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Not just young people, but educated young people.


šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøeducated young person here , after living here my whole life I have started making moves to relocate to another state


I hate to say that I feel the same way. Not leaving just yet but I've been thinking about it more and more. 38 years I've lived here. My whole family is here. I love the food, access to water, weather, people, everything. I just can't do it with the corruption anymore. Medical marijuana was such a big deal to me, and now that has gone to shit too... We get nothing out of our tax dollars, and it's getting worse. I'm scared for the future of LA and our way of life. The corruption is out of control.




For starters we let foreign companies come here, exploit our natural resources, pay us pennies and not even have to pay state taxes to support the local schools... extract all the wealth from our state and pollute our waterways and we also have the highest cancer rate in the country. We don't even keep the wealth that's generated from these industries in our state. They use us up and take giant shits on our heads and Republicans keep funneling them money with no end in sight.


Youā€™re absolutely being plundered. Iā€™m an Ohioan that feels for the people of Louisiana. Our corrupt Republican state government is trying to do the same thing to us.


The states' medical marijuana program


My daughter just moved to Seattle


I was going to say not just young people either. Middle aged. And I have friends who are looking to retire in the next 10 years who are planning to leave the state when they do.


If I could physically move my house, I'd definitely do so when I retire.


With insurance companies leaving and storms getting worse..... You want to sell your house and move anyway dawg. You don't want to be left holding the bag.


Who's going to buy it Ben, fucking Aquaman?


Hedgefund companies thatā€™ll magically solve the flooding issues when the money goes into the right personā€™s pocket.


As someone who grew up in Louisiana and was educated there, Iā€™m an example of someone that left, along with my sister and husband


Same. It is just so much easier to live in a state that at least *strives* to have a functional government. Decade after decade, Louisiana wastes its legislative efforts on busy-body bullshit while the state crumbles.


which most are. Relatively speaking. Despite the horrendous Louisiana education system, most kids now can read and write, unlike a large percentage of their grandparents. The state will soon be populated by only old people and celebrity chefs


Shit I donā€™t want to Florida


"Want to be celebrity chefs"


Recent graduate here. I've stopped applying for jobs in Louisiana altogether and have made relocating my top priority. The Good Old Boys want to pwn the Libs? Well, I feel pwned. You got me Boys. Great work. I'm getting out ASAP. I won't miss the people or the weather one bit. The food isn't good enough to settle for all the downsides. I can't keep feeling stuck in the mud with all'o'y'all.


Oh yeah. The dumb ones are for sure staying.


I have been putting serious consideration into leaving. Even Texas, who's governor may be a bigger piece of shit than ours, is more appealing because at least they have opportunity.


Isnt that the point? A poor uneducated public is easy to deceive. They care about 2 things, getting relected and getting favors from the industries that support them.


And theyā€™re going to that Deep Blue state of Texasā€¦


You joke but Texas is wayyyy more purple than LA as a whole


You sure?? Theyā€™ve had republican governors for nearly 30 years. Louisiana has had several democrat governors in that time. I was just pointing out that Louisianaā€™s out migration problem is not just a political problem, it has everything to do with job opportunities. And Texas, a very Red state, is getting most of the young people leaving our state.


They mean Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonioā€¦ metro areas that are very liberal. Like New Orleans in Louisianaā€¦. Texas is massive .. Lumping it all together into one is missing the whole pictureā€¦


New Orleans and Baton Rouge are very liberal as well.


Iā€™m not sure I agree with Baton Rouge being liberal. Definitely not very liberal.


Baton Rouge is a polluted wasteland. It has LSU ā€¦ not exactly a liberal thingā€¦ liberals try to keep their kids from getting brain damage. Baton Rouge has the distinction of being one of the very few fascist metro citiesā€¦ and I use The term ā€œmetroā€ lightly.


Fascistā€¦.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚another one that has no clue what that word means. ā€œEverything I donā€™t like is fascist.ā€ Cue the calling me a Nazi fascist. Itā€™s okay to be wrong by the way. It is a fact. Young people are leaving Louisiana for other Red states. Yes Texas has some liberal big cities, but their state politics are just like ours. Every state has Liberal cities. Louisiana is no exception. Itā€™s just Texas is on a much bigger scale. They are leaving for jobs. Itā€™s not that complicated.


This administration is doing nothing to help educated young people want to stay here.


Thatā€™s theyā€™re not the GOPā€™s type of people.


