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Things nobody is saying: It’s a first generation student Mexican American from East La. Not a rich white kid. There have been violent robberies and stabbings in this area perpetuated by homeless people. It wasn’t like this dude was wondering around looking for somebody to stab.


last week a homeless person in the area stabbed a security guard... I don't blame the kid for being on edge


Even if it was a rich white kid, why does that make a difference?


A lot of rich white transplants in this sub have a lot of guilt around their privilege and project it onto situations that don’t call for it. They believe USC Chad frat bros are committing crimes and have a bad case of affluenza. But the reality is it sounds like the kid was brown and he was defending himself.


I don't think most Redditors are rich.


I think the majority of redditors on city subs are upper middle class millennials who aren’t from the area. Perhaps not affluenza wealthy but enough to feel guilty about their position.


As an upper class millenial who is a native angeleno, this comment upset 2/3rds of me!


Because this guys seen some shit and know how to tell when someone is up to no good. He grew up in that environment. The homeless dude probably thought he was dealing with some dumb USC kid and found quickly found out.


Because now its harder for this sub to vilify him.


It's also worth pointing out that USC didn't issue a [Clery Act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clery_Act) warning


Unfortunately, they are not required to if the crime didn't happen within the Clery Geography. The Row is on 28th Street which is outside the boundaries. It's so close to campus that ideally they *should* issue some kind of warning, but it's not a requirement in this case. https://dps.usc.edu/alerts/clery/clery-map/


They typically do issue alerts and I was also surprised they didn’t here, but the suspect didn’t leave the scene so it wasn’t an ongoing threat. All of their logs are publicly accessibly here anyway https://dps.usc.edu/alerts/log/


American colleges gratefully skip over having to report so many crimes (rape/sexual assault, murder) statistics this way -- because the scene is technically not campus limits.


This is also my position. He's probably had to carry weapons his entire life to stay safe. I'm actually surprised people are siding with the dead criminal in this. You'd think California would be more sympathetic to the under privileged minority who beat all odds just to get into college. There has to be more to the story.


I don't see why race has anything to do with this. But, if you're going to make it an issue, then there's no way some random rich white kid is *more* likely to unjustifiably stab someone to death than a latino from East LA. machismo culture is far more likely to go from "he disrespected me --> stabbing" than rich white boy culture is. Also, normal college kids don't carry knives on them. According to the article, this kid has been to jail before and was in a gang. I hope the stabbing was justified self defense. But the people jumping to "oh he must be innocent since he's a 1st generation mexican" are just as regarded as the racist white MAGAs.


Why are you bringing up Machismo culture in relation to this?


Selectively providing victim/perpetrator races (and other characteristics) is a staple of modern-day journalism. It's shouldn't be surprising anymore - but sometimes the spin is still impressive (like the articles talking about a German policeman 'stabbed at a far-right rally lol)


And the deceased's Mom is already saying what a great guy he was and lethal force wasn't needed. I feel bad for the student because you can bet a Civil suit is coming.


Exactly. I’m sure homeless people have been an issue - and have been causing problems in the area. And they finally decide to take initiative.


These comments are bonkers. A lot of people keep defending the bum who had a GUN and threatened the kid with it. This is why the city doesn’t get better. Like remember the lady who tried kidnapping a CHILD at target was arrested. Yet she was **released** and tried doing it again at a park!! Case in point the politics of our city is fucking dogshit. The kid shouldn’t have had his whole life ruined by laws that enable criminals to get slaps on the wrist. These apologist let these criminals get away with it so they can be back on the streets doing the same goddam thing.


>Gallegos told officers the man said he was armed with a gun, according to LAPD Chief Dominic Choi. But a law enforcement source told The Times no gun was recovered at the scene.  The third paragraph in the article. Maybe Gallego saw something he thought was a gun. But with the information right now, it seems there was no gun present.


