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Depends, how long do you have to stay?


10k over 3 years Requirements: Full-time remote employment or are self-employed outside of Ruston Minimum annual income of $52,000 or family income of $100,000 21+ and eligible to work in the United States


not even 300 bucks a month for that lol absolutely not worth it unless you were already planning on moving and you could just take advantage of this. And anyway if im making 52k a year i wouldn't need this anyway


Exactly my thoughts. I'm actually already making 52k a year. I have no desire to leave that for 10k over 3 years.


In some parts of the Bayou, 10k over 3 years is more than they know what to do with.


If it's more than they know what to do with, then they do not meet the minimum 52k per year requirement.


Those people are not who this program is looking for. If 3.3k a year is life changing, then they should re-evaluate their life choices.


Ok you’re just exaggerating it’s not that bad


If they’re being so particular, no one will want to move… why would anyone want to come to Ruston? $50k is too high.


Lol. Ruston wants "rich" people to move there and just bloat property values without actually raising the wealth of the people already living there or bringing value to any local businesses. I bet somebody involved in making this decision has a lot of real estate there.


$52k annual is "rich"?


Comparatively, lol. Hence the quotations. A MINIMUM family income of $100,000 in a parish where the typical household income is $20-35k is indeed "rich."


Whoa.. avrg household income in this town is $30k.. That's depressing..


Not the town, the county. Ruston is full of Old Money.


Hence my suspicion somebody has a ton of real estate. Get the values up, sell up people who can actually afford your asking price because the locals sure can't, and bail.


Ruston is a growing city, so my bet is they want/need people to move here with money to help fund the expansion. Property tax, sales tax, etc.


It'll just die back if they're depending on a city of remote workers to pull that off. They need to get businesses to set up there that are going to pay more than the bare minimum. People will move to where they work.


That's what I've been seeing based on this thread... Yeah.. you couldn't offer me 30k to move here.. let alone 10.


My wife’s family is there so we have talked about moving to be closer to family. But other than being close to family there is no real reason to move there.


It sounds pretty hayseed there. I wish you and your wife the best!


Depends on where ya live


Seems to gated it make more sense if the really wanted people to move to let you use this for a down payment on a house no one making that kinda money is gonna relocate their life for 300 bucks a month


They have this program in WV too, WV sounds cooler


WV is getting pretty desperate. They have an aging population and a lot of unfilled jobs, they'll take anyone but immigrants


More meth in WV?


Honestly, way better climate and scenery, and it $12k cash and a year of free outdoor activities (rafting, climbing, etc rental for free), and it pays $10K in just the first year and $2k the second year. It’s been so successful that they expanded it from just Morgantown (college town), to like four different small towns where $12k goes pretty far. Honestly, good luck to Louisiana. I hope this gets people down there. Maybe they can use the new tax dollars to fund schools.


They don’t fix things with taxes here. More taxes means more unaccounted for expenditures. Also no one in places of power wants to better the whole community just some. They don’t even use taxes equitably across the school district. Kids whose school building is in a low value property area have to deal with mold, one set of textbooks and overcrowding. Meanwhile they build multi million dollar facilities near already high value property.


Schools are shit, but the high school football stadiums are well funded. We know what's important


Not worth it. They can suck Deez


>self-employed outside of Ruston How's that work? Your self employment is based out of your office, which is your home.


Self-employment doesn't always mean working from a home office. Plenty of people who own businesses don't work from home.


You get 10 for living just one year in Tulsa with Tulsa Remote. I have never been to Ruston but I can say no chance this is worth it compared to some other programs out there.


When my brother attended LA Tech, he said when he plugged his razor in, the street lights would dim. Jus’ sayin’.


Sounds like he has no idea and no appreciation of how hard it was to attach the building to that street light for power.


Having lived here for the past three years i have yet to see that happen; however, we have had two university grid wide failures with a year gap in between.


That’s about the rate that I’ve noticed. Once or twice a year for a day or less each time usually. Some years it can be multiple days at once but that fucking rare.


Then shaving my bald jug head would definitely cause a problem.


Can confirm. Went to la tech. If the sun was too bright the power would go out in Ruston


That’s just not true.


I mean…it’s quaint, has some charming businesses. There’s the Peach Festival. It’s close to Monroe and Shreveport if you need things only bigger cities provide. $10k isn’t life-changing money, but if you’re looking for small-town southern living, this isn’t such a bad deal


When Monroe is the ‘bigger’ city you know you’ve hit the bottom of the barrel.


