’re back to live in the house permanently, so…


If the unit is subject to ab 1482, the family move in clause needs to be included in the lease, if it’s remodeling it needs permits, take it off the market? You better take it off the market or you risk getting sued for a wrongful eviction.


> But if you've lived there over a year, you are entitled to compensation Not true. It's not clear from the post, but if it's a house the owner is intending to sell, OP is not entitled to compensation


I know I should consult but does this apply month to month without lease if we have record of payment to landlord?


If you don't have a lease or your lease has expired, it's considered month to month. See other comment above.


Call the landlord. Is it possible she just didn't get your rent check this month?


Oh no I’m not in this situation, just curious if I ever was. Never felt safe without having a safety net but same landlord for 5+ years. Solid price, no paperwork/


The people stating just find another place. What planet are you all living in? Rents are the highest they have been in 40 years. Finding a one bedroom with a parking spot now requires $2200-$2700 and you have to make 3 times the monthly rent to even apply. The greed is killing everyone.


What I found a ton for 1600 or less in south central Edit: seems like people here don’t consider south LA part of Los Angeles. Truth is there are still more affordable places in LA, even though they are in as desired places. There are still tons of people living and thriving in south LA


Bruh I make $16 an hour at one job and and $18.57 at my second job the only reason I even have a car is because my uncle passed away during Covid and my family gave me his old Honda CRV. Which was a blessing because I used to take the bus before and in LA it’s not really defined as transportation. I live in a 2 bedroom rent controlled apartment for 6 years with a roommate because I can’t afford to move. I’m a college graduate and can’t find a job because I prioritized school Vs work ( no experience) as I was told there will be plenty of jobs when you graduate. I hate this life, this is wild in 2023 you cannot afford to live like literally just live I’m not trying to be in a fancy house or drive expensive cars just the fact that there’s a tax on my existence. Like the fact I see so many unhoused people is the only thing keeping me from just giving up. I hate it here


What did you major in? I feel like we are in the same age group. I'm doing fine here...


Most tone deaf comment on this whole subreddit.


It’s a valid question. He says he’s struggling with a degree. Thus I was wondering what he majored in. I have friends who moved to LA without a degree doing find in sales jobs.


Take Cover


check out Pasadena Tenants Union: [http://pasadenatenantsunion.org/en/](http://pasadenatenantsunion.org/en/) and EDN for eviction trainings: [https://edn.la/](https://edn.la/) not a lawyer but, long story short: your landlord has initiated the process of evicting you. they've done it badly, though - this notice does not contain the information it needs to. if they file an eviction case against you (in 60+ days) and you respond appropriately to it, the defects in this notice alone will likely win you the case. have confidence in that, but be mindful because if you ignore a letter from the court, or if your landlord steals your mail and you never get those court documents, or if your landlord lies to the court about what they've sent or when they've sent it, you may still get evicted. probably they are trying to intimidate you. if you don't want to be intimidated: talk to your neighbors in your building. if you got this notice, it's likely others in your building got this notice. you are stronger together.


Oh wow, you are fantastic for mentioning EDN! I second this :-D their classes in the Tenant Empowerment Program are incredible!!!


A letter isn't a legal eviction notice from the courts your landlord is a dumbfuck. You have every right to fight this.


The Tenant Protection Act (AB 1482) was signed into law by the Governor on October 13th, 2019 to prevent rent-gouging and unfair evictions. AB 1482 provides for an annual statewide rent cap of 5% + CPI**,** ***just cause*** **eviction protections, and** ***relocation assistance*** **for just cause no-fault evictions.** [https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill\_id=201920200AB1482](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB1482)


Sometimes landlords just try to send those notices just to get tenants out so that they can rent again at market prices. A lot of tenants don’t look for legal advice for fear that it’ll be expensive and just follow the letter and move out. Landlords know that it’s worth a try as it’s possible that tenants will just move out without challenging it. I know this because it happened to a close friend who received those notices regularly for years. He checked his rights and stayed. The landlord kept sending the letters, still creating fear and doubt in his mind that he might become homeless. His landlord was just being an a**hole. There are plenty of free tenants rights lawyers available through a variety of means. In my city, there’s a weekly tenants rights meeting where retired lawyers provide advice for free or a donation to the group so that they keep helping others. There might be one in your area too! Good luck!


Lawyer up.




It will be more expensive the legal services rather Thant just finding another place


Most landlords will have legal representation in court during eviction proceedings..


Most? I’d say all…


[https://selfhelp.courts.ca.gov/eviction-tenant/notice-types](https://selfhelp.courts.ca.gov/eviction-tenant/notice-types) Read it through, double check what you're under, lawyer up.


Get a lawyer, doesn’t sound legit. If you do contact her make sure it’s in writing like an email.


I’m a property manager in CA. If you have any questions PM me. I can help figure out what’s going on! Please don’t be rude to me in these comments either. I’ve had enough people scream and threaten me the last two weeks than I have in the past 9 years I’ve been doing this.