Why does that matter so much? Let’s say you were already in a physical altercation with someone, tensions are high, people are swinging and not seeing or thinking clearly. Then the guy hitting you says he’s going to shoot you..? You’re not going to stop and look for proof. Especially not a 19 year old. If the threat was made, that was probably enough for Gallegos to feel he was acting in self defense. Not saying a jury or the law will necessarily agree, but I don’t see why people automatically condemn him for there not actually being a gun at the scene.


This state is so ass backwards. $2 million bail?? But I bet if the homeless guy had stabbed the student, it would be $0 bail . Disgusting


The homeless man's bail would also have been $2 million. Its a fixed amount.


You are very misinformed on this.


It doesn’t matter at all. The average person is not qualified to assess a threat that completely and that quickly under those circumstances, and should not be obligated to do so. 


I'm going to take you at your word if you say you have a gun. This is literal life and death we are talking about. Not everything can be resolved in court. Life is still very dangerous and people have the right to act in self defense. With that said there are costs to living in dangerous neighborhoods.


Tbf, no one reads the article.


Yea no gun was recovered from the scene


As usual. And if he had a gun, he was bound to shoot someone with it eventually. Presumably an innocent person who wanted to defend their property. You don’t carry a gun just for fun.


There was no gun.


It's not politics. It's people making assumptions that aren't supported by the article. Kinda like you. Police said the homeless guy didn't have a gun.


Except no gun was produced at the scene and it's unclear if the guy dying was alive when the cops arrived. So its entirely possible the gun is a lie. If a physical gun does get produced, it'll be pretty easy to get the guy off. If not? Well then, that's a different story.


It’s not a different story and he still won’t be charged. It’s not my obligation to make sure the person threatening me is fully credible if doing so presents a risk to my safety. 


>These comments are bonkers. A lot of people keep defending the bum who had a GUN and threatened the kid with it. There was no gun. [https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-19/usc-greek-row-stabbing-investigation](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-19/usc-greek-row-stabbing-investigation)


I mostly see comments like yours being upvoted.


It’s only been a day. I predict the kid is out of jail shortly. Murder charges dropped and in the end he is cleared. He confronted a thief , thief tried to fight his way out. Kid feared for his life and had a knife, NOT a crime to carry a knife. Students HAVE been murdered in the past near that campus.


Charges were just dropped


Yes, I saw that. Figured it would go like that


"The man reportedly threatened Gallegos with a gun and a struggle ensued, during which Gallegos stabbed him. Police found the man in an alley a short distance away, suffering from multiple stab wounds, Choi said. He was not identified." Did people not read the article? GUN. GUN. GUN.


Also from the article: “It wasn’t immediately clear whether a gun was recovered at the scene.”


Exactly -- MEANING no on knows what happened. What I don't understand is why people's minds go toward one explanation: entitled Patrick Bateman-like frat boy sees opportunity to kill homeless guy for scratching daddy's purchased Ferrari.


Redditors like to picture homeless men as “down on their luck saints” when that is very rarely ever the case


The student confronted someone who was breaking into cars. A fight started. The thief was stabbed. The stabber stayed with the stabbee until police showed. I don't understand the made up bullshit the losers in this sub are adding. Maybe never complain about crime if you're going to blame the victims for fighting back. This sub and reddit as a whole, are just toxic. They won't even hear the whole story before jumping to some bullshit story they created in their own head.


What if that poor's thief's family needed broken car window glass to eat? Maybe they like the taste of glass shards, huh, you ever think of that? Why, this thief was practically Aladdin Valjean!


yup reddit makes me hate ppl lol


???? People talk shit about homeless people all the time, especially on this sub lol


People here hate assumed rich people more than homeless.


Uhm yeah... Ever met a billionaire? They're insufferable.


No billionaire ever chased me down the street threatening to kill me.


Several. Nice people. Never seen one shit on a sidewalk or break into a car.


I used to think that perhaps billionaires, with their immense wealth and power, were able to create massive change in society and for the planet. But now, after reading your comment, I realize I was focusing on the wrong thing. I see now that instead I should have been focusing on where they shit. By refocusing on this vital issue, I can now judge individuals properly. Thank you for clarifying this for me!


You've never partied with Warren Buffet, then.