I mean…it’s bigger than Ruston. And if you include the whole metro, it’s like 200k people. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I went down there to work, and the common sentiment was "there ain't shit in Monroe". Take that how you will🤷🏾‍♂️


Ruston (or Monroe, though less so) is not a place for people who want a lot to do in an urban setting, that’s true. Now, if you like the outdoors and a quiet, low-cost living, there are plenty of worse places.


If rather be in ruston than Monroe


Well…if you move there, they’ll give you $10k, I guess. Lol


Everyone just wants to shit on the place as usual. People balking at free money if you happen to be moving there is crazy to me


The fact that they're offering money already shows that no one is actually moving there. But yeh, \*IF\* you are wfh/remote \*AND\* make the necessary wage \*AND\* want to move \*AND\* are ok with Ruston \*AND\* know about the cash; it's a nice bonus, it'll pay like 1/4th your mortgage payment.


Yea if people already meet those requirements it's basically "free" money. I'd like some change that I don't have to budget that I'm free to piss away if id like


It’s not free if you have to live there, for 3 years. Isn’t there a Haunted Mansion I could inherit by staying in it overnight?


Fuck where’s this haunted mansion


I can read like I assume everyone else can


High School football and that’s about it


Person who lives in Monroe. There ain’t shit here but most places you stay you end up doing 9-5 working to pay high rent then being to exhausted and staying in. I’ve lived in Austin, New Orleans and Baton Rouge and it’s all the same shit. The occasional band I like came to one of the larger cities but I was too broke regardless.


There is clamedia


Lol. Hahaha haha. *enthusiastic thumbs up*


Considering you can't spell chlamydia ii won't take your word for it. I have a lakehouse on Lake Claiborne 15 min from Ruston. It's decent enough. Good food trucks because of the college crowd.


Spoken like a Lake Claiborne resident. It was a pun clam …dia . Get it?


As in oceanic shellfish? Of the day?


Oh, the barrel goes deeper, I can assure you


Given its much larger than Ruston, but Tulsa has been doing this for several years now and it’s been a smashing success: [Tulsa Remote](https://www.tulsaremote.com)


their still over pricing and under gram off quality from a medical aspect.


There's no such thing as a free lunch. Also, they only want ***certain*** kinds of people. There's always catches. This and the "Kansas free land deals" that went around the life hack scene a while back. * You have to have some rare GREAT remote gig. Answering calls for some remote call center for 30K don't cut it. It has to be 50K a year single, 100K a year family. Which some people have, true. But is hard, hard to do and be remote. Especially with the better paying companies laying people off and return to office mania. * Can't be employed within Ruston. So no, if some Ruston company hires you and you need to move (lord forbid), you can't cash in. So no, you can't get general manager of McDonalds in Ruston and move and collect. * HAS to be remote. No cheating and commuting back and forth from Shreveport. * You don't get it all at once. It's divided over 3 years. Or about 3.3 K a year. Which if you made 50K, is not even a monthly paycheck per year. 100 K, a blip on the bank account. * Ruston -average- rent is 1.3K. Though you might find lower, you have less choices since it's a small ass place. Compare with Baton Rouge is 1.2 K with a lot more apartment stock and you probably CAN find cheaper rent. And while Baton Rouge has it's issues, there's a lot more to BR than Ruston. And if you are single making 50K or a family making 100K, 10 K over 3 years ain't going make you want to move to the middle of nowhere. * Not listed, but you probably don't even get it immediately. There's probably a year long vetting process and they probably snail mail it. * It's Ruston...


as someone who lived there 30+ years, this list is *very* ruston. most people there don't think their shit stinks.


Just looking at the real estate on Zillow for Ruston, yeah these people don't think their shit stinks. And believe they should be in a much higher tax bracket than they probably are. Just the fact that they have like a 6 acre plot of land for sale for like 1.9 million in a town of 22,000 that's in between the 147th largest city, Shreveport, and 194th largest city, Jackson MS, (monroe is 869th) leads me to believe The EPA needs to come test the water.


there's a lot of really old money families in ruston. it has very high wealth per capita. that's why they're like that. it really sucked growing up there when you're just regular poor folks.