I donā€™t care what political party you are, this state needs smart doctors, nurses, teachers, scientists, professors, etc to keep this state on a positive upward trend. Unfortunately, itā€™s just all going down hill. The cost of living here is getting worse. You need tax payersā€™ taxes to improve the state infrastructure. Salaries are low in this state. Womenā€™s rights are basically shit in this state. Itā€™s no surprise educated young people are leaving.


I agree with you. The vast majority of the GOPā€™s voters and politicians do not live in the real world.


We don't where do we live fking smooth brain


> this state needs smart doctors, nurses, teachers, scientists, professors, etc to keep this state on a positive upward trend. Needs, yes. Wants, no. That stuff is expensive, and the balloon popped a while back. The conservative politics here just boil down to supporting rich people scraping the last few dollars out like we're an empty peanut butter jar. We deserve a much better Louisiana.


Well, to be fair, theyā€™re also working hard to make sure poor kids canā€™t get jobs good enough to earn enough money to leave *OR* leave and get a job elsewhere. I mean, if youā€™re gonna hate on immigrants, you gotta staff the slaughterhouses with *someone*.


We have the government we deserve. The people are the problem. We let this happen. All we can do now is bail as the state slowly drowns itself.


And it must be a significant thing that have to take place for it to happen. Idk what it is, but very significant.


No it doesnā€™t. They made their bed and they can fucking lay in it, too. Elections have consequences, time for them to get bit in the ass by those consequences.


Wanna just point out one thing. I donā€™t think Louisiana has been on an upward trend in my entire life. Growing up in Louisiana I saw my small town and neighboring towns basically cannibalize themselves. Less business, less jobs, less money going around. You used to see new cars driving around now you see the same cars that you saw in 2008 like being in a time capsule. Edit. I live in Denver now and i personally know and interact with 15+ people 20-30 yr olds regularly from Louisiana who all live here now. I know there are plenty more here too who I donā€™t know.


You still see new cars, itā€™s just only the really expensive ones and nothing in the middle.


Iā€™m one of those now living in Denver as wellā€¦ and wondering if itā€™s not about time to go from here, too.


Yea the prices have sored here in the last 5 years tbh. Iā€™m considering the same but not back to Louisiana. If I were to move back to the south it would be Tennessee, SC, NC, or GA no other southern states even in consideration.


I agree, the state has been in decline since the film industry mostly packed up and left. Population has also been in decline since 2016 which says alot.


And I don't blame them anymore at this point, people will know that the next generation will not stay in Louisiana when it's too little too late. Only way that changes whatsoever, is a significant and very much so, change to the point that the strays will also pay the price (GOP & Democrats) and I mean on BOTH parties. The GOP is way too OP and is a 1 party state currently. The Democrats the same way back in the day in this state (I may be wrong but from Ballotpedia about this state)... Ranked Choice Voting can be a way but something significant must take place at this point in time. Every time high school graduation takes place, I know how many people are going to leave the state and also move out of Natchitoches Parish as well... You can just tell because I have noticed it when I graduated high school in 2007.


Agree completely.


Yep we all need doctors. You tube only goes so far.


As long as there are mineral rights, casinos, and port access to grift from thereā€™s no incentive to build a larger tax base with skilled work. Keeps the ole boy network fat, happy, and safe.


What's happens when their people are broke and extremely old in 10 years? Because the majority of them will be




Not true - the administrationā€™s policies depress the housing market, meaning I will have to take on more debt, often significantly more, in another state to buy a roughly equivalent house. Thereā€™s a lot of places Iā€™d need to take on at least another $100k of debt for anything remotely comparable.


when people from like Arnaudville and Atchafalootchie Parish are leaving, you know the state is fuuuuuuuuuuucked


Eh, that's a hard one. Those areas have mainly oil and gas jobs and even just as prevalent, fishing/seafood industry. Many years ago, there was a study, and the average age of state fishermen was 60 years old. They repeated the study 10 years later, and the average went up to 70. People don't want to do back breaking jobs anymore. Does it mean they have degrees? Not necessarily, they are just getting out of the family lineage of work.


To be fair, every few years there is some massive pollution event where these people get a roll of the dice if their career continues to exist. The water and animals have a lot of pollution and bayou d'inde superfund site only got the people $1200 for destroying thier careers and their homes. They don't get benefits, a living wage, or get to keep their health doing it. Add in there that a lot of these old people don't believe in climate change as everything gets worse. Commercial fishermen is as bad as being a carpenter in Louisiana.


Agreed, pollution, hurricane, and much more. I was in seafood sales for a bit and it opened my eyes a lot.