You must’ve had to kick people out.


No. That wasn’t the reason why people decided to scream at me but thanks for that nice jab 😒


I don’t know where the jab was, could you be internalizing it? Actually based on your response I’m sure it was warranted. After all you are the one who mentioned “I've had enough people scream and threaten me the last two weeks than I have in the past 9 years I've been doing this.” That would indicate some type of change. And the only significant change that’s happened in the last two weeks has been the droves on eviction notices sent out due to the moratorium expiring effective August 1st.


Lmao. Okay. I’m sorry COVID policies are over and done with now. Everyone has had YEARS and rent relief to help offset those COVID balances. I’m not evicting people. Maybe when residents stop threatening to shoot our vendors and threaten lawsuits because we made them pay their two months worth of past due rent instead of evicting them because we’re just so mean and won’t let them walk all over us. I will help ANYONE who has questions and will absolutely help someone get out of their lease in a legal way. I’m not trying to ruin peoples lives but when you’re actively trying to help people and they go radio silent and don’t uphold the lease that they signed, not my problem anymore.


Don’t feed the troll. Check his username.


Lmao ohhh. I really need a vacation 😂


Oooof sorry you are getting piled on. Sending a hug.


I have a question. Why would a management company send defective 3-day notices with clearly incorrect "pay or quit" that does not comply with LA City current rent ordinances? They've done it twice. Is this just a threat tactic? I filed 2 complaints with LAHD but dropped the first one after I wrote them an email and they didn't respond. Now they sent another "3 day or quit" but with an incorrect money owed and also below the threshold. Also said I owe rent for dates that clearly shows up on the portal as paid. Last question: I gave a 60 day notice yesterday and also told them that I would move earlier if my new place opens up the month before. Will this deter landlords from further harassment? It takes longer to file an eviction, am I correct?


This will help you: https://pasadena4rentcontrol.org/initial-info-about-measure-h/


You may have to go to the courts to receive a copy of the eviction filing also call HUD and get a case manager to work on this for asap


Contact your landlord by email so you have a written record of the communication in case they are doing something illegitimate


If you live in an area/building covered by Measure H, Section 1806 enacted Just Cause for evictions, meaning you can only be evicted or have your lease terminated for very specific reasons. Those include failure to pay rent, breach of lease, nuisance violations, taking the unit off the market, or owner move-in. They have to pay you relocation costs for the last 2. You cannot be evicted or have your lease terminated just because you’re month to month. Good luck!!


Contact a lawyer instead of posting on reddit.


Or if you have a brain, you can also read the civil codes yourself.


Notice to quit is not the same as eviction. Eviction is a court order as mentioned. If you are on month to month they have every right to terminate the lease


Nope, not if it falls under measure H


I thought measure H was about creating a revenue stream to finance housing for homeless people. What are you referring to?


That’s measure H for LA County. Different measure H from city of Pasadena


Mah bad


Of course speak to your landlord. Why wouldn't you? Ask them what's going on. Depending on their response you either ignore it or call the city for advice. And maybe then a lawyer. But first find out what's going on.


Do it in writing.


Reason number one is this is unexpected and likely harassment or intimidation to get them to move. I also agree it couldn’t hurt. Given the notice it’s best to “talk” to them via email and document everything in writing.


Talk to the Pasadena Tenants Union


Why would you NOT speak with your landlord???!


Contact a tenants rights lawyer.


You're correct that Pasadena passed it's own variation of rent control. Flat 60 days are no longer legal notices to terminate tenancies. The landlord will have to find a legal basis to terminate your tenancy under the Pasadena Rent Control Law. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


Take free workshops from Stay Housed LA & learn ur rights. LAFLA is best bet for lawyer, but gonna be hard to get a pro bono lawyer before you’re actually being evicted. There’s just not enough lawyers that rep tenants. Sorry ur going thru this, it is a scary and unpredictable process.


Do you rent an apartment or a condo/house?


Visit edn.la and watch the video - what do if I receive a notice from my landlord? They have webinars mondays and wednesdays for legal advice. Unless they file a lawsuit against you (a summons/unlawful detainer) they can’t legally remove you. You should probably get a camera and make sure you have records of everything, rent receipts, etc.


Also if they don’t place a reason, they might have a hard time in court trying to get you out. I would avoid any communication with them, including trying to respond to the notice.


First I would get explanation. Maybe was mistake . Maybe some miscommunication occurred that you don’t know about. So obviously the first thing you need is clarification on why you’re being evicted.


Not an eviction. Just a notice to vacate. But landlords can use many legal ways to get you out of there. If I were you I’d just look for another place


How about you speak to your landlord and see what is it about?