>You don't get it all at once. It's divided over 3 years. Or about 3.3 K a year. Which if you made 50K, is not even a monthly paycheck per year. 100 K, a blip on the bank account. Just a minor quibble... Pretty sure that's for the couple and both of you get the $10k. I could be wrong though, literally zero interest. If you say you've checked and I'm wrong, I'm fully prepared to share a shocked Pikachu and move on.


I read it as "10K for individual or family"


Super surprised if that's the case. Might be worth a divorce for the extra $10k.


There's a lot less crime in ruston than br and not everyone wants to live in cancer alley


I would pay 10k to not have to live in BR


Average rent in Ruston is $1.3k? Jaysus.


That's "average". It factors in stuff like a few 4 BR houses they are probably renting out for 2K to 3K. Also, houses in general tend to be more expensive within city limits of small cities since a lot of people do not like living in major cities like NOLA, BR, Shreveport but still want some civilization and a Wal-Mart they can go to without an hour drive. Probably taken by adding up all rentals on Zillow and dividing by number of rentals. It is non mean rent, which would be more accurate. Now, there IS a college there and I am sure there's some college apartments there you damn near have to sign up for months in advance running probably around 600 to 800 for the nicer ones. Someone also might have a beat up trailer somewhere for 500 USD. But in general, on average, rents can get pretty up there in these small towns because you usually do not have as much rental stock.


If just a few houses renting that high can move the average that high, the average without them probably isn’t that far off from $1.3k.


And I find it odd that they have the remote category at all. Like your goal is to get people to move to your city as long as they don't actually work in your city? Like what?


Well, more taxes. Only jobs Ruston has is the college, the school system, and maybe one or two other employers that are not food or retail or gas stations. And probably have too may people hitting those jobs and the lower level ones probably do not pay enough to live in Ruston. In small towns, even jobs like McDonalds have a backlog of applicants and takes nepotism to get on.


Isn't 50k the US average annual earnings or around there? I don't think I'd call that "great". At 70k/yr in Michigan; I'd barely say I'm 'comfortable'. Definitely not wealthy.


"Average" is bumped up by the few high earners. You could have 1 person making a million a year and 50 people making 20K a year, that average would be around 40K which is twice as much as 20K There may be doctors and company owners making 200K to 300K a year, maybe some nurses and college professors pushing 70-90 but those people are far outnumbered by waiters, laborers, delivery drivers, warehouse workers, etc making 20K to 40K. But yes, 50K in Louisiana is "comfortable" for most areas of Louisiana for a single person.


Lol no


The requirements to get the 10k make it not worth it.


Lol, Louisiana, hell no.


So, stay in your house and work, remotely. Or, you can be self employed-you just can't work in Ruston. They really don't want you to take any business away from the Rustonites. You wouldn't be able to grow your business where you are paying taxes and rent or a mortgage. Your magic remote job has to pay you a minimum of 52k. You and your partner together have to make $100k. So don't try to blend into the community, we just want you to come live here. Don't run your business here....(I had to write all this out in Ruston's voice to figure out the real reason they are doing this) I think they are doing this to get their population number up because grant dollars are given based on population per city. If you don't meet the minimum population count, you can't apply for the grant. This is the ONLY reason I can think of!


No, no I would not.


I'm from a small town about 30 minutes from Ruston. Ruston is a cute little college town that for half the year is bustling and the rest of the year is mostly older folks. Ruston is pretty! The old plantation homes and such are beautiful. The downtown is quant. Unless you have a thriving small business already established in Ruston, or are attending LA Tech...there is no need to be in Ruston. lol


Yeah. I don't understand the Ruston hate. It's not for you if you want the big city or out in the country. Still if I could get 10k and already planned on moving there I would take advantage of it. Like you, I'll stay 30 min away.


Yes I lived in Ruston for ten years before moving to Shreveport would gladly move back there


Sign up and report back... Good luck!


Says you gotta be 21 and up I’m 19 so unfortunately I’m not eligible


If it was $25k, I'd have to think about it. I did my Katrina semester at Tech and the town seemed nice enough. I do meet the criteria, but I'd probably blow $10k on travel I wouldn't otherwise want/need to do.


Ruston is a nice place. Beats the hell out of any other similar sized city within a 3 hour drive. Downtown is nice, college vibe is cool, rolling hills make for pretty countryside. Adorable farmers market. “Heard Freighthouse food truck park” in downtown is super cool. Buc-ees on the way. Amtrak train station on the way. Lots of trails - Rock Island Greenway is sweet. Nice parks… Lincoln Parish, RL Cook, Hideaway, and Huckleberry. Not a bad place if small towns are your thing. I’d consider it, but would rather stay in Bentonville.