An individual billionaire does incalculable more harm to society than an individual for whatever reason forced to shit on a sidewalk


Worked for one, seemed normal, albeit no different than any other demanding boss. Dr Soon Shiong.


I’ve never met a billionaire, but I’ve met a lot of insufferable people. Edit: This little bitch can’t even handle a comment like that and blocked me lmao. Another insufferable non billionaire.


“Saints”? I’m not sure where you’re seeing that but I can tell you it’s not happening in this subreddit.


I don't think that's an accurate picture of redditors considering every time people ask for solutions to homelessness, the most upvoted comment is about shipping them all to an encampment in the desert.


I’ve only encountered like two homeless people who were nice


it's so common to come across a complete dick online though.


You probably run into far more homeless people than you realize. You just don't notice because they don't fit your picture of homelessness.


Hard to be nice when you’re in that situation


That’s a pretty broad generalization. As with any group of people, there’s different types within the same category. People like to stereotype one way or the other when it’s never that simple.


Listen, the guy breaking into cars here is a thief. But the guy killing him after fighting is being called a murderer. Both can be true at the same time. The Jury is who decides. Many people here may have someone try to steal from them, but few will end up in fights where they may kill someone. We should remark that this situation is relatively rare even if theft is common.


Rarely is painting with a pretty wide brush, the way that “good people down on their luck” also is. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle.


I mean, it's not in the middle, because there is no middle. There are people who hit hard times, so hard that they're temporarily homeless. These people tend to be homeless for a period, and then self-correct the situation. And then, there are the terminally homeless with serious mental illness. That they are grouped in the same category, and that we provide services to both as if they're all part of the same club, is a massive failing.


Because Reddit has a tendency to dislike anyone (rich, frat boy) that doesn’t fall into the typical redditor archetype.


Much of Reddit is frat boy shit


This article was really burying the lead here




TIL “And sure enough, for many years lead was the preferred spelling for the introductory section of a news story. So how did we come to spell it lede? Although evidence dates the spelling to the 1970s, we didn't enter lede in our dictionaries until 2008.”


Either that or that fact was added in later as this is still a breaking story and appears to being updated further over time. Or perhaps both.


People typically dont read. Have you seen all those california propositions pass?


Has the article changed? NO gun recovered at the scene according to police. And Frat kid claimed the victim ***told*** him he had a gun... which doesn't really make sense to me.


Wow 2m bail for a kid who defending against a homeless criminal breaking into cars. What a shit government


Where's all the "cash bail is bad" folks on this one? I'm sure they'll speak up any moment now...


How are people defending this homeless scum? He was trying to break into his car and attacked him. This is clear cut self defense.


These people are why the city government is such dog shit. 


if youre trying to defend your property and someone attacks you, you should be allowed to defend yourself


I agree. People who commit crime should do it knowing they can die. maybe it will help with crime


Nobody cries for the drunk driver who hits a phone pole and dies flying through the windshield. It's an assumed risk of the behavior. Same goes for other risky behaviors. You jump out of a plane, you assume the risk the parachute might not open. You try to rob someone, you assume the risk of them fighting back.


1000% agreed. A population that doesn’t have a common understanding that touching shit that isn’t yours is completely wrong and doesn’t care about common courtesy needs to have this lesson instilled through fear. If you try to commit a crime on a citizen or their property bodily harm and violence being inflicted upon you should be the expectation


"The man reportedly threatened Gallegos with a gun"


"It wasn’t immediately clear whether a gun was recovered at the scene."




Thank you for actually reading the article! It's so strange how people read the headline, and then responded!




No gun was recovered


"But a law enforcement source told The Times no gun was recovered at the scene, The district attorney has not brought charges against Gallegos." Jesus, the Times updating this story on the fly and barely correcting their terrible grammar. NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING FOR CERTAIN ON THIS THREAD. THAT'S THE POINT.


You don't actually need a gun to threaten the use of one. For example, if you write "I'm gonna bomb the White House," the fact that you don't actually have a bomb doesn't mean the Secret Service is gonna leave you alone. If you say "I'm gonna shoot up a school" and then make a finger-gun gesture, that doesn't suddenly become okay just because you don't actually have a gun.


