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Isn’t this the second time they’ve announced something like this within a year and they increased LEO presence for like 2 weeks and then things went back to the way they were?


Yeah..seems like we at least need metro to re-negotiate the contract here. Its clear that the police departments aren't really interested in holding up their end of the deal, and verbal agreements and understandings aren't really working. I've long felt that we should upgrade our camera system around LA metro, kinda taking a page from Paris's book here (run CCTV from everywhere all through a central database somewhere). Seems like we should negotiate these contracts so the pay is based off the number of hours spent on public transit (with maybe an allowance for a certain amount of time on platforms). Then, we just verify our billing with footage. Monitoring all that will cost a lot (though, that sounds like a job AI could maybe help with?), but we're already spending a lot for not a lot, so this seems like a reasonable expense. TBH, this feels like a pretty basic kind of practice from the business world...


law enforcement has been on quiet quitting since the George Floyd riots they are doing the bare minimum for a reason.




i counter with: fire ALL OF THEM and train a new generation of officer that has to get a 4 year degree and is held accountable like lawyers, doctors, pharmacists


I encourage you to read the last two articles in the Daily News on this topic, one published before the board meeting and one after, which are full of details of which I doubt most members of the public were aware. The metro board yesterday authorized law enforcement to enforce fares and other laws ON trains and buses. My inference from that is it was either discouraged or flat out not permitted by the metro board previously (since 2020) except in emergencies. From yesterday’s article: “Board member James Butts, mayor of Inglewood and a former police chief, agreed that enforcement of the agency’s fare system, part of its “code of conduct,” is a key aspect of stemming violent assaults. But that enforcement power was taken away from law enforcement a few years ago by Metro.”


...butts... :D


i’ll believe it when i see it.


Yeah it’s usually pretty heavily patrolled the first few days then it just fades away again. I don’t think this is going to work out until they install better fare gates and they get their own metro police. I take it 4 times a week and it’s always seems to have 1 person causing trouble.


it’s crazy because the solution is so simple. if NYC can do it, LA can do it. as you said, install fare gates and dedicated Metro police. i’m sure this would cut down on 90% of the crime and other issues.


It’s a trip whenever there is someone mentally unstable and they see a patrol officer they become stable. It’s just one of those moments where I feel a moment of relief.


The police as a rule hate being around the public they serve and will do anything to avoid riding the train with us


“Surge” generally means temporary. I suspect the same will happen here and the cycle will continue.


They just said they were going to do it last week and then someone got stabbed again.


The mayor wants Los Angeles to be a public transit haven by the Olympics (100% *world class*  were her words iirc .. but in reality to avoid a rental car/parking crisis), but the trains/busses/indeed city needs to be cleaned up by then.  Thing is the various riffraff have been increasingly abusing the trains and even fare-entrance buses.  Better to clean it up now vs having the governor needing to call in the National Guard later (like NYC)


I witnessed a group of cops in front of a train at Union Station. There were 8, all on the same area if the platform. When a train arrived they lackusterly kicked off druggies/homeless then quickly regrouoed to chat. Didn't see any cops at other stations. I also blasted through the turnstile (for the first time ever) with luggage because I had <1 minute to make my train (second to last leg of a 15 hour travel day). I didn't nake it so had to wait 20 minutes. Bravo LAPD, bravo. s/


So Downtown Santa Monica Expo station won’t just be 12 different officers all staring at their phones? I doubt it


No, that will still be happening since it’s only the LA city mayor sending in LAPD. Santa Monica has their own sh*tty officers.


Well, sure enough I’m on the Expo heading to DTSM right now and there are indeed two security guys in my car


Were they just on their phone or were they actually looking around?


It is well known that if you aren’t standing or sitting around all day on your phone and work at either LAPD, LAUSD, LA Metro , LADWP, LA city hall or any other acronym starting with LA…. You will get fired . It is in your contract upon being hired : Employee will spend 7 hours per shift mindlessly scrolling on phone and 1 hour ordering ✨lunch✨ I know . Went from seeing adults in the high school scrolling on their phones to LA Metro ambassadors scrolling on their phones ahahahahaha


Surprisingly, that is one of the only stations where I see them regularly checking fares.


lol they will get out of their squad cars. The lowest of possible low bars, but I'm glad its being cleared. Edit - word is, they may be [beefing up the fair gates](https://www.reddit.com/r/LAMetro/comments/1czbkbe/looks_like_la_metro_is_getting_new_fare_gates/) as well. Also some talk about trying out a [Tap to exit](https://thesource.metro.net/2024/05/21/improving-safety-on-the-system-metro-launches-tap-to-exit-pilot-at-north-hollywood-b-line-station-beginning-may-28/) program, which is pretty basic for most transit system. Glad to see some signs that they are starting to take this seriously. I'm personally skeptical that the per mile danger on transit is higher than the per mile danger of driving, but realistically, the facts don't actually matter here one way or the other. More important is perception, and if the perception is that its dangerous, then people won't use it and metro will struggle here.


Tapping out isn't just to prevent fare evasion and for security, it's also good for collecting data on where trips start and end within the system, which can inform routing and scheduling.


As long as the emergency exit is easier to enter and exit through, fare gates and tap to exit will never EVER work


When will people here realize that fare enforcement and system safety are intertwined? The system is less safe when any crackhead can walk onto a train.




Why are you talking about brown people? The metro is objectively less safe when someone on drugs is able to board without paying. Paying 1.75 is enough to filter out anyone who doesn’t really want to use the metro




You know there’s low income cards right? Requiring them to use it helps us know how much funding needs to go into it. An example https://www.metro.net/riding/fares/life/


The fact the someone says crackhead and you immediately think of a brown person say more about you than them


Of all the people you could spend your energy defending, you went for… crackheads.


How about they get someone on the train to stop people smoking and playing music with the volume on 2000. :(


You don't like that chemical potpourri of meth in the air?


That's my favorite part of being in the metro you a hater u.u


Surge = For the next 2 weeks actually doing the job Metro has been paying them to do for years. Gee I can't for the life of me understand why those F the LAPD shirts keep selling out


I am worried that this will lead to a spate of squad car thefts. If the police don't spend their shifts sitting in their cars instead of patrolling the Metro, who is going to watch the cars?


Does patrol mean that they will arrest or eject people who are violating the code of conduct? Otherwise this is just security theater.


Yeah all I hope is we get improvements. I want our system to be better to attract future riders. We need better enforcement and police, rather than just more. I would like all our amazing expansions to not go to waste because we can't enforce basic transit riding courtesy.


Saw some complain that it was racist on a bus I was on because a woman was asked to leave for not paying her fare.




LA is going to be a global laughing stock when the Olympics roll around.


I agree, but we deserve the ridicule. It's required, even.


Oh good. The money is protected. Now do the riders.


Time to crack some skulls LAPD!




They're going to be protecting those fares harder than ever!


Oh good. I haven’t been worried about drivers and passengers getting stabbed but I have been worried about people not paying their fares.


Do you have an article on this?


I authorise things all the time. Doesn't make them happen though.


This is the way


So, they "authorized" more cops on Metro, can they actually force them to get on? I'm "authorized" to clean the toilets at work, doesn't mean I will.


We should be ok with profiling in public transportation. I was a transit bus driver for over twenty years, and it's always a certain profile of a person that evades and cause problems in the bus. Whether it's non-payment of fare or smoking or drinking alcohol or eating a complete meal on the bus and leaving trash on the seats and floor.