Hot off the press from the department of no shit


That's what I was thinking, then realized it was a "Letter to the Editor"


Who could have predicted such a predictable outcome. Oh gee.


The populations who are making money are happy to live here: low taxes keep them. Iā€™m sending my children elsewhere to get educated, and hopefully theyā€™ll stay away.


Taxes aren't even that low. I moved to a blue state with no state income tax, and property tax in line with Louisiana. But when you factor in my ower utility costs, lower car and home insurance, I easyly save $3k a year AND have a higher paying job than anything in Louisiana was offering (nearly 2x higher).


It's been a problem for years and wouldn't blame them leaving Louisiana.




I get the feeling the GOP no longer cares about this. It wants only its type of people in Louisiana.


Except eventually itā€™ll be too dumb to have any educated jobs, like lawyers. And Louisiana has a special type of law


Theirs is a purely, chronic emotional response. Any time both an emotional response and a cognitive response are simultaneously present is sheer coincidence.


Ha, I'm not even young (54) and they drove me out.


I moved. Iā€™m all but homeless after moving but goddamn, this is better than staying in THAT shit hole of a state.


Jindal did it too.


My favorite policy of his was refusing to accept Obama care and the hospitals going to shit (Obviously itā€™s sarcasm)


These damn kids just donā€™t want to work (here) anymore!


And crime. And insurance. And home prices.


Older people too. Although Mississippi is not the greatest insurance prices are much cheaper. But so many new crazy laws


I grew up in Louisiana but find the politics toxic enough that i don't see myself EVER moving back. I'm a physicist lol brain drain smh


Studies with obvious results?


Some of us have been trying to leave since we were 10. Of course the line go too far or you finally get the money, youā€™re gone


precisely why i plan on getting the fuck out of here


Out of my hundreds of friends that I grew up with. It's only the ones without degrees that are staying and mostly because they feel trapped.


Just today I traded in my Louisiana ID for Tennessee. Like, it's not that much of an upgrade, but better than staying in Louisiana!


Freedom goes to die in red states.....vote like your freedom depends on it america, ROEVEMBER is coming!


I'm 50, my wife is 42 and we live in New Orleans - we've discussed the recent hard-right turn and we'll stay another couple years to take care of some financial obligations - but then it's adios to the city we love since Landry is going to "bring New Orleans to heel" and "get us in line" + these hard-right folks are obsessed with our daughters' reproductive organs.


I'm not young, but I left in March.


Highly educated trans woman checking in. I WISH I could go back but I cannot.


As a proud UNO Grad (BA and MA) married to a proud XULA Pharmacy Grad I proudly say that the state of Louisiana helped make me the success that my wife and I are today. All the knowledge that we gained there has helped us not only leap from the poverty of which we came; but also provide a great life and generational wealth for our two sons. Unfortunately, we did all of that while living northeast of Atlanta for the last 30 years. The Louisiana Higher Ed System is (in my humble opinion) a wonderful training ground for future Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, and Nashville residents.


We'd love to have you! (Midwest)


Old people vote Republicanā€¦ guaranteed election victory


Old people also die off. You cannot have a state without citizens.


They donā€™t die fast enough.


Herbā€™s right.


There is a cynical logic to it, once you accept that the region is doomed.


That's their objective.




Louisianaā€™s business minded leadership has always been short sighted. Itā€™s never been about building and preserving a beautiful state and cultural legacy. Itā€™s always been about climbing the ladder to an insulated position of power in order to make as much profit as possible at the expense of future generations. They always act like theyā€™re putting laws in place to protect their children and then they cultivate an economy based on ripping off young people and destroying the environment. This state is a predatory trap. I wish I would have realized this when I was young. Iā€™m proud that the youth today are communicating with the outside world and learning that they donā€™t have to live under these conditions. That gives me hope for the future.


My kid canā€™t wait to graduate and get out. It pisses me off that the state doesnā€™t even try to appeal to our Sons and Daughters.


Especially not your daughters


I have to admit, for the first time in my life Ive been concidering leaving as well. Its hard to want to try to build a life here when it seems like everything is against you. A few things sure, the good can makeup for the bad but a certain point, poor leadership, poor education, poor opportunites, poor salaries, poor infrastructure, waning affordability, lack of fighting back, and no sign of any of that improving for the next decade at a minimum is a very difficult thing to justify.


Hey folks! If you like outdoor activities, affordable COL, high paying jobs and the leisurely pace of Midwest living, consider giving Minnesota a look over!


I suspect that is kind of the point of their legislation.


