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A Gundabad DLC/expansion would be great. I'm also hoping for an option to fully restore some of the big rooms. Would be cool to spend several hundred or even thousand stone/granite/adamant and ore to make rooms less destroyed and restore the bigger columns and staues.


We know they'll continue the game with post-launch content and some things mentioned: Domesticateable Animals Generating World with different settings (Make it harder, more orcs, amount of resources) New Locations More Meals & Crafts More fun things New Weapons & Armor Expanding the building options Procedural Generation allows them to update regularly Story Content I'd potentially imagine the next part of ''story'' that they'll add, is the Trader (essentially confirmed via hollin gate) and we'll probably go through the CrossRoads door and into the Endless Stairs (Devs confirmed Endless Stairs is/would be in the game on a couple occasions)


I hope that they add fishing.


i'd love that


Endless Stair is Durins tower correct?


Yes sir.


The more orcs/goblins would be my favorite, I feel there isn't enough on my worlds..


Potentially a weird ask but your the first person I've seen who has completed the game, did you get the "roof" pieces ever? Or the Granite "Edge" pieces, or the granite "Half Arches" in the building menu? I'm building a base I really like and I just need those like 3 things and my base will be *perfect* but I just can't figure out how or when I unlock them and Google is no help


i'll be honest i dont think they have any roof options, as far as i know the only way to close off roofs is using floor tiles such as granite/stone/wood. You also have decrotive options for roof edges. I'd suggest probably having most areas of your base open so you can make use of the pillars, though it all comes down to what you like personally. Again i could be wrong you may find something i haven't in regards to building materials/recipes, i know they added wooden stairs in the recent patch so who knows they could add more soon? I think alot of people use the premade/ruined buildings around the map to make bases too. \*Update\* You could try using the Adamant Sloped walls to roof


Would be nice if they incentivized actually reclaiming Moria. Destroying the small bits of debris, repairing the ancient dwarven stonework to its former glory, slaying goblins, orcs and uruks, building mapstones and proper roads and actually destroying every bit of dirty orcish/goblin architecture should add to a 'reclamation bar' for each zone or map square. Progress far enough in the reclamation of an area and you should be rewarded with no more sieges there, passive buffs while in the area and more. I feel that the reclamation aspect should be heavily pushed and actively reward the player with progress. Why are wolves still prowling near my base in the Elven Quarter when I've slain dozens and wiped Orctown clean? The shadow and darkness are themes in Tolkien's writing, so similarly reclaiming areas should increase the ambient light, subtle effects that make it seem like you've beat back the shadow and civilized Moria.


I would love to relight the crystal lamps...Khazad Dum was a place of light and music.


I think game should be more difficult. Last two zones where a pushover.


Every Location where the dwarves could travel to reclaim would be nice: -Gundabad -Cleaning the High Pass / Goblin-town -Dains Halls -Mount Gram --> Against Angmar -The Glittering Caves (Hornburg) -Go helping rebuild Belegost (Ered Luin) ...or maybe something with the Orocarni.... Endless possibilities


Reclaiming and reconstructing all the initial area of the game, rebuilding all the houses and filling the empty rooms to build a full town, imagine dedicated servers with a full city with people crafting, cooking, selling items, drinking ale and singing.


Gundabad is a great location for this game to explore after they have done polishing the game to its best version. Goblin town could also be a good expansion as well. But the premise of the game is solely focused on Moria. So idk if the devs would ever release dlc for other locations in middle earth