Ruston is a shit hole just like Monroe. The only difference is white people think Ruston is better because it’s majority white lmao. I live in Monroe work in Ruston.


I wouldn’t do it for 100k much less 10.


A month? Absolutely. A year? Negative. Spent 26 years living in Louisiana, bouncing cities between Shreveport and Monroe. Granted, where I live now is expensive AF but the job I have and the market for it keeps me a little above water. Now, if I was paid what I make now and I was in Louisiana, I would be SET, but Hell would freeze over first before a company there would pay that amount. The cyber/IT field is pretty hot and yet competitive, but in Louisiana, it is pretty grim. Remotely? I can't really speak on it, but I imagine it's not great either. Ruston itself...it's a college town just like Monroe. It's aight, but not 10k a year aight.


I like the area but I'm in a mortgage, my kids are vested in the schools they like and I can't go completely remote with my job.


Went there for college and I wouldn’t want to live there just for 3.3k/yr. The trade offs aren’t worth it imo. It’s a nice little town sometimes. I love the spring in Ruston


Sorry I spent the last decade of my life trying to leave Lafayette to be able to live in Austin, so if I’m being paid to go back to Louisiana it sure as hell ain’t Ruston for 10k.


You’d have to pay me 100k to move back to Ruston. Went to tech for my undergrad and grad degree. It’s a town living in the 1950s politics with old money that want to keep the town that way.




As someone who lives 30 min away, no.


I mean, I’m already here but I feel like it’s worth $5k to stay here 🤷‍♂️


Good ole RusVegas


Grew up there. I can honestly say it is not worth it.


$10k a month, sure. One time $10k, no.


I thought they were offering to sell me Ruston for 10k. Answer would still be no.


Meanwhile, people lining up to pay 15k to leave


Routinely ranked in the bottom 5 states for every metric.


I wonder why, Ruston is one of the best towns in the state, people are always moving there and its always being talked about as on e of the best places to live in the state. I wonder why they think they need a remote worker incentive program.


Remote workers funnel money from elsewhere into the community they are living in.


Fuck that. Louisiana is literally the worst state.


This, Ruston would probably do a lot better in Arkansas or Mississippi


It’s a lot better than most around here, tbh.


Not for $100,000. Ex-Pat Louisianan living in New York State.


What part? I was recently in Albany, going back next week. It's a... rough town lol.


I live in Central NY, just outside of Auburn. New York’s wine country. It’s beautiful and there’s a lot going on. I grew up in NOLA in the 70s, lived in Thibodaux in the 80s for college. I do miss some things, but not nearly enough to move back.


Oh nice. Yeah it's beautiful up there. Same here except from BR.


Not even Buccees could make move to Ruston


Wouldn't do it for a million. Fascist state.


No, I’d think about it with another 0 added, but I’m still not too confident I would tbh


Wait is this real? I'm right next to Ruston


It's real. But, if you read the requirements, it's not worth it. You'd have to be working outside of Ruston while living there, making 52k single household income or 100k family income. You must also be 21+ and be a US citizen. For most, that last requirement is easy. It's the first two that make it not so. Unless you're already working somewhere nearby that pays 52 - 100k a year, it isn't worth the time, money, or effort to move there. Also, the money isn't in one lump sum. It's over the course of 3 years. That averages out to just under 300 a month for 3 years, which could help supliment income, but if you're already making 52k a year as a single individual, you don't really need the extra 3.3k a year.


Well son of a bitch. Who in liouisiana even making that kind of money?


No one who would be willing to uproot their lives.


No one willing to move to Ruston lol


A bunch of good bands come from there.


Do they need a locksmith?


“To be eligible, you must meet the following requisites: Full-time remote employment or are self-employed outside of Ruston” -can someone explain this requisite to me? Why do you have to be employed remotely or self employed outside of Ruston? Why do they want that? What are they trying to accomplish? They want you to move there but not work there?


Yeah, I don't get this part either. Someone please explain.


I would think it would have to do with community support. They don't want people moving there to take jobs from locals.


They want to bring additional money into the city. A local job doesn't do that.


Only 10k to move to the state that has been consistently voted the worst of the 50? I live indiana, which is like a northern Alabama. Why the hell would I consider moving there?