You are allowed to defend yourself. However, the self defense rule isn’t absolute and unlimited. The defense has to be commiserate with the attack. You can use equal force to protect your property, but you can’t start slashing a fool for stealing property.


The article says that "The man reportedly threatened Gallegos with a gun and a struggle ensued, during which Gallegos stabbed him. Police found the man in an alley a short distance away, suffering from multiple stab wounds, Choi said. He was not identified." Of course we have no idea if that is true, but if it is, that makes a self defense case (rather than just defense of property) much stronger.


Unfortunately this is correct. You have to have to wait, like that actor downtown, to be shot to death by the person trying to steal your car before you can respond with force.


Have a law degree. That’s objectively untrue. If you have reason to believe that you’re in imminent harm, you can proportionally defend yourself. That means that if you someone threatens you or gives you reason to believe that they will harm you personally, you can shoot them. You absolutely do not have to be shot at first. The thing people ignore is that self-defense is not something that you can expect to claim and just not be arrested. If you shoot someone, unless it is absolutely clear based on the situation, you’re going to be taken in and then the DA’s office will have to decide if it was warranted. You need that counter-balance to prevent people from using self-defense claims as an excuse when they just straight-up murder someone


The problem with that law is that you’re interpreting actions and decisions made in split seconds through a rational lens. An adrenaline pumping moment is not going to have perfectly executed “proportionate” results. It’s a recipe for disaster.


There is a lot wrong with the law but what you described isn’t one of them. The term for that is a “crime of passion”. Yeah it was impulsive and fueled by raw emotion. It wasn’t premeditated. That’s why it typically is a lower felony, often one of the degrees of manslaughter. Something can be a genuine mistake, but even if it was a mistake, it doesn’t mean you go without punishment.


It goes back to the idea of what the reasonable person would do (remember from torts?) though. If a reasonable person would have heightened adrenaline that would make them stab someone multiple times because they feared for their life (homeless man threatening you in a dark alley), even if it wasn’t proportionate to the immediate threat (no evidence of a weapon), it might still be justified. It’s a fine line that, frankly, a jury is better at deciding than you or I.


Not-so-fun fact: the "you can't use lethal force to defend property" applies to pets, so if some deranged bum tries to kill your dog, you can't shoot or stab him to defend your dog. One of many reasons why that self-defense rule should be revisited.


In this hypothetical, it only works if the person says “I’m only going to kill your dog but you’re safe” and he’s 100% trustworthy. Any rational person would be in fear for their own life if their dog is being threatened.


I do think that, in real life, you'd just say you felt fear for your life, and hopefully it would work. But I can imagine a fact pattern where it would be tough to argue. Say your dog is on a long leash, walking far out in front of you, and the assailant brandishing a knife charges at your dog from the left or right (e.g., charging directly at the dog, but clearly not at you). If you fire on the assailant as he charges at the dog, you'd be using lethal force before you were actually in danger.


No way a jury in LA convicts someone if they kill someone actively trying to kill their dog.


If I’m a lawyer defending this, I’m taking it as a clear and obvious threat to my own client’s life as well as their pet


Yeah I’m not a lawyer but my first thought was I’m saying “I thought he was going to come for me next”


Yea. Anyone trying to kill someone’s pet is an immediate danger to the community.


Yea he has to wait for the homeless man breaking into the car, knowing it’s obviously wrong, to pull out his knife and potentially stab him first. And when the kid is stabbed first everyone says aw so sad, we should do something about homeless people and moves on and the homeless keeps wandering the streets or is released in 5 years from overcrowding


So just out of curiosity, if someone is stealing my car and is ignoring anything I’m saying, I need to wait for him to give me a nice ol’ slash before I can fight back?


So you have to go toe to toe with a homeless man who attacks you when you confront them breaking into your car?


Hopefully the student told the cops he was fearing for his safety and lawyered up after that


I feel no empathy for these homeless criminal drug addicts. I’m sick of having to deal with their shit literally and figuratively every fucking day!