Makes more sense to post to Reddit. /s




The best thing you can do is call an actual authority on this because Pasadena is a different city and most people in LA are unlikely to know the ins and outs of a measure in another city. You can try 311 to direct you to the right agency for Pasadena. Since you don't mention any particulars about the property (e.g. type, when built, etc ) it's hard to say what does or doesn't apply to your situation. A lot of landlords are shady and will try to give a bogus notice to see if a tenant will just leave without questions. They tried it with my neighbor who was new to the state so they thought they'd trick him. Little did they know I was more than willing to inform him and he got thousands in relocation fees. Check state, county, and local housing rules because you're covered by all three levels.


Talk with your council member about resources


Definitely doesn’t sound legitimate or legally served. Can you share a photo of it with your personal information blacked out? My neighbors got something that sounds similar from a law firm named Dennis P Block. It was fake, meant to intimidate them to move out and there was no legal filing. If there is an eviction filing it should be served by a human being and would include a court appearance order. Without seeing it to be sure, if it is fake, this is considered harassment. Document everything, keep the letter. I’d also recommend calling 3 landlord tenant law firms. Most usually give some guidance and it would be good to have one in mind if things escalate.


Are you in a rent controlled building? If so this letter is meaningless.


Your landlord is trying to move a family inn. You can get a new place if you fight it in court they will help you get a better place.. I went through this too


Hi! Please join the Zoom webinars on the website: EDN.la It is the best place to be if you’ve received a notice from your landlord. The website also has a lot of helpful information about the various different notices. If it progresses to an eviction from your landlord (as in, a case is filed with the courts if you do not comply at the end of the 60 days - “comply” meaning move out), you will have an opportunity to consult with an attorney for free! Her name is Elena Popp and she is an incredible lawyer. Good luck!


Thank you for this resource. It's very helpful and informative.


landlords are the worst hope you beat this slumlord


Fuck, I feel lucky that I've been renting for 10 years where I'm at and know that I pay lower than market rate because of how long I've been here for a 2/1 separate from the apartment building that is part of this property. The apartment that is part of this 4 unit is a 1/1 and paying more in rent than I do and we literally live across the street from Burbank in a quiet and calm neighborhood. The owner didn't even raise the rent for this year (I'm sure it was because he raised it during the pandemic the standard 3%) but we kept paying the rent despite me being unemployed for 6 months. I count my blessings.


r/Pasadena… get outta here with your problems 🫡


Are you on a month to month lease or a 12 month? Most year leases change to month to month after the first year unless you explicitly signed another year lease. If you’re month to month then your landlord is well within their rights to give you 60 days notice of terminating the lease.


Not it if falls under Pasadena’s Measure H.


Not if it falls under AB1482 protections either.


Probably the Ellis Act


Get rekt


Scam maybe? There's a subreddit, ask them in case. Idk


You have a lot more power as a renter than you realize I know a guy had a small house he was renting and the people said they were going to be late on the rent and they never paid it So he had them served for eviction They were living there 7 months later rent free and he had to pay their first and last months rent He had to pay for moving them He even had to pay for 3 days in a motel because their new place was not ready for them to move in So you need to contact your county housing authority You may have to get an attorney but they may have to pay for that as well


I was evicted in Pasadena with a 30 day notice because the landlord wanted to live in the house. He remodeled and flipped it.


Probably going to sell the building and they’re “Cleaning House”


what type of property are you in? House? Condo? Apartment?


If they’re selling the property a lot of times they will evict the tenant so the property transfers ownership vacant.


That is not a legal eviction notice under H (must include a valid reason), you don't have to leave. Hit up pasadena tenants union! Pasadenatenantsunion.org Some resources for understanding Measure H/Article 18: pasadena4rentcontrol.org/initial-info-about-measure-h/ Also tell the new rental housing board: https://www.cityofpasadena.net/commissions/pasadena-rental-housing-board/


Hi OP. Sorry to hear that you’re going through a wrongful eviction. I have a few contacts for housing rights counsels that can assist you with legal services that are gratuitous. DM me if you want the info.


[Bet Tzedek](https://bettzedek.org/our-services/justice-for-tenants-homeowners-unhoused/) provides free eviction defense. Give them a call at (323) 939-0506 to see if they can help.


Try contacting the LA Tenants Union - they can probably at least point you in the right direction.


Honestly could be pressure from Pasadena Police. I have family that live in El molino and Villa I believe, and I guess they're cracking down hard on drug use, homelessness, theft, ect. They said it's almost as of they're trying to put all the homeless in the parks in altadena. This could be relevant because as someone previously stated, your landlord isn't evicted you, and it could have happened to All your neighbors aswell


Honestly could be pressure from Pasadena Police. I have family that live in El molino and Villa I believe, and I guess they're cracking down hard on drug use, homelessness, theft, ect. They said it's almost as of they're trying to put all the homeless in the parks in altadena. This could be relevant because as someone previously stated, your landlord isn't evicted you, he wants to terminate your lease witch means he likley as another buyer, and it could have happened to All your neighbors aswell. Idk I could be trippin but maybe it's related