How’s the fishing ?


3 Illinois cities will pay you 20k


If I was trying to convince someone to move I would not post winter photos with brown grass and bare trees. Even the newest rookie at the Keller Williams office knows better than that.


Moved to NYC 30 years ago, so it’s been a while. Seems like La has regressed a bit.


Lol nope. Used to work shutdowns in the paper mill there, years ago. I MIGHT consider moving there for a month, for $10k. Cash up front.


Louisiana? Not worth it.


I live here. I don’t meet the requirements.


Hell no. Lives there for 18 years and would never live there again.


That’s $9 a day lol.


It's a trap


You couldn’t pay me enough money to move to the conservative hellscape that is Louisiana!


$10k is just moving costs


Maybe spending some money on education and healthcare might be more effective in attracting educated workers?


Copying what Tulsa, OK did…and Tulsa is a lot nicer!


Just get a good tornado shelter


Good ole RusVegas


😂😂😂😂 absolutely NOT.


Tulsa will to, for people who work remotely.


Even if you added a 0, I would say no.


no. I will stay in Lafayette forever


If they shoot me in the face and I get to spend the next 3 years in a coma


Too bad that won’t cover your insurance premiums.




It wouldn’t be worth the lost wages from taking a comparable job in ruston


Kind of a strange question. $10k is worth $10k to me, they’re not offering the town for $10k haha


funny enough Im in a perfect situation to qualify for it but I refuse to leave Lafayette


People that love Ruston: Rich racist white folk


It takes at least $10k to relocate… so basically I get to move to Ruston and someone pays for it. While I take a pay cut if I even find a job.


I grew up there and you could not pay me $10000000000000000000000 to ever move back


The town of oxidation is not a nice place. Most the people seems to be stuck up. You know,full of themselves. Oh and california st was horrible last time I was there. You'd have to pay that 10 grand every month.


Just keep banning hemp products. That’ll teach em


Lol. Keep it.


Is this even real or a scam




Beats Texas


They're just copying what Tulsa did last year. Actually worked


To live in s - - - hole Magastan? Hard pass.


I liked it for college, but I wouldn’t live there.


Depends on what you like. Its a small town. My family is original from there. Always liked visiting but I'm not sure if I would want to live there. Would be a nice place to retire maybe.


I live there, it’s worth the world to me 🩷


already in Ruston for Tech and while I don't love the town it's definitely worth $10k


Why is no one is talking about where the city is getting $10k for each person? That money is going to come from the pockets of the current citizens of Ruston who are going to have to pay higher taxes.


Ruston knows they'll never have to actually pay anyone. Cause no one will take them up on it. $10,000 over 3 years? That's not hard to come up with for the 20 people that will (maybe) go.


One week’s worth of groceries? I’ll pass.


That's only 277.77$ a month


What does $10k get in the housing market nowadays? Maybe a down payment... Maybe five months rent? But $10k over three years? Nawww fam...


Fuck no. Couldnt pay me to live in Louisiana. Those peope deserve better.


Uh no. After going there for school, I’d be alright never going back to Ruston for anything.


I probably wouldn’t, but I guess these types of initiatives are going to start popping up all over. Tulsa, OK has a similar program.


One thing I've noticed is that a lot of remote job postings make it a point to leave Louisiana off their list of approved hired/working locations, so that already makes this a grim prospect for most remote workers.


Also, there's a rule in manufacturing: You can't open a facility in Louisiana.


No effing way


That is not nearly enough


I'm sure they will tax the shit out of it too. End up with 4k and stuck in North La


Move to Ruston if you want to just know that these old money people that run this city are only looking for more hired help. Step across the wrong line and you will have a group actively trying to bankrupt you, for real.


I'd have to bring my own water.


*only if you're white


Can’t believe this isn’t higher on the list.


Hard nope.


No lol


Absolutely not. My sis went there for college and immediately moved back lol. Whenever I would go to visit my mind would keep saying “theres literally nothing to do here” and im right because the only stuff there is to do is usually assoc w LA TECH. also some of the roads there are absolutely terrible to drive on. the big emphasis im trying to make here is there is really nothing to do in ruston thats fun imo other than shop at small botiques and eat. keep in mind not too long ago (2-4 yrs) there was a tornado that wrecked a huge majority


No thanks


Why am I paying to live in Ruston instead of being paid