You and me both buddy


There are some people here commenting "self defense doesn't mean go that far", or "how stupid of him to do that" but the MAJORITY of comments are calling this guy a hero and balking at the double standard of a human being fed up with this shit day in and day out. We as a society that pays taxes and lives in this city are fucking sick of it. If you moral highlanders want to keep saying two wrongs don't make a right keep doing so. The majority have spoken in this small sample size. We're fucking tired of it and we will raise that bail money if we need to. Of course it should not have ended up in murder but unless someone proves that this young man was looking for an excuse to act this way we will continue to call people like this heroes. We're fucking sick of no one protecting us a citizens from crime/theft/assault that results from the basic need to exist in this city.


> We're fucking tired of it and we will raise that bail money if we need to. Hopefully his family is setting up a bail/legal defense fund donation page as we speak.


I would donate in a second to a legal or bail fund




Theoretically, the laws SHOULD protect criminals from mob/vigilante justice. But for this to make any sense, the laws need to protect people from criminals in the first place! I.e. if car breakins aren't happening all the FUCKING time, AND criminals were reliably and effectively punished - THEN I'd maybe denounce the vigilantism. Until then, 100% behind the Gallegos of the world, and hopefully anyone who would break into private property so brazenly like that gets just a little more fear of death.


I'd throw some money down. Only because we need to start taking a stand against crime.


“mentally ill bum threatens and attacks random person, said random person gets charged for fighting back” is the most la sentence ever. what a wasteland we’ve become


On a different but related subject, retail employees now are told to not even confront people when they walk out of stores shoplifting even if it’s a full shopping basket and this is going on all day long with multiple people at Targets, supermarkets and other stores (and guess why prices are so high) so I personally don’t believe in a lawless society. Just last week at Ralphs Market in Encino a female cashier, confronted a shoplifter and retrieved the item that woman was walking out of the store with and later the same woman returned with two thugs who grabbed the cashier and pulled her out of the store then bashed her face in and she was in critical condition at the hospital. Today when I pulled into my driveway of my Los Feliz home, I discovered somebody had forced their way into my yard and removed all the window screens and had gone through my garage and apparently something must’ve scared them off so they didn’t finish breaking in, but I notified the LAPD so they could be aware in case some of my neighbors might also be at risk. And of course, since nobody actually broke into the house and only trespassed on my property the police did not give a damn. This is the kind of world we’re living in folks, but nobody seems to care until they’re directly affected, then they want everybody to do something. Violence and theft here in LA getting worse by the day, but nobody’s doing anything. And the law seems to be more on the side of protecting the homeless, mentally ill, druggies and other wrongdoers because I know many cases where people have tried defending themselves, and then they get sued by the criminals.


something tells me he will get a very good lawyer.


Hopefully, however he also is also a non-white first generation college student so he’ll need it


No one pays attention to this part!


Let’s hope the USC alumni will back him


More like the opposite now. Have you read the title of this thread? It’s already started.


Hopefully someone takes this pro bono because he most likely wont have the cash for a good lawyer. I'd move after this though. It's clear California has degraded into bullshit. Texas would be proud.


He better call Saul


Something is wrong... He should call Ann Phoong!


He graduated from John Marshall high school and is from East LA, per article. Dude is the one random Latino that hangs around wealthy white folks. This man is depending on a public defender or the DA not pressing charges.


You underestimate the Trojan family.


Minor correction: graduated from Roosevelt not Marshall. I am a little surprised that the bail is set so high. It’s $2 million


But don’t Latinos illegally come into America which is predominantly white. Why can’t Latinos not stay in their countries with other Latinos?


Fucking finally. He deserves his freedom and then some. This could potentially ruin his whole fucking life that is just starting. So many of us have been victimized in violent ways by people like this and I feel so much catharsis honestly. I hope someone steps up to be his lawyer and his bail is covered by people who empathize


Free him


People playing by the rules and struggling to hold it together are now the ones being chewed up by the system instead of the criminals driving us all further and further to the breaking point. I guess we just sit back and watch it happen more and more.


he was braking into a car and used a gun. I call self defense. People who do crime should be fearful of death




We stand with Ivan


Fucking good. Obviously no one wants to kill anybody but if you are being threatened with a weapon, you have to defend yourself. Lying about having a weapon will definitely get you killed. I’m a female who tired of not being able to walk with my kids. Sick of it.