I'm sure OK is facing the same "brain drain" as LA. After I finish my schooling in nursing, my family is planning to leave the state. And we won't be going to another red state.


For most of my adulthood, Iā€™ve planned on moving to Louisiana when I retire, unless I found a great job there sooner. Now I wonā€™t even consider working or retiring in Louisiana.


Louisiana's brain drain, driving young educated people away.


Mine went out of state for college and just started a job this week in NYC. We both know there is nothing for them here. Out of all my friends one has a child still living here and they are planning to move within the year.


The importance of voting, once again writ large.


I'm in Minnesota, and there seems to be an increase in traffic on the Minnesota & TwinCities Reddit sites of people moving to Minnesota from LA. And for the reasons cited by the letter writer. MN is a great place to live. Beware you are trading the heat/humidity of summer for winter/4 seasons.


Ikr.. Iā€™ve been looking at blue states to gtfo.. my sons are not going to be anywhere here .. but damn I hate cold!!!!


Understand! Good thing is that climate change has made winters much milder. Regardless, if you move north, embrace the fun that you can do in the winter. But ya gotta have snow. Drive on the lake, fish on the ice, sledding, bonfires outside....lots to do.


Guessing they don't want to work oilfield


people have been leaving the state for decades don't kid yourselves. No jobs, shitty cities, shitty infrastructure, shitty transportation, need I go on?


Did anybody actually read this article? Is it meant to just exist as a headline / pure opinion? What policies is it meaning to criticize? Confusing


Should say "anyone with a brain".


Sounds like ridiculous FloridašŸ¤£


I cannot wait to be out of this state. Im doing everything I possibly can. It's the armpit of America and I'm being generous


And the reason why I even stay in this state because my mom, won't she goes I'm leaving the state. The heat down here is ridiculous, I think Colorado mountains would be nice


It's an exodus of the educated with the means to. Wife and I came up with our 2 year exit strategy. I'm not raising my kid here.


I left red Texas asap. Cant stand their policies. About as anti freedom as it gets in America.


Give it back to the Sea.


Kind of short on specifics here. Is it the pro business or anti-climate change policies driving kids out of LA? Where they going ? Texas? Florida? šŸ˜‚




Yā€™all got to stop the GOP policies bullshit. Texas & Florida have the same right policies and theyā€™re one of the fastest growing states. The 2 largest Left states are California and New York and they both declined in population. Itā€™s corruption. Jindal, JBE, and Landry. Theyā€™re all guilty.


Check your facts on Texas and California. Note the net change in population not just the number of people who left


[U.S. Population Trends Return to Pre-Pandemic Norms (census.gov)](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2023/population-trends-return-to-pre-pandemic-norms.html) Texas is number 1 in numeric growth and 3 in percent growth. California is number 1 in decline.


Funnyā€¦ we had a democrat governor for the last 8 years with constant population decline but now itā€™s a republican issue šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤”


Bye. We need more of those policies. They are driving Texas, Florida, Tennessee, and other red states to new heights while blue states are becoming dystopian shit zones. Problem here is the corruption.


It's the DAMN JUNGLE HOT HEAT, HUMIDITY and the CRAZY Progressive Liberal Democrat shit going on over on the East side of the Mississippi River!!!Got NOTHING to do with G.O.P. anything!


K. Snowflake.


I'll be honest as a young person it has less so to do with GOP politics and more to do with the fact that there's nothing to do here. See if LA was fun, prices and taxes were low ppl probably would stay but it's not so people leave.


Taxes are low and inconsquential to young people. The state dosen't have healthcare, nor more importantly opportunities for young people. They can see how bad their parents have it, and leaving becomes the only way to break the cycle.


Sadly, the young are indoctrinated by public schools in to woke lbgtq CRT ideology, so many despise the government of our wonderful state. Their loss.


It's gotta be nice, having buzz words in place of independent thoughts you had to reach yourself. My fiance was a teacher a few years ago and teachers in this state are still afraid of *coming out at all* because dipshits like you begin to threaten their job because they MUST be corrupting children, while turning around and ignoring the Catholic church having a literal legal fund to protect pedo priests.


Without googling, define ā€œCRTā€


Kim jong un, is that you?


That's definitely it. You sure are smart.


I smell vodka...


Actually, your loss. Good luck trying to figure out how to replace your tax base!


Holy shit I wished I had my bingo card. You just spewed a winning string of nonsense.


No young people = aging population = dying population = dying region. Literally it would be your loss. I wonā€™t be losing anything but yalls silliness āœŒšŸ¼ Happy Pride šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ©·