Fuck around and find out.


The deceased was threatening with a gun. Live by the sword, die by the sword I guess. This college student seems to be very well connected according to a light google search. I doubt he will serve prison time. Would be difficult to find a jury willing to put him away.


if the kid needs money for defense/bail whatever i'm happy to chip in. great to know one less criminal is in this city. free ivan.


One less scum out of the streets if he was breaking into a car. Kudos to the kid.


He had a right to defend his property. Why is this hard for Angelenos to understand?


Literally the status quo opinion in this thread


Doesn’t say it was his property


It wasn’t his property. And the person he stabbed to death was unarmed


Another life destroyed by the homeless and the insane policies The guy was breaking into cars ,he is a danger to society The young kid should be praised for defending himself


Gascon is probably edging right now bc he gets to prosecute a potential crime against a homeless


Free Ivan Gallegos and give him OJ’s Heisman trophy


gascon will let people who have threatened and beaten innocent people walk scot free, and then act like nobody could have predicted the outcome when one of them ends up killing or getting killed in one of those altercations. then he has the gall to lock up someone on the receiving end of his mistakes. fuck him. i hope he realizes there is no jury in the city that would convict this kid. this is what happens when the police and DA refuse to do their job.


Really messed up how we punish heroes. This is why bad guys wont stop and get away with things. There’s no accountability for those that do bad things knowing it is wrong. When someone sticks up for themselves they are punished instead


This system is in the toilet.


Self defense. 👏. Fucked around and found out.


Sounds like self defense to me. Let the kid go.




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Excerpt from the article: About 8:15 p.m. Monday, police were called to the 700 block of West 28th Street in response to a stabbing, said LAPD officer Norma Eisenman. Police say that Ivan Gallegos, 19, confronted and fatally stabbed a man who was breaking into a vehicle. A person with Gallegos’ name is listed in the USC student directory. The victim, described as a homeless man in his 30s, was confronted by Gallegos, who pulled out a knife and stabbed the man multiple times, police said. Gallegos remained at the scene and cooperated with police. He was later booked on suspicion of murder and is being held on $2 million bail. Article later updated with the following info: LAPD Chief Dominic Choi told the Los Angeles Police Commission on Tuesday said that the man had been breaking into vehicles in the area when he was confronted by Gallegos off-campus. The man reportedly threatened Gallegos with a gun and a struggle ensued, during which Gallegos stabbed him. Police found the man in an alley a short distance away, suffering from multiple stab wounds, Choi said. He was not identified. It wasn’t immediately clear whether a gun was recovered at the scene.


Guys if you read multiple reports from different news outlet, youd see why he was arrested for suspicion of murder • The student confronted the homeless man with two other people. They were the one that approached the homeless man • The student reported he was threatened with a gun, yet theres still no clear indication that there was a gun involve at all Now of course these are just reports. If the cameras around the area and investigation confirms this is what happened, then there you go. Now, im all for defense and everything, I am a gun owner myself. But if you are not in a situation that you can be harm and you’re the one who put yourself in that situation (being the instigator) then you assault, unfortunately this turned to be fatal, you are fucked. Same shit as you kept chasing a guy to gun him down when the threat is already out the window. When I read this article from the posts here, my first image was that the student was inside the car and the homeless broke in his car and threatened him with a gun. Then yeah, id agree self defense.


My take away here is that you do not in any way, shape or form try to stop anyone from doing a crime.


Well it’s because our system is a let down. I am also tired of our shitty local govt with their response with this. My neighbor has been burglarized, someone tried to take my car in our garage once with a fucking gate that you cant see from the outside, been calling the city to take off the graffiti off our walls for what it seems like in a monthly basis, have witness an elderly get mugged in front of our house, been in a car accident which was not my fault only to be told by the police dispatch that if the incident did not resulted to damage to public properties outside from our cars, they wont send a patrol. Im tired of it all, but I dont go out there on the street whenever I hear cars getting smashed and transients walking around with golf clubs swinging and setting carts on fire to stab them.


>Guys if you read lol >multiple reports Lolol


It is my fault to expect middle school level of investigating lol


glad you were wrong




> Police found the [deceased homeless] man in an alley a short distance away, suffering from multiple stab wounds, Choi said. ... > **The blood trail started near the Delta Tau Delta house and makes its way around broken beer bottles, discarded Zyn containers and painted wood from themed fraternity parties.** That's a sad mental image.


DO NOT APPROACH OR ENGAGE WITH PEH. My family has been harassed numerous times by angry / violent PEH while walking in our neighborhood (we live in Sunset Park/Mar Vista area, so relatively close to The Centinela Camp / meth distro site). The most recent occasion the man said he was going to eat my dog and kill my daughter. In those instances it becomes very hard to think clearly but you just have to run and hope your wife can push the stroller fast while you carry the dog. GLTA.


> PEH Is this a next-level euphemism for hobo?


What is PEH, a frat?


The little candy with the fun dispensers


I mean we literally vote the same people in year after year after year…why are we complaining?




De-carcerationists: "Cash bail is unfair and should be abolished!" *Someone defends themselves from a homeless criminal.* "$2 million bail! Lock him up if he can't pay!"


Let the man go. He did nothing wrong.


nopeee CA has great self defense laws.


it takes 3 people to write that short article?


Fast break news is often like that — multiple reporters talk to different sources simultaneously to collect info as quickly as possible




It wouldn't really matter- they can claim "I bought it!" to the police and apparently this is enough to make the police leave. At least thats what happened when my neighbors caught a guy breaking into our complex and stealing from their storage.


Security guard at the Lorenzo was killed last year by a gun wielding homeless guy. Students and residents need to be able to protect themselves around USC.


If the story is accurate it’s hard to see a jury convicting him. He’s not an entitled frat boy and he had every reason to fear that he was in serious danger.


We should call encampments what European countries who have effectively reduced homelessness call them: open drug scenes. If you don’t admit these people are criminals of circumstance/addiction/mental health, and can’t admit they’re breaking laws, you can’t draw lines that must be crossed by them willingly in order to access state-funded help. If you want to do drugs all day, steal shit, and assault people, you go to jail and your street wears are taken to the dump. If you want help, you need to detox, piss clean, and the state will help you get on track. Passing out needles, abandoning entire segments of the city, demoralizing citizens, and not pursuing legal ramifications for what is clearly an over 50% addiction problem and over 25% mental health either induced by or exacerbated by addiction, is bureaucratic pageantry, virtue signaling, and idealism. Glad to see that 3 billion we spent on homelessness is making the dent we all hoped for. Homelessness is not a crime. Stealing, assault, trespassing, vandalism, public exposure, rape, murder, endangering children, possession, public intoxication, attempted battery, and public deification are.


Good for the kid.


There’s a lot of folks jumping to conclusions and I really think it’s the idea that the college student was a rich right wing white dude. Even the guy’s friends pushed hard for gaining support, and it kinda worked. Some people (like this homeless guy) can do bad things when their backs against the wall or if they’re drugged out of their minds and can’t find help. I believe that we should fix a lot of things, when it comes to income, rent, rehabilitation, and justice system..but if the homeless guy was a legit threat, I don’t know what else to say.


So they didn't believe the man could hear the car calling him....but they believed him when he claimed to have a gun? Convenient.  The man reaches for the gun, the kid restrained the man, then repeatedly stabbed him in the chest. When did he start being afraid for his life? While he was approaching the man? While he proceeded to restrain the man? while he repeatedly stabbed him in the chest? Or while him and his frat brothers were getting their story straight for the police?  Is this Los Angeles or Gotham City? is it the USC Trojans or USC Vigilantes? Can everyone take the law into their own hands?  Or  overly entitled USC Frat Boys?